HomeMy WebLinkAboutCombined Final Plat Staff Report - 210-MS-22 Harmon Fouth FIlingAPPLICANTS:Mike Shiflett and Marsha Shiflett /Orson Mont Harmon and Loa Mae Harmon Revocable Trust,dated February 8,1994 PROJECT NAME:Harmon Subdivision Fourth Filing –Final Plat COMMUNITY PLAN AREA:Upper Valley ZONING:Rural SURVEYOR:Surveyor Scherbel,Ltd. PLANNER:Emmett Mavy PIN:3119-141-00-613 &3119-141-00-672 _____________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL:A Minor Subdivision Final Plat application proposal to subdivide 23.25 +/-acres into three (3)residential lots.The average lot size will be 7.75 +/-acres in the Rural Zone.The lots share a private subdivision road (Harmon Lane)off of CR 146 southwest of Afton.Each lot will have individual wells and individual septic systems.The site is surrounded by agricultural uses with the exception of a residential home to the north. The developer has built a loop road through Lot 8.The proposed Harmon Lane is currently under construction,but the platted cul-de-sac at the south end of Lot 8 is not currently constructed. LOCATION:1.6 miles south west of the Town of Afton,Wyoming in Section 14,Township 31 North, Range 119 West. BACKGROUND: Harmon Subdivision started as a one lot subdivision on December 2,2017.The one lot was then split on July 1,2021.Land south of the Simple Subdivision was split on January 7th,2022 and called itself Harmon Third Filing even though it was not a part of the original Harmon 1st or 2nd Filing.This Minor Subdivision 210-MS-22 is proposing to merge one lot from Harmon Second Filing and another lot from Harmon Third Filing to create a Minor Subdivision of Harmon Subdivision Fourth Filing.All prior Simple Subdivisions shared Harmon Lane,but the road needs to be brought up to County standards through the loop road.Property is within the Afton Airport Safety Zone and has a plat warning for landowners. 210 MS 23 BCC FINAL PLAT _____________________________________________________________________________________ EXHIBITS: 1.Final Plat 2.Vicinity Map 3.Development Agreement 4.Road Maintenance Agreement _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File #210-MS-23 Harmon Subdivision Fourth Filing,a Minor Subdivision Final Plat,with: ●Findings of Approval A.through D. ●Resolution of Approval FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A.The proposed subdivision plat is substantially compliant with the provisions of the Wyoming Statutes regarding county subdivisions,including: a.Star Valley Conservation District Review, b.Public Notice in Newspaper of General Circulation B.The proposed subdivision plat is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan,including: a.Orderly land use development, C.The proposed subdivision plat is consistent with the policies and standards of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations,including: a.Procedures for Preliminary and Final Plat Application, b.Residential Density Standards, c.Rural Zone and Minor Subdivision Improvement Standards D.The proposed subdivision plat is consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat Permit 210-MS-23, including the satisfaction of the Development Agreement for Harmon Subdivision Fourth Filing. 210 MS 23 BCC FINAL PLAT UV241 UV236 £¤89 Afton 1110 01 1315 12 02 14 03 06 18 07 31N 119W 31N 118W ³±146 Secluded DriveHarmon LaneJARACZ, SUSAN H DRANEY,COLTER T & LISA BAIRD, J RUSSELL &MARGERY C NEUENSCHWANDER,MIKE & BECKY TRUSTEES SHIFLETT, MIKE &MARSHA MITCHELL,MICHAEL & SIERRAROSKIE FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST ERICKSON, BEAU &JENNIFER ERICKSON, BEAU D &JENNIFER ERICKSON,BEAU & JENNIFER KALLGRENJEREMY & CORENNE KALLGREN, JEREMY &CORENNE TRUSTEES LAUBE, PETER J ROSKIE FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST HILLSTEAD,PATRICIA L HERRMANN,KARL A ETAL SIX STRINGS,INC SYPHERD, DREW S & CINDYL TRUSTEES 6S HOLDINGS, LLC PUTNAM, LEO H & SHIRLEYK TRUSTEES KENNINGTON, STEPHEN R TURNER,KEVIN S BOOTH,LARRY &BECKY HARMON, LOAMAE SUCCESSORTRUSTEE HARMON, VANCEM ETAL LAUBE,PETER J HARMON, LOA MAE SUCCESSORTRUSTEE SIX STRINGS,INC Maxar Minor Subdivision Application Projects Public Noticing US Highways WY Highways Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No 210 MS 22 Harmon Subdivision Fourth Filing Mike & Marsha Shiflett, Orson Mont Harmon & Loa Mae Harmon Revocable Trust, dated February 8, 1994 Prepared using available data by Destry Dearden, GISP on 11 Oct. 2022. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land.