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Sketch Plan Staff Report for Suncrest Minor Sub
Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County,Wyoming SKETCH PLAN STAFF REPORT HEARING TIME AND DATE:6:00 p.m.,May 24,2023 LOCATION:Lincoln County Courthouse,Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor,Kemmerer, Wyoming &Afton Planning &Engineering Office,61 E.5th Ave.,Afton,Wyoming FILE #102-MS-23 No motion to be made by Planning and Zoning Commission for Sketch Plan Review PROJECT TYPE:Minor Subdivision PROJECT NAME:Suncrest Subdivision APPLICANTS:Laura &Anthony Keane,Trustees SURVEYOR:Wasatch Surveying PLANNER:Emmett Mavy PROPERTY PIN #3418-093-00-021 ZONING:Rural TOTAL ACRES:40 #OF LOTS:5 AVERAGE LOT SIZE:8.0+/-Acres PROPOSAL: This project has proposed creating 5 residential lots on a 40 acre tract of land on the east bench of Thayne located 0.88 miles southeast of the town of Star Valley Ranch with an average lot size of 8 acres.Access will be a new private subdivision road off of Lost Creek CR 120 where it meets CR 121. Density Allowed by the Land Use Regulations:Yes Chapter 23 Water Study Risk Assessment Needed:No Chapter 23 Sewer Study Risk Assessment Needed:No Does The Property Have A Legal 60’Easement:Yes ACCESS ROADS: New Private Subdivision Road PROJECT ROADS: Proposed Road:Long Private Road Cul De Sac:70’Radius Cul-de-sac Proposed and two Half cul-de-sac turn outs. 102-MS-23 PZC -SKETCH PLAN DISTANCE TO TOWN:0.88 Miles Southeast of the town of Star Valley Ranch. PHYSICAL CHALLENGES:Up to a 15%grade on the property. DRINKING WATER SOURCE:Individual Wells WATER RIGHTS:N/A WASTEWATER TYPE:Standard Septics COMMUNITY PLAN AREA:Thayne,No limitations on this use. TOPOGRAPHY &SLOPE:Slopes from East to West and is heavily treed. MAXIMUM ROAD GRADES:0-9% BORDERING AGRICULTURE LAND:Yes BORDERING PUBLIC LAND:Yes INSIDE 100 YR FLOOD PLAIN:No INSIDE WETLANDS:No STREAM ON PROPERTY:No RIVER ON PROPERTY:No PONDS OR LAKES ON PROPERTY:No AVALANCHE AREAS:No EARTHQUAKE FAULT LINES:No,But within 360’of Earthquake Fault Line. SLOPE MOVEMENT AREA:No,But within 350’of Slope Movement Areas. SIGNS OF WILDLIFE MIGRATION:No GENERAL PLAN RESTRICTIONS:None Known 102-MS-23 PZC -SKETCH PLAN LOT 2LOT 4LOT 5LOT 1Suncrest View DriveLOT 3Suncrest View SubdivisionLocated in the NW1/4 SW1/4of Section 9, T34N, R118W, 6th P.M.,Lincoln County, WyomingSketch Platof theTotal Number of Lots: 5Use of Lots: ResidentialAverage Lot Size: 8.03 acresSmallest Lot Size: 5.200Largest Lot Size: 18.225Total area of Subdivision: 40.156 acresNo recreational, open or dedicated spaceCurrent County Zoning designation: RuralPIN: 3418-093-00-021Anthony J. and Laura B. Keane, Trusteesof the Anthony and Laura Keane Revocable Trustdated September 20, 2016117 Fairway Ave.Thayne, WY 83127Wasatch Surveying906 Main St.Evanston, WY 82930SUNCREST VIEWSUBDIVISIONStar Valley RanchTown Limits Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community±Date: 5/16/2023 1:72,224 0 0.9 1.80.45 mi Suncrest Subdivision Thayne Avalanche Areas (INCOMPLETE) Earthquakes (1897-2001) 0.00 - 1.99 2.00 - 3.99 4.00 - 5.80 Lincoln County Faults Slope Movement Roads Municipal Roads US Highways WY Highways County Roads Other Named Roads Parcels (Approximate) Township and Range Lines Section Lines © Lincoln County Earthstar Geographics | Lincoln County, WY, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA | This map is made possible through a joint effort of theOffices of Lincoln County Planning & Zoning and theAssessor's Office. This map is for locational andinformational purposes only. No depiction should beconstrued to be an official survey of land. Accuracy ofdata contained or depicted is neither warranted norassumed. Always contact a qualified surveyor forconfirmation of property boundaries. Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community±Date: 5/16/2023 1:18,056 0 0.2 0.40.1 mi Suncrest Subdivision Avalanche Areas (INCOMPLETE) Earthquakes (1897-2001) 0.00 - 1.99 2.00 - 3.99 4.00 - 5.80 Lincoln County Faults Slope Movement Plan_Conditions Roads Municipal Roads US Highways WY Highways County Roads Other Named Roads Parcels (Approximate) Township and Range Lines © Lincoln County Maxar | Esri Community Maps Contributors, Lincoln County, WY, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA | This map is made possible through a joint effort of theOffices of Lincoln County Planning & Zoning and theAssessor's Office. This map is for locational andinformational purposes only. No depiction should beconstrued to be an official survey of land. Accuracy ofdata contained or depicted is neither warranted norassumed. Always contact a qualified surveyor forconfirmation of property boundaries.