HomeMy WebLinkAbout877631 UZU£D~Z~ KNOWALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS, That FIRST NATIONAL BANK WEST a corporatimb of the County of a ., and State of certify that certain mortgage, bearing date. the~day of~ _, does hereby made and executed by ~chae1 aa~& dane~ke ~. Hajor .,A.D..2~, as mortgagor~, to ~ ' as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of. " LSncoln in Book_ 676 ~Couuty, State of Wyomiug, on the ~2Eh ~ ' October ~aay of MOrtgages, nt page~ ~ 649 .n- - ~- 20 0~, ,, a mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to-wit: All lands described,Sa above said mortgage. .... " .... ia, with a Ilote seem'ed thereby, and tim a~oremeut[oned d~bt, frilly paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in conalderatlon ttmr~ot the said morlgagee does hereby release and quitclaim Imto lh~ said mortgagor fha premises thereby eon~eyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHER EOF, the .... has caused these Presents to.be signed by its Branch PresideHt and ~ts corporate seal' to be afflxdd, this 14 th ~gned S~ ~n .,.h v,, 1, ':6. , . . . ay of~ November ' ,y%. k~,. ~k~L~ ~t.q{~'~t% m tile presence of ~ A 20 0 ~%~~"%:F~:,L. :':~j ~ ~'x~st National Bank-West Cnunty of ' L2~co~n _ ss.' On this 16th of No~embe~ ~day ~ ~Oll ~o~ , ~00~ , before m~ peraonally appeared lo me personally known, wh.o, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the_Branch President ~ First National Bank-West and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said ~nstrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporafiou b}~uthority of its Board of Directors ami said Cashier acknmv]edged said instrument to be the feea act a~d ~eed ol said corporation. ~,~[Y CommisMoi~ expires ou the County of Th;s Instrument was filed fo~ record at~o,clock_~i., on the A. D. 19~, al? 5~tly recorded in Book _day of__ .,,:,,,v ~ .. - _on Page~ "]/"" "':' ': Connty Clerk and E~-Officio Register of Deeds No.. · ' ..: ' ~ By Feks, $~ ' · Deputy Clerk