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Alpine Trailhead Sketch Plan Staff Report
1 Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming SKETCH PLAN STAFF REPORT No motion to be made by Planning and Zoning Commission for Sketch Plan Review PROJECT TYPE: Planned Unit Development PROJECT NAME: Alpine Trailhead PUD APPLICANTS: Reeve and Associates PLANNER: Robert C. Davis PROPERTY PIN #: 3619-032-00-004 ZONING: Mixed TOTAL ACRES: Approximately 15.93 # OF UNITS: 105 DENSITY: 6.6 units/acre PROPOSAL Develop 105 units of market rate rental housing consisting of 3, 4 and 5-plex units on 15.93 acres of land in the Mixed Zone. Property is just 1.1 miles south of the Town of Alpine. Density Allowed by the Land Use Regulations: Yes Chapter 23 Water Study Risk Assessment Needed: Yes Chapter 23 Sewer Study Risk Assessment Needed: Yes LOT CONFIGURATION: The layout of the proposed subdivision provides for access to all sides of potential buildings without requiring movement across neighboring lots and should meet regulatory requirements regarding building setback from the property lines of each lot. HEARING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 p.m., April 19, 2023 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming 2 Figure 1 Location Map ACCESS ROADS: Highway 89. SUBDIVISION ROADS: The applicant will be able to provide for a 26-foot internal drives. The number of accesses has been reduced to a single access. Two emergency-only accesses with crash gates have been added to the plans. The backside roads should connect to each other on site plan. Look at the west side of the site plan where there is a dead-end and perhaps create a cul-de-sac. Look at snow storage areas and may have to eliminate Lots 12, 13 and 14 or Lots 15 and 16 to create a cul-de-sac for a turnaround. 3 PHYSICAL CHALLENGES: There are no physical challenges on the site. DRINKING WATER SOURCE: Town of Alpine. WASTEWATER TYPE: The Town of Alpine will provide sewer services. COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Alpine. No limitations on this use. Figure 2 Sketch Plan TOPOGRAPHY & SLOPE: Very little slope on this property MAXIMUM ROAD GRADES: 0-3% BORDERING PUBLIC LAND: Yes INSIDE 100 YR FLOOD PLAIN: No 4 INSIDE WETLANDS: No STREAM ON PROPERTY: No RIVER ON PROPERTY: No PONDS OR LAKES ON PROPERTY: No AVALANCHE AREAS: No Figure 3 Open Space Plan EARTHQUAKE FAULT LINES: No SLOPE MOVEMENT AREA: No SIGNS OF WILDLIFE MIGRATION: No GENERAL PLAN RESTRICTIONS: None known © 2022 Microsoft Corporation © 2022 Maxar ©CNES (2022) Distribution Airbus DS Reeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build On& Associates, Inc.Reeve Reeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build On Reeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build OnReeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build OnLincoln County, WyomingAlpine TrailheadRARA © 2022 Microsoft Corporation © 2022 Maxar ©CNES (2022) Distribution Airbus DS Reeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build On & Associates, Inc.ReeveReeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build OnReeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build On Reeve & Associates, Inc. - Solutions You Can Build OnLincoln County, Wyoming Alpine Trailhead RARA MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021LINCOLN COUNTY, WY ALPINE TRAILHEAD 2 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 01.0 02.0 03.0 04.0 05.0 site information master plan character unit plans index 3 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 01.0 \\ SITE INFORMATION: 3 PROJECT ZONING P-Public Zone Site Area: 15.91 Acres GENERAL SITE PLAN1. Use Allowed Permitted as Rural Area 2. Density: PUD Zone: 8 units per acre Total Units Allowed: 127 (127.28 calculated) 3. Site Coverage 30% min open space Proposed % of open space: 43% 4. Parking:stall size: 10’ x 20’ (10’ x 33’ oversize Visitor) residential: 2 spaces primary + 1-2 visitor spaces per Unit 5. Building Height: No Requirements 6. Frontage: 50’-0” min. Landscape Buffer (along WYDOT roadway) 7. Setbacks: Front High 50’ Front Landscape Buffer (along WYDOT roadway) Rear 20’ Side 20’ REF. REF.REF.REF.REF.REF.REF. REF.REF. REF.REF.REF.REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF.REF.REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF.REF.REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF. REF.REF.REF.REF. REF.REF. REF. REF.REF.REF.REF.1 2 3 1 2 3 12 3 1 23 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 5 4 3 Site Area A Site Area B 2 - 5-Plex units3 - 4-Plex units4 - 3-Plex units P - Parking 3 3 3 4 44 4 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 02.0 \\ MASTERPLAN:Trailhead Revised Scheme 1 Site Concept | The Neighborhood/Trailhead Scale: 1”=150’-0” Data: Note: Additional on street parking available on one side of typical 26’ interior streets Unit Type Key: 3 = Triplex 4 = 4-Plex 5 = 5-Plex = One-way Alley BURM ENTRY ENTRY Scheme 1 Site Concept | The Neighborhood/Trailhead Scale: 1”=150’-0” 7 - 5-Plex units5 - 4-Plex units4 - 3-Plex units SNOW SNOW SNOW SNOW CENTRAL PARK OPEN SPACE CALCULATION 55 5 5 3 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 P P PROPOSED: 6.86 OR 43% OF THE SITE’S 15.91 ACRES (ESTIMATED) P 5 P P 5 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 02.0 \\ MASTERPLAN: 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3SF SF SF SF 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 TH - 6 TH - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 44 TH - 4 3 3 2 3 TH - 4 OUTDOOR SPACE COMMUNITY GARDENS DOG/ HORSE WALKS PLAY neighborhood amenities 6 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 02.0 \\ MASTERPLAN: Scheme 1 Site Concept | Axon View Scale: n.t.s. Unit Type Key: 1 = Single Family 2 = Duplex 3 = Triplex 4 = 4-Plex 5 = 5-Plex scheme 1 and neighborhood amenities OUTDOOR SPACE COMMUNITY GARDENS DOG/ HORSE WALKS PLAY 7 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 02.0 \\ MASTERPLAN:scheme 1 \ site area A enlarged view Street View Scheme 1 Site Concept | Axon View Site Area A Scale: n.t.s. 8 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 02.0 \\ MASTERPLAN:scheme 1 \ site area A enlarged view Scheme 1 Site Concept | Axon View Site Area B Scale: n.t.s. 9 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 03.0 \\ CHARACTER: ALPINE TRAILHEAD VISION Alpine will be a new neighborhood set just outside of Alpine, Wyoming and creating a new community centered around the outdoors. Unit types will vary to allow for multiple resident types from the roommate lifestyle to floorplans that facilitate families. The adjacent forest will act at the catalyst that draws neighbors together to recreate right from their front door. 10 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 04.0 \\ UNIT PLANS: CONTEXTUAL DESIGN FOR MODERN LIVING The distinct mountain vernacular of Wyoming is present through the selection of natural, neutral materials, taking inspiration from the surrounding landscape. Plant and material palettes should be contextual and work together to unit the units into a cohesive community. character EXTERIOR MATERIAL PALETTE: - Roof: Earth Tone Asphalt Shingles - Roof Fascia: Painted Cementitious Fascia -- Roof Soffit: Painted Cementitious Siding - Siding 1: Painted Cementitious T&G Siding - Siding 2: Stained/Painted Cementitious Board & Batten - Siding 3: Stained/Painted Cedar Siding - Columns: Stained/Painted Wood - Architectural Elements: Painted Steel 22' - 8"31' - 1"7' - 10"12' - 6" 20' - 8" OFFICE LIVING KITCHEN ENTRY GARAGE (SITE BUILT) BEDROOM BATH BEDROOMBATH 7' - 10"12' - 6"31' - 1" 1/8" = 1'-0" LVL 01 1/8" = 1'-0" LVL 02GROSS:NET:1,234 sf1,093 sf 11 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 04.0 \\ UNIT PLANS: multi-plex w/ detached garage 11' - 7"7' - 10"32' - 8"4' - 8"3' - 4"1' - 0"37' - 4"1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - unit plan 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - unit plan 11' - 7"7' - 10"32' - 8"4' - 8"3' - 4"1' - 0"37' - 4"1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 1 - unit plan 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 2 - unit plan LEVEL 01 1/8”=1’ LEVEL 02 1/8”=1’ • 1,281 GSF • 1,000 NSF • 3 Bedrooms • 2.5 Bathroom • Detached 2-car garage 3 BED 2.5 BATH 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 2 - DIAGRAMMATIC 1/8" = 1'-0"2 Level 1 - DIAGRAMMATIC AREA PER UNITGROSS:NET:1,281 sf1,112 sf 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Level 2 - DIAGRAMMATIC 1/8" = 1'-0"2Level 1 - DIAGRAMMATIC AREA PER UNITGROSS:NET:1,281 sf1,112 sf LEVEL 01 LEVEL 02 TYPE: Single Family Residential, duplex, Tri-Plex, 4-Plex, 5-Plex or townhome TYPICAL UNIT SIZE: 1,281 sf (GSF) MIX: 3B/2.5b 12 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 04.0 \\ UNIT PLANS: multi-plex w/ detached garage / unit illustrations KITCHEN POWDER LIVING MECH MECH KITCHEN POWDER LIVING MASTER BED BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 2 MASTER BED MASTER BATH BEDROOM 1 STUDY LAUNDRY BATH BATH LAUNDRY STUDY BEDROOM 1MASTER BATH 1/8" = 1'-0"1Level 1 - DIAGRAMMATIC 2 1/8" = 1'-0"2Level 2 - DIAGRAMMATIC 2 AREA PER UNITGROSS:NET:1,766 sf1,215 sf 13 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 04.0 \\ UNIT PLANS: 14' - 0"16' - 0" 30' - 0"31' - 0"20' - 11"13' - 0"30' - 0"3' - 4"5' - 4"5' - 9"11' - 3"14' - 10" 14' - 0"16' - 0" 30' - 0" 5' - 10" 1/8" = 1'-0"1 LVL 01 1/8" = 1'-0"2 LVL 02 • 1,766 GSF • 1,215 NSF • 3 Bedrooms • 2.5 Bathroom • Eat-in Kitchen • Attached 1 Car Garage 3 BED 2.5 BATH multi-plex w/ attached garage LEVEL 01 1/8”=1’ LEVEL 02 1/8”=1’ LEVEL 01 LEVEL 02 14 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 04.0 \\ UNIT PLANS: multi-plex w/ attached garage / unit illustrations 15 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 05.0 \\ INDEX:22' - 8"31' - 1"7' - 10"12' - 6" 20' - 8" OFFICE LIVING KITCHEN ENTRY GARAGE(SITE BUILT) BEDROOM BATH BEDROOMBATH 7' - 10"12' - 6"31' - 1" 1/8" = 1'-0" LVL 01 1/8" = 1'-0" LVL 02GROSS: NET: 1,234 sf 1,093 sf22' - 8"31' - 1"7' - 10"12' - 6" 20' - 8" OFFICE LIVING KITCHEN ENTRY GARAGE(SITE BUILT) BEDROOM BATH BEDROOMBATH 7' - 10"12' - 6"31' - 1" 1/8" = 1'-0" LVL 01 1/8" = 1'-0" LVL 02GROSS: NET: 1,234 sf 1,093 sf SUMMARY A slightly expanded floorplan, similar to the Bighorn Crossing plan shown here, could attach or detach the garage to achieve a more pedestrian-friendly facade. Unit features like gas fireplaces and kitchen islands help the space feel more luxurious and textured. sample detached garage residence TYPE: Single Family Residential, duplex, or townhome TYPICAL UNIT SIZE: 1,093 sf (net) MIX: 2B/2.5b UNIT FEATURES: patios/decks powder rooms 2 car garages office/bonus rooms GEORGETOWN, CO Level 1Level 2 19 - 0” GEORGETOWN, CO 16 ALPINE_LINCOLN COUNTY, WY MASTERPLAN STUDY \\ 25 JUNE 2021 05.0 \\ INDEX:Original Sketch Master Plan Scheme 1 Site Sketch Concept | The Neighborhood/Trailhead Scale: 1”=150’-0” Data: Estimated Unit Count : Aproximately 127 Total UnitsSingle Family, TH, Duplex, Triplex, 4-Plex and 5-Plex possible.Exact Mix TBD 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3SF SF SF SF 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 TH - 6 TH - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 44 TH - 4 3 3 2 3 TH - 4 Unit Type Key: TH = Townhome D = Duplex T = Triplex 4 = 4-Plex 5 = 5-Plex