HomeMy WebLinkAbout877715 L. Ib}(;OL.f',l (.)O(!t',~T¥ OLERK . G~NT OF EASEMENT J ?~; ?~ hi ?.,J ~;~ .,..,,.; [,i [~ 1::~ ~OSS W. ~ TE~ ~CA, Gr~tors of~ounty of L~co~, State 6f .... M~:~4E]:L '/?Y'L>b,41N.8 Wyo~g, hereby ae~owledge, CO~EY (S) ~ W~T(S) to SILVER ST~ TELEPHO~ CO~Y, ~C., Gr~tee of Freedo~ Wyoming, an easement for the b~nefit of the Gr~te¢ on the fo~o~ng described real ~stat¢ --' situate ~ the County of L~coln and State of Wyo~g, for the follow~g pu~oses and uMer the fo~ow~g conditions: 1. Pu~ose of Easemem. This easement shall ~ for the pu~ose of~ght- of-Way for all uti~ties ~elud~g power aM phone ~es and m construct, opera,e, repair, ~intai~ relocate and rephee thereon aerial or underground faculties. The ~t¢~ may trim or remov~ trees or other objects wit~ the easement that ~y pose a t~eat ofd~ge to the utilities. A~ uti~ties must be placed underground ot~r t~n the monopole ~d pe~ent attae~ents on sine berg constructed by Silver Star Star Comunieations. 2; Description of Easement The easement s~ll occupy the follow~g described property: SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 32N, RANGE .119W A ten foot permanent easement as follows: Beginning at the NE Comer of the NEt/4 of the NWl/4 of Section 28, than Southward along East property line for approximately 565 feet; thence Westward approximately 1,320 feet; thence Northward I0 feet; thence Eastward approximately 1,310 feet; thence North 224 feet; thence West 10 feet; thence North 20 feet; thence East 10 feet; thence Northward 311 feet; thence East 10 feet to the point of beginning. " ' The easement will contain a temporary construction easement as follows: an additional 10 feet West and North paralleling the permanent easement described above. The temporary easement will be only for the duration of construction. SEE "EXHIBIT A and B" ATTACHED HERETO. THE GRANTEE WILL PAY THE CURRENT OWNER Six HUndred ($600.00) Dollars to be made on or before January 30, of each year, beginning in the year 2001. To include ingress and egress from Star View Estates right-of-way easement. 3. BINDING EFFECT. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties named in this instrume,gj4 Witness our hands this 7_7,..,''~ day of ('~O~ 2001. Grantors m Tim STARE OF ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me Wi),r~ my hand a,nd tp':ficial seal. NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires