HomeMy WebLinkAbout431 SS 22 Quaky Hollow 431 SS 22 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Rezone Petition Conditional Use Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: 7:00 p.m. April 25, 2007 LOCATION: Cokeville, Wyoming FILE #: 603 PZ 07 and 108 PZ 07 APPLICANT: Paul and Lisa Terry PROJECT NAME: Quaky Hollow COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Upper Valley ZONING: Rural REPRESENTATIVE: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. PLANNING STAFF: Katie Gipson PROPOSAL: A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 5.83 +/- acres into 2 lots with one 1.83 +/- acres and the other 4.00 +/- acres with an average lot size of 2.92 +/- acres in the Rural Zone. The project site is accessed off of Fairview Spring Creek Co. Rd. 144. The lots will be served by individual wells and individual septic systems meeting current state and county standards. LOCATION: The parcel is located 3.5 miles southwest of the Town of Afton, T31N, R119W, Section 15, Lincoln County, Wyoming. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subdivision Plat 2. Vicinity Map 3. Agency Correspondence STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners Approve File # 431 SS 22 Quaky Hollow, a Simple Subdivision, with: ● Findings of Approval A thru C ● A Resolution of Approval LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT SIMPLE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 A.M, JANUARY 4, 2023 HEARING LOCATIONS: COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONER BOARDROOM 3RD FLOOR, KEMMERER, WY & VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE AFTON BRANCH OFFICE BUILDING CONFERENCE ROOM, 421 JEFFERSON ST., AFTON, WY FILE # 431 SS 22 431 SS 22 BCC Findings of Approval: A. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the standards and procedures of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations. C. The proposed Simple Subdivision is consistent with the provisions W.S. 18-5-301 through W.S. 18-5-315. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: Lincoln County Weed & Pest Control District: Noted that the area was inspected and some Canada Thistle was present. It was very clean from other noxious weeds. The land owner needs to make a plan to treat the Canada Thistle and any other noxious weeds. The land owner can treat this issue themselves or hire a commercial applicator. They can feel free to call Lincoln County Weed and Pest for help on a weed management plan or a list of Commercial applicators. Lincoln Conservation District: The Planning Office did not receive any comments from the Lincoln County Conservation District. It has been more than 60 days. UV236 UV241 Afton11 28 10 01 1315 22 2420 17 1208 05 02 09 16 29 26 21 14 03 25 04 27 23 33 0406 28 08 05 19 21 18 08 09 30 29 07 1617 20 353236 31N 119W 32N 118W 31N 118W 32N 119W ³±1 7 0³±144TOLMAN,LAURA TRUSTEE TOLMAN, KELLYD & GENIELH TRUSTEES BROADHEAD,DOUGLAS & CINDY FAMILY TRUST BROADHEAD,DOUGLAS & CINDY FAMILY TRUST TERRY, PAULC & LISA CHAPMAN, BRIANNE J & SEASON H BROWER WEBB, JAMES R & TERRI W WEBB, JAMESR & TERRI W BAGLEY, KADEL & DEBANEE WALKER, SAM P & SHARON L BAGLEY, KDELL & CHERYL LTRUSTEESHATCH, E GLADE & KRISTENEB TRUSTEES MARTINSEN,LANDON C & WENDY WOLFLEY, T DEB &MARIE B BROADHEAD,DOUGLAS & CINDY FAMILY TRUST WALKER, SAM P & SHARON L WALKER, JASEWALKER, JASE MARTINSEN, LANDON C& WENDY ROCKER HORSERANCH, LLC Maxar, Microsoft Simple Subdivision Application Projects Public Noticing US Highways WY Highways Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No 431 SS 22 Quaky Hollow Paul and Lisa Terry Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 9 Dec. 2022. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land.