HomeMy WebLinkAboutCombined Sketch Plan Staff Report - Etna Village Post CUP - BurtnessOffice of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming SKETCH PLAN STAFF REPORT HEARING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 p.m., January 18, 2023 LOCATION:Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 101-CUP-23 No motion to be made by Planning and Zoning Commission for Sketch Plan Review PROJECT TYPE:Conditional Use Permit - Townhomes PROJECT NAME:Etna Village Post Townhomes APPLICANTS:Mathew Burtness SURVEYOR:TBD PLANNER: Robert C. Davis PROPERTY PIN #:3519-104-00-029 & 3519-104-00-028 ZONING:Mixed Use TOTAL ACRES:2.04 # OF LOTS:2 AVERAGE LOT SIZE:1.04 PROPOSAL:16 Residential townhouses up to 2 stories each are proposed with a density of eight (8) units per acre. 32 bedrooms have been included in the septic analysis. There are four (4) townhouses per building and each building has a proposed footprint of 4,622 square feet (18,488 square feet total combined/proposed footprint). The proposed maximum structure height is 35’-0”. Maximum structure height will also conform to the one-foot horizontal distance for every foot in foot in building height measured at the eve side of building nearest to the property line. This project is proposed to be located on two 1.02 acre lots west of HWY 89 in Etna, Wyoming behind the Etna Trading Company. Property is within the Mixed Use zone and appropriate for high density housing. Access is an existing loop road named Clearview Drive, and a looped driveway is proposed by the developer. This project is located with easy access to HWY 89 and 400’ from the Etna Community Center property and ¼ mile to the Etna Elementary School. 101-CUP-23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN Etna Village Post Townhomes Sketch Plan LOT CONFIGURATION:Townhomes will be platted under each unit Density Allowed by the Land Use Regulations:Yes Chapter 23 Water Study Risk Assessment Needed:No Chapter 23 Sewer Study Risk Assessment Needed:No Does The Property Have A Legal 60’ Easement:Yes ACCESS ROADS: Clearview Drive (Loop Road) PROJECT ROADS: Proposed Road:Looped Driveway Cul De Sac:None Proposed DISTANCE TO TOWN: 2.3 Miles Northwest of the town of Star Valley Ranch. PHYSICAL CHALLENGES: Slight slope to the West. 101-CUP-23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN DRINKING WATER SOURCE:Etna Water and Sewer District Connections WATER RIGHTS: TBD WASTEWATER TYPE:Enhanced Septic or UIC Permit (Permitted Directly Through WY DEQ) COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Etna, No limitations on this use. TOPOGRAPHY & SLOPE: Gradual slope to the West. MAXIMUM ROAD GRADES: 0-3% BORDERING AGRICULTURE LAND:No BORDERING PUBLIC LAND:No INSIDE 100 YR FLOOD PLAIN:No INSIDE WETLANDS:No STREAM ON PROPERTY:No RIVER ON PROPERTY:No PONDS OR LAKES ON PROPERTY:No AVALANCHE AREAS:No EARTHQUAKE FAULT LINES:No SLOPE MOVEMENT AREA:No SIGNS OF WILDLIFE MIGRATION:No GENERAL PLAN RESTRICTIONS:None Known 101-CUP-23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN Etna Village Post Townhomes Vicinity Map 101-CUP-23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN HWY 89CO RD 112CO RD 169 ETNA COMMUNITY CENTER CLEARVIEW DR CLEARVIEW DR PROJECT LOCATION LANDSCAPE L101 LANDSCAPE PLAN GENERAL G001 COVER SHEET ARCHITECTURAL SP101 SITE PLAN ARCHITECT ALPINE ARCHITECTURAL STUDIO PO BOX 3975 ALPINE, WY 83128 CONTACT: BRETT BENNETT bbennett@alpinearchstudio.com CIVIL ENGINEER SUNRISE ENGINEERING PO BOX 609 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE CONTACT: DAVID KENNINGTON dkennington@sunrise-eng.com NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVISIONS 3 0 7 . 8 8 0 . 4 2 8 0 1/4/2023 8:01:21 AM COVER SHEET G001ETNA VILLAGE POSTTRACT 1 AND TRACT 201.03.2023 CHECKED BY | BENNETT © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDSANDERSON AND MOTZKUS PLAT OF TRACTS: ETNA, WYDRAWN BY | BENNETT CUP SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL | AAS # ETNA VILLAGE POST | CIVIL GP GRADING PLAN P01 PROFILE NORTH REF 1" = 200'-0"G001 1 VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCATION TOPOGRAPHIC TOPOGRAPHIC MAP AND SITE PLAN -EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAT PLAT OF TRACTS 1 AND 2 REFER TO PROJECT NARRATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROPERTY AND ZONING INFORMATION LOT AREA: TRACT 1: 1.02 ACRES & TRACT 2: 1.02 ACRES LINCOLN COUNTY ZONING: MIXED USE / ETNA COMMUNITY OVERLAY COUNTY SETBACKS (10'-SIDE/REAR 20'-FRONT) OR EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED TOWNHOUSES: 16 TOTAL CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR 3 OR MORE DWELLING UNITS PER LOT MAX ALLOWABLE DWELLING UNITS: 8 PER ACRE MINIMUM LOT AREA FOR 8 UNITS PER ACRE IN MIXED USE ZONING: 2 ACRES TRACT 1 LOT AREA: 1.02 ACRES TRACT 2 LOT AREA: 1.02 ACRES N89°24'00.00"E TRACT 1 SONDERSON/MOTZKUS 1.02 ACRES TRACT 2 SONDERSON/MOTZKUS 1.02 ACRES 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 224.314' N89°24'00.00"E 230.014'S02°18'58.21"W198.633'N89°44'00.00"E 224.315' TYP 24'-0" N89°44'00.00"E 218.040'S01°08'24.00"E198.320'N01°08'24.00"W198.199'4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 TYP 24'-0"SETBACK20'-0"SETBACK 10'-0" IRRIGATION EASEMENT 30'-0"SETBACK10'-0"SETBACK 10'-0" CLEARVIEW DRIVE24'-0"4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 PAVED DRIVE PAVED DRIVE PAVED DRIVE SIDEWALK SIDEWALK (4) COVERED DECKS (4) COVERED DECKS (4) COVERED DECKS(4) COVERED DECKS LINE OF ROOF ABV OUTLINE OF FND WALL HIGHWAY 89 ACCESS: EXISTING TRIP GENERATION: (11 TRIPS PER UNIT) 11 TRIPS X 16 UNITS = 176 TRIPS PER DAY TRAFFIC MONUMENT SIGN PER APPENDIX-G STANDARDSMONUMENT SIGN PER APPENDIX-G STANDARDS PARKING p1*p2 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p2 p1*p2 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p2 p1*p2 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p2 p1*p2 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p4 p2*p3 p1*p2 20'-5"24'-0" 21'-2" [6.14 PARKING] RESIDENTIAL: 2 SPACES PER DWELLING UNIT SPACES REQUIRED: 32 SPACES PROVIDED: 48 PARKING SPACES INDICATED BY "p". * INDICATES GARAGE SPACE 24'-0"20'-5"12'-0"12'-0"TYP120'-0"TYP 44'-0"28'-10"33'-8"48'-11"47'-3"25'-8" BUILDING B-1BUILDING B-2 BUILDING A-1BUILDING A-2 TOTAL PAVED DRIVEWAY AREA: 19,100 SQFT SNOW STORAGE AREAS PROVIDED: 7,000 SQFT SNOW STORAGE AS A PERCENTAGE OF DRIVE SURFACES: 36% SNOW STORAGE INDICATES 1,000 SQFT OF SNOW STORAGE AREA 27'-5" 35'-0"28'-11"1" = 20'-0"SP101 1 SITE PLAN - PROPOSED NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVISIONS 3 0 7 . 8 8 0 . 4 2 8 0 1/4/2023 8:02:09 AM SITE PLAN SP101ETNA VILLAGE POSTTRACT 1 AND TRACT 201.03.2023 CHECKED BY | BENNETT © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDSANDERSON AND MOTZKUS PLAT OF TRACTS: ETNA, WYDRAWN BY | BENNETT CUP SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL | AAS # ETNA VILLAGE POST | 40200 SCALE IN FEET SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" NORTH REF N89°24'00.00"E TRACT 1 SONDERSON/MOTZKUS 1.02 ACRES TRACT 2 SONDERSON/MOTZKUS 1.02 ACRES 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 224.314' N89°24'00.00"E 230.014'S02°18'58.21"W198.633'N89°44'00.00"E 224.315' TYP 24'-0" N89°44'00.00"E 218.040'S01°08'24.00"E198.320'N01°08'24.00"W198.199'4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 TYP 24'-0"SETBACK20'-0"SETBACK 10'-0" IRRIGATION EASEMENT 30'-0"SETBACK10'-0"SETBACK 10'-0" CLEARVIEW DRIVE23'-6"4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 PAVED DRIVE PAVED DRIVE PAVED DRIVE SIDEWALK SIDEWALK (4) COVERED DECKS (4) COVERED DECKS (4) COVERED DECKS(4) COVERED DECKS LINE OF ROOF ABV OUTLINE OF FND WALL 26 CS PICA PUNGENS COLORADO SPRUCE 8'-10' B&B QUANTITY KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE IRRIGATED LAWN IRRIGATED LAWN IRRIGATED LAWN 22 QA POPULUS TREMULOIDES QUAKING ASPEN 3'-4' CAL. 23 MM ACER GLABRUM MOUNTAIN MAPLE 6' B&B PLANT LIST PLANTING NOTES: 1)DESIGN-BUILD PERMANENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AT IRRIGATED LAWN AND PLANT MATERIAL AREAS. 2)DESIGN-BUILD PERMANENT DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED AT TREES AND SHRUBS. 3)INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS NO CLOSER THAN 3' FROM ROAD EDGE. 4)PROVIDE PLANTING BEDS AT ALL TREES AND SHRUBS. PLANTING BEDS MULCHED WITH GROUND AND SHREDDED BARK OVER COMMERCIAL GRADE WEED LINER. MONUMENT SIGN PER LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS APPENDIX-G. SITE LEGEND 6'-0" HIGH WOODEN PRIVACY FENCE INSIDE PROPERTY LINE. FENCE STRUCTURE TO FACE INTERIOR OF PROPERTY. PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINENOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVISIONS 3 0 7 . 8 8 0 . 4 2 8 0 1/4/2023 8:01:51 AM LANDSCAPE PLAN L101ETNA VILLAGE POSTTRACT 1 AND TRACT 201.03.2023 CHECKED BY | BENNETT © 2022 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDSANDERSON AND MOTZKUS PLAT OF TRACTS: ETNA, WYDRAWN BY | BENNETT CUP SKETCH PLAN SUBMITTAL | AAS # ETNA VILLAGE POST | 1" = 20'-0"L101 1 LANDSCAPE PLAN - PROPOSED 40200 SCALE IN FEET SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" NORTH REF www.sunrise-eng.com AFTON, WYOMING 83110 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE TEL 307.885.8500 Z FAX 307.885.8501 ENGINEERING ORTHN LEGEND GP NOTES: A D1 B D1 www.sunrise-eng.com AFTON, WYOMING 83110 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE TEL 307.885.8500 Z FAX 307.885.8501 ENGINEERING P01 Date: January 3rd, 2023 Alpine Architectural Studio PO Box 3975 Alpine, WY 83128 Contact: Brett Bennett (bbennett@alpinearchstudio.com) Sketch Plan Submittal: Etna Village Post Location: Robert L. Sanderson & Sharon Sanderson Tract 1 and Tract 2. NE1/4 SE1/4_SECTION 10 _T35N _R119W Tract 1 : 1.02 Acres Tract 2 : 1.02 Acres Drawings Included: CS: Cover Sheet Plat: 1 and Tract 2 Topo: Topographic Map SP101: Site Plan L101: Landscape Plan GP: Site Design-Grading P01: Site Design-Profile Narrative for Etna Village Post Sketch Plan Submittal: Overview of Proposed Project: 16 Residential townhouses (IRC 2021) up to 2 stories each are proposed with a density of 8 units per acre. 32 bedrooms have been included in the septic analysis. There are (4) townhouses per building and each building has a proposed foot print of 4,622 square feet (18,488 square feet total combined/proposed foot print). The proposed max structure height is 35’-0”. Maximum structure height will also conform to the one-foot horizontal distance for every foot in foot in building height measured at the eve side of building nearest to the property line. Occupants: 110 maximum occupants are estimated based on habitable floor area and 200 square feet per occupant. Garage areas have been excluded from the occupant calculations. Deliveries: Deliveries are estimated at one delivery per unit or 16 deliveries per day. Buffering: Landscape Plan L101 addresses buffering between adjacent single-family, multi- family, and commercial uses. Trees and shrubs are proposed on all 4 sides of the overall development and a 6’ high privacy fence is included along the north, east, and west development boundaries. Traffic, Circulation, and Parking: Utilize the existing WYDOT Permit for Clearview Drive. Refer to SP101 for trip generation figures. Two-way circulation has been provided within the development and all townhouses have either one or two car garages in addition to driveway parking. Refer to SP101 for required and proposed parking figures. Paved driveways and circulation routes are included to mitigate dust. Water and Sewer: The project will have two phases. Phase one is to construct (1) four unit building on each lot for a total of 8 townhouses. Phase two is to construct (1) additional four unit building on each lot for a total of 16 townhouses. In order to construct phase two, UIC permitting is required. Sunrise Engineering has reviewed this approach with Mark Baron at DEQ and reviewed distances to public/private wells. Refer to exhibits A and B at the end of this document for additional well information. Regarding water, the Etna Water board has agreed to issue (8) 3/4” taps during their regularly scheduled meetings and a letter of intent to serve will be requested at the January meeting. Preliminary Fire Review: Drawings have been sent to Jeff Schoen at the WY State Fire Marshal’s office for comments. Snow Storage: Refer to drawing GP and SP101 for snow storage locations and percentages. Drainage: In conjunction with the general east to west flow, the area between the buildings A-2 and B-1 will be graded to drain southward. This area is grassy so there will be significant infiltration and any remaining water will flow to the western detention basin. The on-site road and parking areas will drain to the grass between the driveways with any overflow going southward into the detention basins on the west side of the driveway entrances. Usable Open Space: All townhomes have access to rear yard areas and are provided with covered decks. Buildings A-2 and B-1 share a larger combined rear yard area for group activities. Location of Use: All surrounding properties within a 300’ radius are within the Etna Mixed Zoning area: See Image Below. Thank you for reviewing our proposed sketch plan submittal. Sincerely, Brett Bennett / Alpine Architectural Studio, LLC #11 #10 #3 #14 #7 #2 #8 #12 #1 WELL LOCATION AREA OF REVIEW ETNA WATER SYSTEM #16 #13 #6 #15 #1 #5 www.sunrise-eng.com AFTON, WYOMING 83110 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE TEL 307.885.8500 Z FAX 307.885.8501 ENGINEERING FIGURE 3 CLEARVIEW MULTI FAMILY AREA OF REVIEW - OWNERSHIP T 35 N R 119 W CLEARVIEW DEVELOPMENT US HIGHWAY 89ETNA FOREST COUNTY RD 112GOOD NEIGHBOR LN COUNTY RD 169 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 27 28 32 33 3435 36 3738A39 42 43 45 40 44 46 47 41 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 63 61 64 62 65 56 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 85 86 87 81 88 8990 91 9293 94 95 96 97 99 98 100 102 157 161 158 159 160 164 162 163 165 104 105 106 107 151 153 155 156 154 128 127 126 152 150 149 129 130 125 108 109 110 111 132 131 133134 136 135 138137 140 139 124 123 122 121 120 119 148 147 101 146 145 141 142 143 144 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 103 38 50A 165 56A SECTION 10 SECTION 11 SECTION 15 SECTION 14 SECTION 10 SECTION 11 200' SETBACK 500' SETBACK EXHIBIT: A Static Water Permit Water Surface Level Yield Depth Level Elevation Elevation Well Well ID Permit Priority Owner Well Name Uses Twn Rng Sec QtrQtr (gpm) (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)Completion Water Zone 1 184887 10/03/2007 DREAMVENTURE II, LLC Etna Village Estates Well #1 Miscellaneous 35 119 10 NWNE 265 405 69.6 5785 5715.4 50' well screen "red-orange sandstone & black shale, pebble & gravel conglomerate" 2 205840 7/5/2016 Cowboy State Property LLC Willow Springs Miscellaneous 35 119 11 SWNW 25 180 60 5833 5773 40' well screen "shale/sand" 3 89005 7/30/1992 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Etna #1 Miscellaneous 35 119 11 SWNW 50 150 115 5833 5718 35' perforations "cobbles rock sand gravel" 4 139351 9/24/2001 Etna, Wyoming Water and Sewer District Etna Well No. 1 Miscellaneous/ Municipal 35 119 11 SENE 400 400 212.5 5937 5724.5 100' perforations "red-orange sandstone & black shale, pebble & gravel conglomerate" 5 74962 6/8/1987 Donald Baker Baker 1 Domestic 35 119 10 NESW 8 60 22.5 5742 5719.5 unknown "gravel" 6 136586 7/18/2001 Delphia McNeel Delphia No. 1 Domestic 35 119 10 NWSE 15 80 3 5756 5753 unknown "gravel" 7 82709 5/24/1990 Lincoln County School District No. 2 Etna School Well No. 1 Miscellaneous 35 119 11 NWSW 100 180 135 5840 5705 15' perforations "sand fine gravel" 8 183575 10/16/2007 Connie Bucans White Buffalo #1 Domestic 35 119 10 NESE 15 165 120 5807 5687 open-ended casing "gravel" 9 207103 4/13/2017 Mitchell and Margo Knutson Stonefly Ranch #1 Miscellaneous 35 119 10 SESW 90 77 3 5725 5722 20' well screen "gravel" 10 184372 12/20/2007 Lincoln County School District No. 2 Etna Elementary Irrigation Well No. 1 Miscellaneous 35 119 11 SWSW 78 300 91.5 5818 5726.5 90' perforations "broken limestone" 11 34379 6/30/1976 Tony Ivie Ivie #1 Domestic 35 119 11 SWSW 25 100 67 5811 5744 open-ended casing "gravel" 12 206448 11/08/2016 Johna Deyo JD #1 Domestic/Stock 35 119 10 SESE 20 140 100 5791 5691 open-ended casing "broken limestone" 13 193711 8/17/2010 GECR LLC Rock Top Well Miscellaneous/ Domestic 35 119 10 SWSE 25 122 29 5736 5707 open-ended casing "gravel, some sand" 13 199717 02/01/2013 GECR LLC Enl Rock Top Well Domestic 35 119 10 SWSE 0 122 29 5736 5707 open-ended casing "gravel, some sand" 18 92786 09/08/1993 Les Lavenstein Lavenstein #2 Domestic 35 119 14 SWNW 20 60 40 unknown "gravel" 19 96306 07/19/1994 Keith Stevens Stevens #2 Domestic 35 119 14 SENW 15 110 90 open-ended casing "gravel" 20 62070 09/20/1982 Lewis Roberts LD Roberts #1 Domestic 35 119 3 NESE 10 125 80 unknown "gravel and sand" 21 89203 08/17/1992 John and Holly Bateman John Bateman 1 Domestic/Stock 35 119 11 SWNW 25 160 136 20' perforations "broken limestone" Note: all data are as reported to the Wyoming State Engineer's Office upon well completion. No values have been verified for this report. See text for discussion. TABLE 2 - SELECT WELLS - TRUNNELL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL