HomeMy WebLinkAbout102 VA 23 Painted Hills Variance 102 VA 23 BCC 1 LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT VARIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 A.M., FEBRUARY 8, 2023 HEARING LOCATIONS: LINCOLN COUNTY COURTHOUSE, KEMMERER, WYOMING & VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE AT AFTON BRANCH OFFICE FILE # 102 VA 23 APPLICANT: Jorgensen Associates, Inc. and the Meadows Holding Company, LLC COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Upper Valley ZONING: Rural PLANNER: Robert C. Davis ______________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: The applicant requests a variance of 150 feet for the Minimum Curve Radius within the proposed Painted Hills Subdivision from the 250-foot foot requirement of CH 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications Road Type Table to 100-foot radius curved roads. LOCATION: Approximately 3 miles west of the Town of Afton, WY, T32N, R119W, Sections 20 & 21. _______________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applicants’ Statement and Site Plan 2. Road Grading and Design Drawings 3. Public Notice 4. Agency Comments and Correspondence 5. Sections 3.2 and 6.18 from the Land Use Regulations _______________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners DENY 102 VA 23 with FINDINGS OF DENIAL A (below). FINDINGS OF DENIAL: A. The requested variance request fails to show a unique circumstance as required by Lincoln County Land Use Regulations Section 3.2 A. 1. A variance to the requirements of these regulations, relating to the design standards or improvement standards of land divisions, shall be granted only when it is determined that there are special circumstances applicable to the property, such as but not limited to size, shape or topographic conditions, or existing road alignment and width, and that the granting of the 102 VA 23 BCC 2 variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare or be damaging to other property in the vicinity. 2. A variance shall not be considered a right or a special privilege, but may be granted to an applicant only upon showing of undue hardship because of the characteristics of the site, and do not apply generally to land or buildings in the neighborhood, and have not resulted from any act of the applicant subsequent to the adoption of the regulation. 3. The applicant shall show that the granting of the adjustment is necessary for the reasonable use of the property and that the adjustment requested is the minimum adjustment that will accomplish this purpose. BACKGROUND: The applicant, Meadows Holding Company, LLC is proposing a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat to subdivide 240 +/- acres into thirty-six residential lots ranging in size from 3.25 to 13.37 acres. The Applicant is proposing a 24-foot-wide travel way, a design speed of 20 MPH, a looped road and turnout with a 40-foot radius to accommodate a fire truck pull out and turnaround. 102 VA 23 BCC 3 The Regulations state the maximum length of a straightaway should be 500 feet where the grade is 8-10% with a travelway of 20 feet with two-foot shoulders depending on grade. As such, the minimum curve radius is recommended to be 250 feet (see County Engineer letter dated January 19, 2023 attached). The straightway should have a horizontal radius of 1,500 feet or greater and the grade should not exceed 6% for 500 feet on either side of the section curves with a horizontal radius of less than 600 feet. This helps for the curves to be flatten. The proposed design does not meet the Regulations and would require a variance. The applicant’s representative told the Planning and Zoning Committee the road was designed to avoid extensive dirt work required to make the 250-foot radii curve. They did not want to scar the entire hillside with cut and fill. The applicant asked if the Commission thought that in some circumstances a tighter corner should be allowed due to the layout of the land and commented that these tighter corners could be done safely. The applicant withdrew their initial variance request and amended the request to reflect fewer curves at the 100-foot radii thus reducing the impact of their request. In the request before you, the applicant is requesting a variance for four (4) curves. The application does not present an undue hardship and operational safety is a primary concern. The intent of the LUR with regard to minimum curve radii is to promote safety and to promote a county design preference to discourage further development of subdivisions on hillsides. The goal is to avoid having large populations residing on hillsides where emergency response can be compromised. There is a concern that a 100-foot radius curve at 8% grade in inclement winter weather conditions would diminish responsiveness and safety in the event, i.e., if two fire trucks had to pass each other on the steep curve with limited sight distance. The application does not present undue hardship or a unique situation because: • Rolling topography exists in many parts of Lincoln County. • There is not a peculiarity or constraint related to the site that would limit being able to meet controlling design requirements, i.e., a body of water, physical feature, etc., impacting space needed to meet controlling road design requirements. Road design variances for design elements that are controlling design criteria such as horizontal curve radii, design speed, lane width, shoulder width and maximum grade should be done with caution for safety, operational performance, access for all modes of transportation, the environment and values of the community. The LUR variance language pertains to land divisions and not so much to road design variances. The standards for granting variances, however, such as peculiarity and undue hardship are uniform and still apply. The LUR mentions topographic conditions for reasons to grant a land division variance but these are not necessarily reasons to grant a road design variance. Topography provides greater peculiarity for lot design than for road design. Roads can be designed on rolling topography whereas lot dimensional requirements such as setbacks are often hindered with peculiarities of the site such as topography, water bodies or irregular shapes thus warranting a variance because of the special circumstances applicable to 102 VA 23 BCC 4 the property. Size, shape, topographic conditions, or existing road alignment and width, therefore, do not apply to road design variances as much as it applies to variances needed to develop a lot. Staff concurs with the county Engineer in finding that the roads can still be designed with the required 250-foot radii. Any scarring that will occur on the hillside should be remedied with sufficient reseeding and landscaping. CORRESPONDENCE: County Engineer Amy Butler sent emails to the applicants’ engineer dated November 4 through November 17, 2022 concerning subdivision road design specifications and also provided a comment letter dated January 19, 2023 with regard to the variance request. SHEET 2 , S T A 0 + 0 0 T O 1 4 + 0 0 SHE ET 3, ST A 14+00 T O ST A 28+ 00 SHEET 4 , S T A 2 8 + 0 0 T O S T A 4 2 + 0 0 SHEET 5, STA 42 + 0 0 T O S T A 5 6 + 0 0 SHEET 6 , S T A 5 6 + 0 0 T O 6 4 + 0 0 SHEET 7, STA 64+00 TO STA 72+36Plotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 9:38amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 1PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGOVERVIEWSS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 DESIGN NOTES: ·24' WIDE TRAVELED WAY ·2% CROWN ON STRAIGHT SECTIONS ·3% SUPER ELEVATION ON CURVES ·PAVEMENT SECTION WILL BE 8" OF PIT RUN SUB BASE WITH 4" OF CRUSHED BASE OR 4" OF CRUSHED BASE WITH 2" OF ASPHALT AND CHIP SEAL ·DESIGN SPEED OF 20 MPH ·TURNOUTS ARE 50' RADIUS MEASURED FROM CENTERILNE OF ROAD TO ACCOMMODATE A FIRE TRUCK PULLOUT OR TURN AROUND Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 OVERVIEW 2 STA 0+00 TO STA 14+00 3 STA 14+00 TO STA 28+00 4 STA 28+00 TO STA 42+00 5 STA 42+00 TO STA 56+00 6 STA 56+00 TO STA 64+00 7 STA 64+00 TO STA 72+36 8 S-BUS-40 VEHCILE TRACKING 9 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 3.00% 3.70% 5.23% 2.00% 6.45%STA 0+00.00ELEV: 6102.89STA 1+00.00ELEV: 6105.89STA 4+00.00ELEV: 6117.00STA 7+25.00ELEV: 6134.00STA 9+00.00ELEV: 6137.50STA 13+01.94ELEV: 6163.440+000+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+005+506+006+507+007+508+008+509+009+5010+0010+5011+0011+501 2 + 0 0 12+50 13+0013+5014+0014+5015+0015+ 5 0 16+00 PC: 7+44.12PC: 11+21.03PC: 14+77.60PT: 8+39.45PT: 13+71.04Mid: 7+91.78Mid: 1 2 + 4 6 . 0 3 Mid: 1 5 + 8 6. 1 1 6100611061206130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 61906102610461066108610861086112611461166118612261246126 6128 6132 6134 6136 6138 6142 6144 6146 6148 6152 6154 6156 6158 6162 6164 6166 6168 617261746176 6178 6182 6184 61866188 61 4 0 6150 6160 6170 6 1 3 4 6 1 3 6 61 3 8 6142 6144 6146 6148 6152 6154 6156 6158 6162 6164 6166 6168 6172 6174 61 7 6 6180 6182 6184 6186 R = 300 R=250 STA 12+10 24" CULVERT R = 100 STA 10+10MATCH LINEPlotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 9:42amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 2PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 0+00 TO STA 14+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE LOT 17 LOT 14 LOT 19 LOT 18 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 15 LOT 16 7+5014+0 0 14+5 0 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+0 0 17+5 0 18+0 0 18+ 5 0 1 9 + 0 0 19+5020+0020+5021+0021+5022+0022+5023+0023+5024+0024+50 25+0 0 25+5 0 26+0 0 26+5 0 27+0 0 27+5 0 28+00PC: 7+44.12 PC: 1 4 + 7 7. 6 0 PC: 1 8 + 6 3 . 2 8 PC: 23+72.12PC: 2 7 + 5 0. 1 3 PT: 8+39.45PT: 1 6 + 9 4 . 6 1 PT: 20+36.79 PT: 2 4 + 6 9. 4 4 PT: 29+59.00Mid: 7+91.78Mid: 15+86.11 Mid: 19+50.04Mid: 24+20.78Mid: 28+54.56614061 7 0 6 1 4 2 61 4 4 61 4 6 6 1 4 8 616 2 6164 616 6 6 1 6 8 61 7 2 6 1 7 4 617 6 618 06190 62006210622062306240 625061 8 2 61 8 4 618 6 6 1 8 8 61926194619661986202620462066208621262146216621862226224622662286232623462366238 6242 6244 6246 6248 6254R=250 R=100 R=250 PULL OUT TURNAROUND POINT 50' RADIUS R =1 0 0 STA 1 0 + 1 0 MATC H LI N E STA 2 7 + 9 1 MAT C H LI N E =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6170 6180 6190 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6170 6180 6190 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 7.52% 5.60% 6.58% 4.99% 7.14%STA 15+60.31ELEV: 6181.89STA 17+85.68ELEV: 6193.13STA 21+16.31ELEV: 6218.00STA 25+44.98ELEV: 6242.00Plotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 9:46amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 3PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 14+00 TO STA 28+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 EXISTING GROUND LOT 19 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6250 6260 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6250 6260 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 35+50 36+00 36+50 37+00 37+50 38+00 38+50 39+00 39+50 40+00 40+50 41+00 41+50 42+00 2.67% 7.89% 7.83% 4.52%STA 29+50.00ELEV: 6268.64STA 32+67.74ELEV: 6283.00STA 37+73.42ELEV: 6296.50STA 39+98.42ELEV: 6314.2526+5027+0027+5028+0028+5029+0029+5030+0030+5031+0031+5032+0032+5033+0033+5034+0034+5035+0035+5036+0036+5037+0037+5038+0038+5039+0039+5040+0040+5041+00 41 + 5 0 42+00 42+50 43+0 0 43+5 0 44+00 44+5 0 PC: 27+50.13PC: 31+69.29PC: 35+89.42PC: 39+93.37PT: 29+59.00PT: 32+31.56PT: 37+30.06PT: 42 + 5 0. 7 4 Mid: 28+54.56Mid: 32+00.43Mid: 36+59.74Mid : 4 1 + 2 2 . 0 66250 62 6 0 6270 6280 6290 62546 2 5 6 6 2 5 8 62 6 2 6264 6266 6268 6272 6274 6276 6278 62 8 2 6282 6 2 8 2 62 8 4 62 8 6 6 2 8 8 629 0 63 0 0 6 3 1 0 632062 8 8 62 9 2 6294 629 6 6 2 9 8 630 2 6304 63 0 6 63086 3 0 86308 63 08 630 8 6 3 1 2 63146316631863226310 63206330 6340 6312631463166318 63226324632663286332 6334 6336 63386342 6340 6340635 0 6350636 0 6334 63346336 63366338 63386342 63426344 63446346 63466348 6348635 2 6352635 4 635463 5 6 63566358 636 2 636 4 6315 6320 6325 6330 6335 R=250 R=250 R=250 R=100 PULL OUT TURNAROUND POINT 50' RADIUS STA 34+60 12" CULVERT ST A 4 2 + 4 5 12" C U L V E R T STA 27+91MATCH LINEPlotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 9:57amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 4PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 28+00 TO STA 42+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE LOT 25 LOT 26 LOT 28 LOT 29 LOT 32 =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6325 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 6325 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 42+00 42+50 43+00 43+50 44+00 44+50 45+00 45+50 46+00 46+50 47+00 47+50 48+00 48+50 49+00 49+50 50+00 50+50 51+00 51+50 52+00 52+50 53+00 53+50 54+00 54+50 55+00 55+50 56+00 7.67% 8.13% 6.16% 4.20%STA 43+05.14ELEV: 6338.25STA 45+30.21ELEV: 6355.50STA 49+30.08ELEV: 6388.00STA 51+25.00ELEV: 6400.00STA 54+88.05ELEV: 6415.2642+0 042+5043+0043+5044+0044+5045+0045+5046+0046+5047+0 0 47+50 48 + 0 0 48+5049+0049+5050+0050+5051+0051+5052+0052+5053+0053+5054+0054+5055+0055+5056+00 56+5 0 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+5059+00PC: 46+52.32PC: 54+14.35 PC: 57+ 9 7 . 8 9 PT: 42+50.74PT: 49+17.63PT: 57+0 4 . 6 8 Mid: 4 7 + 8 4 . 9 7 Mid: 55+59.51Mid: 59+05.506306 6 3 0 8 630 8 63 0 8 63226340 63406350 63506360 6334 63346336 63366338 63386342 63426344 63446346 63466348 63486352 63526354 63546356 63566358 63626364 6370 6 3 8 0 6 3 9 0 64 0 0 641 0 636863726 3 7 2 637 2637463766 3 7 8 6 3 8 2 6 3 8 4 6 3 8 66388 63 92 63 9 4 6 3 9 6 6 3 9 8 6398 639 8 64 0 2 6 4 0 4 64 0 6 6408 64 1 2 63556360636563706 3 5 06348 635263 5 4 63 5 6 6410641064206 4 3 06408640864126412641464146416641664186422642464266428 6 43 2 6434 R=100 R=250 R=100 STA 42+45 12" CULVERT PULLOUT TURNAROUND POINT 50' RADIUS MAT C H LI NE Plotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 10:05amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 5PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 42+00 TO STA 56+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE LOT 29 LOT 32 LOT 30 LOT 31 LOT 34 SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 56+00 56+50 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+00 59+50 60+00 60+50 61+00 61+50 62+00 62+50 63+00 63+50 64+00 4.39% 4.00% 4.42%STA 59+32.68ELEV: 6434.91STA 63+39.69ELEV: 6452.7671+9354+5055+00 55+50 56+00 56+50 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+0059+5060+0060+5061+0061+5062+0062+506 3 + 0 0 6 3 + 5 0 6 4 + 0 0 6 4 + 5 0 65+00 65+50 66+00 6 6 + 5 0 68+0068+50 69+00 69 + 5 0 70+0070+5071+0071+50PC: 57+97.89 PC: 62+36 .11 PC: 65+87.44 PC: 64+41.39 PC: 71+20.00 PT: 57+04.68 PT: 60+13 .11 P T : 6 3 + 0 9 . 1 5 PT: 70+47.56PT: 65+05.31 Mid: 55 + 5 9. 5 1 Mid: 59+05.50Mi d : 6 2+7 2 . 6 3 Mid: 68+17.50 Mid: 64+73.35 Mid: 71+56.56634063506334633663386342634463466348 6352635463566 4 1 064066 4 0 8 64126400 640064106410 641064106420 6420 64206430 6430 6430 6430 6440 6440 6440 6440 63926392 6394 6394 6396 6396 6398 6398 6402 6402 64046404 6406 640664086408 6408640864126412 6412641264146414 6414 641464166416 641664166418 6418 64186422 642 2 6422 6422 64246424 6424 6424 64266426 6426 6426 64286428 6428 6428 64326432 6432 6432 64 3 4 6434 6434 6434 6436 6436 6438 6438 6438 6438 6442 6442 6444 6444 6446 6446 6448 6448 6405 6410 6415 6420 6425 6430 6435 6440 6445 6450 6455 6460 R=250 R=100 R=250 646564706430 6435 6440 6445 6450 6455646564706475 STA 4 2 + 4 5 12" C U L V E R T STA 70+6012" CUL V E R T R = 100 R = 100 R = 1 0 0R=100R =1 0 0 STA 55 + 6 6 MATCH L I N EPlotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 10:45amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 6PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 56+00 TO STA 64+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE LOT 32 LOT 34 LOT 33 LOT 35 LOT 36 STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 64+00 64+50 65+00 65+50 66+00 66+50 67+00 67+50 68+00 68+50 69+00 69+50 70+00 70+50 71+00 71+50 72+00 72+36 6.48% 2.00%-2.00% -8.00 % -4.00%0.00%4.00% 8.00% 4.00%0.00%-4.00% -6.00% -4.00%4.00% 7.47% -8.00 % 3.93% -8.00 % -4.00%0.07%STA 64+39.69ELEV: 6456.76STA 65+57.34ELEV: 6463.26STA 66+57.34ELEV: 6456.76STA 67+57.34ELEV: 6455.76STA 68+57.34ELEV: 6462.76STA 69+57.34ELEV: 6457.76STA 70+57.34ELEV: 6456.00STA 71+93.11ELEV: 6456.7671+93 5 7 + 0 0 5 7 + 5 0 5 8 + 0 0 58+5 0 59+00 59+5 0 60+0060+5061+0061+5062+0062+5063+0063+5064+0064+5065+00 6 5 + 5 0 66+ 00 66+5067+0067+ 5 0 68+00 68+5 0 6 9 + 0 0 69+5070+0070+5071+0071+50PC : 5 7 + 9 7 . 8 9 PC: 62+36.11PC: 65+87.44 PC: 64+41.39 PC: 71+20.00PT : 5 7 + 0 4 . 6 8 PT: 60+13.11PT: 63+09.15PT: 70+47.56 PT: 65+05.31 Mid: 59+05. 5 0 Mid: 62+72.63Mid: 68+17.50 Mid: 64+73.35 Mid: 71+56.56 6400 64 0 0 6410 6 4 1 0 6420 6420 6 4 2 064306430 64 3 0 6430 644 0 6440 6440 6440 639 26392 6394 6 3 9 4 6396 63 9 6 6398 6 3 9 8 6402 6 4 0 2 6404 6 4 0 4 6406 6 4 0 6 6408 64 08 6412 6 4 1 2 6414 6414 6 4 1 4 6416 6416 6 4 1 6 6418 6418 6 4 1 8 6422 6422 6 4 2 2 6422 6424 6424 6 4 2 4 6424 6426 6426 6 4 2 6 642664286428 64 2 8 64286432643 2 64 3 2 6432643464 3 4 64 3 4 6434 643 6 6436 64 3 8 6438 6438 643864426442 6444 6444 6446 6446 6448 6448 640 5 641 0 641 5 642 0 642 5 643 0 6435 6440 644 5 645 0 6455 6460 R=100 R=250 6465647064 3 0 64 3 5 64 4 0 64 4 5 64 5 0 64 5 5 6465 64706475 64 3 5 64 4 0 64 4 5 64 5 0 STA 70+60 12" CULVERT R = 100R = 100 R=100R =1 0 0R=100Plotted by RWells on Jan 12, 2023 - 10:38amPROJECT NUMBER SHEET P:\2020\20057 - Kilroy\20057_JA Site Civil 100' rad.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 7PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGN100' RADIUS CURVESLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 64+00 TO STA 72+36SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2023-01-11 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE LOT 33 LOT 36 LOT 35 LOT 34 SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE 64 0 0 64 0 5 64 1 06415 S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus ( 8 4 p a s s . )6430643564406445646564706430 6435 6440 6445 6450 6455 6465647064756450 S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus (84 pass.)6275 6280 6285 6290 6290 62 9 5 6300 S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus (84 pass.)S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus (84 pass.)Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:35pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 8PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGS-BUS-40 VEHCILE TRACKINGSS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) FORWARD MOTION WHEEL PATH FORWARD MOTION CHASSIS PATH DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) REVERSE MOTION WHEEL PATH REVERSE MOTION CHASSIS PATH FORWARD MOTION WHEEL PATH FORWARD MOTION CHASSIS PATH PULLOUT 50 FT RADIUS PASSING VEHICLES VEHICLE TURNAROUND ROAD TURNAROUND DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) FORWARD MOTION CHASSIS PATH FORWARD MOTION WHEEL PATH Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:35pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 9PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGEROSION CONTROL DETAILSSS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 NOT TO SCALE SILT FENCE DETAIL NOTE 1.USE MIRAFI 100X FILTER FABRIC WITH STEEL FENCE POSTS AT 10' ON CENTER OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2.PLACE SILT FENCE DOWN GRADIENT OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO CONTROL SILF FROM LEAVING SITE. DIRECTION OF RUNO F F BACKFILL EXCAVATED MATERIAL OVER FABRICBIND TOP OF FABRIC 18" ABOVE EXISTING GROUND 6" 5' 5' ELEVATION PLAN FINISHED GRADE 12" DIAMETER STORM WATER OVERFLOW LINE ATTACH SCREEN WITH HOSE CLAMP 1 4" SS SCREEN 6" PLUS ROCKS 6" PLUS ROCKS 12" DIAMETER STORM WATER OVERFLOW LINE ATTACH SCREEN WITH HOSE CLAMP 14" SS SCREEN NOT TO SCALE STORM WATER OUTLET DISCHARGE DETAIL NOTE 1.BEGIN AT THE LOCATION WHERE THE WATTLE IS TO BE INSTALLED BY EXCAVATING A 2"-3" DEEP BY 9" WIDE TRENCH ALONG THE CONTOUR OF THE SLOPE. EXCAVATED SOIL SHALL BE PLACED UP-SLOPE FROM THE ANCHOR TRENCH. 2.PLACE THE WATTLE IN THE TRENCH SO THAT IT CONTOURS TO THE SOIL SURFACE. COMPACT SOIL FROM THE EXCAVATED TRENCH AGAINST THE WATTLE ON THE UPHILL SIDE. ADJACENT WATTLES SHOULD TIGHTLY ABUT. 3.SECURE THE WATTLE WITH 18"-24" STAKES EVERY 3'-4' AND WITH A STAKE ON EACH END. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE WATTLE LEAVING AT LEAST 2"-3" OF STAKE EXTENDING ABOVE THE WATTLE. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE FACE. 4.EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND LOCATION OF STRAW WATTLES SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. TYPICAL WATTLE SPACING BASE ON SLOPE GRADIENT ENTRENCHMENT DETAIL TYPICAL WATTLE INSTALLATION >1:1 5' 2:1-1:1 10' 4:1-2:1 20' 6:1-4:1 25' <6:1 50' INSTALL STAKE PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE FACE INSTALL WATTLE IN A SHALLOW TRENCH (2"-3" DEEP)COMPACT EXCAVATED SOIL UPSLOPE OF WATTLE ADJACENT ROLLS SHALL TIGHTLY ABUT INSTALL WITH 18" OR 24" 1"x1" WOOD STAKES LEAVE TOP 2"-3" OF STAKE EXPOSED 3'-4' 3'-4' SPACING DEPENDENT ON SLOPE GRADIENT NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL STRAW WATTLE DETAIL Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming Kemmerer Office Afton Office 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201 421 Jefferson St. Ste 701 Kemmerer, WY 83101 www.lincolncountywy.gov Afton, WY 83110 307-877-9056 307-885-3106 fax 307-877-6439 NOTICE Tentative Board of Lincoln County Commission Meeting HEARING DATE: February 8, 2023 TIME: 10:00 a.m. LOCATIONS: Video Conference between the following locations: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those planning on attending should call the day before to see if the meeting is still scheduled as noted above or if changes have taken place. APPLICANTS: Jorgensen Associates, Inc. FILE No: 102 VA 23 COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Upper Valley PROJECT NAME: Painted Hills Subdivision Variance COUNTY PLANNER: Robert Davis PLANNER: planning@lcwy.org PROJECT: A Variance Request application of 150 feet for the Minimum Curve Radius within the proposed Painted Hills Subdivision from the 250-foot foot requirement of CH 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications Road Type Table. The applicant is proposing 100-foot radius curved roads. LOCATION: Approximately 3 miles west of the Town of Afton, WY, T32N, R119W, Sections 20 & 21. THIS APPLICATION WILL BE REVIEWED ACCORDING TO STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS (see Planning website at www.lincolncountywy.gov). Enclosed is a copy of the location map/site plan. Please respond with your written, faxed, or email (planning@lcwy.org) comments by January 25, 2023 no later than 5:00 pm. to be included in the planning staff report. Please note that only landowners within 300 feet of the proposed site are notified individually. Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming The Staff Report for this project will be available on January 30, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. for your perusal on the Planning website address: http://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink8/Browse.aspx?dbid=0 Projects for Planning, and then click on the corresponding File Number noted above. Engineering Department Lincoln County, Wyoming 925 Sage Ave, Suite 201 Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 (307) 877-2104 1 January 19, 2023 Agency Comment – Minimum Curve Radius RE: Variance – Proposed Painted Hills Subdivision – Road Design Parameters: Lincoln County’s primary concern is the efficient use and delivery of public services, including fire protection emergency services, garbage pickup, etc. and objective of public services outline in the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. The variance request fails to demonstrate a circumstance showing of undue hardship because of the characteristics of the site, and do not apply generally to land or buildings in the neighborhood, and have not resulted from the act of the application subsequent to the adoption of the regulation. The applicant can meet the requirements by modifying the curve radius to meet the minimum standard of 250’ and adjust the grades. They can also apply to amend the Land Use Regulations. The proposed roadway design includes the following: • 24’ Wide Travel Way • 2% Crown on Straight Sections • 3% Super Elevations on Curves • Road Section - 8” Pitrun, 4” Crushed Base or 4” Crushed Base with 2” Asphalt or Chip Seal. • Design Speed of 20 MPH • Minimum Curve Radius 100’ • Turnouts are 50’ radius measured from the centerline of the road. Land Use Regulations Chapter 6 requires the following: • 20’ Wide Travel Way with shoulder pending on grade. This meets the LUR. • Crown and Super Elevations meet the LUR. • Road Section meets the LUR Ch. 6.16 Road Construction Standards • 250’ Curve Radius up to 8%, 100’ Curve Radius up to 10%. This does not meet the LUR. Road Grades between 0% to 8% require a minimum curve radius of 250’. There are 4 curves proposed that do not meet the LUR. • Road Grades meet the LUR. The maximum grade proposed is 8.18% Please see the table created for the review process for the variance. Engineering Department Lincoln County, Wyoming 925 Sage Ave, Suite 201 Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101 (307) 877-2104 2 Evaluation - Proposed Painted Hills Subdivision - Road Design Parameters Station Beg Station End Grade Distance Comment 0+00 1+00 3.00% 100 1+00 4+00 3.70% 300 4+00 7+25 5.23% 325 7+25 9+00 2.00% 175 09+00.00 13+01.94 6.45% 401.94 STA. 11+21.03 to 13+71.04 - 100' Radius with 6.45% to 7.14% Grade 13+01.94 15+60.31 7.14% 258.37 15+60.31 17+85.68 4.99% 225.37 Pull Out Proposed at approx. 17+50 17+85.68 21+16.31 7.52% 330.63 STA. 18+63.28 to 20+36.79 - 100' Radius with 7.52% Grade 21+16.31 25+44.98 5.60% 428.67 25+44.98 29+50.00 6.34% 405.02 29+50.00 32+67.74 4.52% 317.74 32+67.74 37+73.42 2.67% 505.68 Pull Out Proposed at approx. 33+50 37+73.42 39+98.42 7.89% 225.00 STA. 39+93.37 to 42+50.74 - 100' Radius with 7.89% to 7.83% Grade 39+98.42 43+05.14 7.83% 306.72 43+05.14 45+30.21 7.67% 225.07 45+30.21 49+30.08 8.13% 399.87 STA. 46+52 to 49+??- 100' Radius with 8.13% Grade meets our LUR. 49+30.08 51+25.00 6.16% 194.92 51+25.00 54+88.05 4.20% 363.05 Pull Out Proposed at approx. 53+00 54+88.05 59+32.68 4.42% 444.63 STA. 57+97.89 to 60.13 - 100' Radius with 4.42% to 4.39% Grade 59+32.68 63+39.69 4.39% 407.01 63+39.69 64+41.39 4.39% 101.70 Beg of Proposed Loop? Cul-de-sac? *Does not meet the LUR 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications The LUR were updated to change the road grades requirements in June, 2019. The following documents are available upon request: • Planning & Zoning Minutes, April 24, 2019 • Lincoln County Board of Commissioners Staff Report, June 5, 2019 • Board of County Commissioners Minutes, June 4-5, 2019, • Board of County Commissioners Final Determination, June 5, 2019 Please note the Staff Report has a chart that is comparing county road grades within Wyoming. There were 12 counties identified in the chart. There was also consideration from Wyoming T2, WYDOT and the International Building Code. Amy Butler, PE Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> Re: Painted hills subdivision 6 messages Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 9:59 AM To: "Ryan Wells, PLS, EI" <rwells@jorgeng.com> Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> Ryan, I will be available Monday after 1:00 pm. My concerns with the minimum curve radius is 250' as per our Land Use Regulations. This standard also follows Geometric Guidelines as per the AASHTO Green Book. What is the justification for the 100' curve radius? Is there an extreme amount of dirt work to be completed? Amy Butler, P.E. County Engineer Lincoln County Engineering Office 925 Sage Ave, Suite 201 Kemmerer, WY 83101 (307)877-2104 On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 10:36 AM Ryan Wells, PLS, EI <rwells@jorgeng.com> wrote: Hi Amy, I am working with Kevin Kilroy on the painted hills subdivision and specifically the steep road we discussed at the last meeting. Here is our current design. Is there a good time for you that I could call and discuss? Thank you, Ryan Ryan Wells, PLS, EI Project Surveyor 58 S. Tyler Ave. | PO Box 1519 | Pinedale, WY 82941 TEL: 307.367.6548 Jackson, WY • Pinedale, WY rwells@jorgeng.com www.jorgeng.com Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 9:59 AM To: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> FYI Amy Butler, P.E. County Engineer Lincoln County Engineering Office 925 Sage Ave, Suite 201 Kemmerer, WY 83101 (307)877-2104 [Quoted text hidden] 2022-11-02 20057_Painted Hills Access Road.pdf 3683K Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 4:20 PM To: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> [Quoted text hidden] 2022-11-02 20057_Painted Hills Access Road.pdf 3683K Ryan Wells, PLS, EI <rwells@jorgeng.com>Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 4:46 PM To: Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org> Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> Hi Amy, Here is the criteria I was looking at on the green book. Thanks! Ryan Ryan Wells, PLS, EI TEL: 307.367.6548 www.jorgeng.com [Quoted text hidden] Geometric design of low volume roads 2019.pdf 143K Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 8:59 AM To: "Ryan Wells, PLS, EI" <rwells@jorgeng.com> Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> Ryan, Thank you for sending the preliminary drawings of the Painted Hills Grading Access Road. I have reviewed the project and grades for the project. I understand that the table in 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications can be confusing. The intent of the table is the following: Grades up to 6% will have a 20 foot travel way with 0 shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 250 feet. Grades between 6% to 8% will have a 20 foot travel way with 1 foot shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 250 feet. Grades between 8% to 10% will have a 20 foot travel way with 2 foot shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 100 feet. There is only one section where the grades are over 8%. The minimum curve radius shall be 250 feet. Please also provide a cross section of the typical detail for the road. Grades shall not exceed 6% for 500 feet on either end of the section, curves with a horizontal radius of less than 600 feet. This helps for the curves to be flatten. The proposed design does not meet our Land Use Regulations. If you would like to pursue the current design the roadway would need to go through the variance process. The County Engineer does not have the authority to accept designs outside of the LUR. Lincoln County updated these regulations in June, 2019. Please find attached information when the LUR were changed. Amy Butler, P.E. County Engineer Lincoln County Engineering Office 925 Sage Ave, Suite 201 Kemmerer, WY 83101 (307)877-2104 [Quoted text hidden] 3 attachments 604 PZ 19 Final Determination.pdf 189K June 4-5, 2019m.pdf 134K Staff Report for BCC 6-5-19.pdf 711K Ryan Wells, PLS, EI <rwells@jorgeng.com>Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 10:44 AM To: Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org> Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org> Hi Amy, Thanks for sending this over. As you saw, the Sherbels submitted the packet yesterday, I will ask Kevin what he would like to do but likely we will submit for a variance because of the large quantities of earthwork required when we do a 250’ radius. [Quoted text hidden] December 7, 2022 Board Of County Commissioners, Lincoln County Wyoming CC: Planning and Engineering Departments RE: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE PROPOSED PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISION – ROAD DESIGN PERAMETERS Dear Lincoln County Commissioners, Jorgensen associates has been contracted by Kevin Kilroy for the geometric design of the access road in the proposed Painted Hills Subdivision. Throughout our design process, we have strived to meet the county regulations for road design as written in the County Regulations as listed in: 1) Lincoln County Land Use Regulations - Chapter 6 2) Lincoln County Land Use Regulations – Appendix N – Fire Apparatus Access Roads 3) Memorandum – Clarification on General Road Design Requirements – Dated March 11, 2022 This application for variance is derived from a verbal request by the Lincoln County Engineering Department at the Sketch Plan Review meeting held on November 30th. The discussion during that meeting suggested that the minimum curve radius of 100’ that this road is designed to is not allowed in the current development standards. On page 24 of chapter 6 of the Development Standards, section 6.18 titled Subdivision Road Design Specifications, you will find the current standards for road design. The upper access road in the proposed Painted Hills Subdivision services 20 lots and places this road as Type C in the Road Type table. In this table, at the Minimum Curve Radius row, we believe that the intent is to require 250’ radius corners if the grades are less than 8%. If there are grades between 8 and 10%, the corners can have a 100’ radius. To verify and support the use of 100’ radius corners, we referenced the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design book called, Geometric Design of Low- Volume Roads – 2019. AASHTO is a national association representing highway and transportation departments in all 50 states. Using Equation 4.2 in the AASHTO manual, we find the minimum radius in this situation is 81 feet. The tables and equations from the AASHTO manual are listed below. To further justify the use of a 100’ radius corner for this low volume road, we looked to other counties in Wyoming. Park County, in the Chapter V Road Design of the 2015 Development Standards and Regulations, table 5-6 does allow for a minimum curvature radius of 100’. Also to consider, this road is designed to have a 24’ wide traveled way, wider than the required 20’ traveled way. Our design considerations for requesting the use of a minimum 100’ radius corner vs a 250’ corner is a matter of fitting this road to the land, and minimizing the scaring of the land. The hillside that this road is proposed on directly faces Afton and the valley surrounding. A minimum 250’ radius road is possible, however the larger curves do not allow the road to fit the lay of the land, and the excavation required along the route would more than double that of the current design. The large cuts and fills would be unsightly from the valley below, and damaging to the natural land when it is not necessary. With these considerations in mind, we respectfully request that the use of 100’ radius corners on this road be allowed. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jorgensen Associates, Inc. Ryan Wells, PLS rwells@jorgeng.com PARK COUNTY REGULATIONS, CHAPTER V, 2015 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS AASHTO DESIGN STANDARDS FROM GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF LOW-VOLUME ROADS – 2019 SHEET 2 , S T A 0 + 0 0 T O 1 4 + 0 0 SHE E T 3, ST A 14+0 0 T O ST A 28 +00 SHEET 4 , S T A 2 8 + 0 0 T O S T A 4 2 + 0 0 SHEET 5, STA 42 + 0 0 T O S T A 5 6 + 0 0 SHEET 6 , S T A 5 6 + 0 0 T O 6 4 + 0 0 SHEET 7, STA 64+00 TO STA 72+36Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:28pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 1PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGOVERVIEWSS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 DESIGN NOTES: ·24' WIDE TRAVELED WAY ·2% CROWN ON STRAIGHT SECTIONS ·3% SUPER ELEVATION ON CURVES ·PAVEMENT SECTION WILL BE 8" OF PIT RUN SUB BASE WITH 4" OF CRUSHED BASE OR 4" OF CRUSHED BASE WITH 2" OF ASPHALT AND CHIP SEAL ·DESIGN SPEED OF 20 MPH ·TURNOUTS ARE 50' RADIUS MEASURED FROM CENTERILNE OF ROAD TO ACCOMMODATE A FIRE TRUCK PULLOUT OR TURN AROUND Sheet List Table Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 OVERVIEW 2 STA 0+00 TO STA 14+00 3 STA 14+00 TO STA 28+00 4 STA 28+00 TO STA 42+00 5 STA 42+00 TO STA 56+00 6 STA 56+00 TO STA 64+00 7 STA 64+00 TO STA 72+36 8 S-BUS-40 VEHCILE TRACKING 9 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 0+00 0+50 1+00 1+50 2+00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 8+00 8+50 9+00 9+50 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 3.00% 3.70% 5.23% 3.43% 6.06%STA 0+00.00ELEV: 6102.89STA 1+00.00ELEV: 6105.89STA 4+00.00ELEV: 6117.00STA 7+25.00ELEV: 6134.00STA 9+00.00ELEV: 6140.000+000+501+001+502+002+503+003+504+004+505+005+506+006+507+007+508+008+509+009+5010+0010+5011+0011+501 2 + 0 0 12+50 13+0013+5014+0014+5015+0015+5016+00 PC: 7+44.12PC: 11+21.03PC: 15+47.13PT: 8+39.45PT: 13+71.04PT: 16+33.93 Mid: 7+91.78Mid: 1 2 + 4 6 . 0 3 Mid: 1 5 + 9 0. 5 3 6100610561106115612061256130 6135 6140 6145 6150 6155 6160 6165 6170 6175 6180 6185 6190 61 3 5 61 4 0 6145 6150 6155 6160 6165 6170 617 5 6180 6185 R = 300 R=100R=100STA 12+10 24" CULVERTPlotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:29pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 2PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 0+00 TO STA 14+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE LOT 17 LOT 14 LOT 19 LOT 18 LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 LOT 15 LOT 16 7+5014+0 0 14+5 0 15+0 0 15+5 0 16+00 16+5 0 17+ 0 0 17+5 0 18+0 0 18+ 5 0 19 + 0 0 19+5020+0020+5021+0021+5022+0022+5023+0023+5024+0024+5 0 25+0 0 25+5 0 26+0 0 26+5 0 27+0 0 27+5 0 28+0 0PC: 7+44.12 PC: 1 5 + 4 7. 1 3 PC: 1 8 + 7 2 . 1 2 PC: 24+10.53PC: 2 8 + 2 6. 3 0 PT: 8+39.45PT: 1 6 + 3 3 . 9 3 PT: 20+45.64 PT: 2 4 + 4 9. 4 6 PT: 29+09.85Mid: 7+91.78Mid: 15+90.53 Mid: 19+58.88 Mid: 24+30.00Mid: 28+68.07614061 4 5 616 5 61 7 061 75 618 0 61 8 56190 6195620062056210621562206225 62306235 6240 6245 6250R=100R=100 R=100 PULL OUT TURNAROUND POINT 50' RADIUS =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6170 6180 6190 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6170 6180 6190 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 17+50 18+00 18+50 19+00 19+50 20+00 20+50 21+00 21+50 22+00 22+50 23+00 23+50 24+00 24+50 25+00 25+50 26+00 26+50 27+00 27+50 28+00 8.00% 5.00%STA 17+25.00ELEV: 6190.00STA 21+25.00ELEV: 6222.00STA 25+25.00ELEV: 6242.00Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:30pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 3PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 14+00 TO STA 28+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 EXISTING GROUND LOT 19 LOT 23 LOT 22 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6250 6260 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6250 6260 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 28+00 28+50 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 35+50 36+00 36+50 37+00 37+50 38+00 38+50 39+00 39+50 40+00 40+50 41+00 41+50 42+00 5.63% 3.00% 7.00% 8.00%STA 32+00.00ELEV: 6280.00STA 37+50.00ELEV: 6296.50STA 39+75.00ELEV: 6312.2527+0027+5028+0028+5029+0029+5030+0030+5031+0031+5032+0032+5033+0033+5034+0034+5035+0035+5036+0036+5037+0037+5038+0038+5039+0039+5040+0040+5041+004 1 + 5 0 42+00 42+50 43+0 0 43+5 0 44+00 44+5 0 PC: 28+26.30PC: 32+05.50PC: 36+50.38PC: 40+13.30PT: 29+09.85PT: 32+30.41PT: 37+06.64PT: 4 2 + 7 0. 6 6 Mid: 28+68.07Mid: 32+17.95Mid: 36+78.51Mid : 4 1 + 4 1 . 9 862506255 62 6 0 626 5 6270 6275 6280 62 8 5 6290 629 0 62 95 63 0 0 6 3 1 0 631563206310 631563206325 6330 6335 6340 6335 63356340 63406345 6345635 0 635063 5 5 635563 6 0 63 6 5 6315 6320 6325 6330 6335 6340R=100 R=100 R=100 R=100 PULL OUT TURNAROUND POINT 50' RADIUS STA 34+60 12" CULVERT ST A 4 2 + 4 5 12" C U L V E R TPlotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:31pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 4PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 28+00 TO STA 42+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE STRAW WATTLE LOT 25 LOT 26 LOT 28 LOT 29 LOT 32 =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6325 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 6325 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 42+00 42+50 43+00 43+50 44+00 44+50 45+00 45+50 46+00 46+50 47+00 47+50 48+00 48+50 49+00 49+50 50+00 50+50 51+00 51+50 52+00 52+50 53+00 53+50 54+00 54+50 55+00 55+50 56+00 4.76% 9.00% 6.87%STA 43+25.00ELEV: 6340.25STA 45+50.00ELEV: 6360.50STA 49+50.00ELEV: 6388.0042+0042+5043+0043+5044+0044+5045+0045+5046+0046+5047+0 0 47+50 48+00 4 8 + 5 0 49+0049+5050+0050+5051+0051+5052+0052+5053+0053+5054+0054+5055+0055+5056+0056+50 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+0059+50PC: 46+72.24PC: 55+32.69 PC: 58+ 4 0 . 4 5 PT: 42+70.66PT: 49+37.55PT: 56+ 4 8 . 8 2 Mid: 4 8 + 0 4 . 8 9 Mid: 55+90.75Mid: 59+48.066335 63356340 63406345 63456350 63506355 63556360 6365 637063756 3 8 0 6 3 8 5 6 3 9 0 6395 64 0 0 64 0 5 641 0 635063556360636563706 3 5 0 63 5 5 6410641064156415642064256 4 3 0 R=100 R=100 R=100 STA 42+45 12" CULVERT PULLOUT TURNAROUND POINT 50' RADIUS Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:31pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 5PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 42+00 TO STA 56+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE LOT 29 LOT 32 LOT 30 LOT 31 LOT 34 SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 56+00 56+50 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+00 59+50 60+00 60+50 61+00 61+50 62+00 62+50 63+00 63+50 64+00 4.00%STA 59+75.11ELEV: 6436.76STA 63+75.00ELEV: 6452.7672+3655+0055+5056+00 56+50 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+00 59+5060+0060+5061+0061+5062+0062+5063+006 3 + 5 0 6 4 + 0 0 6 4 + 5 0 65 + 0 0 65+50 66+00 66+5 0 6 7 + 0 0 68+5069+00 69+50 7 0 + 0 0 70+5071+0071+5072+00PC: 55+32.69 PC: 58+40.45 PC: 62+86 .03 PC: 66+30.10 PC: 64+84.06 PC: 71+62.66 PT: 56+48.8 2 PT: 60+55 .67 P T : 6 3 + 4 4 . 4 5 PT: 70+90.22PT: 65+47.98 Mid: 55 + 9 0. 7 5 Mid: 59+48.06Mid : 63+ 15 .24 Mid: 68+60.16 Mid: 65+16.02 Mid: 71+99.226335634063456350 63556 4 1 0 6395 6395 6400 6400 6405 640564106410 6410641064156415 6415 64156420 6420 64206425 6425 6425 6425 64306430 6430 6430 6435 6435 6440 6440 6440 6440 6445 6445 6400 6405 6410 6415 6420 6425 6430 6435 6440 6450 6455 6460 R=100 R=100 R=200 646564706430 6435 6440 6445 6450 6455646564706475 ST A 4 2 + 4 5 12" C U L V E R T STA 70+6012" CUL V E RT R = 100 R = 100Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:32pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 6PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 56+00 TO STA 64+00SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE LOT 32 LOT 34 LOT 33 LOT 35 LOT 36 STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE =PROFILE= PAINTED HILLS ACCESS ROAD 100' RADIUS SCALE: HORIZONTAL. 1"=50 VERTICAL 1"=12 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 6480 6490 6500 64+00 64+50 65+00 65+50 66+00 66+50 67+00 67+50 68+00 68+50 69+00 69+50 70+00 70+50 71+00 71+50 72+00 72+36 4.00% 6.00% 2.00%-2.00% -8.00 % -4.00%0.00%4.00% 8.00% 4.00%0.00%-4.00% -6.00% -4.00%4.00% 7.47% -8.00 % 3.93% -8.00 % -4.00%0.07%STA 64+75.00ELEV: 6456.76STA 65+75.00ELEV: 6462.76STA 67+00.00ELEV: 6456.76STA 68+00.00ELEV: 6455.76STA 69+00.00ELEV: 6462.76STA 70+00.00ELEV: 6457.76STA 71+00.00ELEV: 6456.00STA 72+35.78ELEV: 6456.7672+36 5 7 + 5 0 5 8 + 0 0 5 8 + 5 0 59+00 59+50 60+ 0 0 60+5061+0061+5062+0062+5063+0063+5064+0064+5065+0065+ 5 0 6 6 + 0 0 66+5067+0067+5068+0 0 68+50 69+ 0 0 6 9 + 5 0 70+0070+5071+0071+5072+00PC : 5 8 + 4 0 . 4 5 PC: 62+86.03PC: 66+30.10 PC: 64+84.06 PC: 71+62.66PT: 60+55.67PT: 63+44.45PT: 70+90.22 PT: 65+47.98 Mid: 59+48. 0 6 Mid: 63+15.24Mid: 68+60.16 Mid: 65+16.02 Mid: 71+99.22 6395 63 9 5 6400 64 0 0 6405 6 4 0 5 6410 64 1 0 6415 6415 6 4 1 5 6420 6420 6 4 2 0 6425 6425 6 4 2 5 642564306430 6 4 3 0 6430 64 3 5 6435 644 0 6440 6440 6440 6445 6445 6400 6405 6410 6415 6420 6425 6430 6435 6440 645 0 6455 6460 R=100 R=200 6465647064 3 0 64 3 5 64 4 0 64 4 5 64 5 0 64 5 5 6465 647 06475 64 3 5 64 4 0 64 4 5 64 5 0 R=100 STA 70+60 12" CULVERT R = 100R = 100Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:33pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 7PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGSTA 64+00 TO STA 72+36SS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 EXISTING GROUND STRAW WATTLE LOT 33 LOT 36 LOT 35 LOT 34 SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE STRAW WATTLES HALF WAY UP SLOPE SILT FENCE AT TOE OF SLOPE 64 0 0 64 0 5 64 1 06415 S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus ( 8 4 p a s s . )6430643564406445646564706430 6435 6440 6445 6450 6455 6465647064756450 S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus (84 pass.)6275 6280 6285 6290 6290 62 9 5 6300 S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus (84 pass.)S-BUS-40 - Large School Bus (84 pass.)Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:35pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 8PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGS-BUS-40 VEHCILE TRACKINGSS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) FORWARD MOTION WHEEL PATH FORWARD MOTION CHASSIS PATH DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) REVERSE MOTION WHEEL PATH REVERSE MOTION CHASSIS PATH FORWARD MOTION WHEEL PATH FORWARD MOTION CHASSIS PATH PULLOUT 50 FT RADIUS PASSING VEHICLES VEHICLE TURNAROUND ROAD TURNAROUND DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) DESIGN VEHICLE LARGE SCHOOL BUS (S-BUS-40) FORWARD MOTION CHASSIS PATH FORWARD MOTION WHEEL PATH Plotted by SSims on Dec 07, 2022 - 3:35pmPROJECT NUMBER SHEET \\JAC-FILE3\ActiveProjects\2020\20057-Kilroy-Avail Valley Const Misc Projects\Painted Hills Grading\XREF\20057_JA Site Civil.dwgSHEET TITLE:PROJECT TITLE:DATE www.jorgeng.com REVIEWED BY: DRAFTED BY: PLAN VERSIONVer. 18.0JACKSON, WYOMING 307.733.5150 20057.10 9PAINTED HILLS SUBDIVISIONUPPER ACCESS ROAD GRADING & DESIGNLINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGEROSION CONTROL DETAILSSS RW EXHIBIT 2022-04-25 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-11-15 SKETCH PLAN REVIEW 2022-12-07 NOT TO SCALE SILT FENCE DETAIL NOTE 1.USE MIRAFI 100X FILTER FABRIC WITH STEEL FENCE POSTS AT 10' ON CENTER OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2.PLACE SILT FENCE DOWN GRADIENT OF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS TO CONTROL SILF FROM LEAVING SITE. DIRECTION OF RUNO F F BACKFILL EXCAVATED MATERIAL OVER FABRICBIND TOP OF FABRIC 18" ABOVE EXISTING GROUND 6" 5' 5' ELEVATION PLAN FINISHED GRADE 12" DIAMETER STORM WATER OVERFLOW LINE ATTACH SCREEN WITH HOSE CLAMP 1 4" SS SCREEN 6" PLUS ROCKS 6" PLUS ROCKS 12" DIAMETER STORM WATER OVERFLOW LINE ATTACH SCREEN WITH HOSE CLAMP 14" SS SCREEN NOT TO SCALE STORM WATER OUTLET DISCHARGE DETAIL NOTE 1.BEGIN AT THE LOCATION WHERE THE WATTLE IS TO BE INSTALLED BY EXCAVATING A 2"-3" DEEP BY 9" WIDE TRENCH ALONG THE CONTOUR OF THE SLOPE. EXCAVATED SOIL SHALL BE PLACED UP-SLOPE FROM THE ANCHOR TRENCH. 2.PLACE THE WATTLE IN THE TRENCH SO THAT IT CONTOURS TO THE SOIL SURFACE. COMPACT SOIL FROM THE EXCAVATED TRENCH AGAINST THE WATTLE ON THE UPHILL SIDE. ADJACENT WATTLES SHOULD TIGHTLY ABUT. 3.SECURE THE WATTLE WITH 18"-24" STAKES EVERY 3'-4' AND WITH A STAKE ON EACH END. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF THE WATTLE LEAVING AT LEAST 2"-3" OF STAKE EXTENDING ABOVE THE WATTLE. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE FACE. 4.EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND LOCATION OF STRAW WATTLES SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. TYPICAL WATTLE SPACING BASE ON SLOPE GRADIENT ENTRENCHMENT DETAIL TYPICAL WATTLE INSTALLATION >1:1 5' 2:1-1:1 10' 4:1-2:1 20' 6:1-4:1 25' <6:1 50' INSTALL STAKE PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE FACE INSTALL WATTLE IN A SHALLOW TRENCH (2"-3" DEEP)COMPACT EXCAVATED SOIL UPSLOPE OF WATTLE ADJACENT ROLLS SHALL TIGHTLY ABUT INSTALL WITH 18" OR 24" 1"x1" WOOD STAKES LEAVE TOP 2"-3" OF STAKE EXPOSED 3'-4' 3'-4' SPACING DEPENDENT ON SLOPE GRADIENT NOT TO SCALE TYPICAL STRAW WATTLE DETAIL