HomeMy WebLinkAbout877627Dot 24 O1 12: O1p LB Baker 30788321S4 County of Martin ) SS... t5Q 7" office is at 1100 Larkspur Land/n,r Circle ~- '- .,a~c. tmfl t{~rough }t s sworn on oath accordinu to Iaw ]~,~,. 1- ' .orate ~ot: Larkspur, Califorfn--a"9gg~¢ ..... ~ nereoy ma~e the followin,, s~=+ ...... -~-, ,-,.u oemg auly t~ ~musts~nt OlIacts and aflirrt~ That said Mortgage Company holds the Mortgage of record in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 458PR, on Page393 cfa mortgage dated the 10th. day of January and recorded the 17th. day of January, 2001 in the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 453PR, on Page 673 recorded with said office on the 9th_ day of October, 2000, as shown on the Bear Creek Estates Subdivision Second Filing Plat prepared by Lloyd B. Baker and Associates LLC for Loren E. Young and Kristine Young, being Lot'~i of the Bear Creek Estates Subdivision, lacated within the NE 1/4NE 1/4 of Section 18, T34N, R 118W of the 6th. P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming. That on behalf of said Mortgage Company the Subdiv/sion is with our free consent and desires. granted to the Owners, successors and assigns ofeac as shown on said Plat, are and shall be That the Access and Utility R/ght-of Way Easements~ land parcel created. That tNs Affidav/t/s signed in the stead of and has the same affect as if the original Mylar Plat of said Subdivision had been signed, On U da- Funding lnc, [~ks-..n]'- ~wh,°.Y'd say he/she is the V<e F'.ce,~ ,A~-t~ ~ are se~ --.~,~u to trns instrument is the seal Company, and that said instrument was signed and aid sealed on behalf of said company as directed by it's Board o£Directors and he acknowledged said instn~ent to be the fi'ee act and deed of said company. Witnessed my hand and official seai. ' ~- ,,' ,, 3. S/'~-_ ,,, My CO--sion e~kes: ~ { 1. } .....' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL '3, ~005 10/24/01 WED 13:07 [TX/RX NO 7404]