HomeMy WebLinkAbout885559 RECEIVED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK WILLIAM L. HENDERSON WITh'ESI our hah& this grantor of Lincoln Coullty, ~tat~ of Wyoming; for comid~ration of Ten ~ ~/I00'6 ($10 ~) ' ~d o~er g~d ~ ~luable comi&nfi~ CO~Y ~D W~ TO ~ R. LOPEZ ~ S~ LOP~, H~b~d ~d W~e ~ Ten~ by ~e ~flrefl~, ~, whose ~ess h P.O. Box 217, Freedom, ~T 83120 ~le~g aM ~vhg ~ ~h~ un~ a~ by ~e of~e ~m~d ~.mp~on laws of~ s~te ~ ~t: Lot 10 of N~w~ Vim Su~viiion of $~cflon 12, T~3N RllgW of ~e 6~ P.M., Lincoh Count, Wyo~g ~ d~ib~ ALSO A pm of ~ IE~ of Sec~on 12, ~3N Rll~ of ~, 6~ P.M.. L~m~ Co~y, Wyo~ more p~cul~ly des,rlb~ ~ follows: BEG~G on ~e cO~n Emr ~ W~t ~a~ ~e of ~ Nmo~ Vh~ ~u~vision at a ~t N 0~ 10'20" E, 572.~ f~ from the ~ g miner of s~d Station 12; ~on~ ~e S~w~ miner of Lot 9 and ~e No~w~t corn: of ~t 10 of ~e N~ow~ V~m Su~don md rnnniog ~mco S 0'I0'20" W, ~ong ~e said b~M~ line, ~07.~ f~t; · ~ N 89~52'~2" W, 820 feet, rare or l~s, ~ver; . ~ ~ a go~terly dir~tion alo~ ~ boun~ of S~t Riv~, 410 f~t, more or l~s, to thc ~tcrs~tion wi~ a [~e gmntno N 89"52'32" W, from t~ ~t of beg~ng; · ~n~ ~ 89'52'32" E, ~70 feet, mcr, 0r l~ss, to the PO~ OF BEG~G. ~, however, to a~ r~lons, S~CT TO ~n~ for a~ mad ~d u~li~ ~ ~d w~: fl~t-of-way ~ disclo$ed in ~t re~rd~ F~ ~, 1982 in Book 185PR L~oln Co~ty Clerk. day of Novem~r, 2~2. State of Utah ) County of Salt Lake) 1~ foregoing immanent was acknowledged befOre me by William L. Henderson this day of November, 2002. · 18['t1~' ~:! $~t Laxa Ol~/, Utah