HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda BCC 6-8-22TENTATIVE PLANNING AND ENGINEERING OFFICE AGENDA FOR LINCOLN COUNTY COMMISSION Wednesday, June 8, 2022 10:00 A.M. Location: Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Ave 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY Or by via video conference at the Afton branch office building, EOC Conference room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, WY I. DEVELOPMENT REPORT • North Lincoln County • 23 Residential Use Permits • 8 Small Wastewater Permits • 0 Driveway Access Permits • South Lincoln County • 1 Residential Use Permit • 4 Zoning and Development Permits II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 601 PZ 22 Plan Amendment - Rezone Property East of HWY 189 Lincoln County Board of County Commissioner ● To amend the Official Zoning Map of Lincoln County to promote economic development in South Lincoln County. The private land between the City of Kemmerer and the Power Plant and Coal Mine should be Industrial instead of Rural. This change will represent the use for operations and in fact encourage uses that would not conflict with the industrial nature of the area. ● Location: T20N R116W Sections 17,20,28,29,32, and T19N R116W Sections 5,8,17. B. 702 PZ 22 K Triangle Subdivision Phase III Erickson Ranch, LLC c/o Daniel Erickson ● A Major Subdivision Application to subdivide 9.84 +/- acres into 2 residential lots with 4.92+/- acres each with an average lot size of 5.0 +/- acres as per the approved Master Plan in the Rural Zone. These lots will have individual water wells and individual septic systems. Access will be off a private road Wendall Way. ● Location: T31N; R119W; Section 12, 900 feet southwest of the Town of Afton C. 201 MS 22 Wild 3 Ranch – Preliminary Plat Grant & Tylee Williams ● A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 18.45 +/- acres into three (3) residential lots, with an average lot size of 6.15 +/- acres, in the Rural Zone. The lots will share a private subdivision road off Grover Narrows County Road No. 130. Each lot will have individual wells and individual septic systems. ● Location: T33N; R118W; Section 30 and 31, 4.0+/- miles northwest of the Town of Afton D. 409 SS 22 Scott’s View Second Filing Julie Grosjean Essenmacher ● Simple Subdivision Plat Application, to subdivide 15.22 +/- acres into 2 residential lots with one 7.07+/- acres and the other 8.15+/- acres with an average lot size of 7.61+/- acres in the Rural Zone. ● Location: T33N; R118W; Section 4, 4.2 +/- miles southeast of the Town of Thayne E. 410 SS 22 Hendrick Subdivision David B. Hendrick and Susan Koh Hendrick ● A Simple Subdivision Plat Application to subdivide 8.9 +/- acres into 2 residential lots with one 2.2+/- acres and the other 6.6+/- acres with an average lot size of 4.4 +/- acres in the Rural Zone. ● Location: T32N; R119W; Section 6, 5.5 +/- miles northwest of the Town of Afton III. OTHER PLANNING MATTERS E. 806 AP 22 Hesson Commercial Park Third Amended (Tabled by Applicant) Vince Kramer • An Amended Plat application to amend the Land Use Table for lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Hesson Commercial Park Third Amended. The applicants would like to amend the subdivision to include residential uses. The Land Use Table would still include commercial along with residential. This Amended Plat is located within the Mixed Zone. • Location: T34N; R118W; S18, 0.8+/- miles north of the Town of Thayne F. 808 AP 22 Townsite of Bedford Block 16 Second Filing Tyrel M. and Celena M. Mavy • An Amended Plat application for an amendment to adjust the boundary between Lots 1 and 2 of the Townsite of Bedford Block 16 Second Filing. Lot 1 will be increased to 3.49 +/- acres and Lot 2 will be decreased to 1.49+/-. Lots 1 and 2 will be vacated and new lot numbers will be assigned. Amended Plat is located within the Mixed Zone. • Location: T34N; R119W; S29, 3.3 +/- miles southeast of Thayne IV. ENGINEERING MATTERS ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Additional information regarding the above noted files can be viewed at http://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink8/Browse.aspx Projects for Planning OR http:www.lcwy.org Public Services, Public Records, click on Browse, Projects for Planning. All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those planning on attending should call the day before to see if the meeting and project is still scheduled.