HomeMy WebLinkAbout885900885900 STATE. OF WYOMING ) · )SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) BAKER HUGHES OILFIELD OPERATIONS, INC., d/b/a Baker Inteq, Baker Oil Tools, and Baker Atlas, a California corporation; SCHLUMBERGER TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, d/b/a GeoQu.e. st and Schlumberger Well Services, a Texas corporation Plaintiffs, VS, CONDOR EXPLORATION, LLC, a Nevada limited liabilityr company, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Civil ActiOn No. 10991 ORDER GRANTING PLAINTIFF BAKER HUGHES OILFIELD OPERATIONS, INC. D/B/A BAKER INTEQ AND BAKER OIL TOOLS AND BAKER ATLAS AND DEFENDANT CONDOR EXPLORATION, LLC MOTION FOR ENTRY OF PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT Upon consideration of the Joint Motion by Plaintiff Baker Hughes Oilfieid Operations, Inc. d/b/a Baker Inteq and Baker Oil Tools and Baker Atlas (hereinafter "Plaintiff") and Defendant Condor Exploration, LLC (hereinafter "Defendant") for entry of partial summary judgment filed by the parties hereto, the Court finds that: 1. Defendant owes Plaintiff the principal sum of $318,557.74 as of March 7, 2002, Plus $61.09 per each day thereafter until jUdgment is entered and $4,693.54 for attorney's fees plus costs and post judgment interests thereon at a rate of 10% per annum. 2. Plaintiff is entitled to entry of judgment for the amount set forth in paragraph 1 above. ~. THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that judgment shall be entered in favor of Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, Inc. d/b/a Baker Inteq and Baker Oil Tools and Baker Atlas against Condor Exploration, LLC in the amount of $318,557.74, plus $61.09 each day subsequent to March 7, 2002, until the date of this Order, plus $4,693.54 for attorneys fees plus costs. iT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such judgment shall bear post judgment interest at the rate of 10% per annum as provided by law. DATED this _ ~r¢¢ day of ~'~~ _, 2002 Approved as to form: -Pamala M. Brondos Attorney for Plaintiffs Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, Inc. /~-'"- Lance Harmon Attorney for Condor Exploration, LLC BY THE COURT: DISTRICT JUDGE STATE OFWYOMING '~ COUNTY OF LINCOLN,( SS. I, Kenneth D. Rob~J~,~.,~erk of the Third Judicial Distric, t,,~ourt within and foresaid county and i)4 th%State ~)f foresaid, do hereby certify th(y.~orego)'ng to be a full, true, and ~~~ ~ SIGNED ..~..(~:.~..~,, -2-