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QUIT ..,~AIM DE~D .::.:(.:,.:,.,:::.,: .,...:..~.: ~:~....
and CAROL A, ~'~bL, husband an~ wit,
~rant;or~ of Alton county of Lincoln Stat~ o~ wyo~j.n~
b~reby QUIT CLAYM to
,q'O}~N D. CD~BELL a~d $t{E~!~ C~P~:~ELL, hU~ba~ld a*{d wt:f'~, as tenants by
hh~ ~o~ ~- ' '-
wit~ ,~w~ng d~s~:rib~d tract of land Lincoln Countyr ~tate o.~ ~$-o'~i~'~, to-'
I port.i~m cf 'the l~//4NF]./4 of ssction 16~ T3].I~, ~119~'~, 6~h
Southwest from Fairvimw, Lincoln CcuBty~ Wyoming, being ~%c. re
desoribe4 as fo!iowa,; ' .,
B~ginning mt the I.~c~t].).wa~[: corn~.r of ~.~id ~%1]./4HR1/4, and ruh~in~
S4~0~'~?'~. !36.95 faet~ t~De~ S44~ 51'53"E 450.30 f~at'.; :Laanca ~47~52
~henee S62~ 23'35"W ~4S,~ ~eet" '"
lina 335"~g~ feet to the ;~oin~ of
Together with an a~sama~:,t for ing~,~ and agr~s~ aa,ff utilities ove~, a ~0 fc.~t
':,dda strip of !and rtmnigw ~orthw~stmrly ~'~er said ~./.,iNEi/4 a~i.:~ Nor'-~L~ ~i.
reit of that 9ortior~ of the NE1/4~l/4 oi maid Stction 16 lying lt~st of Crc~:
Creek COuDty Road 1"~-141. ·
Subject to reservations and re~trictions contained in the
Patent and to easaments ~nd rights-of-way .Of reco~d or iD ~a.
Together w.t~h all=J, mprov~men~s an~ aDpt]rtenances thereon.
WITNESS the hated of said grm~tot~ this day of ~ A,D. 2001
, , - ......... ~~~ -
on the ~-] day of ~O~' A.D. 2001 Per~onallF appeJrad before
John D, Campbell~ Sherma Campbell,
tha~ they mxeouted th~ ~ama.
}; County Of ~ State of
State of Utah
County of Utah
On the ,1>~ day of Novem'ber A.D. 2001 personally appeared
before me Jerry W. Campbell and Carol A. Campbell the signers of the
within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the
5945 ~omh Su~ Clinic
S.L.C.. UT ~107
DEC. 10. 2001