HomeMy WebLinkAbout886042;"BOOK~06 '?" RcCEIV! LINCOLN C0tJt'lT~' CLERK 886042 QUIT CLAIM ~ow ALL M~N BY TH~SE P~S~NTS, that the STATE OF WYOM~G G~ A~ FISH COMMISSION, Grantor, of Cheyc~c, Wyoming, for comideratio~ of T~N DOLL. S, ($10.00) ~d other ~aiuablc consideration, i~ hand paid, receipt of which is hereby ac~owledsed, have hereby rcmised, r¢l¢~ed ~d forever quitclaimed unto Robc~ D. Jonson ~d Suz~e Jonson, T~stccs of the Jonson ~ily T~st, dated November I7, 1999, Shirley De~ Cummings ~d M~ L~ Ha~ss, of Clovis, Califo~ia, 6r~tcc, their heirs ~d assi~s forever, all such fisht, tire, interest, proPc~y, possession, claim ~d domed, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the follo~i~8 described propc~y, to- wit: That part of the SW¼ of Section 12, T33N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly described Parcel #2 of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 249 of Photostatic Records on page 297, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of said Section 12; thence S89°-50'-52"E, 1441.91 feet, along the south line of said SW¼, to a brass cap; thence NS0°-48'-42"W, 10.05 feet, to a brass cap; thence N79°-01'-55"E, 307.97 feet, to a brass cap on the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89; thence continuing, N79°-01'-55"E, 82.73 feet, to a position on the centerline of the U.S. Highway 89; thence N36°-45'-53"W, 762.44 feet, along said centerline, to the beginning of a circular curve to the right; thence northwesterly, along said centerline, 21.58 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 00°-32'-22'', with a radius of 2291.80 feet and a chord bearing N36°,29'41"W, 21.58 feet, to the southeast spike of that tract of record in said Office in Book 441 of Photostatic Records on page 483; thence S86°-47'-26"W, 1348.42 feet, along the south line of'said tract, to the southwest point thereof, on the west line of said SW¼; thence S00°-12'-00"W, 629.51 feet, along said west line, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an.area of 24.56 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SW¼ of Section 12, T33N, R119W, being N00°-12'-00"E; each "comer" foUnd as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "brass cap" marked by a 2" galvanized steel pipe with brass cap inscribed, "PAUL N. SCHERBEL RLS164 BIG PINEY WYOMING", with appropriate details found; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "LEONARD SULLIVAN THE HALE FAMILY TRUST, DATED 09 AUGUST 1993 SHIRLEY DEAN CUMMINGS, ET AL. PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT WITHIN THE SW¼ SECTION 12 T33N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING ", dated 17 October 2002. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS our hands this ~,.~/// day of November, 2002. of the ATTEST: WYOMING GAME AND FISH COMMISSION Gregg~hur, IJ~uty'~irector Wyonfing Game and Fish Department Reviewed and Approved: Lynda G. Coo~, Assistant Attorney Attorney General's Office STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) On this d~//day of /u/or'~,6t/ , 2002, before me personallY appeared Gregg Arthur to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is the Deputy Director of the WYOMING GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of the WYOMING GAME AND FISH COMMISSION and that .aai~~ instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said COMMISSION and the said Gregg .:~tr~%f~&,,g~wledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the COMMISSION. Notary Public ' My Commission expires: tr~ex.