HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZC Minutes 6-29-22 Draft LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES Wednesday, June 29, 2022 6:00 P.M. Locations: Video Conference between the following locations: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY Present: Planning Commission Members: Tom Crank, Chair Karen Anderson, Vice Chair Pam Price Dan Merritt (Absent) Luke Lorimer Planning & Engineering Staff: Amy Butler, Engineer Emmett Mavy, Planner II Katie Gipson, Development Administrator County Attorney Staff: Aaron Reynolds Chair Tom Crank called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Each member of the Planning & Zoning Board present introduced themselves individually as well as staff. Member Dan Merritt was absent. A quorum was established. Amy spoke about the agenda. She stated that there are two minor subdivisions, no sketch plans, and one item on other planning matters on the agenda. The minutes for the Wednesday, May 25, 2022 meeting were presented for approval. Tom asked if there were any comments on the minutes. Tom commented that the minutes did not include his vote of “no” for the Yellow Grouse Subdivision. Karen made a Motion to amend the minutes to include Tom’s vote of no on Yellow Grouse. Pam Seconded. Motion Passed. Tom stated that the development report was the next item on the agenda. Katie presented the Development Report. She stated that there were 22 residential use permits in north Lincoln County, 18 small wastewater permits, 2 residential use permits in south Lincoln County and 2 zoning and development permits. Tom asked for any comments. Seeing none Tom moved on to the next agenda item. Tom stated the next item on the agenda is 205 MS 22 Eagle Crest Subdivision. A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 31.23 +/- acres into Five (5) residential lots, with an average lot size of 6.42 +/- acres, in the Rural Zone. The lots will share a private subdivision road off HWY 89 just south of Thayne. Each lot will have individual wells and individual engineered septic systems. Emmett presented the project to the Commission. Emmett stated that Weed and Pest found no noxious weeds on the property. Emmett stated that at the time of the meeting there was no response from Star Valley Conservation District or State Engineers Office. Emmett asked for questions. Tom asked about the north side of Eagle Ranch Road and if the town of Thayne going to use the road since it is on the corporate limit line for the town of Thayne. Marlowe Scherbel answered that the road is not part of the town. Tom asked if web lane turns into double eagle ranch road. Marlowe answered that it is an intersection. Tom questioned if between lot 1 and 2 if there is a dead-end road. Marlowe answered that there were some easements granted for that lot to get access. Emmett asked for any further questions. Marlowe Scherbel representing Eagle Rising, LLC states that they have no problems with the conditions of approval. Marlowe states that there have been some cul-de-sacs and turnarounds added as discussed according to the new criteria for roads. Marlowe mentioned that the land owner is here for any questions. Marlowe asked if there were any more questions for him. Tom asked for any additional questions and comments. Seeing none Tom opened it up to comments from the Commission. Tom asked for a motion. Karen made a motion to approve according to the staff’s planning recommendation as outlined in the board packet file number 205 MS 22 for Eagle Rising, LLC based on findings A thru C, conditions of approval 1 thru 4 and recommendations for the Board to sign the Development Agreement. Luke seconded. Motion passed. Tom stated that the next item on the agenda is 206 MS 22 Harmony Creek South Subdivision. A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 35.61+/- acres into Five (5) residential lots, with an average lot size of 7.12+/- acres, in the Rural Zone. The lots will share a private subdivision road off of Harmony Creek Drive, which connects to State Hwy No. 238. Each lot will have individual wells and individual septic systems. Located 2.8 miles west of the Town of Afton, Wyoming in Section 28, Township 32 North, Range 119 West. Emmett presented the project to the Commission. Emmett stated that a fifth condition would like to be added stating that the plat have all proper plat warning prior to final plat. Emmett stated that Star Valley Weed and Pest was unable to review due to snow on the property. Emmett stated that there was no response from the Conservation District. Emmett stated that there was no report from the State Engineer because the property does not have water rights. Emmett stated that the Afton Fire Chief responded that road is serviceable if it meets the County’s standards. Emmett stated that there was public comment from a representative from property owners that Harmony Creek has a road maintenance agreement, and their property that will use Harmony Creek Drive is not part of the road maintenance agreement and would like to join. Emmett asked for questions. Karen questioned what needed to be done because Weed and Pest could not inspect the property. Emmett responded that the development agreement does require them to have a weed management plan. Emmett clarified that the Afton fire chief was contacted because lots 4 and 5 appear to exceed the county grade for driveways making the lot owners required to have an engineered erosion control plan to create a driveway. Amy clarified what land use regulations state on driveway grades. Discussion about the driveway grades follows. Tom stated that he is not a fan of these driveways as they do not meet what the regulation was intended to do. Emmett turned the time over to the developer, Steve Johnson. Steve Johnson asked for any questions. Tom questioned about the length of the driveway. Steve answered that the driveway was designed that way to reduce the grade. Discussion followed on driveway grade. Karen questioned about further subdividing and if there are any deed restrictions for that. Steve answered that it would be tough to do, but may be possible with a family exemption. Emmett responded that you can’t do a family exemption inside a subdivision. The chances of this being split up would be slim. Further discussion on subdividing followed. It is discovered that the wrong plat was put in the staff report. The correct plat is presented in the Afton Office for commission members to view. Discussion followed about the differences between the plats. Tom asked for any other comments. Tom proposed a change to the conditions of approval to add plat warnings to final plat and to add that those who buy the lots would be required to enter into a maintenance agreement on Harmony Creek. Discussion followed. County Attorney, Aaron Reynolds stated that Tom cannot make a motion. Discussion followed about the difference between plats given, and one presented in the Afton Office. Emmett clarified the correct plat has the driveway grade at thirteen rather than seventeen as seen on the plats included in packets. Tom asked if there was anyone else that wanted to comment. Seeing none Tom opened it up to the Commission for comments. Luke questioned how to approach the difference in the maps when voting. Tom answered that he personally is going to vote on the map he has in front of him. Seeing no further comments Tom asked if anybody would like to make a motion. Marlowe Scherbel clarified that there was a correct version of the map that the Planning Office received it just did not make it into the packet by accident. Tom questioned when the correct plat was turned in. Emmett answered that it was about six weeks ago. Amy stated that it was an accident that the map that is in the packet is there rather than the correct one. Discussion continued on the differences between the two maps. Tom asked for a motion. Karen asked for clarification on what to refer to the new map as. Karen made a motion to approve file number 206 MS 22 Harmony Creek South Preliminary Plat application based on planning staff recommendations A through C, Conditions of approval 1 through 4 a recommendation for the board chairman to sign the development agreement and adding point 5 that the plat add all proper plat warning prior to the final plant and point 6 that the final plat reflect the May 16th map that was presented to the board tonight in the Afton office and point 7 that owners enter into a road maintenance agreement for harmony creek road. Luke seconded. Motion passed. Tom moved to the next agenda item. X OTHER PLANNING MATTERS Tom stated that the next item on the agenda is other planning matters. Amy stated that the Board of County Commissioners will be making a motion of who they are going to appoint July 6. Amy reminded that the projects presented tonight will be going to the Aug 3, 2022 meeting. Karen questioned whose term was up. Amy answered that it was Karen and Dan’s terms that were up. Karen questioned what is happening with Dan. Amy answered that Dan commented that he did not want to resume. Tom questioned how many positions were open. Amy answered that there were two open positions. Tom questioned if the commission would be notified when they get a planning director. Amy answered that the County Commissioners are accepting applications that they did interview and offer a job to someone and that we are waiting to hear back. Tom thanked Amy. ADJOURNMENT Karen made a motion to adjourn at 6:45 P.M. Luke seconded. Motion Passed. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Chair Dated Director Dated