Wednesday, December 7, 2022 10:00 A.M.
Location: Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Ave 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY
Or by via video conference at the Afton Branch Office Building, EOC Conference room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, WY
• North Lincoln County
• 11 Residential Use Permits
• 29 Small Wastewater Permits
• South Lincoln County
• 0 Residential Use Permits
• 4 Zoning and Development Permits
II. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. 204 MS 22 Dry Peak Estates Final Plat
Allen and Pamela Smoot
• A Minor Subdivision Final Plat Application to subdivide 16.80 +/- acres into three (3) residential lots, with an average lot size of 5.60 +/- acres, in the Rural Zone.
• Location: Located 7 miles southeast of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming, T36N R119W Section 35 B. 208 MS 22 Etna Village Estates Subdivision Phase II Final Plat TGH Industries
• A Minor Subdivision Final Plat Application to subdivide 2.74 +/- acres into five (5) residential lots, with an average lot size of 0.55 +/- acres, in the Mixed Zone.
• Location: Located 2.5 miles northwest of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming, T35N R119W Section 10 C. 425 SS 22 REVISED Bridger Basin, A Subdivision James Bower, Manager of the Bridger Basin Revocable Trust
• A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 9.49 +/- acres into 2 lots with one 4.48 +/- acres and the other 5.01 +/- acres with an average lot size of 4.75 +/- acres in the
Rural Zone.
• Location: 4.5 miles southeast of the Town of Alpine, Wyoming, T36N; R119W; Section 24 D. 428 SS 22 Raven Hill Subdivision
Brian and Stephanie Prosser
• A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 22.78 +/- acres into 2 lots with one 2.78 +/- acres and the other 20.00 +/- acres with an average lot size of 11.39 +/- acres in the Rural Zone.
• Location: 3.0 miles north of the Town of Afton, Wyoming, T33N; R118W; Section 32
E. 429 SS 22 South Forty Subdivision David and JoDana Mills
• A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 8.17 +/- acres into 2 lots with one 3.17 +/- acres and the other 5.0 +/- acres with an average lot size of 4.09 +/- acres in the Rural Zone.
• Location: 0.5 miles west of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming, T34N; R118W; Section 19 F. 430 SS 22 Colters View Subdivision Michael Krantz Maholchic
• A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 19.68 +/- acres into 2 lots with one 14.84 +/- acres and the other 4.84 +/- acres with an average lot size of 9.84 +/- acres in the Rural Zone.
• Location: 5.5 miles southeast of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming, T33N; R118W; Section 9
IV. ENGINEERING MATTERS ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Additional information regarding the above noted files can be viewed at http://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink8/Browse.aspx Projects for Planning OR
http:www.lcwy.org Public Services, Public Records, click on Browse, Projects for Planning. All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those planning on
attending should call the day before to see if the meeting and project is still scheduled.