HomeMy WebLinkAboutCombined Final Plat Staff Report - Northwinds Sub 101-MA-23APPLICANTS:CR Group,LLC
PROJECT NAME:Northwinds Subdivision –Preliminary Plat
SURVEYOR:Surveyor Scherbel,Ltd.
PLANNER:Emmett Mavy
PROPOSAL:A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 35.00 +/-acres
into seven (7)residential lots.The average lot size will be 5.00 +/-acres in the Rural Zone.The lots will
share a private subdivision road off of Perkins CR 119.Each lot will have individual wells,and
individual septic systems that meet Wyoming DEQ Standards.
The site is surrounded by agricultural uses with the exception of a residential home to the northeast.The
new proposed subdivision road will be a dead end road over 500’long and require a 26’travelway and a
70’radius cul de sac.
LOCATION:0.28 miles south west of the Town of Star Valley Ranch,Wyoming in Section 6 &7,
Township 34 North,Range 118 West.
1.Final Plat
2.Vicinity Map
3.Development Agreement
4.Draft of the CCR’s
Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File #101-MA-23
Northwinds Subdivision,a Major Subdivision Final Plat,with:
●Findings of Approval A.through D.
●Resolution of Approval
A.The proposed subdivision plat is substantially compliant with the provisions of the Wyoming
Statutes regarding county subdivisions,including:
a.Star Valley Conservation District Review,
b.Public Notice in Newspaper of General Circulation
B.The proposed subdivision plat is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County
Comprehensive Plan,including:
a.Orderly land use development,
C.The proposed subdivision plat is consistent with the policies and standards of the Lincoln County
Land Use Regulations,including:
a.Procedures for Preliminary and Final Plat Application,
b.Residential Density Standards,
c.Rural Zone and Minor Subdivision Improvement Standards
D.The proposed subdivision plat is consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat Permit
101-MA-23,including the satisfaction of the Development Agreement for Northwinds
Star Valley Ranch
Thayne 21
33 3436
34 35
119W 34N 118W
35N 118W35N 119W ³±415s³±119
Major Subdivision Application
Public Noticing
US Highways
WY Highways
Township & Range
File No 101 MA 23
Northwinds Subdivision- Preliminary
CR Group, LLC
c/o Cordell Critchell
Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson, on 9 Nov. 2022. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land.
THIS DECLARATION of protective covenants, conditions, and restrictions is made and
executed by CR Group LLC, (collectively, “Declarant”) on this day of April, 2022.
WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain property (“Property”) located in Lincoln
County, Wyoming, described more particularly as: all lots within the Northwinds subdivision
(“Subdivision”), according to the plats thereof attached hereto as Exhibits A attached hereto and
recorded in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County,
Wyoming in Summer of 2022 (collectively hereafter referred to as “Plat”).
WHEREAS, in order to provide for the orderly development and controlled use of the
Property, the Subdivision, and the Lots created within the Subdivision, and
WHEREAS, in order to provide for the maintenance, repair, replacement and management
of the common areas for the benefit of the Declarant, other present Owners and future Owners,
WHEREAS, in order to protect the value and desirability of the Subdivision and the
Property located therein, in a manner consistent with the requirements of the applicable Lincoln
County Land Use Regulations,
THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged, Declarant adopts the following Protective Covenants, Conditions, and
Restrictions (“Covenants”), and does hereby impose the same upon the above-described Property
and Subdivision, and hereby declares that said lands shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to
such Covenants hereafter.
The Covenants shall run with the Property and Subdivision, and shall be binding upon all
parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in any Lot in the Subdivision or the Property,
or any part thereof, and shall be for the benefit of each Owner of any Subdivision Lot or other
portion of the Property, or any interest therein, and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
upon the Owners, their heirs, successors, and assigns in perpetuity.
All the land described as part of the Subdivision in the Plat, whether or not referred to in
any deed of conveyance of such land, at all times is and shall be held transferred, sold, conveyed
and occupied subject to these Covenants as a material condition of such deed of conveyance.
1. Compliance with rules and regulations. Every Owner, and their family, tenants,
agents, and guests, shall comply with all rules and regulations set forth herein, as well as any rules
and regulations hereafter adopted by Northwinds Homeowners Association (“Association”, as
hereafter described in Section II of this Agreement). It shall be each Owner's responsibility to
assure that their family, tenants, agents, and guests comply with the rules and regulations.
2. Further subdivision prohibited. “Lot Splits” and/or any further subdivision
and/or granting of easements, without consent of the Declarant, of the subject Lots are prohibited.
3. Specific rules and regulations.
a. Each Owner shall maintain their Lot at all times in a safe, sanitary and
attractive condition, with biome-appropriate landscaping kept in a neat and tidy
condition, in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, and
bylaws, and shall promptly repair or correct any condition not consistent with the
provisions of this Declaration and the rules and regulations of the Association. Any
vehicle that is not working properly has 10 business days to be moved into a garage
or removed from the premises.
b. No Owner shall engage in or permit any conduct on their Lot or the
Common Areas that will interfere with the quiet enjoyment of the rights, comforts
or convenience of other Owners, and their families, tenants, agents, or guests, and
the reasonable enjoyment by others of their Lots, and the Common Areas.
c. Children and pets will be the direct responsibility of the Owner whose
family, invitees or guests they are. Such Owner shall be responsible for full
supervision of children and pets while within the Subdivision and for compliance
by them with all rules and regulations of the Association.
d. Owners may lease out their home, Lot or any part thereof or improvement
thereon, for periods 30 days or more and all tenants must agree in writing to abide
by the provisions of this Declaration and all other rules and regulations of the
Association. Short-term rentals of less than 30 full days (eg, “AirBNB”, “VRBO”,
etc.) are expressly prohibited. The Owner shall remain responsible for a tenant's
compliance with the provisions of this Declaration, including the payment of any
rents, fees, assessments, and/or dues of any kind, as applicable, and all other rules
and regulations of the Association.
e. Motorcycles, ATV's, snowmobiles and similar vehicles may be used only
on the designated roads within the Subdivision, and not otherwise on any Lot or
within the Common Areas, or in any unlawful, unsafe, noisy or offensive manner
whatsoever on anywhere within the Subdivision.
f. No Owner shall make or permit any disturbing noise, play or permit to be
played any recorded music and/or musical instrument, nor operate or permit to be
operated any equipment of any kind, in such a manner within the Subdivision as
to disturb or annoy other Owners, and their families, tenants, agents, or guests. A
"reasonable person" standard shall be applied to determine what is disturbing or
annoying to others. Owners may make written request in advance, and the
Association may from time to time approve, temporary and occasional exceptions
to this rule for extraordinary events, construction needs, or other purposes.
g. No hazardous, illegal, noxious, obscene, or offensive activities or
materials shall be permitted within the Subdivision, nor shall anything be done or
placed within the Subdivision which is or may become a nuisance. No flammable,
combustible, explosive or hazardous fluids, chemicals or substances shall be kept,
stored or distributed on a Lot or on the Common Areas, except as permitted by
the Association.
h. No electronic equipment may be permitted in the Subdivision which
interferes with the cellular, television, radio, telephone or internet reception of
another Owner.
i. Only high quality exterior lighting shall be used to illuminate a Lot and/
or the structures thereon. Such lighting shall only be installed and maintained as
approved by the Association and in compliance with all building and electrical
codes. All outside lighting shall be arranged, directed and/ or shielded so as to
prevent any significant light from shining onto adjacent Common Areas and/or
other Lots. Owners may also install temporary holiday lighting and decorations
provided that such lighting is not installed more than 28 days before, and is
removed within 21 days after, the applicable holiday.
j. All pets and other animals shall be maintained for personal and family
use and enjoyment only, and not commercial, animal husbandry, or re-sale
purposes except for chickens. No roosters will be allowed on a permanent basis.
No Owner shall keep more than two (2) dogs nor more than two (2) cats on a Lot
and all such dogs/cats shall be kept from creating a nuisance or disturbance to
other Owners. Pet owners shall be responsible for picking up and cleaning up after
their pets.
4. Remedies for non-compliance with rules and regulations. Failure of any Owner, or their
family, tenants, agents, or guests, to comply with the Association's rules and regulations shall be
grounds for immediate action by the Association, which may include, but shall not be limited to
any combination of the following: (a) an action to recover sums due for damage; (b) injunctive
relief; (c) suspension of use of Common Areas; (d) fines; (e) liens on the Lot or other property
of Owner; and/or (f) any combination of such remedies, or other legal remedies, determined appropriate
by the Association. The Association retains all rights to seek remedy and relief at law and equity of any
fashion, and the pursuit of one or more rights or remedies shall not preclude seeking relief by any other
fashion allowed by federal, state and local law. If enforcement action is determined appropriate by the
Association, the Association shall adhere to the following enforcement guidelines:
a. Notice. The Association shall notify the Owner in writing delivered to the
Owner’s address of record, and/or posted to the Owner’s door, of the infraction or
infractions. The notice shall include a description of how the infraction(s) may be
cured (if the nature of the infraction is such that it can be cured), and give a time frame of
not less than ten (10) calendar days from delivery of the notice to cure. The notice may
also include a description of the recourse that will be imposed and/or taken by the
Association (fines, legal action, suspension of rights) if the infraction(s) is(are) not timely
b. Opportunity to cure. The applicable Owner shall be allowed ten (10)
calendar days from delivery of the notice to cure the infraction(s) or present good
reason why action should not be taken by the Association.
c. Special meeting. The Association may, but shall not be required to, meet
to discuss the infraction(s) and hear from the applicable Owner. If the Owner seeks such
Special Meeting, they shall inform the Association within the cure period, to which the
Association shall have the sole right to permit or refuse such meeting. Any refusal by the
Association to conduct such Special Meetings on any basis shall not be considered to be
permissive of any such infractions by the Owner, and shall not preclude the Association
from seeking any relief allowed under this Agreement or at law and equity.
d. Association determination. After delivery of notice, failure of the Owner
to timely cure the infraction (if the nature of the infraction is such that it can be cured), and
consideration of any reasons timely presented by the Owner why action should not be taken
by the Association, as described above, the Association may take such further action and/or
impose such remedy as is described herein, as the Association deems appropriate for the
infraction(s), or seek any other relief allowed at law and equity.
e. Fines. Fines shall not be construed to be an exclusive remedy for any
infraction(s), and may be imposed in addition to all other rights and remedies to which
the Association may be otherwise legally entitled. Fines shall be paid not later than five
(5) business days after notice of the imposition of the fine. If fines are not paid when due,
they shall be treated as Special Assessments subject to the provisions for collection of
assessments set forth herein with interest calculated at 7% per annum, or the highest
allowed by law in the jurisdiction, whichever shall be greater. The Association may impose
fines against an Owner as approved by its Board.
1. Formation. The Declarant shall create a Northwinds Ranch Homeowners
Association (“Association”), which shall be a non-profit, mutual benefit Wyoming corporation
with Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws to be approved by the Board of Directors thereof and
the Wyoming Secretary of State upon registration of the corporation.
2. Board of directors. The Association shall be governed by a Board of Directors
(“Board”). Board of Directors consisting of at least three (3) but no more than five (5) Members.
The initial Board of Directors consisting of three (3) directors shall be appointed or removed solely by the
Declarant. However, following conveyance of thirty-three percent (33%) of the Lots to Owners other than
the Declarant, the Members elect one (1) additional Director. Following conveyance of sixty-six percent
(66%) of the Lots that may be created to Owners other than the Declarant, the Members shall elect a
second additional Director so that the Board shall then consist of five (5) Directors. Following conveyance
of eighty percent (80%) of the Lots to Owners other than the Declarant, Directors shall be elected by the
majority vote of the Lot Owners, with Declarant no longer having the absolute right to appoint Directors.
3. Terms of Directors. The terms of Board members shall be two (2) years, provided
that initial terms may be staggered so that at least one Board member shall be elected or designated
at each annual meeting of the Owners thereafter. The Board shall have full power and authority to
manage the business and affairs of the Associations, as more fully set forth in the Articles of
Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association, and to enforce the provisions of this Declaration.
Without limiting the foregoing, the Board shall have the authority to:
• Conduct all business and affairs of the Association and the Subdivision.
• Enforce the provision of this Declaration.
• Adopt, amend, administer and enforce any rule or regulation, and carry out the
intent of these Covenants.
• Adopt, enact and enforce a fine schedule for violations of these Covenants, or
rules and regulations adopted by the Board.
• To do all other acts necessary and desirable for the administration, operation
and maintenance of the Property as provided in this Declaration.
3. Membership. Every Owner shall be a Member of the Association (“Member”).
Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from Ownership of a Lot, and
Ownership of a Lot shall be the sole qualification for membership. Each person and/or entity in
any multi-owned Lot shall collectively constitute one Member. Upon purchase of a Lot, the
Owner(s) shall provide the names and contact information of the Members thereof, and shall
update the Board from time to time, as appropriate, of any changes.
4. Bylaws. The Association shall have bylaws, which if adopted, shall supplement
the provisions of this Declaration. In the event of a conflict between any such bylaws and this
Declaration, the Declaration shall control.
5. Voting. Voting by Members of the Association upon any matter allowing or
requiring a vote of the Members shall be as follows: there shall be one (1) vote allowed for each
Lot. If an Owner includes more than one person and/or entity, the vote for such Member shall be
cast in such manner as the persons or entities constituting the same shall determine, but the decision
of the Board as to the authority conferred upon one or more of the Owners in casting the vote of the
Owner shall be conclusive and binding. Except for special assessments, adoption of the budget or
amendments to this Declaration as set forth herein, all matters before the Association shall be governed by:
(i) majority vote (50.01%) of the quorum (66% of the overall body) present for votes taken at a meeting of
the Owners, or (ii) a majority vote (50.01%) of the Owners for votes taken by written ballot without
6. Annual meetings. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association on a date
and time and at a location in Lincoln County, Wyoming, designated by the Board. The Board shall
give written notice of each annual meeting not less than ten (10) days and not more than sixty (60)
days in advance of such meeting an in accordance with Wyoming Law, unless such notice is
waived by the Members in accordance with the Bylaws. At each annual meeting of the Association,
the Members shall elect Directors, and shall adopt the Association’s annual budget and conduct
such other business as determined by the Members.
7. Special meetings. Special meetings of the Members may be called by the Board,
or by the written request of not less than sixty six percent (66%) of the Owners. The business to
be conducted at a special meeting of the Members shall be specified in the notice of the special
meeting. The Board shall give written notice of each special meeting not less than ten (10) days
and not more than sixty (60) days in advance of such meeting, unless waived by the Members in
accordance with the Bylaws.
1. Purpose of architectural control. The intent of these Covenants is to ensure that
homes, accessory buildings, landscaping and other improvements constructed within the
Subdivision are of higher-than-average quality, appearance and styling, and are compatible with
the theme and nature of the Subdivision. Accordingly, all modifications to structures or
landscaping, and all new improvements proposed to be constructed within the Subdivision by an
Owner shall be subject to the review and approval of the Association or a subcommittee thereof,
as designated by the Association. Any such modifications or new improvements shall only be
allowed by the Association if they are appropriate, as determined by the Association, in its sole
and absolute discretion, to be compatible in character, design, color and architecture with the
Subdivision. The Association will not approve any construction that it considers, in its sole and
absolute discretion, to be an unusual design or style, or that it considers to be an unusual
construction method.
2. Single family residences only. No structure shall be erected, placed, or permitted
to remain on any lot of the Subdivision other than single family dwellings, garage buildings, and
other structures incidental to single family residential use of the lot. Per county regulations each
lot can have two single family homes and up to a 5000 sq. ft garage.
3. Modular Homes Permitted; Manufactured mobile homes, Manufactured trailer
homes prohibited. Modular homes pre-approved by the Association shall be permitted. No
Manufactured mobile home, manufactured trailer house, or other similar manufactured o r
m o v e a b l e structure shall be permitted on any lot of the subdivision. Any recreational
vehicle , van, or trailer titled in the owner’s name will be allowed to be
stored on the lot. A guest’s mobile home would be permitted for up to
7 consecutive days and no more than 28 days per calendar year . Any
proposed erection or installation of any dwelling or outbuilding which is prefabricated, or any
accessory structure (e.g., greenhouses, garden sheds, gazebos, trellises, etc.) shall be subject to
Association approval or denial shall be final and not subject to appeal.
4. Setbacks. Construction setbacks for any structures with the exception of
Association-approved fencing shall not be less than forty (40) feet from any side or rear boundary
line without prior Association approval.
5. Owners and RV rights - Prior to the first structure being erect, owners are
allowed up to three weeks annual use of having a RV on the property. No dumping will be
permitted on any lot during this time. Once the first building is constructed and livable this
right will dissolve, and other rules will be enforced. The exception being that from the time
a building permit is issued an owner may reside in an RV or 5th wheel motorhome for the
purpose of supervising construction for a period of time not to exceed 18 months from
issuance of building permit. No dumping of waste of any sort will be allowed on the property.
6. Submission of proposed plans. Whenever an Owner of a Lot wishes to modify
or construct any building, landscaping, or any other improvement, the Owner shall submit to the
Association an architect or engineer’s stamped plans for such proposed construction or
improvement for the Association's review and approval. For landscaping improvements a
renderings would be an acceptable plan for submittal.
7. Compliance with laws. It shall be the Owner's responsibility (and not the
Association’s) to see that all plans and work, including any changes or alterations, comply with
applicable governmental laws, statutes, ordinances, building codes, rules, regulations, orders and
8. Inspection of work—noncompliance and correction. The Association may at
any reasonable time (providing no less than 24 hour notice to the owner) inspect any work
completed on any Lot. If the Association finds that such work is not being carried out or was not
completed in full compliance with the approved plans, it shall notify the Owner in writing of such
noncompliance and shall require the Owner to remedy the same. The Owner shall remedy or
remove the noncompliance within a period of not more than thirty (30) days from the date notice
from the Association is delivered, unless otherwise approved by the Association. If the Owner
does not comply with the Association ruling within such period, the Association, at its option,
may remove the non-complying improvement, otherwise remedy the noncompliance, and/or
pursue such other remedies as it deems appropriate. In that event, the Owner shall reimburse the
Association upon demand for all expenses and costs incurred by the Association, including
attorneys' fees and an administrative charge to be determined by the Association. If such expenses
and charges are not promptly paid by the Owner to the Association, the Association may levy and
enforce a special assessment, to include interest at the higher of 7% per annum or the greatest
amount allowed by law for reimbursement against such Owner and their Lot.
9. Non-liability of Association members. Neither the Association nor any member
thereof, nor its duly authorized representatives, shall be liable, to the Association or to any
Owner or any other person or entity, for any loss, damage or injury arising out of or in any way
connected with the performance of the Association’s duties hereunder, other than arising from
their willful wrongdoing. The Association shall review, and approve or disapprove, in their sole
and absolute discretion all plans submitted on the basis of compliance with these Covenants,
aesthetic considerations, the potential benefit or detriment to other Owners and the Subdivision,
and any other relevant and pertinent factors. The Association shall not be responsible for
reviewing, nor shall its approval of any plan or design be deemed approval of, or warranty as to
any plan or design from the standpoint of structural safety or conformance with any governmental
10. Declarant Exemption. For so long as Declarant shall own any Lot, Declarant shall
be exempt from the provisions hereof with respect to any construction, improvements, alterations
and additions desired to be effected by Declarant and shall not be obligated to obtain Association
approval for any construction or changes which Declarant may elect to make at any time. No
actions performed under this Item 9 shall be considered precedential or controlling in any way on
the Association for any actions proposed by an Owner.
1. Roads and Common Areas. “Common Areas” shall mean the common areas
which are part of the Property designated as such on the Plat, as well as all utility pipes, lines or
systems, roads and streets, walkways, paths, and/or parks, unless otherwise specifically identified
on the Plat, and other common property or facilities serving the Lots shall be Common Areas and
shall be operated and maintained by the Association. The roads and Common Areas shall be used
for the common enjoyment of the Owners for such purposes as parks, ponds, trails, recreational
areas, roads, parking, landscaping, utilities, and any other uses expressly permitted by the
Association. The Association may designate certain areas and/or facilities within the Common
Areas for specific purposes subject to such rules and regulations as the Association may adopt.
The roads and other Common Areas shall not be obstructed in any fashion for any reason, except
by the Association for safety and/or repair or maintenance purposes, and/or State or County law
enforcement and/or public safety, nor used for any purpose other than the purposes set forth herein
or otherwise approved by the Association. Upon a transfer of title from the Declarant, the
Association shall assume all of Declarant's responsibility of any kind with respect to the Common
Areas and shall indemnify and hold harmless Declarant with respect thereto.
2. Common Area use. Each Owner is hereby granted and shall have a permanent and
perpetual non-exclusive, non-transferrable, non-sublicensable license for the use and quiet
enjoyment of all the roads and Common Areas in common with all other Owners. The Association
has the right to levy and collect assessments against each Owner for the purpose of maintaining
the roads (to include paving, sweeping, and plowing, and any other necessary maintenance thereof)
and Common Areas in compliance with the intent and provisions of this Declaration. The
Association may suspend the right of an Owner, and its permitted tenants, agents, and invited
guests, from using the Common Areas (except for the minimum required legal access) for any
period during which an applicable assessment remains unpaid, and for an infraction of lawfully
adopted and published rules and regulations. The Association may charge reasonable admission
fees, use fees, and/or other fees for the use of Common Areas amenities or improvements.
The Association may adopt and enforce rules and regulations governing the use of the
Common Areas. The Association may dedicate portions of the Common Areas to a public agency
under such terms as the Association deems appropriate. For so long as Declarant is an Owner of
any Lot, Declarant may permit persons other than Owners, and their tenants, agents, and invited
guests, to use the Common Areas under such terms as Declarant may from time to time desire, so
long as such use does not unreasonably interfere with or restrict the rights granted herein for the
benefit of the Owners.
Declarant, for so long as Declarant is an Owner of any Lot, and the Association at any time
may grant non-exclusive perpetual easements over, under and through the Common Areas.
Common Areas shall not be used by Owners for storage, parking or any other purposes not expressly
permitted by the Association. Common Areas designated for Owner or guest parking by the
Association, if any, may be used only for the purpose specified by the Association. No Owner may
alter in any way portions of the Common Areas, including, but not limited to, landscaping, drainage
and natural features, without obtaining the prior written consent of the Association. No driveway
or vehicular access shall be permitted to any Lots across Common Areas except as expressly
permitted by the Association.
3. Utility easements. Declarant, the Association, and their respective designees, are
hereby granted the right to install, use and maintain public and/or private utilities (such as, but
not limited to, water, sewer, electric, gas, television and phone lines) underground and along those
easement routes shown on the Plat (or otherwise granted or reserved) in order to service the Lots
Common Areas, and/or other properties.
4. Public easements. The Town of Alpine, the County of Lincoln, as well as regional
fire, police, health and sanitation, and other public service personnel and vehicles shall have a
permanent and perpetual easement for ingress and egress over and across the Common Areas in the
performance of their respective duties.
5. Other easements. The following additional easements are hereby granted and
declared over, under and through the Lots for the benefit of the Association: easements for all
Subdivision ponds, streams, pipelines, nature trails and related improvements constructed by
Declarant within the Subdivision, including the area within 10 feet of all sides of such ponds,
streams, pipelines and related improvements, which are reserved for the use, enjoyment and
maintenance of such amenities by the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Declarant (for
so long as Declarant is the Owner of any Lot) may modify or limit (or require the Association to
modify or limit) the use and enjoyment of one or more of these easements by the Association with
respect to a particular Lot, if and to the extent, in Declarant's sole discretion, such use and
enjoyment by the Association would substantially impair the value and/or use of such Lot by the
6. Easements appurtenant. The easements granted herein and, on the Plat, shall be
appurtenant to and shall run with land and with the title to each Lot and the Common Areas in
7. Roads and Common Area maintenance. The roads and Common Areas shall be
maintained (to include, but not be limited to, paving, plowing, and sweeping, amongst any other
necessary maintenance, as determined by the sole and absolute discretion of the Association) by
the Association, beginning on the date those areas are conveyed to the Association by the
Declarant, without cost to the general taxpayers of Lincoln County, and without direct, individual
expense to the Owners, except for their share of the common expenses levied by assessment as
provided herein. Such maintenance by the Association shall extend to all the Common Areas,
including but not limited to landscaping, fences, roads, taxi ways, pathways, trails, drainage
structures, lighting fixtures, ditches, streams, ponds, signs, utilities (except public utilities), and
other improvements, facilities and structures located therein and/or a part thereof. All work in or
on the Common Areas and all expenses hereunder shall be paid for by the Association through
assessments imposed in accordance with these Covenants. No Owner may escape liability for assessments
for such maintenance by waiving or suspending the Owner's right to use the Common Areas or any
part thereof.
8. Owner maintenance of easement areas. To the extent any Association rights-of- way
or other easement areas are contained within particular Lots the Association shall only be
responsible for maintaining the Association’s improvements located within such areas. The
Owners of such Lots shall otherwise be responsible for maintaining, at the Owners' expense, such
easement areas and any of the Owner's improvements located therein.
1. Personal obligation of Lot Owners and lien for assessments. The Owner of
each Lot, by acceptance of a deed, whether or not it shall be so expressed in such deed, is deemed
to covenant and agree to pay to the Association: (a) regular monthly, quarterly and/or annual
assessments ("Regular Assessments"), and (b) other special assessments ("Special
Assessments"), as provided herein or as determined by the Association in its sole discretion.
Owners become responsible for paying assessments upon purchase of a Lot and regardless of
whether they occupy a structure on thereon or use the roads or Common Areas. Assessments,
together with late charges, interest, attorneys’ fees and other costs of collection and foreclosure,
shall be the personal obligation of the person, entity, trust or other owner who was the Owner of
such Lot at the time when the assessment fell due. The personal obligation of each Owner to pay
assessments, late charges, interest, and costs of collection, shall pass to their successors in interest
with recourse against the Owner and their successor's in title. Such assessments, together with
late charges, interest, attorneys’ fees and other costs of collection, shall also be a charge on and
continuing lien upon the Lot against which each such assessment is made. The Association may
foreclose any lien on any Lot in accordance with the Advertisement and Sale foreclosure
provisions of Wyoming law. Should the Lot have multiple Owners, such guarantees and any other
obligations shall be considered to be liable jointly and severally amongst the Owners without
restriction upon acceptance of a deed, whether or not expressed as same in such deed.
2. Purpose of assessments. Assessments shall be used, as determined appropriate
by the Association in their sole and absolute discretion: for improvement, maintenance, operation,
management and insurance of the Common Areas; to promote the health, safety, welfare and
recreational opportunities of the Owners, their families residing with them, and their tenants,
agents and invitees; to enhance and maintain the aesthetics of the Subdivision; and for any other
Association and/or Subdivision purposes as determined by the Association in its sole discretion.
Among other things, Regular Assessments and/or Special Assessments may include reasonable
reserves as the Association may deem necessary for the future repair, maintenance or
improvement of the Common Areas.
3. Regular assessments. Regular Assessments are intended to cover the reasonably
foreseeable and ongoing costs of operating, managing, and maintaining the Common Areas, as
well as managing the Subdivision as an integrated whole. Such Regular Assessments may be
increased annually by the Association at the rate of not more than $25.00 per month, adjusted
annually for inflation (as of January 1st, 2022), as required to meet the Association's financial needs
for managing the Subdivision.
4. Special Assessments. Special Assessments may be made by the Association at
any time for any purpose approved by the Association and not provided for or covered by Regular
Assessments, including, but not limited to: extraordinary maintenance or repair costs,
replacement or addition of capital improvements or equipment, or unusual increases in operating
costs. The due date of any Special Assessment shall be fixed by the Association and will be
payable within 30 days of assessment.
5. Association assessment duties. All assessments, late charges, interest, attorneys’
fees and other costs of collection provided for herein shall accrue to the benefit of the Association.
The Association shall set and may change the date of assessments and the amount of assessments
as provided herein. Written notice of applicable assessments shall be sent to every Owner at least
thirty (30) days prior to the date payments are due, unless emergency circumstances require
otherwise. Failure to timely send or deliver bills or notices of assessments shall not relieve
Owners from their obligations to pay assessments when due. The Association shall, upon written
request by any Owner liable for assessments, provide a certificate (or estoppel letter) signed by
the Association stating that all applicable assessments have been paid by that Owner or what
assessments are outstanding and unpaid.
6. Effect of non-payment of assessment; Association lien and remedies. If an
assessment is not paid or postmarked by 5:00 PM on the due date, then such assessment shall be
delinquent. The assessment, together with late charges, interest and costs of collection, shall be a
continuing lien on the applicable Lot and shall bind such Owner, their heirs, personal
representatives, successors and assigns. The Association shall have such remedies for collection
and enforcement of assessments as may be permitted by this Declaration and/or applicable
Wyoming laws, including foreclosure of such lien in accordance with Wyoming’s Advertisement
and Sale procedures. All remedies are intended to be cumulative and are non-exclusive.
7. Late fees and other charges. If any installment of an assessment is not paid by the
due date, a late charge of up to five percent (5%) of the past due amount may be imposed, as
determined appropriate by the Association, as liquidated damages associated with the collection
of such amounts. The Association shall also be entitled to interest on any unpaid assessment at the
highest rate permitted by law (but not greater than 18% per annum) from the due date of the
assessment until paid. The Association may also bring an action at law against any Owner
personally obligated to pay the same, and/or may record a Lien Statement against the Lot on which
the assessments are unpaid. In addition, the Association may foreclose the lien against the Lot on
which the assessment is unpaid in accordance with Wyoming’s Advertisement and Sale
procedures, and/or pursue one or more of such remedies at the same time or successively. In any
collection action, the Association shall be entitled to payment of its actual attorneys' fees and legal
costs, whether or not a lawsuit is filed. If litigation is pursued, the Association shall be entitled to
a judgment for all sums provided herein, plus attorneys' fees and legal costs actually incurred, in
the applicable action and any appeal thereof. No sale or other disposition of Lots shall be permitted
until an estoppel letter is received from the Association acknowledging payment in full of all assessments
and other sums due. In addition to the collection rights for assessments stated herein, any and all persons
acquiring the title to or the interest in a Lot as to which the assessment is delinquent including, without
limitation, persons acquiring title by operation of law and by judicial sale, shall not be entitled to the
occupancy of such Lot or the enjoyment of the Common Areas until such time as all unpaid and delinquent
assessments, together with late charges, interest and costs of collection, have been fully paid.
8. Subordination of the Lien. The lien for assessments, late charges, interest and
costs of collection, provided for in this Declaration shall be subordinate only to real property tax
liens and to the lien of any first mortgage recorded prior to recordation of a Lien Statement or other
claim of assessment lien.
9. Effect on Declarant. Notwithstanding any provision that may be contained to the
contrary in this Declaration, for so long as Declarant is the Owner of any Lot, Declarant shall have
the option, in its sole discretion, to either: (i) pay assessments on the Lots owned by Declarant, or
(ii) not pay assessments on the Lots owned by Declarant and instead fund any deficit in Association
operations. A "deficit" in Association operations shall mean the amount by which actual
Association operating expenditures (excluding reserves for future expenditures) exceeds all
Association receipts (including assessments and all other charges and incidental income) and any
surplus carried forward from preceding years. Declarant may from time to time change the option
Declarant uses to make payments to the Association. When all Lots within the Subdivision are sold
and conveyed to purchasers, Declarant shall have no further liability of any kind to the Association
for the payment of assessments or deficits, except to the extend otherwise expressly agreed by
10. Special assessment for specific damage. Owners shall be responsible for repair of
any damage to any portion of the roads or Common Areas as the result of misuse, negligence,
failure to maintain, or otherwise caused either entirely or partially by such Owners, their families
residing with them, and their permitted tenants, agents, and invited guests. Notwithstanding any
other provision herein, such Owners shall be directly liable to the Association for the cost of repairs
of such damage and a Special Assessment may be levied therefor against such Owners (rather than
all Owners).
1. Culinary water. The Association will not provide or maintain a domestic water
system for the Subdivision. Instead, each Owner who desires culinary water shall be responsible for
drilling, completing, and maintaining at their expense a well for to supply culinary water to their
Lot in conformance with all local and state health and sanitary codes regarding such a well.
2. Irrigation water. Lot owners may have access to irrigation water in accordance
or as allowed by any existing water rights appurtenant to their Lot. The Owner hereby attests that
they have inspected such existing water rights, if any, and consent to the application of same. Each
Owner shall be responsible for constructing and maintaining at their expense (and as approved by
the Association) all necessary improvements to connect to local irrigation facilities, and shall
maintain the irrigation water system for their Lot. The Association and/or the applicable irrigation
water company may impose reasonable rules, regulations and schedules for irrigation water use.
The costs incurred by the local irrigation company in constructing, improving, or maintaining the
irrigation water system may be included in Regular and Special Assessments for the Subdivision.
3. Ditches. No owner of any lot shall change, alter, or do anything with the existing
irrigation ditches which could impede the flow of water through such ditches to those owning lands
or downstream.
4. Sewage and septic tanks. At such time as a permanent dwelling is constructed or
placed on any lot of the Subdivision, the owner thereof shall be required to construct a septic tank
or other underground sanitation/sewage facilities in conformity with laws of the state of Wyoming
and County of Lincoln, in such a manner as to avoid creating any unsafe condition or nuisance to
owners of adjoining lots. No privy, outside latrine, or other like facility or structure shall be
permitted except during construction of a principal residence in which case such a facility
shall be required. Every individual lot owner shall refrain from causing any water or pollution to
emanate from his/her/its lot(s).
5. Garbage and trash. All garbage and trash shall be placed and kept in covered,
animal/tamper proof containers which shall be maintained so as not to be visible from neighboring
lots or property. The cost of commercial trash collection shall be paid by each owner, in accordance
with the billing of the collector. No rubbish or debris of any kind shall be placed or permitted to
accumulate on any Lot. No metal, including but not limited to scrap metal or metal drums, shall
be kept, stored, or allowed to accumulate on any lot except in an enclosed structure.
1. Duration of Covenants. The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall
run with and bind each Lot and the Subdivision, and shall inure to the benefit of and be
enforceable by Declarant and/or the Association, and their respective legal representatives, heirs,
successors and assigns, for a term of thirty (30) years from the date this Declaration is recorded,
after which time said Covenants shall be automatically extended for successive periods of thirty
(30) years unless an instrument signed by the Association has been recorded agreeing to change
said covenants and restrictions in whole or in part.
2. Notice requirement. Any notice required to be sent to any Owner under the
provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly sent when personally
delivered or mailed, postpaid to the last known address of the person who appears as the Owner
on the records of the Association at the time of such mailing.
3. Enforcement. Enforcement of these covenants and restrictions shall be
accomplished by means of a proceeding at law or in equity against any person violating or
attempting to violate any covenant or restriction in accord with the laws of the State of Wyoming.
The failure to enforce any portion of this Agreement shall not be considered or construed as
consent to the infraction or breach thereof.
4. Severability. Invalidation of any one of the covenants or restrictions herein, or any
part, clause or word hereof, or the application thereof in specific circumstances, by judgment or
court order shall not effect any other provisions or applications in other circumstances, all of which
shall remain in full force and effect. In the event any portion of the Agreement herein is struck per
this Item 4, the parties shall substitute language to this Agreement to as closely follow the stricken
language and intent as is allowed by law.
5. Amendment. This Declaration, and the covenants, restrictions, easements, charges
and liens of this Declaration may be amended, changed, or added to at any time, and from time to
time, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association, provided that if Declarant is
an Owner of any Lot or other Property affected by this Declaration, Declarant must vote in favor
of such amendment. Declarant's consent must otherwise be obtained if such amendment, in the
sole opinion of Declarant, affects Declarant's interest. Any such approved amendment shall be
effective when recorded in the land records of Lincoln County.
6. Effective date. This Declaration shall become effective upon recordation in the real
estate records of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
7. The signatories to this Agreement hereby attest that they have had the
opportunity to consult with legal counsel as to the terms and conditions of this Agreement,
and, following such advice, or waiving it thereof, execute this legally binding Agreement as
their free act and deed.
Signature Page Follows
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has executed this Declaration this
day of
Cordell Critchell – Owner of CR Group
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Cordell Critchell, this
day of June, 2023.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: