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First National Bank of Pinedale, which is organized and existing under the laws of Wyoming and holder of that
certain Mortgage made and executed by Robert E, Carmean as Mortgagor, and FirSt National Bank of Pinedale, as
Mortgagee on December 4, 2000, certifies that the Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise
discharged, The Mortgage was recorded on December 11, 2000, in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio
register of Deeds for Lincoln County, Wyoming and is indexed as Book 456 of Mortgages, at page 731. The
Mortgage having been complied with, the undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right, title and interest in
the Property located at 531 Forest Circle Drive, Alpine, Wyoming 83128 and legally described as:
Lot 26, Forest Meadow Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, recorded in the Office of the County
Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming
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(Lender Acknowledgment)- X~ ,,'"
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Th,s instrument was ack~wledged ffefore me thi~ 2¢ Cay of
Kenneth E, Transtrum as Vice President of Fipt N~tion.l Bank of ~edale.
My commission expires: ~/~ //~ ~''r'l'/
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Carmean Construction
Wyoming Release Of Real Estate Security Instrument
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elgg6 Bankers Systems, Inc,, St. Cloud, MN ~"
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