HomeMy WebLinkAbout409 SS 22 Scott's View Second Filing 409 SS 22 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Rezone Petition Conditional Use Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: 7:00 p.m. April 25, 2007 LOCATION: Cokeville, Wyoming FILE #: 603 PZ 07 and 108 PZ 07 APPLICANT: Julie Grosjean Essenmacher PROJECT NAME: Scott’s View Second Filing COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Thayne ZONING: Rural REPRESENTATIVE: Lloyd Baker Associates, LLC PLANNING STAFF: Katie Gipson PROPOSAL: A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 15.22 +/- acres into 2 residential lots with one 7.07+/- acres and the other 8.15+/- acres with an average lot size of 7.61+/- acres in the Rural Zone. This Simple Subdivision includes a road name change. Todds Lane will be replaced with Marv’s Lane. The lots will be served by individual wells and individual septic systems meeting current state and county standards. LOCATION: 4.2 +/- miles southeast of the Town of Thayne T33N, R118W, Section 4 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subdivision Plat 2. Vicinity Map STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners Approve File # 409 SS 22 Scott’s View Second Filing, a Simple Subdivision, with: ● Findings of Approval A thru C ● A Resolution of Approval LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT SIMPLE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 A.M, JUNE 8, 2022 HEARING LOCATIONS: COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONER BOARDROOM 3RD FLOOR, KEMMERER, WY & VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE AFTON BRANCH OFFICE BUILDING CONFERENCE ROOM, 421 JEFFERSON ST., AFTON, WY FILE # 409 SS 22 409 SS 22 BCC Findings of Approval: A. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the standards and procedures of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations. C. The proposed Simple Subdivision is consistent with the provisions W.S. 18-5-301 through W.S. 18-5-315. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: Lincoln County Weed & Pest Control District: The Planning Office did not receive any comments from the Lincoln County Weed and Pest Control District. It has been more than 60 days. Lincoln Conservation District: The Planning Office did not receive any comments from the Conservation District. It has been more than 60 days. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ss... This Plat was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on this _____ day of ________, 2022. _______________________ April Brunski, Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORDATION Land Use Table Total Lots .....................................2 Typical Size ................. 7.61± Acres Total use of Lots .............Residential Total Acres ................... 15.22± Acres Zoning Designation ................. Rural 183 184 200 180 246 249 181 230 231 232 233 160 161 257 265 251 253 250 173 248 245 240 256 262 258 189 239 252 255 190 169 229 179 261241 254 247 182 18244.36'470.93'546.62'N3°02'02"E31'L3L135.89' C4 A C 5 C 5 EC4 B C5AC2BC5 D C5 K C 5 C C 5 JC5 B C4 E C4D C5FC5HC5GC5I C 4 C 4 C S6 1 ° 4 9 ' 2 2 " E N78°28'29"E S27°17 '45 "ES14°30'31"E N78°28'29"E S11°31'31"E 130 ' S78°28'29"W S14°30'31"E S70°45' 2 1 " W S78°28'29"W S6 1 ° 4 9 ' 2 2 " E 598 . 2 3 ' 323 . 7 7 '537.96'N28°10'38"E 572.96'178 . 2 7 ' S61 ° 4 9 ' 2 2 " E S27°17 '45 "E178.27 'S27°15 '43 "ES27°15 '43 "E185.50 '186.03 ' 189.99' 193.93' N70°45 ' 2 1 " E S70°45' 2 1 " W 176.46' 111.92' 113.94' 102.10' 285.45'788.30'213.99'377.40 '177.99'112.17' 105.35' C2A S75°29'29 " W 70'30'30' 130' 70' 30'30' S62°4 2' 1 5 " W 5 7 2 . 9 6' 537.9 6'N33°11'01"E 1467.39'N36°14'50"E 1432.39'N36°14'50"E 1467.39'1432.39'N36°14'50"E 1467.39'1432.39'1432. 3 9' S62°4 2' 1 5 " W 1 4 6 7. 3 9' N59°2 1' 0 8 " E 1 4 6 7. 3 9' N57° 4 8' 0 5" E 1 4 3 2. 3 9' N56° 5 5' 1 1" E 1 4 6 7. 3 9' 560.26' 1225.97' S5 6 ° 4 8 ' 5 9 " E 37 7 . 4 0 ' 212 243 244 L6C12S15°56'36"E168.53' 174 267 Essenmacher Scott's View Lot 2 Driveway C-LineN WY O M N GITE A,BAKE R E N GI E RN ES1981 PE/LS 698 T33N, R118W Sec. 4 Sec. 3 Sec. 9 Sec. 10 107 560.40' N88°55'57"W 2669.29'292 L CHA R E S V. K I N GN GWYOMI S 4 S 9 E 1/16 1989 PE/LS 590 33N 118W L CH A R E S V. KI NGN GWYOMI S 4 S 9 1989 PE/LS 590 33N 118W 1/4 143 LINE LINE TABLE BEARING HORIZ DIST L1 S35°55'25"W 50.47' L2 L3 S78°28'29"W N14°30'31"W 7.79' 46.36' 108.67' 237 44.69'754.43'N0°32'09"E1576.60'BF BF BFBS BS BF S79°23'59" E Essenmacher Scot's View Lot 3 25' 25 Feet Agricultural Buffer 272 269 284N12°43'13"W1457.98'N10°57'47"W781.34' 191 105.35 ' 385.45' 25'25 Feet Agricultural BufferState of Wyoming County of Lincoln Pursuant to Sections 34-12-102 and 34-12-103 and Sections 18-5-301 through 18-5-315 of the Wyoming Statutes, 1977 as amended, the Scot's View Second Filing a Subdivision was approved at a regular meeting of The Board of Lincoln County Commissioners held on the____ Day of _________, 2022. Subject to the provisions of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations as adopted May 4, 2005. Board of County Commissioners County of Lincoln ________________________ ________________________ Robert E. King, Chair Jerry T. Harmon, Vice-char _____________________ _____________________________ Jerry Hansen, Commissioner Attest: April Brunski, Clerk 270 274 . 4 7 ' S6 1 ° 4 9 ' 2 2 " E 268 Marv's La n e B e d f o r d - T u r n e r v i l l e C o . R d . 1 2 - 1 2 3 Scot's View Second Filing Lot 4 Scot's View Second Filing Lot 5 Scot's View Second Filing Lot 4 Non Building Area 7.07± Acres 4.22± Acres Net 8.15± Acres 8.00± Acres Net 1.57± Acres Net 259 301 849/560 439.31'77.33'77.33'85.12'849/558 LEGEND P.K. Nail set P.K. Nail found Spike set Spike found Iron Pipe set Iron Pipe found Rebar found Calculated Point Cotton Gin Spike Set Telephone Box 475.87'37.34'513.21'S15°36'21"W20' Util ity Easement D100 DRAWING C:DATAT33N118S4S4T3R18.trv & SV-2NDF.vcd 6.0 PLAT WARNINGS THE SELLER DOES NOT WARRANT TO A PURCHASER THAT THE PURCHASER HAS ANY RIGHTS TO THE NATURAL FLOW OF ANY STREAM WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION. THE STATE OF WYOMING DOES NOT RECOGNIZE ANY RIPARIAN RIGHTS TO THE CONTINUED NATURAL FLOW OF A STREAM OR RIVER FOR PERSONS LIVING ON THE BANKS OF A STREAM OR RIVER. (W.S. 18-5-306). NO PROPOSED DOMESTIC WATER SOURCE. LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BUILDING THEIR OWN WELLS WHICH MEET STATE STANDARDS (W.S. 18-5-306). NO PROPOSED PUBLIC SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BUILDING THEIR OWN SMALL WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEMS WHICH MEET STATE AND COUNTY STANDARDS (W.S. 18-5-306). WARNING: LOTS ONE, TWO, AND THREE ARE LOCATED IN AREAS OF SEVERE SOIL LIMITATIONS. SITE CONDITIONS MAY PREVENT THE USE OF CONVENTIONAL SEPTIC SYSTEMS AND BUILDING TECHNIQUES. NO PUBLIC MAINTENANCE OF STREETS OR ROADS. PLAT ACCEPTANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF ROADWAYS AS COUNTY ROADS. ACCESS MAY BE DIFFICULT IN WINTER MONTHS. SOLID WASTE HAULAGE SERVICE IS NOT PROPOSED. LOT OWNERS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HAULING THEIR OWN SOLID WASTE. ON SITE FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES ARE NOT PROPOSED. WARNING THERE IS (ARE) EXISTING AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS ADJACENT TO THIS SUBDIVISION AND AGRICULTURAL RELATED NUISANCES MAY EXIST WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION. THE EXISTING AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS ARE COVERED BY SECTION 11-44-103, OF THE WYOMING STATUTES 1977, AS AMENDED. SHOULD LANDS ADJACENT TO THIS SUBDIVISION BE REMOVED FROM AGRICULTURAL USE THE 25 FOOT NON-BUILDING BUFFER WILL NO LONGER BE IN EFFECT AND THE NORMAL SETBACK STANDARDS SHALL BE APPLIED THE EXISTING AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS ARE COVERED BY W.S. 18-5-306 The Bearings on this map were obtained by a G.P.S. Survey using as a basis the Wyoming Department of Transportation points established in and near the Town of Thayne using NAD 83 (1993) Horizontal control and NGVD 29 Vertical control. BASIS OF BEARINGS 0 10020' Wide Utility EasementS9°59'46"W 596.75'20' Wide U i l i t y E a s e m e n t I d e n t i c a l BS BF Aluminum Cap on Rebar found BLM type Monument set BLM type Monument found Quarter Corner set Quarter Corner found Section Corner set Section Corner found Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe found Aluminum Cap on Iron Pipe set Non-Building Buffer Zone 0 100 Transformer 102 299 101 295 141 296 106 291 107292288112 242 103 298 287 105 294 1327.33'1327.33'1305.79'1305.79' S89°26'04"E 5266.25' 1313.13'1313.13'1329.54'1329.54'1319.50'1319.50'1365.64'1365.64'2639.00'N0°42'38"EN0°43'12"E2731.28'1369.54'1369.54'1321.44'1321.44'S0°37'40"WS0°37'23"W2642.88'1327.56'1327.56'1333.77'1333.77' 1331.75'1331.75'1320.49'1320.49'1323.38'1323.38'1373.45'1373.45'N0°32'09"E5393.67'1334.64'1335.80'1335.80'1376.89'1376.89'1325.83'1325.83'1380.38'1380.38'1328.32'1328.32'5417.38'S0°04'24"E143 5340.88'N88°55'57"W 289 2667.54'N89°00'55"W 286 2663.50'S89°05'54"E N89°15'58"W 300 2659.07'2739.09'N89°17'06"W 297 2626.27'2753.79'S0°13'50"W290 2640.97'S89°08'15"E 293 S0°13'51"WN89°02'04"W 2655.13'2651.66'Wirthlin 358-782Suter 414-444 Cram466-73 F & T Partnership 460-217 Heiner321-125 1334.64' Kidd321-122 Vicinity Map T33N, R118W Section 4 0 1000 State of Wyoming County of Lincoln In accordance with Statutes W.S. 34-12-102 and W.S. 34-12-103, I, Julie Grosjean Essenmacher, Trustee of the Julie Grosjean Essemmacher Living Trust, Dated March 30, 2015, whose address is P.O. Box 4248., Bedford, Wyoming 83112, being duly sworn on oath according to law do hereby make the following statement of facts and certify: That I am the Trustee for the Julie Grosjean Essemmacher Living Trust, Dated March 30, 2015, the owner and proprietor of real property shown hereon and referred to in the Deeds recorded with Document No. 980927, in Book 849, Page 556, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SE1/4 of Section 4, T33N, R118W, of the 6th. P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. That the Subdivision from this property is with our free consent and desires. That the name of the subdivision shall be Scott's View Second Filing, being Identical with Lot 1 of Scott's View, a Subdivision recorded with Document No. 891364, Map No. 221-D, with said Office, consisting of 2 Subdivision Lots Encompassing 15.22± Acres of land. SUBJECT TO: A 35 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement for Bedford - Turnerville County Road 12-123, as Delineated on the Official Plat recorded in Slot 123, and as referred to in the Resolution of record, with said Office. (The Right-of-Way Easement, recorded with Document No. 229562, in Book 24PR, Page 127, with said Office is not where shown on County Road Map or this property) TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The Lower Valley Energy Distribution Easement, as referred to in the Distribution Easement recorded with Document No. 891273, in Book 525PR, Page 747,with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record. That Marv's Lane and Utilities Right-of-Way Easements, as shown hereon, is and shall be granted to the owners, successors and assigns of each Lot as affected. That in accordance with Section 34-12-106 thru 34-12-110 of the Wyoming Statutes 2009, as amended we hereby respectfully request the Clerk to Vacate Lot 1 of Scott's View a Subdivision, as delineated on the Official Plat recorded with Document No. 891364, Map No.221-D, with said Office. That all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming are hereby released. _________________________ Julie Grosjean Essenmacher, Trustee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Julie Grosjean Essenmacher, Trustee this _____ day of ______________ 2022. Witnessed my hand and official seal: ___________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: SCOTT'S VIEW SECOND FILING 264 266 by Lloyd Baker Associates, LLC Julie Grosjean Essenmacher, Trustee of the Julie Grosjean Essenmacher Living Revocable Trust, Dated March 30, 2015 of A portion of the SE1/4 of Section 4, T33N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. for Scott's View Second Filing Box 1047 Thayne, Wyoming 83127 107736 U.S. Hwy 89 Star Valley Community Complex Suite 110 Etna, Wyoming 83118 Phone: (307) 886-7187 25 March, 2022 1'= 100' N ESW3514PE/LS M GYWNIO royevruSd aL&reeigEla oisseforPnnnn CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR State of Wyoming ) County of Lincoln ) SS... I, Ross M. Turner, a Registered Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor, Wyoming PE/LS 3514, of Afton, Wyoming, hereby certify the following: That this plat was made from notes taken during the actual survey by Scott D. White, under my direction, and from the records from the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; That I have carefully reviewed the information contained on this plat, and the corresponding physical inspection on the ground, including the Survey Monumentation; and That this plat accurately and correctly represents the subdivision known as Scott's View Second Filing to the best of my knowledge and belief. _________________________________ Ross M. Turner, Wyoming PE/LS 3514 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Ross M. Turner PE/LS 3514 this _________ day of _____________________ 2022. Witness by my hand and official seal: __________________________ Notary Public My commission expires: 193 116.99' S72°42'3 6 " W L2 CURVE CURVE TABLE BEARING HORIZ DIST RADIUS DELTA ARC TANGENT C1 N31°58'59"E 145.06'100.00'92°59'01"162.29'105.35' C1A S44°32'15"W 111.66'100.00'67°52'28"118.46'67.29' C1B S1°57'15"E 43.47'100.00'25°06'32"43.82'22.27' C2 N31°58'59"E 188.57'130.00'92°59'01"210.97'136.95' C2A S44°32'15"W 145.15'130.00'67°52'28"154.00'87.48' C2B S1°57'15"E 56.52'130.00'25°06'32"56.97'28.95' C3 N31°58'59"E 101.54'70.00'92°59'01"113.60'73.74'C1C3C2C1A C1B30'70'30' C4 S44°32'43"E 340.45'572.96'34°33'59"345.67'178.27' C4A S56°06'26"E 114.23'572.96'11°26'33"114.42'57.40' C4B S38°49'26"E 229.67'572.96'23°07'27"231.24'117.22' C4C S44°34'24"E 319.16'537.96'34°30'43"324.04'167.10' C4D N37°30'01"W 188.92'537.96'20°13'35"189.91'95.95' C4E N54°35'32"W 133.71'537.96'14°16'42"134.06'67.38'35'35' C5 S42°02'41"E 729.88'1432.39'29°31'14"738.02'377.39' C5A S29°44'29"E 122.81'1432.39'4°54'51"122.85'61.46' C5B S40°34'23"E 417.23'1432.39'16°44'56"418.72'210.86' C5D S55°16'44"E 76.30'1432.39'3°03'09"76.31'38.16' C5E S42°02'41"E 747.71'1467.39'29°31'13"756.04'386.61' C5F S28°57'58"E 86.12'1467.39'3°21'48"86.13'43.08' C5G S31°15'58"E 31.67'1432.39'1°16'01"31.67'15.84' C5H S31°01'57"E 30.65'1467.39'1°11'48"30.65'15.32' C5I S41°07'21"E 405.18'1467.39'15°52'16"406.48'204.55' C5J S51°36'24"E 136.18'1467.39'5°19'08"136.22'68.16' C5K S55°32'10"E 65.01'1467.39'2°32'18"65.01'32.51' C5C S51°20'59"E 120.10'1432.39'4°48'19"120.13'60.10' 624 628 625 S41°03'10"W 378.96'343.96'N 4 7 ° 2 4 ' 5 9 "W 5 6 7 . 9 0 ' 5 1 2 . 6 8 ' 5 5 . 2 2 '35'35'35' £¤89 Thayne 02 11 01 12 33 21 22 30 34 29 31 27 32 28 07 03 09 04 08 10 0506 3635 26 25 33N 119W 34N 119W 34N 118W 33N 118W³±123To d d s La ne ERICKSON,DAVID E & LYNDA M SHARPE,WILLIAM & LYNETTE HILLSTEAD, MELINDA K OHLMANN,SYD L F & T PARTNERSHIP KIDD, CLIFFORDS.& BONNIE S. KIDD, CLIFFORDS & BONNIE S F & T PARTNERSHIP ERICKSON, BART A.&JANET R. FLUCKIGER,MICHAEL S & AIRICA I ESSENMACHER,JULIE G TRUSTEE ESSENMACHER, JULIE G TRUSTEE ESSENMACHER,JULIE G TRUSTEE HEINER, RS TRUST ETAL CRAM, APRILTRUSTEE GOTTFREDSON, MARK & CHRISTINE ELLWANGER, RUSSELL C &MARGRET E HEINER FAMILY PROPERTY, LLC HEINER, CARLS & DARLENE F TRUSTEES LEWIS, WILLIAMR & LAURIE S SUTER, CURTISS D & LISA S LEWIS, WILLIAMR & LAURIE S CRAM, MELISSA A TRUSTEE L & V PARTNERSHIP HEINER, JIM R & LUCINDA A HEINER, DICKR & DIANA L ERICKSON,BART A & JANET R F & T PARTNERSHIPGOTTFREDSON, MARK &CHRISTINE HEINER, JIM R & LUCINDA A SUTER, DELBERTC & STACIA M ROBERTS,BRYCE M & CHERISH T HEINER, LADELLR & BARBARA N CRAM, APRIL TRUSTEE SUTER,CURTISS D & LISA S SUTER, DELBERTC & STACIA M CRAM, MELISSA A TRUSTEE Maxar, Microsoft Simple Subdivision Application Projects Buffer_409SS21 US Highways WY Highways Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No 409 SS 22 Scott's View Second Filing Julie Grosjean Essenmacher Living Revocable Trust, Dated March 30, 2015 Prepared using available data by Destry Dearden, GISP on 9 May 2022. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land.