HomeMy WebLinkAbout885491 RECEIVED CORRECTIY~rE LINCOLN COUNTY OLERK -3' SPECIAL DEED 0a ,, ,: ]031 ~xcha~se, Znc. a Wyom~8 corporation, G~NTOR, o~ "-' ..... *" ...... T~on'. ~ou.nty';u f.,~ i N G State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other goOd and valuable consideration in hand paid .receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and pursuant to an IRC ~ 1031 t~ deferred exchange, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS in the manner set forth below, to: Glenn G. Baxley and Mary Bono Bax!ey, Trustees of the Bono/Blaxley Living Trust dated 11/16/01 G~NTEE, whose address is 64505 Via Amante, Palm Springs, California 922~, the following described real estate, situate in the County of Teton, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of WyomMg, to wit: NE1/4NW1/4SE1/4 Plus A portion of the SE1/4NE1/4 and the N1/2SE1/4 of Section 8, T34N, Rll8W,. of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Baker Engineers PE/LS 698, 2000 location for the Southwest Corner of said SE1/4NE1/4; thence o' , .. N1 0043 E, along the West line of said SE1/4NE1/4; 1,329.34 feet to the B.L.M. type Monument marking the Northwest Corner of said SE1/4NE1/4; thence S89°07'59"E, along the North line of said SE1/4NE1/4; 1,254.61 feet to the Rebar marking the Northeast corner of Lost Creek Ranchettes Subdivision; thence N89°37'52"W, along the North line of said Subdivision, 1,154.14 feet to the Rebar marking the Northwest corner of said Subdivision; thence S0°16'38"W, along the West line of said Subdivision, 1,981.29 feet to the Iron Pipe marking a point in the South line of said N1/2SE1/4; thence N89°39'13"W, along said South line, 760.93 .feet to an Iron Pipe; thence Nl°04'06"E 662.98 feet to a Pipe marking a point in the North line of said N1/2SE1/4; thence S89°39'31"E 634.53 feet, to the Point of Beginning. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, and rights-of- way of sight and/or record. Grantor shall and will specially warrant that the'title to the aforesaid property is free from defects or encqmbrances created or suffered by Grantor and will forever defend the property conveyed by the within deed, and every part thereof, against every person lawfully claiming the same, or any part thereof, by, through, or under Grantor, and no other. This Corrective Special Warranty Deed is made to correct an error in that Special Warranty Deed filed in Book 502, page 307 as Document Number 884926 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk; correcting the name of the Grantee. WITNESS my hand this ~'~"'~' day of November, 2002. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF TETON ) 1031 Exchange, Inc., a Wyo~.~g corporation: Frank Hess, its President ... ~.~?~3:...0~,~'~. ' On this ~' day of November, 2002, before me personally apl: Hess, to me personally known, who, being sworn by me duly said that' the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said President acknowledged said .instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Given under my hand and seal the date first above written. Countyof ~ Stateof Teton My Commisalon Expirel /o//~/a~" Notary Public My Commission expires: