HomeMy WebLinkAbout877748 After Recording Relum PEELLE ~ANAGE~ENT CORPORAT ASS~[~T JO~ ~90~o~ ..... ~.~. ~OX 1710 bAMPBELL, CA 95009d710 1'408,-866-6868 LOAN #~ HOUSLE¥ ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE For Value Received, the undersigned holder of a Mortgage (herein "Assignor") whose address is 41593 WINCHESTER RDt #11fl, TEMECULA, CA 92590 does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and convey, unto ~,~ a co~oration orga~zcd and ~xisti~g under th~ laws or , whose address is (herein "Assignee' '), a certain Mo~gagc dated Od~OB~R 20 ~ 2000 , made and executed by ' ~ P. HOUSLEY ~D KRISTIN M. HOUS~Y , HUSBAND AND WIFE AS TENANTS BY. THE ENTIRETIES . to and i~ favor of SMC LENDING, INC., A DE~WA~ CORPO~TION , upon ~c follo~n~ described propu~ s~[u&ted in. LINCOLN Co~, State o¢ WYOMING . AS DESCRIBED IN THE MORTGAGE such Mortgage having been given to secure payment of $35,000. O0 which Mo~gage is of record in Book, Volume, (~ighal P[incipal ~ount) orLiberNo. <+-~ ~> ,atpage . _D ¢ (orasNo.(] ~'"'~-/~ ) .... S"R" of the Records of ~Z~CO~ Count, State of ~fo~e , tofe~cr wil~ t~ ~ot~(s) and oblisatiom ~mi~ dc~ribcd and t~c moncy duc and to bccomc duc thereon ~ith imcmst, and all ri~ts accord or to acc~c ~nder such Mo~aSc. TO ~VE A~ TO ~O~D thC sm~c ~lto Assi~cc, its successor and assi~s, forever, subject only to ~ terms and conditions of thc abovcMcscribcd Mo~a~c, IN WIT~SS W~OF, l~e undcrsisncd Assisnor has executed SMC ~NDING¢ INC. ~ A DE~WA~ CORPO~TION Attest On ,hi~ 2 7~VERS~f OCTOBER P... before me, a Nomu, ~rsona,y appmred GEORGE " ' ' - - , to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn (or ~rmed), did say ~at he/she is the ~ ' and that the seal ~xed to the instrument is the co.orate seal of~e co~oration (or association) by authod~ of its board of directors (or t~stecs), and~ ac~~ th~¢~_~n[ to_ e h ff~e a t ' '~ ...... ..... , .... ...~:: ~,,,,..k,¢~$?,~,~,. ¢ ~d deed of the co. omon./' ~;.~ /~- , '~ ~,*': ....... . :', - MIC~ELLE L GR ~: ~~ Ewe~c,e Co.nlv ~. W~GVAS (L2~26.1) - IFFITH, NOT~y LOT 8 OF BLOCK 5 OF THE LINCOLN HEIGHTS 5TH ADDITION, FIRST FILING, TO THE CITY OF ...... KEMMERER LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, TOTAl_ P. 84