HomeMy WebLinkAbout885853T28N, R119W State of Wyoming Corner Record (In complionce with the CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT, Wyoming Stotutes, 1977, Section 56-11-101, et. seq., Grid the Rules and Regulations of the Boord of Registrotion for Professional Engineers end Professional Lend Surveyors) Reverse side of this form moy be used if more spoce is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if corner is lost or obliteroted). Description of corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument and accessories established to perpetuate the Iocotion of this corner. Sketch of relative Iocotion of monument, occessories, end reference points with course end distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method end rationole for re-estoblishment of lost or obliterated corner. RECORD: ~ CORNER COMMON TO SECTIONS 2 & 11 FOUND: A STANDARD 1962 BLM TYPE BRASS CAP MONUMENT APPROPRIATELY INSCRIBED SET: ~"x 5' STEEL ELECTRICAL CONDUIT ALONG SIDE, BASIS OF BEARING S 88"58'00' E BETWEEN TIlE SW CORNER AND S1/4 CORNER SECTION 10 ~ 00'01'16" E /-~ 00'05'46"~ 737.64 % ? 75,6.42' · $ 89'4~,45" E ,· $ 89'41'45" E t, N 89'5~47" E t N 89'55'47" E · $ 89'4! ',54" E ,· $ 89'44'44" E ,· S 89°5~ '~27" E d · $ 89'41 }20" E ,· $ 89'45'20" £ ,· N 89'5,~ p4" E , N 89'51'04" E S 89'58'00" E 2651.52' · CORNER FII_ED THIS FORM o CONTROLLING CORNER DATE OF FIELD WORK: 09/2,3/87 OFFICE REFERENCE: 87-16-2 CO FIELD BOOK: 575 CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 AI I /~ ~ / ~ I~ / ~ / ~ / ~ I~ / ~ / ~ / I /A BI-- J-- -I---I .... L .~_ £_ _ ,J. _ h J_ + _L q _ .L _ _ J. _ ~- -I_ Jr _1_ Jr _ L --I e ot.--]_Ji-_~_. ' J_L_I_J_L_~_]-_'_J_~-_I_z_LJ_I-_LJ.-LJ --F f-i--f- i-!- f-!--i- 1o ~i , [ , i/ i i ] i I i ] i I i Ti / i / i/r ---L-Z--L- I-' I I -q-~-I-- x ~Zl ~ I-i-t-i-- 25456 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2~ 22 25 24 25 This corner record wes prepored by me or under my direction end supervision. UI~8fNTA ENGINEERING & SURVEYING, INC. ~8 MAIN ST. EVAN"~'~'ON, ~IY 82~g$0 E-MAIL: uintaeuintaengineering, corn PHONE No. ~-307-789-3602 TOLL FREE: 1-800-479-3602 FAX= 1-307-789-6456 Corner Nome: 1//4 Section.' 2&ll T 28N, R 119 W, 6TH PM; Cross-Index No.' E-19