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Wednesday, March 22, 2023
6:00 P.M.
Locations: Video Conference between the following locations:
Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY
& Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY
I. CALL TO ORDER Karen Anderson, called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. A quorum was established.
Planning Commission Members:
Karen Anderson, Vice Chair
Tom Crank
Chad Jensen
Pam Price
Planning & Engineering Staff:
Robert Davis, Planning Director
Amy Butler, Engineer
Emmett Mavy, Planner II
Katie Gipson, Development Administrator
Mikayla Hibbert, Office Assistant
County Attorney Staff:
Austin Dunlap
Robert Davis welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending. Robert noted that the agenda could
proceed as outlined highlighting that item number seven was tabled to the April 19th meeting.
Karen called for an approval of the February 15, 2023 meeting minutes. Pam made a motion to approve
the February minutes. Tom seconded. Motion passed.
Katie presented the Development Report for January 31, 2023 to February 26, 2023. She stated that there
were 3 Residential Use Permits in North Lincoln County, 0 Small Wastewater Permits, 1 South Lincoln County,
and 2 Zoning and Development Permits. Katie stated that one of the Zoning and Development Permits was for the
TerraPower Site who is going to start clearing and grubbing.
VI. 104 CUP 23 Ridgeline Storage Expansion
Emmett presented the project to the Commission. Emmett stated that this project is a Conditional Use
Permit Application for the expansion of six additional commercial storage unit buildings in the Rural Zone along
Highway 89. Emmett stated this Conditional Use Permit is for six new buildings that measure 40’ wide by 189’
long by 18’ tall. Emmett continued that each new building will have 13 storage units with a total of 78 new units
being requested. Emmett stated that each building will be 7,560 sq. ft. with a total of 45,360 new sq. ft. proposed.
Emmett stated the proposed project will be 1.3 miles northeast of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming.
Emmett stated that the owners plan to do a boundary line adjustment before the construction of the new storage
units to make the lot bigger to accommodate the proposed project. Emmett gave information on the background
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of the Project. Emmett stated that we did get correspondence from WYDOT stating that there is no opposition to
the Project. Emmett continued there are plans to move the entrance of the storage units when the highway
expands in 2028. Emmett stated that we had a property owner and neighbor, Bryan Tennant, give public
correspondence in opposition of the project. In response to the public correspondence, Emmett stated that
Planning Staff is asking that there be a 6-foot visual barrier fence to help shield the views. Emmett continued that
the proposed development is far enough from the Highway that it does not impede on the Scenic Route. Emmett
addressed the last concern for illegal uses of the storage units by saying there is no indication that this has been
happening or will happen. Tom questioned the boundary line adjustment and asked for clarification if it was the
same owner doing the boundary line adjustment and not between two separate owners. Emmett answered that this
is the same property owner doing an adjustment on their owned lots. Karen questioned how long it would take for
the boundary line adjustment. Emmett stated that it would be a Condition of Approval that the boundary line gets
adjusted and answered it would not take very long. Karen asked what exactly was being adjusted. Emmett
showed on the PowerPoint the property line that would be adjusted. Tom questioned about when the highway
expands where the access to the proposed storage units would be. Emmett stated that WYDOT’s comment came
in late so there is not a Condition of Approval saying that a new easement would need to be obtained from Heiner
Storage, LLC. Tom questioned if WYDOT gets to take away an existing access. Discussion followed. Chad
questioned if there was anything to provide scenic protection. Emmett answered that is why we are requesting a
buffer. Amy questioned if this was within a subdivision. Emmett stated that it is not.
Vern Jenkins, property developer, Marlowe Scherbel, representative, and Kendall Jenkins, owner, were in
attendance and available for questions. Marlowe stated that there is a shared access agreement from when the
property was divided. Chad questioned how many more phases the developer has planned. Vern answered that at
this time there are no more phases planned but if they see a need in the future, they are not ruling out the
possibility of more out. Marlowe stated that he would like Condition of Approval 6 be removed concerning the
buffer fence. Marlowe stated that the property owner to the south of the proposed project has an approved Master
Plan for commercial or multi-family uses. Marlowe continued that Mr. Jenkins and the owner to the South are
working on a snow removal easement, so that Mr. Jenkins could move the snow from the proposed project to the
South and onto the neighbor’s property. Marlowe stated that having a buffer fence would not make this doable.
Marlowe stated that for the winter months the snow piles could act as a buffer. Marlowe stated that the Condition
of Approval 4 is not a requirement on all commercial buildings, just some commercial buildings need to have a
Plan Review with the State Fire Marshal, and that he would like for this Condition to be amended. Tom stated
that he would like to see the Conditions of Approval 4 read that all buildings shall meet State Fire Marshal
regulations at the time of construction. There was discussion on the different types of buffering that could be
used for this project that would enable snow removal. Pam questioned if there needed to be more snow storage
when there is already designated snow storage area on the site plan. Vern responded that they would like to use
the designated snow removal areas in the site plan as well as the neighbor to the south’s gravel pit area with a
snow removal easement in the works. Karen questioned Condition of Approval 9 and if the lighting would affect
the neighbors. Emmett answered that the lighting would be pointed down and not an issue. Plans for lighting
were discussed. Tom made a motion to change Condition of Approval 6 to state that a 6-foot buffer fence or a 30
ft. wide snow buffer easement from the neighbor to the south along the entire property would be required. Pam
seconded. Motion passed. Tom made a motion to change Condition of Approval 4 to state that all buildings shall
meet State Fire Marshal regulations at the time of construction. Pam seconded. Motion passed. Tom made a
motion to approve File 104 CUP 23 with the Findings of Approval as written and Conditions of Approval as
revised. Pam seconded. Motion passed.
VII. 103 CUP 23 Sunroc Corporation DBA Depatco Gravel Pit
VIII. Sketch Plans
VIII A. 107 PMA 23 Etna Ranch
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Robert presented the project to the Commission. Robert stated that the proposed subdivision would
subdivide approximately 480.35 acres into 96 residential lots in the Rural Zone at a potential density of
approximately .20 units/acre. Robert stated that the East Side Canal runs through several lots of the property.
Robert shared how Staff would like to have connectivity to other projects that will also potentially be moving
forward in the area. Robert stated that it is within the Etna Community Plan Area. Chad questioned if the
proposed subdivision could connect to the Etna Water System. Robert answered that it would be individualized
wells and septic.
VIII B. 109 MA 23 Trespass Ranch
Robert presented the Sketch Plan to the Commission. Robert stated that the subdivision would subdivide
approximately 129.31 acres into 25 residential lots in the Rural Zone at a potential density of .19 units/ acre.
Robert stated that the proposed subdivision is 2.25 miles west of the Town of Star Valley Ranch. Robert stated
that there is a lot of development happening in the area. Robert stated that there is an area on the Sketch Plan
designated as ‘Ranch Land’ that would be in the subdivision and not buildable. Tom questioned what Ranch
Land was. Robert stated that it could also be referred to as Open Space. Robert continued the owners plan to
keep farming it, and leave it without buildings for a wildlife corridor. Karen questioned where the water from the
pond came from. Robert stated that it is from the Salt River.
IX. Other Planning Matters
Robert stated that Planning Staff had presented a proposal for a Comprehensive Plan Update to the Board
of County Commissioners. Robert gave information on what Staff is looking to take into consideration when
updating the Comprehensive Plan. Robert told the Commission about an upcoming WYOPass Conference for
Commissioner Training, and shared some information pertaining to that. Robert asked that the Commissioners let
Staff know if they will be able to attend by April 12, 2023. Robert stated that Luke Lorimer sent in a resignation
letter for his position as a Planning and Zoning Commission member. Robert explained that he received eleven
applications for the Planning and Zoning Commission position. Robert explained he will start choosing top
candidates from the applications and then send those to the Board of County Commissioners to select someone
from. Robert continued that we hope to have a new member soon. Karen questioned if anyone recalled the
Attorney who had put on training for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Discussion followed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 P.M.
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The minutes from the March 22nd, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting were
approved on the _____ day of _________________ , 2023.
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Chair Dated Director Dated