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Carl P. Meser and >4a~y Lou Mo~er. husband and wife ............
G~'antors oi Thayne, County of L~neoln, Stat~ cf Wyoraing
hereby CONVZY and WAR~T
C~fl F. Moser and Mary Lcu Moser, T~stees o~ th, Carl P. Moser P~ml[y Trust,
dated June, 20, 19S5, an u~divided one-half (1/2) interest and Carol'.,F. Mose~
and Ma~ Lou Mo~er, Trust~e~ of the Mary Lou Moser Fam~iy Trus~,. da~ed Jun~
20, 19S~, an undivided one-half (i/~)
Grantees of Box 958, Thayne, WY
~;r the sum o~ Ten Dollars and ozh%r good and valuabl~ consideration
the followi~g described tract of land in Lincoln CoU~%=y, S~aDe o~ Wyoming,
hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of ~he homestead
%Vemption law~ of the ~tat. a, to-wit:
bo~ 931..Prater,. Canyon Estates, Uni~ 4, as sho%~ by the official pta~ of
8ubd~vE~lon f~led 6 July 1970 as filing no. 423838 in ~he Office of the
County Cl~rk o~ LinoolD County, Wyoming.
g~lbj~ct to reservations and restrictio~s contained in th~ Uni~%d ~ates
Pa~nt and to easB~n~n~$ an~ righ=s-of-way of record or in use.
To~ether wi=h all improvemen=s and ~ppuztenances thereon.
W~TNESS, the hand of ~aid ~lrantors, thl~ ~ay Of~. ', A.D. 2001
F. Mo~er and ~ary LOU Mo~er, known or ~dentified to me to be th~ per~ons
whos~ n~mes are subscribed ~o the within %nstrumfint, and acknowledged to me .
that they executed ~he ~ame.