HomeMy WebLinkAbout877655 Irvin-:p.. 'Re-e:.'v.e's_ &/or Darlene F. _Rede.Yes Moflgago~(s), of Riley ""':"'?'"i'.
~$°~"I~',.[~°';~'' K~,ndSu~as Se~t-e~e'i~r~ theop~y~,~cnt of_ Eleven Thousand-Four Hundred
per cent ~r annum payable monthly, cvld~nc~ by Promi~so~
°fevendateherewhh;ihm6nflflylns~imen~of One Hundred Fifty One& 64/~00Do~an($_ ]54~'6~ .r:~ ....... )
~ch,'tnelud~hg hlterest; eo~fi~eneifig on the ] 5th day of SeDt~er 200 ~ ,19
and eontifiulng o6 fl~ same da~ of ~eh me'Ih fl~er~er, does h~reby m~flgago and wa~ant to LEISU~ V~LEY,
~ Nevads'/Co~htlofli Mollgag~, of Lincoln CountL Wyoming, file following de'serlbed r~l Pm~rly ~ flee Counly of
' L~coln, state 0f Wyoming: .
Star Valley Ranc~ RV Park Pla~ 1 Lot 473
rm~,.~x~tO by Moflg~gor'(s) to LEISU~ V~L~Y ~, ..... ~fl~t.~.~ns ~f~mt Prom,sso~ Nbte herelnahevo ~
~ssessmen~ against tim ~rcmlses If Moa..o~.t.~ r.,,. --, ,,~, an. uurmg m~ mo o[ thh modg~go to a a~ ~Xe
..... ~,~,~ uy svt0ngagee mr sucII nurse shall ~.- ..~a.a ........ ...... ~ mungagcc may pay urn' ill~Oj, and
at tim ~mc ~te: ~ '~ ...... m m ann consmcre~ n~ ~ pad of thc indcbtcdncss ~nd slm~ d~aW
If default oeeun in tho payment of the indebt~nes~ or h~ the payment of any instaHment thereof, or if default oeeu~
~ any of the covenam and agr~men~ her~f or under tho aforesaid Promlsso~ Note, flm~ tho whole ~debtednes= al~ag,
Moflgng~'s option, b~ome due and payable foflhwlth, and Motigagec may for~lose lhh moflgage either by advefllsement
'and salo of fl~o premises as p;ovlded by t~e
M ' ' ' a~tutes of tho S~te of Wyoming, or by.an ac[ton ~ equity, ql~ls wl~
odgng~ s sole rem~y against Moflgagor(0 in ease of dehult by Moflgngor(0. Out of tim process of any for~losuro ~
Mo~tgag~ shall re~ln or r~elve nil sum~ due to it hereunder and costs of fo reclosure and sale, hmludlng attomeya' f~=
amount ~ual to Ten Percent (10%) of the lndcbt~ness remaining unpaid at'the time of aueh sale, and the nm~ shall bo
la eoa~ h~ any ~uitablz action brought to foreclose this
To fully assure Moitgag~ fl~e bcneg~ of the s~ufity interest ~ fl~e promises gmnt~ to it hereunder, Mortgagor(s)
hereby as=iSa ~ Mmtgngee all renu hema~er payable for ihe use ~nd occupancy of tim promises by any ~non h
fl~ereof wlth Mo[tgagor% consent. If default oecu~ in any of the eovenan~ and agreemen~ here~ eontaln~ or under tim
aforesaid Pmml~so~ Note. wh~her or not Modgag~ clots to for~lose tiff= mo flgage on account ther~f, Moflgagor(=) her~y
authorke Moflgag~ to eoll~t the ren~ from fl~e premises and to apply fl~, ~ame to tim paymen~ on tim Bdebt~ne== s~ur~
hereby untB such dehult is remedied.
In fl~e event of foreclosure of thli mo flgage upon default, Mottgag~ shall bo entitled to the ~ session and enjoyment
of the premhea and renu and pmfi~ ther~f from tie tim, of such default and du~ g tho pendency of for~10sum
~nod of ~empt~on, If any. If Mortgagor(s) shall fill to surre,der such ~ssesslon to Mortgagee pmmplly upon la
U~erefdr, Mortgagee {nny compel dellve~ thermfby ejeetment action or off,er cna precedings appropriate for Ihat pu~so,
Fuflhermore, h~ addition to the templet othe~ho provided for in this moflgngo and by law, and a= ~ matter of right will,out
regard to fl~e solvency or Insolvency of Motigagor(s) or the value of the premh~ or tho h]suffielenay ther~fto discharge fl~o
hdcbt~ness and eom of foreclosure and sale, Moflgngee shall be entitled to ~elve from the premises tho rents, hsues~ and
pro~a fl~er~f from the time of dehult to fl~e explmlon of any r~emptlvo period provided by law. A ~elver may bo
appolnt~ by any corm of competent jurhdiction u~nex patio application without n0tlee, notleo being hereby waived .and
sppolntment of ~ meelver u~n such applleallon belts hereby consented to by rite'Modgagor(s).
MORTGAGOR(S) IIEI[EBy RELINQUISll AND WAIVE all rlgh~ u,der and by vhtuo of tho home~lmd exemption
laws of the S~te of Wyom~g.
DATED this 23rd day or ~ Ju-l-y_~, 200]
On thls 23r.~ day of _ .7~qv'. POOl , ~ , bcfor~ mo personally
~ Irvin p. Reeves '' and Darlene p.
lo bo the ~non(s) de~erlbO in ~nd who ex,uteri tho ' ' ~omlo mo
s~me ~ " fr . foregolng instrument ,nd seknqwledg~ Ihnt~~ ~x~ut~
. ~ ~ ~ct ~nd de~, meludNg thc rel~se and waiver of fl~c right of homcs~ '
~TN~S my Imnd and seal,