HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Road Grade ClarificationsOffice of Planning and Development
Lincoln County, Wyoming
Kemmerer Office Afton Office
925 Sage Avenue Suite 201 421 Jefferson St. Ste 701
Kemmerer, WY 83101 www.lincolncountywy.gov Afton, WY 83110
307-877-9056 307-885-3106
fax 307-877-6439
To: Board of County Commissioners
From: Lincoln County Planning Director
RE: Proposed Clarification of the Grades by Road Type Table in LUR CH 6.18 REVISED Date: January 27, 2023
At the January BCC meeting, Staff presented a table clarifying Grades by Road Type. Members
of the public stated that Staff was changing the road grade standards found in LUR Chapter 6.18 without the benefit of a public process. This was largely because the revised table presented did not provide information for 100-foot curve radii. Staff requested that the item be tabled and brought back with an amended table. Below is the table containing information on 100-foot curve
There had been some confusion when reading the existing table found in Section 6.18 of the Land
Use Regulations. The County Engineer has proposed a clarification to the table. The table refers
to grades and the related correct curve radius and shoulder requirements (see County Engineer Letter dated December 16, 2022 attached). The intent of the table is the following:
● Grades up to 6% will have a 20-foot travel way with 0 shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 250 feet.
● Grades between 6% to 8% will have a 20-foot travel way with 1-foot shoulders and a
minimum curve radius of 250 feet.
● Twenty-foot travel way with 2-foot shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 100 feet. ● The maximum 10% grade is no more than 500 feet straightaway with a 20 ft travel way with 2 ft. shoulders. This section should have a horizontal radius of 1,500 feet or greater,
grades shall not exceed 6% for 500 feet on either end of the section, curves with a radius
of less than 600 feet shall not be within 500 feet on either end of the section. The revised table clarifies the table shown below:
The revised table provides for a clearer requirement for the Minimum Curve Radii, grades and shoulder requirements for Road Types A, B and C. The revised table format has not changed the content of the table. Because this change to the LUR is deemed as correcting a clerical error and
is not contrary to the public interests, the BCC does not require a public hearing to make this
correction. Thank you.
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Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
Re: Painted hills subdivision
6 messages
Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 9:59 AM
To: "Ryan Wells, PLS, EI" <rwells@jorgeng.com>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
I will be available Monday after 1:00 pm.
My concerns with the minimum curve radius is 250' as per our Land Use Regulations. This standard also follows Geometric Guidelines as per the AASHTO Green
What is the justification for the 100' curve radius? Is there an extreme amount of dirt work to be completed?
Amy Butler, P.E.
County Engineer
Lincoln County Engineering Office
925 Sage Ave, Suite 201
Kemmerer, WY 83101
On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 10:36 AM Ryan Wells, PLS, EI <rwells@jorgeng.com> wrote:
Hi Amy,
I am working with Kevin Kilroy on the painted hills subdivision and specifically the steep road we discussed at the last meeting. Here is our current design. Is
there a good time for you that I could call and discuss?
Thank you,
Ryan Wells, PLS, EI
Project Surveyor
58 S. Tyler Ave. | PO Box 1519 | Pinedale, WY 82941
TEL: 307.367.6548
Jackson, WY • Pinedale, WY rwells@jorgeng.com
Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 9:59 AM
To: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
Amy Butler, P.E.
County Engineer
Lincoln County Engineering Office
925 Sage Ave, Suite 201
Kemmerer, WY 83101
[Quoted text hidden]
2022-11-02 20057_Painted Hills Access Road.pdf
Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 4:20 PM
To: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
[Quoted text hidden]
2022-11-02 20057_Painted Hills Access Road.pdf
Ryan Wells, PLS, EI <rwells@jorgeng.com>Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 4:46 PM
To: Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
Hi Amy,
Here is the criteria I was looking at on the green book.
Ryan Wells, PLS, EI
TEL: 307.367.6548
[Quoted text hidden]
Geometric design of low volume roads 2019.pdf
Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 8:59 AM
To: "Ryan Wells, PLS, EI" <rwells@jorgeng.com>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
Thank you for sending the preliminary drawings of the Painted Hills Grading Access Road. I have reviewed the project and grades for the project. I understand that
the table in 6.18 Subdivision Road Design Specifications can be confusing.
The intent of the table is the following:
Grades up to 6% will have a 20 foot travel way with 0 shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 250 feet.
Grades between 6% to 8% will have a 20 foot travel way with 1 foot shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 250 feet.
Grades between 8% to 10% will have a 20 foot travel way with 2 foot shoulders and a minimum curve radius of 100 feet.
There is only one section where the grades are over 8%. The minimum curve radius shall be 250 feet. Please also provide a cross section of the typical detail for the
Grades shall not exceed 6% for 500 feet on either end of the section, curves with a horizontal radius of less than 600 feet. This helps for the curves to be flatten.
The proposed design does not meet our Land Use Regulations. If you would like to pursue the current design the roadway would need to go through the variance
The County Engineer does not have the authority to accept designs outside of the LUR.
Lincoln County updated these regulations in June, 2019. Please find attached information when the LUR were changed.
Amy Butler, P.E.
County Engineer
Lincoln County Engineering Office
925 Sage Ave, Suite 201
Kemmerer, WY 83101
[Quoted text hidden]
3 attachments
604 PZ 19 Final Determination.pdf
June 4-5, 2019m.pdf
Staff Report for BCC 6-5-19.pdf
Ryan Wells, PLS, EI <rwells@jorgeng.com>Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 10:44 AM
To: Amy Butler <abutler@lcwy.org>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lcwy.org>
Hi Amy,
Thanks for sending this over. As you saw, the Sherbels submitted the packet yesterday, I will ask Kevin what he would like to do but likely we will submit for a
variance because of the large quantities of earthwork required when we do a 250’ radius.
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