HomeMy WebLinkAbout979840WHEREAS the Board of Land Commissioners approved this grant of easement on April 3, 2008;
THEREFORE, the State of Wyoming, acting through its Board of Land Commissioners (Grantor), for and in
consideration of the payment of Three thousand six hundred twenty -three and 13/100 dollars ($3,623.13) hereby
grants and conveys to Greg Higely (Grantee), to use for the term of 35 years, in the following described tract of
land for power line only, more particularly described as follows:
These descriptions are based on a survey done by or under the authority of, Stanton G. Taggart with Wyoming
PLS No. 6386, certified April 2010.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this easement across the above described tracts of land for the purpose of locating,
constructing, using, maintaining, improving, and repairing the above described power line, subject to the following
All that portion of the W2 of Section 16, of T.26N., R.118 W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming,
lying between parallel right of way lines 20 feet apart, 10 feet on each side of the centerline, when
measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibit. The described parcel of land contains 2.61
acres, more or less.
See attached Exhibit A
1. The rights granted herein shall forever be subject to the rights of the Grantor, its assigns or lessees to
explore for, develop, and extract any and all minerals or other subsurface resources beneath this easement.
If required for mineral exploration, development or extraction, the Grantee shall, upon written notice from
the Grantor, remove or relocate at its own expense the above described power line.
2. Upon abandonment or discontinuance of use of this easement for the purposes specified above, all of
Grantee's rights under this grant of easement shall revert to Grantor or its assigns, the same as if this grant
had never been made. Failure to report to Grantor the status of the use of this easement every ten years from
the date of this grant shall be evidence of intent by Grantee to abandon this easement. Should this easement
be abandoned by Grantee, the above described tract of land shall be returned to a condition satisfactory to
3. This easement may be transferred, however, no transfer may increase the burden on the servient estate in
any manner.
4. Any transfer of ownership of this easement, or any change of name or mailing address of the owner of this
easement, shall be reported to Grantor within thirty (30) days of the transfer or change.
The State of Wyoming and the Board of Land Commissioners do not waive their sovereign immunity by
entering into this agreement and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns
pursuant to Wyo. Stat. 1- 39- 104(a) and all other law.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Board of Land Commissioners caused this instrument to be signed by its
President and countersigned by its Secretary, and its seal to be affixed on the 1s day of June, 2010.
14 u r
Assistantttorney General
Attorney General's Office Approval as to Form:
Easement No. 7975
Governor, President
Board of Land Commissioners
Director, Secretary
Office of State Lands Investments
979840 12/23/2014 3:00 PM
11I11I 1011 II1I 111111 II ilIVIN MEND Mil II111111111111111
___96k Examined
State of Wyoming
Easement No. 7975
Exhibit A
T26N, R118W, 6th P.M.
S89 56'27 "W, 2640.89'
N16 48'56 E 188.81' p 1092.66' N1/4 Corner
'tF Section 16
N13•9'20 "E, 300.22'�� 1932 GLO
oint "H" Bross Cop
Centerline of
Smiths Fork Rood
N24 01'02 "E, 529.26'
N2310'02 "E, 528.27'
NO236'26"E, 272.82'
NO3'44'48 "W, 599.66'
N0643'27 "E, 301.14'
N20•37'38 522.73'
N0002'51 "E, 1353.29'
N13•40'49 "W, 380.80'
NW1 /4-
Point "G"
Point -r
Point "E"
SW1 /4
Centerline of I
Existing Power /me
Point "D"
Point "C"
oint "B"
S.W. Corner N22•0'48 "W, 132.45' Ns
Section 16 N1043'34 "W, 323.55' Point "A"
Bross Cop
1932 G N4213'11 "E, 20.44' 1253.52'
.P. .B.
S89'54'57 W, 2639.86'
An easement for powertine purposes located in the W1/2 of Section 16, T26N,
R118W, 8th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 20.00 feet wide,
10.00 feet on each side of the foliowirig described centerline:
BEGINNING at a point on the South Hne of said Section 16, lying S 89 °54'57" W,
1283.52 feet from the South one quarter comer thereof
thence N 42 °13'11 "E, 20.44 feet to a point to be known as "Point A";
thence N 10'43'34" W, 323.55 feet to a point to be known as "Point B
thence N 22 °20'48" W, 132.45 feet to a point to be known as "Point C
thence N 13° 4049" W, 380.80 feet to a point to be known as "Point D
thence N 00'02'51" E, 1353.29 feet;
thence N 20'37'38" W, 522.73 feet;
thence N 06'4327" E, 301.14 feet to a point to be known as "Point E
thence N 03 °4448" W, 599.66 feet to a point to be known as Point F
thence N 02' 3626" E, 272.82 feet to a point to be known as "Point G
thence N 23 °10'02" E, 528.27 feet
thence N 24'01'02" E, 529.26 feet to a point to be known as "Point H
thence N 13'39'20" E, 300.22 feet;
thence N 16'48'58" E, 188.81 feet to the POINT OF ENDING, said point lying on
the North line of said Section 16, S 89'5627" W, 1092.66 feet from the North
one quarter comer thereof.
Also, Beginning at said Point A" running thence S 73'2225" E, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement.
Akio, Beginning at said "Point B" running thence N 72'03'46" E, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement.
Also, Beginning at said "Point C" running theme S 69 °55'100" W, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement
Also, Beginning at said "Point 0" running thence S 83'1944" W, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement.
Also, Beginning at said "Point E" running thence S 89'55'12" E, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement
Also, Beginning at said Point F" running thence N 89'09'02" W, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement
Also, Beginning at said "Point G" running thence N 76 °16'39" W, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement.
Also, Beginning at said "Point H" running thence N 76'16'39" W, 30.00
feet to the POINT OF ENDING of this part of said easement.
Said Easement being 5693.44 feet or 345.06 rods, in length.
906 Main Street
SURVEYIN Evanston, Wyoming 82930
Phone No. (307? 789 -4546
S1/4 Corner
Section 16
1932 GLO
Bross Cop
NE1 /4
SE1 /4
The base bearing for this
survey is Geodetic North based
on GPS observation.
State of Wyoming
County of Uinta ss
1, Stanton G. Taggart, of Wasatch
Surveying Associates, L.L.C., hereby state
that I am by occupation a Professional Land
Surveyor employed by Wide Open Spaces,
LLC. to make the survey of the easement
described and shown on this plat; that the
survey of said works was made under my
supervision and authority and that such survey
is accurately represented hereon.
Map Showing
Wide Open Spaces, LLC
As- Constructed Po welriei {nte
Across State of Wyoming
Located in the W1/2 of Section 16
T26N, R118W, 6th P.M.
Lincoln County, Wyoming
Project No. 07 -115 Date: 4/20/10