HomeMy WebLinkAbout9794661 0 w r z w— o z N W Z 0 o W 0 Co (fl 0 Z Tr di- rsi N M 0 W Z W 14 w U REAL ESTATE ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT Legal Description of Real Properties Owned by Grantor and Grantee C. Access easement is perpetual, irrevocable, and unrestricted. THIS AGREEMENT is made on'4 A pl., '2 ,2P/ 2014 between Karma Loertscher, owner of record of a parcel of property legally described below (hereinafter "Grantor and Dennis Duane Austin, Micah Rich Austin, and Jared Peter Austin, owners of record of a parcel of property legally described below (hereinafter "Grantee For more ownership details, refer to Exhibit A of this document. For a map showing the Grantor and Grantee's properties, refer to Exhibit B of this document. Grantor's Real Property: Legal Description Being a description of the land included in the right of way of the old Smoot -Salt Creek Highway, situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land having its boundaries identical with those of that portion of the Smoot -Salt Creek Highway, situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and also situated within the boundaries of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, said boundaries being situated a distance of 50.0 feet, or a fraction thereof, at right angles to the centerline of said highway, as shown on the plat of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads, dated 1930, and designated as Section `B" thereof, and showing the courses and distances of said centerline as follows: Beginning at a point South 0° 2' West 741.7 feet from the West Quarter corner of said Section 21; thence Northeasterly 232.9 feet along an arc of a 20° 00' curve; thence North 54° 30' East 1198.4 feet to the intersection of said centerline and the East -West mid- section of said Section 21, from whence the West Quarter corner of said Section 21 bears South 89° 53' West 1198.8 feet, containing 3.31 acres, more or less. 'Grantee's Real Property: Legal Description North Half of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (N %z S %z NE and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW '/a NE of Section 28, Township 28 North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming, containing 80 acres, more or less. Recitals A. Grantor is owner of real property, as described above and in Exhibit A, that is located between IGO RD., a public county road owned and maintained by Lincoln County, WY, and US Highway 89 which measures approximately 130 feet in length between Highway 89 and IGO RD. Refer to Exhibit B of this document for maps showing the Grantor's property in relation to Highway 89. B. Grantee is owner of real property, as described above and in Exhibit A, located less than one mile off of Highway 89 and respectfully requests an access easement across Grantor's real property. Refer to Exhibit B of this document for maps showing the Grantor's property in relation to Highway 89. I. Grant of Easement A. Grantor hereby grants access to Grantee across and through the real property described above and in Exhibit A and Exhibit B as owned by Grantor. B. Grantor hereby grants access to all heirs of Grantee and all recipients of the real property as currently owned by Grantee. II. Purpose of Easement A. Easement will allow Grantee to access their real property as described in Exhibit A and shown on Exhibit B. M. Signatures A. By signing below, the Grantor hereby authorizes the aforementioned access easement. B. By signing below, the Grantee hereby acknowledges that only legal access is granted across the aforementioned real property owned by Grantor and no other rights or privileges are conveyed. C. Upon receipt of all signatures, either party may record this access easement with the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming to run with the land into perpetuity. arma Loertscher GRANTOR JENNIFER BECK NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO E p U,' 1 ‘10-2.(4\2.0\y •-yh 0.6-nft,i) OFFICIAL SEAL. LIE J ASH .NB IEMM!R NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO. 469387 MY OMMIS 1 I N XPIR S J •E 8 2 1 ate Dennis Duane Austin Date Exp lop I ca GRANTEE m r.Q 1,12/ 17 -620I EXHIBIT A Grantor Real Property Information: Ownership: LOERTSCHER, KARMA PIN: 2819- 213 -00 -031 Tax ID: 2819- 21 -3 -00- 031.00 Deed Book/Page: 829 -295 Legal: PT NW4SW4 Location: Lot Number: Mailing Address: BOX 51, GENEVA, ID 832380000 Gross Acres: 3.31 Legal Description: Being a description of the land included in the right of way of the old Smoot -Salt Creek Highway, situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: A parcel of land having its boundaries identical with those of that portion of the Smoot Salt Creek Highway, situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, and also situated within the boundaries of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 28 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, said boundaries being situated a distance of 50.0 feet, or a fraction thereof, at right angles to the centerline of said highway, as shown on the plat of the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads, dated 1930, and designated as Section `B" thereof, and showing the courses and distances of said centerline as follows: Beginning at a point South 0° 2' West 741.7 feet from the West Quarter corner of said Section 21; thence Northeasterly 232.9 feet along an arc of a 20° 00' curve; thence North 54° 30' East 1198.4 feet to the intersection of said centerline and the East -West mid section of said Section 21, from whence the West Quarter corner of said Section 21 bears South 89° 53' West 1198.8 feet, containing 3.31 acres, more or less. Grantee Real Property Information Ownership: DENNIS DUANE AUSTIN, MICAH RICH AUSTIN, and JARED PETER AUSTIN PIN: 2819- 281 -00 -018 Tax ID: 2819- 28 -1 -00- 018.00 Deed Book/Page: 810 -814 Legal: N2S2NE4 Location: Lot Number: Mailing Address: 43 SOUTH 700 EAST, HYRUM, UT 84319 Gross Acres: 80 Legal Description: North Half of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (N 1/2 S 1 /2 NE 1 /a) and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW 1/ NE 1 of Section 28, Township 28 North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming, containing 80 acres, more or less. Exhibit 13 Map of Access Easement and Vicinity Map Grantor's real property (See Exhibit A for ownership details) Grantee's real property (See Exhibit A for ownership details) IGO Rd. (Lincoln Cawhty Wyoming) Access Easement from US Hwy 89 to IGO Rd.