HomeMy WebLinkAbout885124RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK 884535 02OCT-3 I-'rl3:53 4 .F,II10`1E- r~~ 'INi'E , - 7\ GP91;tiG a 0 u ~0 `~U-- 'This a BOOK5 PR PAGE c o .space is for recording data N 0 ~ FORECLOSURE SALE CERj TFIC.ATE OF PURCHASE (RE=RECORDED TO INCLUDE ADDITONAL PAGE) All words and phrases herein which have the first letters thereof capitalized are defined on the attached Identifying Data of Mortgage or Deed of Trust,.consisting of two pages. The Grantor states: 1. This Certificate of Purchase is made pursuant to the powers, jJ including the power of sale, contained in the Deed of Trust or Mortgage. 2. Defaults Causing Foreclosure were made on said Deed of Trust or Mortgage. ~3. The Present Mortgagee(s) and/or Present Trustee, as a result of said Defaults Causing Foreclosure, and in accordance with said Deed of 'T'rust or Mortgage; executed Foreclosure Notices of: (1) Defaults; (2) Right to Cure; (3) Election to Sell; and (4) Sale stating that, by virtue of the authority vested in said person, said person, would sell the Real Estate at public auction. to the highest bidder. Said Foreclosure Notices fixed the Date, Time and Place of Sale. Copies of said Foreclosure Notices were Mailed, -Served and/or Posted and Published, as required by law. 4. All applicable statutes and all of the provisions of the Deed of Trust or Mortgage have been complied with. 5. At the Date, Time and Place of the Foreclosure Sale, the Grantor sold to the Successful Bidder(s) and Grantee(s) at public auction the Real. Estate for the Successful Bid. RECEIVED LINCOLN COMITY CLERK BOOK 5PaPRfPAGE_~a 885124 02 OrT 2 9A 1 9: 3 8 frEI' tff:RCI'l, 'i'i'• 0 M I N G 702:tj. 009 Therefore, in consideration of the above Successful Bid by the above Successful Bidder (s) and Grantee(s), the Grantor delivers to the above Successful Kidder(s) and Grantee(s) this Foreclosure Sale Certificate of Purchase to the Real Estate without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. Said Successful Bidder(s) and Grantee(s) shall be entitled to a Foreclosure Sale Deed to the Real Estate after all redemption periods provided by law have passed without redemption. H4RRr , G rantor State of W ) County of On q (C) before me, personally appeared V"a COUNTY SHERIFF, (Nam a d Title of Perso Z who signs above), personally known to me and/or proven to be said person whose name is subscribed to this Foreclosure Sale Certificate of Purchase consisting of four pages in total: two pages of Foreclosure Sale Certificate of Purchase and two pages of Identifying Data of Mortgage or. Deed of Trust. That person acknowledged to me that said person executed the same in said-person's authorized capacity and that by said person's signature on said instrument, the person or the entity on behalf of which the person acted, executed said instrumentc WI ness ,my hand and of.f_icial seal. My commission expires: - - D ITft * IQWPUBLIC State of LiP"% Wyoming My Commission Expltes 10/04/2004 nature o Notary Typed Name and Address of Notary: f-& ~~V_ I I 0-,V-xfj-\ C) a a V, 010 Identi_fyi.ngData of_. _Mortgage or Deed of Trust* '703 Defaults_Causing_Forecl.osu.re: Non-payment of periodic payments since:02/04/2001 Estimated Total Amount Owed On Principal: . . . . $60,293.41 Deed_ of Trust. or MorlL aqe* Estimated Interest : $ 6,404.94 Being Foreclosed on the Estimated Costs: $ 1,800.00 Estimated Date of Foreclosure Estimated Total: $68,498.35 Sale Real. Estate** to be Sold.: Common _Descriytion:. . . . . . . . .:109 Circle Dr. Afton, WY 83110-970 Assessor's Tax Parcel No . . . . .:Unknown Legal Description.. . r.. . . . . . .:LOT #11 OF THE WESTVIEW VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND EX-OFFICIO REGISTER OF DEEDS OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Identifying Data of Deed of Trust or Mnrt~a~e*._Beina Foreclosed Per Real Estate Records of County Stated in Legal Description: Dated:10/30/1995 Recorded:ll/06/1995 Recordinq_Data:BK 375PR, PG 779 Original Principal Balance:60,293.41 nriginalTrustee:Not Available Original Mortgagee (s) * * *N'ame (s) : AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES OF IDAHO FALLS, INC. Address(es):Not Available PresentMortgaggee(s)***Nam.e(s)_:Citifinancial Mortgage Company, Inc. Address (es) :11.1.1 Northpoint Dr. Bldg 4, Suite 100 Coppell., TX 75019 Original. Mortgagor(s)****Name(s):George R. Burdick Address es):109 Circle Dr. Afton, WY' 83110-970 Present Owner(s) Name(s):George R. Burdick Address(es)-:109 Circle Dr. Afton, WY 83110-970 * Sometimes named "Trust Indenture" Sometimes named "Mortgaged Property" or "Trust Property' or "Property" Sometimes named "Beneficiary" Sometimes named "Grantor" or Trustor" 2agg.2; of Identify ng. Data of Mortgage or Deed of !.'rust Recording Data of Foreclosure Notices Re: Substitute or Successor Trustee: . . . . Dated:n/a Recorded n/a Recording Data:n,/a Record.inq_Data of Foreclosure Notices of: (1) Default(s); Ri,glzt to Cure` ~3~F1.ection to Sell; and (4) Sale. . . . . . . . Dated:6/19/2002 R.ecorded:6/20/2002 Recording Data:881956 Recording Data_of,Foreclosure Certificates of: (1) Mailings; _LZ, 1__P Abli.eation; (3__Service, and (4) Posting of said Foreclosure Notices-of: 1) Defaults; (2) Right to Cure; (3) Election to _Se7.7_l_-a.nd-_(4LSale. . . . . . . . Dated:8/21/2002 Recorded:n/a Recording Data:n/a 011 Foreclosure _Sale . . . . . . . . . . Pate:9/19/2002 Time:l0am Pl.are : Front Steps of the Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, WY Successful Bidder (s-) and Grantee (s) Herein:. . . . . . Name (s) :Citifinancial Mortgage Company Address(s):1111 Northpoint Dr Bldg 4 #100, Coppell, TX 75019 Successful Bid.: . . . . . . . . . . . 71,903.49 Grantor Herein: . . . . . . . . . . .Name:Lincoln County Sheriffs Dept. Address e :1032 Beech Ave. Kemmerer, Wy 83101