HomeMy WebLinkAbout877625 AFFIDAV/T ...... CEIL'fi FICATE OF OWN EIKS :::. Smt~ of Wyoming ) County of Lhqcoln ) SS'.,. ~;~ 7 7 ~ ~'> c' · , ~,vn, wyo~ , nein, dui ';:'..' T~t w~ m.~ ~lt~ uwn~ and proprietors ofre~ pIope~y sho~ hereon ~ the Deed r~ord~d h Book 470P~ on Page 320, recorded with the Office office Clerk cfi ineoM County, Wyoming on the 9th ~y of Augmt 2001, ~ing more pmicul~ly de,rind as ~ows: Lot 47 of the ~phe Village Subdivision Ne.t, Pht 2 A~nded. ~thin ~h~' SE1/4NW1/4 of S~ction 19, T37N, Ri taW, of tim 6th P.M., L.~eoln Cowry, Wyoi~g,'the metes and ~unds behg more p~iet~arly descried as Bllows: BEG~G at th~ B.L.M. type Mon~nt mark~g tho Alden N. Brewer PLS 526, 1981 ~cation for I~ So'athw~st ~er of said SE1/4NW1/4; thence N0°38'43,E, th~ Wo~t ~e ofsa~d SE1/4NWI/4, 95.66 feet to Southwos~ comer of Lot 46; thence N53°48'54"E, along ~ Southeasterly Hne or,id Lot a6, 6I 8.60 ~r to u po~t in the We~erly ~ght.olXW~y line ~br ~ort Dhve; thence Southeasterb,, along ~aid ~resterly ~ght-af-Way, the B~o~g: S36o16,21,,E 510,62 feet to the ~ginning R~iu~ Cm'e to the Le~ m~d along s~d C'u~e to the LeR. thron~ a central angle 52°52'18", ~ ~c di~ance oq 143.03 feet to a point in the No~h line el'the Blue Lake Subdivhion; then~ Na~ 00~8 W 924.~3 fee~, to the Point of Beginning, conrah~ng 5.165 Acres oflm~d. Tht thC SuMiv~ion ofthi~ property is with our &ce coasent and desires. ~ ~t m~ atmttes n~t-o/Xway ~t~nt, ~ ~ho-~m on ~aid Map, N ~nd shall th= o~r% successors mM assigms of each l~d parcel TMt ali rigNs und~ ~d by vktuc of g~ Homeste~ Exmnption Laws of the State of ~'o~ are hereby rdemse~. · ' /Norris C. Brown, 1II · L~'ne' Br~/w'n x~sA The foregoing ~m.nent ~,~ ac~owlcd~cd '~Ibre me by Norris C Brow ~anessed rny hand ~d official seal. ,. ...... ' Nou~'~ Public ~""::'"': ........ ~' .- My eomn~qsion expices: