HomeMy WebLinkAbout877689ha-~made, constituted and appointed, and by 'thes~ Presents do ES make, constitute ~d appoint CXNDY JONES C~PBELL true and lawful at~rney for__~ ....... and in HER ', ........................... name .... , place and ate~, to TO SELL~_ Co~y AND TO EXECUT~,_~KNO~EDGE DEEDS OF PROPERT~ RELEASEsz SATiSFACT~9~~ ~D OTHER INSTRUMENTS ___ ~LATING TO~ THE FOLLOWING DEScRiBED PROPERTY .......... i~ LOT 224c L~EVIEW ESTATES SUBDIVISIONz ~P~Ez ~OMING giving and granting unto--~_~.__said atto~ay, full ~wer and authority ~ do ~d pa~o~ all and eve~ act a{{d thing whatsoever' requisite and necsssa~ to bm done in and about thru pr~ses as fully to all intentm and purposs~, as .... ~. ........ might or could do il person~ly pr~aent with ~ull ~w~ of substitution revocation, hereby ratifying and confi~ing all that__~_~_._said at~mey or___~ ..... substituts ~ha]l lawfully do or ~ume to be done by ~ue hereof, In Witness Whereof, .... ~_ ....hgt.. hereunto set___~ ....... hand__, and seal___ the. ~]_J~.~___ .................. - ......................................... (Se~) ............................................ - ....... (Se~) I~00/~00'~ ~CjLg# Z0:80 I00Z,I0'DN%/ THE STATE OF WYOMING, ....... -- , a ....... NOT~Y PUBLIC ................................. in and for said County, in the S~te aforesaid, do hereby ce~tfy that said ............. ~ICIa A. JONES personally known ~ me to be the identical De. on .... described in ~he foregoing ins~ument, and whose name ................ subsaribed th~eto, appeared before me this day in person, a2d ac~owledged that__~___ si~ed, sea, ed and delivered ~zid instrument of wH~ing as_J_~ ..... free and volunta~ act, for the uses and purposes the~in set forth.