HomeMy WebLinkAbout979454Ouit Claim Deed indiv. to indiv. No delinquent taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate value filed not required Certificate of Real Estate Value No. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN SEAL 19 County 979454 11/24/2014 10:55 AM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $15.00 PAGE 1 OF 2 BOOK: 843 PAGE: 795 DEED, QCD I JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN I COUNTY CLERK STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: N/A (II IIIII IIII VIII IIIIII I III IILIIIII 111110IIIII iI III Date: December 11, 1995 Deputy FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, NETTIE L. FROST, hereby conveys and quit claims to BARBARA L. KIECKER and MICHAEL E. FROST, Successor Trustees under the NETTIE L. FROST TRUST UNDER AGREEMENT Dated December 11, 1995, Grantee, real property in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, legally described as follows: FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE EXHIBIT REVERSE SIDE THIS DOCUMENT With all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: Covenants, Easements, Reservations and Restrictions of record, if any. The consideration for this transaction is $500 or less ELLEN D. FOLEY NOTARY PUBLIC M NNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY My Commission Expires January 31, 2000 Auditor ss THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: WALLACE E. ERICKSON 280 Baker Building 706 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 :(Reserved for recording data) NETTIE L. FROST The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this llth day of December, 1995, by NETTIE L. FROST, Grantor, a single person. Notary Public Tax statements for the real proper- ty described in this instrument should be sent to: Nettie L. Frost 15893 Griffon Path Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 EXHIBIT COMMENCING at the Northeast Corner of Sec- tion 22, Township 36 North, Range 119 Pest of the GLh P.M. where found a 2" galvanized steel pipe will brass cap inscribed "T3GN R119 W S15 S14" thence N89 -50' WesL, the S22 S23 base bearing for this survey, 1485.98 feet along the North line of said Section 22 to the Northeast Corner of'that tract of record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 96 of Photostatic Records on Page 300; thence continuing N89 -50' West, 498.69 feet to the Northeast Corner of the 'Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (WW1 /4NIs1 /4) of said Section 22 where found a 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed "PAUL N. SCIIERi3EL ILLSIG4 Big Piney, Wyoming, W E 1/64 S15/S22 1974"; and conunon to the Northwest Corner of that tract of record in said Book :96 and the Northeast Corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 100 of Photo- static Records on Page 406; thence South 1320 feet a line conunon to the WesL line of that tract of record in Book 96 and the East line of said tract of record in Book 100 to. Lhe Southeast Corner of that tract of record in Book 100 common to the Northeast Corner of the.Jorgensen tract of record in said Office in Book 103 of Photo- static Records on Page 224, the CORNER OF BEGINNING; thence'South 217 1/2 feet along the East line of said Jorgensen tract common to the West 1.iiie of said tract of record in Book 96; thence North 89 50' WesL to the Easterly right of way line of State Highway 89; thence Northwesterly along the said right of way line to a point North 89 50' West from the point of beginning; thence South 89 °50' East 880 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Together with a nonexclusive right of way over the following: That part of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter .(NW1 /4 UE1 /4) of Section 22, Township 36 North, .Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: The east 60 feet of Lot 9 of the Aspen trills Sub division. Subject to a right of way over the following: Commencing at a point 1320 feet South and North 89 °50' West 400 feet from the North- east corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (NW1 /4NGi /4) .of :said Section 22 and running thence South feet more or less to the Sout4,Bouiid r,y.._,:,o.f......- the tract. of land first hereinabove described,. thence North 89 °50' West along said South boundary 60 feet; thence North 2.17 1/2 feet more or less to the North boundary of the tract of laird first hereinabove described; thence South 89 50' East along said North boundary 60 feet to the place of beginning.