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Wednesday, December 28, 2022 6:00 P.M. Locations: Video Conference between the following locations: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY I. CALL TO ORDER Karen called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm. II. INTRODUCTION OF PNZ MEMBERS
Planning Commission Members: Luke Lorimer, Chair (Absent) Karen Anderson, Vice Chair Tom Crank Chad Jensen Pam Price (Absent) Planning & Engineering Staff: Robert Davis, Planning Director Amy Butler, Engineer (Absent) Emmett Mavy, Planner II Katie Gipson, Development Administrator
County Attorney Staff: Austin Dunlap III. AGENDA INTRODUCTION BY PLANNING DIRECTOR Robert Davis welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. Robert noted that the agenda could
proceed as outlined. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Robert noted that the November minutes will be referred to as notes because there was no quorum for the meeting. Robert continued that these notes do not need to be approved, but asked Chad if they were a fair representation of the meeting held. Chad stated that the notes captured the discussion well. The minutes for the Wednesday, October 26, 2022 meeting were presented for approval. Chad made a motion to approve the amended minutes as discussed. Tom Seconded. Motion Passed. V. DEVELOPMENT REPORT Katie presented the Development Report for November 27, 2022 to December 25, 2022. She stated that
there were 6 residential use permits in north Lincoln County, 0 small wastewater permits, and 0 zoning and development permits. It was noted that the Commission would like Planning Staff to come up with a definition of a barndominium. VI. SKETCH PLANS No Sketch Plans.
VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. 101-MA-23 Northwinds Subdivision – Preliminary Plat. A proposal to subdivide 35.00 +/- acres into 7 residential lots in the Rural Zone located 0.28 miles southwest of the Town of Star Valley Ranch,
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Wyoming, T34N R118W Section 6 & 7. Emmett presented the project. Emmett stated that the proposed subdivision is close to the Star Valley Ranch area. Emmett stated because this proposed subdivision
would be a major subdivision there was a DEQ Study required and obtained. The Study came back and stated that conventional septic and individual water wells are safe and adequate for the proposed subdivision. Emmett shared with the commission the Plat Warning that DEQ would recommend including with the subdivision. Emmett also shared the correspondence received from Star Valley Conservation District. Emmett continued that with these two comments from the agencies Staff has come up with Conditions of Approval to address the issues. These are addressed in Conditions of Approval 5. Emmett stated that soil cuts are always done before septic permits are approved and if there is high ground water then an engineered system is needed, so that this is not new. Emmett showed a PowerPoint that indicated what the subdivision road would look like and the specifications of it that include: 26’ travel way, a cul-de-sac of 70’ radius. The PowerPoint also showed the 35 MPH speed limit west of the proposed subdivision. Chad questioned why a loop road was not needed. Emmett answered
that this was because the dead-end road was less than 1,000 feet. Emmett stated that Planning Staff recommends approval to the Board of County Commissioners with the Conditions of Approval. Emmett read the addendum to the Staff Report. Tom questioned if the Condition of Approval should read, “The
septic systems for the Northwinds Subdivision may be conventional on-site septic systems,” rather than, “The septic systems for the Northwinds Subdivision shall be conventional on-site septic systems.” Austin stated that if shall is used it then becomes a requirement. Emmett shared the comment from the neighbor
to the east with the Commission. Emmett explains that the neighbor references a subdivision to the east of them that would require a rezone. Emmett continued that this request was tabled and then not brought back to the County Commissioners. Chad questioned the driveway width of lots 7 and 5. Karen asked for any public comments. Marlowe stated that to answer Chad’s question about the driveway it is 40.02 feet. Marlowe stated that he did not think that we needed to add the Condition of Approval 5 due to the fact that it is already something that needs to be done with a conventional septic system. Marlowe stated that he does not see evidence that there should not be basements allowed due to high groundwater. Marlowe requested that Condition of Approval 5 remain as it is seen in the advanced plat. Dave Kennington, an engineer from Sunrise Engineering, explained the process of the DEQ study and the test that was performed. Marlowe asked Dave if he saw any evidence of high ground water. Dave answered that he did not. Marlowe questioned the Commission to what extent they want to take the Conservation
Report and add to the Plat Warnings. Rebecca Simpson, who lives to the east of the proposed subdivision, had public comment. Rebecca stated that elk stay to the south side of the property, and shared that they would hate to have that herd displaced. Rebecca continued that one of the things that they love is that there is not close proximity to neighbors. Rebecca continued that she is worried about the traffic that it will add to the road. Rebecca also stated that they are worried about having several subdivisions surround their house. Rebecca was thanked for her comments. Emmett commented that
generally they include Plat Warnings as they honor agencies’ letters/info. Tom questioned if there were standard plat warnings specifically for high groundwater. Tom also asked if there were any issues with neighboring properties and high ground water. Emmett answered that there were no standard plat warnings for high groundwater. Karen questioned what land owners could do to help curb development. Emmett discussed subdivisions and the Land Use Regulations. This included the information of the minimum of 5 acre lots, and how land owners should keep watch for a change in a Land Use Regulations that may reduce the minimum acreage for a lot. Tom made a motion to approve the Northwinds Preliminary Plat file 101 MA 23 with Findings A-C and Conditions 1-4. No second. Motion failed. Chad made a motion to approve Northwinds Preliminary Plat with conditions A-C and Recommendations of Approval 1-5. Tom seconded. Karen asked for all in favor, Chad and Karen both voted in favor of the motion. Karen asked for all opposed, Tom opposed. Motion passed.
VIII. OTHER PLANNING MATTERS Robert presented a new schedule for the Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings for the year of 2023. Robert stated that the schedule would move the Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings to the second to last
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Wednesday of the month. Robert stated this change would help aid in projects moving forward faster. Robert stated that the month of November the Planning and Zoning Meeting would be moved to the third to last
Wednesday of the month so as to not be too close to the Thanksgiving holiday. Chad made a motion to approve the new schedule as outlined. Tom seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed. Tom and Chad both commented that they will be gone for the meeting on January 18th. ADJOURNMENT Karen made a motion to adjourn at 7:25 P.M. Chad seconded. Motion Passed.
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The minutes from the December 28th, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting were approved on the _____ day of _________________ , 2023. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Chair Dated Director Dated