HomeMy WebLinkAbout886041506 LIN'C0LN (~,5 .... .~, f CLERK KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Marvel Hale, Trt~t~eF~'~ the Hale Family Trust, dated August 9, 1993, grantor, in consideration of the sum'of Ten ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remlsed, released, conveyed and qultclatmed and by,these presents does for its heirs, executors arid administrators, remis, release and forever quitclaim unto Robert D. Johnson and Suzanne Johnson, TrUstees of the Johnson Family Trust dated November 17, 1999, Shirley Dean Cummings and Mary Lynn Haungs, grantees, whose address Is 14095 AuOerry Road, Clovis, CA 93611, all such right, title, Interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as the trust may have or ought to have, In and to the following clescrlbed premises to-wit: See attached description for Shlrtey Dean Cummings, et al. - Shelbume Tract Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, To have and to hold the said premises unto the said grantees to their own proper use and behoof forever. $o that neither the Hale Family Trust nor any other per, on in Its name or behalf shall or will hereafter olaim or demand any right or title to the premises or any part thereof, but they and every one of them shall by these presents by excluded and forever barred.  wltness whereof, I have hereunto set my signature this Z~ day of 002. State of County The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me, a notarY public in and for said county and state, by Marvel Hale, Trustee of the Hale Family Trus,t, dated August 9, 1993, this ~ day of ~, 2002. Witness my hand and official seal, My Commission Expires: t/-~{.(~a.~.a~/'/_ ~, a dO ~ Notary Public ounty of ~ State of Incoln ~ Wyomingl y Commission Expires Au ust 13 2006 ~ ~, LTD. ~.W~ ~W~ ~t part of the SW¼ of Section 12, T33N, RI lgW, Uncol~ County, W¥omin&, it being the to mor~ correctly described P~cd ~2 of that trot of ~ord ia thc Office of 0~e Cl~k - ~f U~ln Cowry ~ Book 249 of photostatic ~ords on page ~97, ~c~b~ as ~llows: BEGINNING aX th~ southwest comer of s~d Section 12; thee 589°.-~0'-52"E, 1~1.91 f~, along ~e south line of said SWY,, to a ~s c~; thence NS0*-4It'-42"W, 10.05 frei, to a brass cap; Ihence N79%01'-i$"E, 307.97 fc~t, tO a brat;s Cap on thc w~slg]y ~t.of-way line of U.S. Highway 89; continuing, N79*-01'-55"E, 82.73 f~t, to a pofition on th~ ccntvrlin¢ of ~e U.S. Hi,way 89; ~nc~ N36%45'-53'~, 762.4~ t~t, along s~d ~nt~line, to the b~gi~ng of a rir~uhr cu~o to ~e ~ght; ~c~ no~hwest~ly, along said c~terline, 2L.58 foot, alo~ ~e ~'c of s~d c~, ~gh a cm~al ~gle of 00~-32'-22'', with a r~ius of 2291.80 f~t and a chord bea~ng N36°- 29'4l"W, 21.58 feet, to the soa~e~; spike of that ~t of r~co~ in said Offic~ in Book ~1 ofPhotostaac ~ords on page 483; hence S$6%4'?'-26"W, 1348,42 feet, alonll the south line of said traot, to thc southwest )oin! thereof, on the west line of said S W:,';,; :hence S00°-12'-00'W, 629.51 feet, along said wvst BEGINNING; BNCOMPAS$INO ~ area of 24,$6 acres, more or le~s; line, to the CORNER O!~ the BASE BEARING for this sm~,ey is ~e west line of the SW¥, of S~tion 12, T33N, RI 19W, being N00'- 12'-00"E; each "comer" found as described in thc Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of tile Clerk of Lincoln County; each "brA~s cap" marked by' a 2" I~alvatfiz~ steel pipe with brAas cap inscribe~l, "PAUL N. SCHBRBBL R.LS 164 BIO PINEY WYOMING , with appropriate details found, "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike; each "poinf' marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel rdnforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBBL LTD AFl'ON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; lull in ~ccordance with the plat prepared to bc filed in tltc Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "LEONARD SULLIVAN THE HALE FAaMILY TRUST, DATED 09 II~~~ W~?.~ ?a~ S~ ~ON '~ T33N RllgW L~LN CO~TY,