HomeMy WebLinkAbout106 CUP 23 Big Sky Miniature Golf
106 CUP 23
Conditional Use Permit
HEARING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 p.m., July 19, 2023
LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, Kemmerer,
Wyoming & Afton Planning & Development Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming
FILE # 106 CUP 23
APPLICANTS: Ivie Plantation
PROJECT NAME: Big Sky Miniature Golf
PLANNER: Robert C. Davis
Planning staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission send a recommendation of
APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File #106 CUP 23, a proposal to establish a build
a 19-hole Miniature Golf Course located on land roughly 9,900 square feet in size within a Mixed Zone
24.05-acre parcel, with:
Findings of Approval A through E.
Conditions of Approval 1 through 8.
A. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of W.S. 18-5- 201 et seq. authorizing counties to
regulate construction of buildings and the use of land through comprehensive planning including
B. The proposal is consistent with goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan,
1. Section III Economic Development. Goal A. Promote and assist in the development of
commercial, recreational and industrial activities;
2. Section IV Land Use Objective 1. Create Land Use Regulations that promote the responsible
and orderly development of Lincoln County;
C. The proposal is consistent with the standards and procedures of these Lincoln County Land Use
Regulations, including:
1.Chapter 1. Zoning. Definition of the Mixed Zone;
2.The provisions of the Etna Community Plan Overlay Zone.
D. The conditional use will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property; and
will serve the public need, convenience and welfare.
E. The conditional use is designed to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the area of its
106 CUP 23
1. Alteration of the project shall require additional permitting;
2. Updated Access Permit from Wyoming Department of Transportation for consideration of the
added miniature golf course use is required before issuance of a Zoning and Development Permit,
due to access being located on HWY 89 with jurisdiction belonging to WYDOT.
3. The drive-in access route to the restaurant shall be depicted on the site plan in order to ensure that
the traffic exiting the drive-through window does not impede traffic flow for mini-golf parking and
presented with the application for the Zoning and Development Permit.
4. The eight (8) parking spaces directly south of the proposed common recreational space designated
for the Recreational Vehicle Park should be further situated to the south in order to provide enough
clearance for parked cars to egress the parking space without impeding the flow on the drive.
5. Exterior lighting shall comply with Lincoln County Land Use Regulations Section 6.10 Lighting in
order to minimize fugitive light, including the provision that the outdoor/exterior lights be hooded
in design with no light source extending below the hood;
6. Commercial Buildings fall under the jurisdiction of the Wyoming Dept of Fire Prevention &
Electrical Safety and may require a plan review.
7. The applicant will maintain a 20-foot separation from the Baker Ditch.
8. The applicant shall provide a dimensional drawing of the proposed sign, the type of sign and its
location of the site. Signage will be a non-illuminated sign and shall conform to all State and
Federal requirements in addition to the requirements of Appendix G of the Land Use Regulations.
PROPOSAL: To develop a build a 19-hole Miniature Golf Course located on land roughly 9,900 square
feet in size within a Mixed Zone 24.05-acre parcel near Etna Wyoming. The property is located on HWY.
89 with a current use of the property is a residential, a restaurant and a Recreational Vehicle Trailer Park.
A. Applicants’ application and site plan
B. Vicinity Maps
C. Public Notice
D. Agency Comments
The 19-hole 9,900 sq. ft. miniature golf course will be located at the southern most point of a 24-acre site
currently occupied by a Recreational Vehicle Park, restaurant and single-family use. The ADA compliant
golf course will contain hand-built structures, boulders and turf. Concrete sidewalks will be place
between each hole. The site will be landscaped and fenced around the perimeter. The site will also
provide for an office
When fully operational, the hours of operation will begin at mid-Spring to mid Fall, Monday through
Saturday 6pm to 9pm. The course’s capacity is estimated to be 95 players/90 minutes. The 63 parking
spaces will accommodate needs for both the miniature golf course and the adjacent JACZ Drive-in
Restaurant. Mini-golf customers will be able to access the restrooms in JACZ.
106 CUP 23
The applicant will need to obtain a new access permit from WYDOT because of the advent of the
miniature golf use to the site. The site plan demonstrates that traffic circulation on the site will flow
similar to access provided to the existing drive-through restaurant using the 20-foot drive and accessing
golf parking spaces directly south of the of the restaurant. The drive-in access route to the restaurant shall
be depicted on the site plan in order to ensure that the traffic exiting the drive-through window does not
impede traffic flow for mini-golf parking. In addition, the eight (8) parking spaces directly south of the
proposed common recreational space designated for the Recreational Vehicle Park should be further
situated to the south in order to provide enough clearance for parked cars to egress the parking space
without impeding the flow on the drive.
Signs and Lighting
The applicant need to provide a dimensional drawing of the proposed sign, the type of sign and its
location on the site. The proposed signage has dimensions of 10’ by 20’. The sign shall conform to all
State and Federal requirements in addition to the requirements of Appendix G of the Land Use
Regulations. Exterior lighting shall comply with Lincoln County Land Use Regulations Section 6.10
106 CUP 23
Big Sky Miniature Golf Site Plan with JACZ Drive-In Restaurant
106 CUP 23
Office of Planning and Development
Lincoln County, Wyoming
Kemmerer Office Afton Office
925 Sage Avenue Suite 201 61 E 5th Avenue
Kemmerer, WY 83101 Mail: 421 Jefferson St, Ste 701
307-877-9056 Afton, WY 83110
fax 307-877-6439 307-885-3106
Tentative Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
HEARING DATE: July 19, 2023
TIME: 6:00 p.m.
LOCATIONS: Video Conference between the following locations:
Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY &
Afton Planning & Development Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY
(The Project is tentatively scheduled for the County Commissioners Meeting, which will be held in the
Commissioners Board Room, on August 9, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in Kemmerer WY.)
All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those
planning on attending should call the day before to see if the meeting is still scheduled as
noted above or if changes have taken place.
APPLICANTS : Ivie Plantation, LLC
FILE No : 106 CUP 23
PROJECT NAME: Big Sky Miniature Golf
COUNTY STAFF: Robert C. Davis
PIN # 3519-151-00-060
PROJECT: Requesting a Conditional Use Permit to develop a build a 19-hole Mini Golf
Course located on land roughly 9,900 square feet in size within a Mixed zone on a 24.05-acre
parcel near Etna Wyoming. See Attached Information
LOCATION Approximately 1.9 miles northwest of the Star Valley Ranch, WY.
E1⁄2NE1⁄4 of Section 15, Township 35 North Range 119 West.
www.lincolncountywy.gov). Enclosed is a copy of the location map/site plan. Please respond with
your written, faxed, or email (planning@lincolncountywy.gov) comments by July 10, 2023 no later
than 5:00 pm in order to be included in the planning staff report. Please note that only landowners
within 300 feet of the proposed site are notified individually.
The Staff Report for this project will be available on July 12, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. for your perusal on
the Planning website address: http://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink8/Browse.aspx?dbid=0 Projects for
Planning, and then click on the corresponding File Number noted above.
Name Agency Address City, State, Zip Emails Phone Notice
Board of County Commissioners commission@lincolncountywy.gov Always email
Board of Planning & Zoning Commissioners planzonecommission@lincolncountywy.gov When going to PZC
Amy Butler County Engineer 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201 Kemmerer, WY 83101 amy.butler@lincolncountywy.gov 307-877-2104 Always email
Jay Hokanson Emergency Management 421 Jefferson Suite 416 Afton, WY 83110 jay.hokanson@lincolncountywy.gov 307-885-4925 Always email
Rollin Gardner, Chairman Star Valley Conservation District P.O. Box 216 Afton, WY 83110 knield@starvalleycd.org; trish@starvalleycd.org 307-8857823 Notify if North
School Districts
Superintendent- Matt Erickson Lincoln County School Dist. #2 222 E. 4th Avenue Afton, WY 83110 merickson@lcsd2.org 307-885-7100 Notify for North
State Agencies
Mark Baron Department of Environmental Quality 510 Meadowview Dr.Lander, WY 82520 mark.baron@wyo.gov 307-332-3144
John Eddins, District Engineer Wyoming Transportation Department 3200 Elk Rock Springs, WY 82901 john.eddins1@wyo.gov 307-352-3031 M:307-823-2902
Darin Kaufmann Wyoming Transportation Department 3200 Elk Rock Springs, WY 82901 darin.kaufman@wyo.gov Office: 307.352.3034
Groundwater Division Markus Malessa State Engineer's Office Herschler Bldg. 4th Floor East Cheyenne, WY 82002 markus.malessa@wyo.gov 307-777-6166
Alan Adams & Steven Greenwell State Fire Marshal's Office 140 Commerce Drive #C Green River, WY 82935 alan.adams@wyo.gov; steven.greenwell@wyo.gov Alan - 307-389-2376 Steven: 307-871-0035
Bill Behrns
U.S. Dept. of Interior Bureau of Land
Management(Wyo. State Office)blm_wy_copywork@blm.gov
Wyo. Dept. of Health health.wyo.gov
Tyler Seno
Wyo. Office of State Lands &
Investments(Commission of Public Lands)tyler.seno@wyo.gov
Brian Rodman Wyoming Game and Fish brian.rodman@wyo.gov 307-777-7613
Utility Companies
Angel Leavitt Lower Valley Power & Light P.O. Box 188 Afton, WY 83110 aleavitt@lvenergy.com 307-885-6109 Notify for North
Chris Blayne, Christy Jenkins, Scott Schwab Silver Star Communications P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 engineeringlcpz@silverstar.net, cblayne@silverstar.net 208-354-6710 Notify for North (email)
Alan Linford Crow Creek Canal
Fire Chief Afton Fire Department P.O. Box 1294 Afton, WY 83110 denmcd@silverstar.com 307-884-8104
Fred Roberts Lincoln County Recreation Commission fwr@allwest.net
7/7/23, 8:22 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f1e3f38f9b&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1770693421744694573&simpl=msg-f:1770693421744694573 1/1
Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
Big Sky Miniature Golf
1 message
Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 11:33 AM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
WYDOT has no objections for the proposed 19-hole Mini golf Course.
For the change-in-use of existing access on US 89 the applicant must obtain a new access permit from WYDOT. Please
provide the latest site plan and traffic impact study for WYDOT review. Any highway mitigation measures determined
necessary will be the responsibility and cost of the applicant.
FYI - the future WYDOT highway widening project of US 89 between Thayne and Etna has been delayed indefinitely due
to limited available funding. It now has a construction date in FY 2030.
For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-
54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located at https://usa.maintstar.co/
Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing access to the MainStar system to contact
the local District Office for the license or permit, or to email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials.
An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W.
WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link:
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction
of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records
Act and may be disclosed to third parties.