HomeMy WebLinkAbout877634 USDA SATISFACTION OF LIEN Form RD 460-4 Positio,~ l (Chattel Security) (Rev. 4-97) Position 5 (Real Estate Security) The United States of America, acting through the United States Department of Agricultu(e as owner and holder ot' the following-described lien instruments, made and executed by lq a d ~ }<. I z a t 1'. and Lo_sq a 6. I za 1;1; , and recorded or flied in County of k i n c o I n State of Iq.¥ o m i n fl_ , satisfies and discharges this lien.instruments. LIEN DATE OF DATE : RECORD OR BOOK PAGE INSTRUMENT MORTGAGEE INSTRUMENT FILED FILE NO. NUMBER NUMBER RE Mortgage USA-FmHA 9/14/1978 9/15/1978 513961 I49 PR 291-294 IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, the Un[ted States of America has caused this satisfaction to be signed the 6 t h . (lay of November , .~001 , pursuant to delegation of authority published in 7 C.F.R. part 1900, subpart A. / UNrFED STATES OF A,MERICA WITNESSES: By Susan M. Mizner Title Rural Davelnpmant S,n~cialist United States Department of Agriculture RD 460-4 (Rex,. 4-97) STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Li ncol n _ } ss.' ACKNOWLEDGMENT On this 6th day of Nnvembor 200! , before me, the subscriber, a Notary Pqb.lic ,in and for the above county and State, appeared Susan M. Mizner , known to me to be Rural Development Specialis_t , United States Department of Agriculture, and the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and he/she ackno~vledged to ~ne that he/she executed the same as the free act and deed of the United States of America, for the uses ~he purposes mentioned in it. ,, ~;' ~. ,11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and seal at the clay and year listed above. My commission expires ~= ~' ./'.~ ~¢ . - ; ~ - 'U.S. Goverrlmer~t Printing Olfice: 1997 - 579.260