HomeMy WebLinkAbout979675WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that LANCE W. BATEMAN' and BECKY D. BATEMAN, husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, P.O. Box 5042, Etna, Wyoming 83118, GRANTORS, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to LANCE W. BATEMAN, a married man, as sole owner, P.O. Box 5042, Etna, Wyoming 83118, GRANTEE, and his heirs and assigns, the following described property situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: That real property described in the legal description titled "DESCRIPTION FOR LANCE W. BATEMAN AND BECKY D. BATEMAN BATEMAN FAMILY EXEMPT TRACT attached hereto, and as shown on the "PLAT OF FAMILY EXEMPT TRACT FOR LANCE W. BATEMAN AND BECKY D. BATEMAN WITHIN THE NE1 /4SW1 /4 SECTION 11 T35N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on February 3, 2010 as Receiving No. 951957 and as Plat No. 377 -A, a copy of which is attached hereto. Together with all improvements, and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise pertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions, easements, and rights -of -way of record, of sight, or in use. This Warranty Deed creates a family exempt tract pursuant to Wyoming Statutes 18-5 303(a)(i). WITNESS our hands this 5th day of December, 2014. 2440 (/,(2:‘,/e/7.414/14 ECK fi BATEMAN LANCE W. BATEMAN STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN 979675 12/11/2014 2:29 PM LINCOLN COUNTY FEES: $18.00 PAGE 1OF 3 BOOK: 844 PAGE: 582 DEED, WD JEANNE WAGNER, LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 1111111 1 1111111111 1 1111 1 111111111111 I I I 111 1 111 1 1111 1 111111 I I 1 111111111 1 11111111 SS. ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the 5th day of December, 2014, by LANCE W. BATEMAN and BECKY D. BATEMAN. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M KEVIN VOYLES NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires: Jury 16, 2015 My Commission expires: o'7.- PmleaslonalLand Sylmar. Paul N. schelbd 20. Ro9lsha "on Na 164 Utah ae9blrallon7Jo,166U I461bu 71e941. No. 3990 rlarada Re9ulratoa Ha 6205 WI A. Sdrerbel W,°. Re91s9a4M No. 3296 106110 RojsUal cc Ito. 9O2O 1.4ah Reulsballan N° 372111 hNRLOWEI. SLNOIW Wry. Re¢sUallon No. 5765 Sump' Sched,ol. lTO, Man. WNnlIn9 11594510Y.Wyum Jactsm.W,on Lora Hotspsif9a. Idaho 61o61yetcl l6aha DESCRIPTION FOR LANCE W. BATEIVIAN AND BECKY D. B. FEIVIAN BATEIVMAN FAMILY EXEMPT TRACT To -wit: That part of the NEI /4SW1 /4 of Section 11, T35NR119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 10 of Photostatic Records on page 199 and part of that tract of record in said office in Book 292 of Photostatic) Records on page 10, described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the north lino of said NE1 /4SW 1/4, N89 55' -43 "W, 490.37 feet, from the northeast comer of said NE 1 /4SW 1 /4; thence S02°-24'-10"8, 255.27 feet, to a point; thence 880 04' -23 "W, 160.54 feet, to a position on the centerline of the East Side Canal; thence northwesterly along said centerline: N17 27' -51 "W, 121,99 feet, to a position; N13 56' -43 "W, 61.48 feet, to a position; N09 54' -54 "W, 108.58 feet, to a position at the intersection of said centerline with the north line of said NE1 /4SW 1/4; thence S89 55' -43" B, 217.56 feet, along said north Iine, to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 1,20 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the north line of the SWA of Section 11, T3514 RI19W, being S89 55' -43' E; RESERVING unto the Grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns perpt tual tr ight of ingress r a nd egress and utilities over, under, and across the westerly twenty (20) 'GATEMANFAMILY EXEMPT TRACT'; each "corner" found as described in the Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR. SCEERBEL LTD AFrON WY PLS 11810 with 'appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum oap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBBL LTD AFTON WY PLS 11810 with appropriate details; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; County all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lin BECKY D. titled, "PLAT OF FAMILY EXEMPT TRACT FOR LANCE W. BATEMAN AND BATEMAN WITHIN THE NE1 /4SW1 /4 SECTION 11 T35N R1I9W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 22 September 2009, as revised. 1 tanuary 2010 \TRRIlaCI'EILanceBnleMa "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" w -R� Pa 70-X SLIRVEMIVIREMCEIRLM CEIMMIZEU a&CORDAM1 1.{ a:'3 �yy Ix m /s.:2" ,u n uz fer.rar-er -ter /lF.Tfds:'sa •Y1Ati- irnamt'_' =rc sn f rr ate- dk�N r4a adw b M mW 44 Mc WI. J a 0/1 s v .uA .e0 .mn m a Z' .e. e a.. ans., a;a e m sir tr a.a yr.., bet mm dsw X fCleatc a W.A. IWlace. no 44•84 1444 w.4. WM.= r n11 -4..al M1W V.Umma coal let. :hAb o, danra r— Esc InGkab. 1n. rn..n.. no Eon 70. Land. e, e...A v .w .44 M x• men Ina 01 no c1ti• .r.wp"411. 1JSI I.U•h .we RECWW 6:6DI04esa .o. 6:103! eaa 4 I uG W 11.0•0.0404 nrat.mee.w.arc PLAT OF FAMILY EXEMPT TRACT FOR BATEIufAN AND BECKY D EcAN WHEW 1(N NE114SWY4 SECTION I1 U fCOQ virceeora