HomeMy WebLinkAbout877675 t~,:, ~r('!!:, ,,:. c,' , ,: ,.., ,~ ,-. .... - .... QUZT CLAZH DEED ~0~ ~. ST~SBU~6 and ~E~Z~E~ ~. ST~S~6 fka :~Z~E~ &. ~O%~Y, husband and wife 6~antors of ffackson~ County of ?aton~ Sea~e of ~yo~ing he=thy QUI~ C~I~ eo ~O~ ~. ST~SBU~6 and ~E~Z~S~ &. S~SBU~6, husband and wi~e, as tenants by ~he entireties G~aneee($) o¢ Box 874, ~i~son, ~ a30Z4 ~o~ the su~ of One dollar and other good and valuable consiaeratfon the ¢oZ~owing described trace of land in Lincoin County, State of to-wit: See ~xhibi2 "~, attached he, eeo and ~aae a pare hereof Subject to-reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and' to easements ,and rights-of,way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS the hand of said grantor(s), this day of A.D. 2001 Jon [J~. S~sburg :SS county of ~,~_~ ........ .On the C2.~~' day of "~.c>u~.-~,-~- A.D. 2001 personally appeared before me Jon J. Strasburg and Jennifer A. Strasburg fka Jennifer A. Foley, the signers of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. NOTARY PUBLJC ~¥~OU~lSSl0N~ela£~ Not'arY Public ~JNE ~7, ~004 Commission expires: LAND TITLE COMPANY 344 ~ A Tha~ part of ~he ~N~ of Section 22, T3~N, RllgW, Lincoln County, Wyoming, b~ing ~fic~ of Eha Clar ~ .,~__, o~ ~haE ~ract of record k o. -~,~u~n ~n~y in B~k 3~6 o~ Pho~oa~a=- Record~ on page ~3, ~s~ibed aa C~C~ aC the northeast ~er of said SecEion 22. found thence NBge.sO,.00.W, ~e ~E B~ING ~or this sudsy,. ems: co~.r of ~p.n Hill S~division of ~J~ ~o ~h~ nur~h- a~ Pla= No. 109; in sa~d o~fica thence South, 1980.08 feet. "along ~he ea.~ bcunda~ of ~aid S~diviuicn, to thQ 8~ChnnnC ~ar th~r~f; tract of .~Cord In said Office in Book 313 o~ ReceSs on page 5S9, to a ~theyI thence NSg,.~1,.35,W, 504.~4 feet, 'along t~ south line of said tract in Book 313, ~o the southwest Co~er thereof, to the thence NQQe.02,.17.W, 430.~6 feet, along th~ west line of said t~ct of ~co~ in B~k 313, to the ~wesc c~er ther~f, thon~ No~h, '202.~8 fane. along =he ~8C ~ Co the . ' ~Cheaat co.er of thac tr- __ ~f said O'ffics ~ ~oo~ 242 Of p~ ........ tot of rcco=d In said thence ~ong 'the southerly bounda~ of""~mid tract in Book 242 on pa~a 470, aa foll~e~ ~eing a circler ~a'~2 ~gn~a~.og,.~aid right-of-wa thence 8~theasterly, along the arc of said ~e, aa follows: 300,5% feet, through a central angle of 09'-15'-]0, wfth a .radius'of 1859.86 feet Co a 14.65 ~fa~t, through a central angle of 00~.27, 0~. with a radius o~ 1859 86 fast CO a rebar; 43.55 feet, through a central an~le of 01'-20'-]0, with a radius of 1859.8~ feet to a point; "M~ifica~ion in any way ol Ihe fofe[oin{ delcriptl~n le~ina~es liability ol ~he 'f rmcord in said Offlca in Book 346 o~ ~o8~a~ic Recor~ on page 72, N25~_23,.LS.W, 30.10 ~ee~ from ~he most westerly rebar of bo~ ~ Of Che Coral Ranchectee S~division ~f record i'n said Office aa plac N~. 244, ~rked ~ a ~ike; thence coursing said ~nterlin~ NSpa-S3'-33.E, 127,13 each 'co.er- ~rkad ~ a 2"'galvaniz.d steel pipe with brass cap lnscrib.d 'PA~ N tails or inscribed ..~.2,~_ a~. de=ails; .... ~-a a. ~EL ~ 5368" ~d appropri- a 2' alum~n~ cap ~scrib~n. f n~I I ~ P~ 0 each 'spike' ~rked ~ a 3/8" x 12" steel ~ike referenced with 5/8" x inscribed 3.~el rminforcin~ rods with a 2" aluminum caps all in accordance wi~h ~hm pla= prepared to be OffiC~ of the Clerk of ~ncoln ~=y ~itl~ .p~Tfiled in the P~CEL DIVISION APPLI~TION FOR ~o~ A. B~R ~D MONI~ j. "Modillcalion in any Way O[ Ihe (ace~oin~ descriplian lermina~es' llahiti~y ul Ihe surv.¥or,,