HomeMy WebLinkAbout877613 · ACCESS LEASE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESLNTS, that tbr and in consideration of a one-time payment of TEN DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($10.00), THOMPSON LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY; of P.O. Box 9, Cokeviile, Wyoming 83114, "Lessor", hereby grants to UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY, a Wyoming corporation of P.O. Box 160, Mountain View, Wyoming 82939, "Lessee", and its successors in interest, a lease for access to a telecommunications site and fi~r the installation, maintenance and repair of one buried power cable, twenty (20) feet in width, upon, over and across the existing road situate on the prern/ses of the Lessor located in Tract No. 69, Township 24 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. The location of the access is more particularly described as Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herby by this reference. The term of this lease is for 30 years, beginning at the date of execution of this lease. Lessee shall, at the termination of this lease, vacated the leased premises, leaving them in the same condition they were in at the time of its entry on such premises under ~ind pursuant to this lease, except for reasonable use and wear, acts of God or damage by causes beyond the control of the lessee, and upon vacating shall leave the leased premises free and clear of all rubbish and debris. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor has caused these presents to be sign by its duly authorized °flicerthis ~-~--~--~-dayof_ H'6oern~oe.~, ,2001. THOMPSON LAND AND iLIVESTOCK COMPANY John R. Thompson, Managing Partner THE STATE OF WYOMING } } ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN } The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ ga.. day of ___/~0oe-t~3e,0._~ ,2001, by John R. Thompson, Managing Partner of Thompson Land and Livestock Company. ~NESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: u,.:.~ ~,, ~',[-~,m.,,..~! EXHIBIT "A" 11 9.1 DESCRIPTION FR()M TIIOMPSON LAND AND LIVESTOCK COMPANY FOIl UNION TELEPHONE COMPANY To-wit:-- A strip of land twenty (20) feet in width being part of Tract No. 69 of T24N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming with the north line identical with an extant east-west running woven wire with one barbed wire fence line and the south line being described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the west line of said Tract No. 69, North, the base bearing for this survey, 499.89 feet fi'om the Closing Corner of Section 7 and 18 on the said west line; thence S86°-04'E, 996.12 fee't, more or less to an intersection with the west right-of-way line of the Cokeville - Utah Line County Road No. 12-207; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.4.6 acre, more or less; and a strip of land twenty (20) feet width being part of said Tract No. 69 with the easterly line described as follows: BEGINNING at a 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed, "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 BIG PINEY WYOMING STA 1164-01.30 R/W 100'R 1975, N72°-04'E, 1045.51 feet from said Closing Corner; ', thence S00°-59'W, 148.09 feet along said right-of-way line to a point; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.07 acre, more or less; and a strip of lahd twenty (20) feet in width being part of said Tract No. 69 with the easterly line described as follows: BEGINNING at the monument for Station 116+01.30 as described above; thence northerly,. 101.65 feet along the said right-of'-wa~, being the arc of a circular curve to the left through a central angle of 34°-54, with radius of 1332.83 feet to the point identical with the east point for the 0.56 acre tract; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.05 acre, more or less; the total area of the three segments being 0.58 acre, more or less, and the length of the three segments is 1256 feet, or 76.11 rods, more or less. all in accordance with the plat prepared and attached herewith and made a part thereof. ~ ..... 1 '" ~ ~"~ .'., ~, (/ ' /' ¥.,.., ,,, ,;~ ':i 2 'November 2001 File: Thompson-Union des, Idaho Reglstralion NOr 3990 Ulah Ragistralion No. 1670 Nevada Registration No. ~805 ~Co~ A. Scho~bel W~O. Registration N*. 38~9 Idaho Reglslralton NO. 0025 ~o. Regisltl$ion Nm 5368 Su~ovor Sche~bel, LTD. A~on. Wyoming B~g Piney, Wyoming Uo.,~.,.~,~d.h~ "Modification in any way of tine foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" TRACT NO. 69 ' , ~'~ P.C. 107+2&80 ~~[ ONE gARBED ~RE ~ ~ ~ I I ~ = ~'5 ' 7 ~ ~0;g 1oo~ O' SECT/ON SECTION TKACT IJ4+6J. 25 NO. SCALP,: I "= 500' CER TIFICA T~ OF $ UR V~ YOR STATE OF IPloivtlNS ) COUNTY OF SUBLETTE')ss,.. 5 4 I, PAUL N. $OHERBEL, 0£ BIG PINEY, COUND' OF SUBLEFrE, STATE OF IPFOMING HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS MADE FROM NOTES TAKEN DURING AN ACIUAL SURt,~Y MADE BY ME ON 29 O~TOOER, 2001 AND 17qAT IT CORRECFLY REPRESENPS IHS RESUL PS 06' SAID SURVEY. L~ORND INDICA rES A CORNER RECORD ON FTLE IN ~HE OFFTCE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTS. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 0 INDICATES A 5,/8' x 24' STEEL REINFORCING ROD REGISTRAI70N NO, 164 ~1~t ALUMINUM CAP INSCRIBED: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L~ZP PLS ~4 BIG PINEY WY' AND THE FOREGOING INSIRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME BY PAUL APPROPRIATE DETAILS, SET. N. SCHERBEL THIS 2ND DAY OF NOVEMBER 2001. INDICATES A 2' GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE }fiTNESS MY HAND AND OFF/C/AL SEAL }fiTH BRASS CAP INSORIBED, 'PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS 154 BIG PINEY WYOMING 1975" APPROPRIATE DETAILS FOUND FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY OF NOI-ARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES COKE~4LLE - UTAH LINE COUNTY ROAD NO. ~2-207. FOR · TRACT 69 T24N, R119W I