HomeMy WebLinkAbout877781 NOV-28-2001 NED 03~02 PM OKM¢ WHOLESALE F~× NO, 8012698830 P, 01/1~ .................................... ~ / ,,')3 ,)0 '" NEW LINE MORTGAGE 4516 SOUTH 700 EAST #230, SALI' LAKE CITY, UT 84107 KAYLYNN BLACKHA~ MORTGAGE MIN 1001247-000000166B'7 DEFINITIONS Words'used in multipl~ sections of th~s da;umcnt are ~fine. al below and other words are ch~fined in Section~ 3, l l, 13, 18, 20 and 21. C~rtain rules regarding the usage of words used in this doculr~ut are also provided in Section I 6. · (A) "Security I~strument" rajahs together wi~h all Riders to this (B) "Borrower" is JOO¥ NICi'IAEL SiMKIN$ and KRISTINE $IblKlN$, 14USBAND AND WIFE Borrower is th~ stlongagor under this Security Instrument. (C) ,,MF. RS" ts Monga$¢ Electronic Registration Systems, ~o. MERS is a s~ate co. ratio,n, mat is acti~ solely ~ a ~n~ tot Lender ~fi ~nder's successors ~d ~si~s, ~ ~ the mortgagee under this Security ln~rummt. MERS is org~ized ~d existing un~cr ~ laws of Dolaw~, ~ h~ ~ ~ddr~s ~d t~l~pho~ number of P.O. ~,x 2016, Flint, MI 4tSOl-201fi. el. (888) 679-MERS, ~88$IN6001292 6001~9~ 0 WYOMING-~iogle FamiIy-Panrd~ MaolF/eddl~ Ma~ UNIFORM INSTRUMENT ~orm 3061 1t01 VMP MORTOA~ FORMS - (BOOl~.7201 ~ NOV-28-2001 lIED 03:03 PR OKRO I~IttOLE$~LE F~× t,!O, 8~12898830 P, 02/15 (D) "L~,a~r" i, NEW LINE MORTGAGE ~nd~risa Div. of Republic Mort§a§e Home Loans,LLC organized ~d ~xis~lnB ~der ae law~ of The State of Utah ~nd~r't~dreiti~ 4516 SOUTH 700 EAST ~230, SALT LAKE CITy, UT 84107 (~) "Note" me~ th~ promisso~ not~ s~ned by Bo~ower ~d 8a(~ November 27, 2001 ~e NOtre ~[~tes that ao~rowcr ow~ ~nd~ One Hundred Forty Thousand and n~/lO0 Doll~s (U.S. $ ~ 40 ~00, O0 ' ) plus m~r~s~. Borrower ha~ prom~d ~o p~y ~is debt in r~gulat P~rio~ic Paymoms and to pay ~ dobt in ~11 not la,or thm~ December 1, 2016 (~ "~ope~y" me~s tb~ p~o~ny ~at i~ doscrib~d b~low ~d~r Propony." ' (G) "~an" ~a ~ dobt ~vidsn¢~ by tbs Note, plus interest, ~y prcpaym~t ch~go~ ~d late ch~gcs du~ under ~ Note, ~ ~1 $~ms due uader thi~ ~oufiW I~t~mont. plus in.rest. (i~ "~tder$" m~ ~1 Rid¢~$ m this $~fity Instrument ~at ~ cx~ut~d by Borrower, ~ following Riders ~o to be ~x~uted by Bnrrowe~ [~ck ~x ~ applicable]:  Adju,t~ble Rate ~der ~ Condominium Rid,t ~ $~d Ho~ Ri~r B~l~n Rider ~ Plied Unit Dev~op~nt Ridor~ 1M PaUly Rider . ~ VA Rider l~ Biweekly Payment Rider O~er(s) (I) ,,Applicable Law" means all 0ontrol,ling applicable federal, state ~nd local statutes, regulations, ordinang{:$ and adrr, iniatral:iv¢ rule: and orders (dmt have tho affect of law) aa well as all applicable final non-appealable judioiil opinions. (J) "Community Association Dues, Fe~, and Assessments" meam all due~, fees, assessments and other charges that ar~ impo,ed on Borrower or the Property by a condonunlum associatioa, hon~ownor$ ~sociatlon or ~imilat organization. (K) ."Electronic Punds Tramfer" moans any tt~sf~:r of Mnds, off,er- thaa~ a transition originated by ~eck, drat~ or ~imil~ paper instn~mont, which is initiat~ through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or mat~netic t~p~ so a~ to order, instruct, or authori~ a financial in~tittttion to debit or credit lm account, Such lerm inolud.$, but ia not limiled to. point-of-sale transfers, automated t~ller machine transactions, transfers iniiiat~d by t~lephone, wir~ transfers, and automat~ clearinghouse transfers. (L) "E~erow I~em$" m~ana thos~ itcrr,~ that ars described ia $~..tion 3. b~y~ ~'M[gt, allaneo~ PrO¢~d$" m,an~ any ¢omtzmation, settlement, award of dunages, or pro~d~ paid Property; (iii) coawymco in lieu of oond~atlon; or (iv) miat~pre~em~i~n~ of, or o~,aiom ~ to, ~= valu~ a~d/or =ondition of the Prope~y. (~ "Mo~gag~ Insurance" m~m~ imur~c= protootiag ~nd=r ag~nst ~ nonpayment of, or d~fatat on, (O) "Periodic Paym~W' me~a ~ r~gul~ly achodul~ mount due for 0) p~cip~ ~d imere~t under ~ Not~, plus (ii) ~Y ~nount$ ~d$r ~tioa 3 of ~1~ ~fit~ Inat~nt. (~ "~SPA" m¢~ ~e Re~ ~state ~ttl~moat Pm~dure$ Act (12 U.S.C. S~lion 2~I et seq.) md its implementi~ r~gulation, Regulation X t24 C.F.R. P~ 35~), ~ ~ mighl M ~n~ from timo to timo, or ~y addition~ or su~osao~ legislation or mSUi~ion ~at Sov~s ~ ~ subject ~tter. Aa in ~i~ Security Imt~m~t, 'R~SPA' retert to ~1 rtquiremonts ~ roatrietiom ~at ~e impo~ in rog~d to a "feder~ly related ~agage tom" ~ven if th~ ~ d~s not qu~i~ m a "f~r~ly r~lat~ me.gage !o~' under M88S IM6001292 6001292 ~. 0 NOV-28-2001 ~IED 03',04 PM OKMC IqHOLESRLE FR× I'iO, 8012698830 P, 03/1S (Q) "$Uecmmor In Interest of Borrower" means any party that h~ taken title to the Property, wttother or not that pray ~ assumed Borrower's obligations u~cr thc Note ~d/or this g~ufity ~st~nt. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN TH~ PROPEKTY %is Security Instrument secure~ to Le~Mer: (i) ~e repay~nt of th~ ~, md M1 renowns, cxt~sio~ ~d ~ificalions of ~ Not~; ~d (ii) ~c pcrform~ce of ~rrower's ~wxt~ts and agr~ments ~der this S~urity Instrument ~d the Nolo. For this pu~, ~ower.doei her~y monsale, grmt ~ convey Io MERS (~l~ly ~ no~ne~ for ~uder l~ ~ec's su~sor$ and ~signs) md to ~e suc~s~o~$ in unty of LINCOLN : ~ of Re~o~dl~ J~md~n) [Ram: of R~o~d~ J~n~tc~on~ S~E A~ACM~D EXHIBI~~ "A" ,:. Parcel ID Number: 12-3218-31-3 -00].006.00 which currently has the addr¢$a of lstr.~q 870 SKYVIEW LANE AFTON ici~,] , Wyoming 831 l0 [zi~, ("Proporty Address"): ' TOGETHER WITH alt th: imp~'owments now or her~aft=:' erccte8 on th~ property, and all easements, appurten~:ces, ~ fixtures now o~ h~reafler a part of the property. All r~plar~ments" and additions shall also be ~overed by this Security lnstrun~nt. All of the toregoing is referred to in this Security Ins,rament as the "Property." Borrower understands anti agrees that MERS holds only legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this ~eeurity Instrument, but, if a~cessary to comply with law os' custom, MI~I~I; (2 nominee for Levaer and Lender's sueexssors ~ assigns) ba~ the right: to exercise any or all of thos~ interests, including, bat not limited to, the right to foreclos~ m~ sell the Property; and to take a~y action required of I. znder including, but not limimd to, releasing and cam~linl~ this Seetaity Instrument. BORROWER COVENANTS ~hat Borrower is lawfully seisod of the estate hereby canveyed and has the right to m~rtgaga, grant and convey the Property and tha~ the Property is unencumbered, except for ~neumbranees of record. Borrower warrants and will defend gener'qi¥ ~e title to the Property against all clams and demands, subject to any en~ambtmc~s o! rex;oral. THIS $[lCURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform cx, ven~nts for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constilute a uniform sec~irity instrument covering real property. MBSS IM6001292 6001292 ,.~,:~,,~ 0 (~-$AiWY) {000~ r~. 3 ot ~s Fm'm ~061 1/01 NOV-28-2001 ~IED 03:04 PN OKHC. NHOLE~LE Ffi× NO, 8012698830 P, 04/15 UNIPORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender covenant and agree a~ follows; 1, Payment of ~inclpal, Interest, E~row It~ns, lh'opaym~t Charges, and 'Late Charges, ]~orrower shall pay w~n due ~e princip~ of, and ~rest on, ~c debt cvid~n~ by ~ Note ~d ~y p~paym~t ~ges ~d la~ ~gg~a du~ ~d~r ~ Nme, ~nower sh~l al~ pay f~s for N~o~w p~rsu~t to S~ion 3. Payments due under the Note ~d thin S~ri~ lna~v~m~nt s~l ~ ~e in currency. H0wevor, if ~y check or other im~amont te~ived by ~ador ~ pay~t u~er the No~ or ~is S~utity Init~me~t is returned to ~der unp~d, ~er ~y rcquke ~at ~y or ~1 subsequ~t pay~nta duo uadg ate Note ~d ~ia 5~curiW Ing~tt b~ rnad~ ~ oho o~ more of ~e following fo~, l~l~ct~d by ~nder: (a) c~h; (b) ~o~y otd~; (e) ~rttfied ~eck, b~ ch~k, tre~ter's ~ck or c~hi~r'$ check, provided ~y such ch~k is drawn ~pon ~ institution whos~ deposita ge iniur~ by a federfl ag~, iastmm~t~ity, o~ entity; or (d) Electronic N~ds T~fer, ' in ~e Note or Payers ge d~ r~eived by ~ndet when r~iv~ at ~ loca$ioa such other location ~ ~y be d~signa~ by ~der ia ~ord~ with ~ noti~ pmv~ions in Section 15. ~nd*t may return ~Y payment or p~ifl paymont if tho payment or p~ p~ymenta ,a~ imufaci~t ~ curr~ I~nder may acc~t ~y payment or 'p~ifl payment imuffici,nt ~o bflng br~ the ~ ' . ' - .......... ~ ....... ~-~ce to its fi~hta to te~sa such pay~nt or p~i~ payments in ~h~ ~mr~, b'~n ~nder is no~ obl/gat~ 1o apply su~ paym~ts az fi~ t~e ~u~h pay~ts ' re.rear 0n una ph~ fimds. Mnder ~y hol . . PP . . , ~ ~a turret, If ~rtower d~s ~t do so mare a re~on~le pcn~ of t~, ~der sh~l ~ltMr apply such ~ds or t~um ~em to Bo~ower, If not appli~ e~li~r, tu~ ~ds will b~ appli~ ~o the ~t have now or in ~ .f~urc a~a~t ~n~r t~ r~ ~ I. Appli~tion or payments or ~oc~. Exert' ~ o~o~ise deacri~ ia a~ Section 2. payrolls ~t~ ~d ~pli~ by ~nd~ ah~l ~ ~plied in ~e follow~g order of priogty; (~) ~ter~st ~uo un~r ~e Note; (b) pTi, aaip~ due ~der ~e No~; (c) ~unis due under S~ion 3- S~h paym~ts a plied ~o c~h P~riodi~ Paynl~t in ~e order ~ whia~ it ~e due. Any reining S~u~ty Imtmmont, shall ~ a~liM first to late ~g~s, ~nd ~o ~y o~r ~o~ta due un~r ~is shall b~ th~a to r~u~ a~ principa b~m~ of ae Note. If ~nd~r r~iws a payment ~om ~r~w~r for a d~linqu~nt PeriMic Paym~ whi~ includ~ a '~t ~o~t to a ~y lat~ eh~g~ ~u~, ~ ~ym~t may ba ~pli~d to th* d~linqumt pay~nt auffioi P Y - . n ~nder ~ aly ~y pay~m r~ived ~e lat~ ch~ge, If mor~ ~h~ one Periodic Pa~ent i~ ou~dt g, Y PP from Borrower to ~e r~ayment of th~ P~riotic Paymen~ if, ~d to th~ ~xt~nt ~, 6~h pay~nt paid ia ~11, To the extant thai ay ~ exists aRer ~ payment is appl~ to ~.~iI payment of on~ or mor~ P~riodic Paym~ts. su~ exoeai may ~ applied to ~y late chgges du~. Volunt~ ptepaym~ts !hall b~ applied first to ~y prepayment ch~ges ~d ~ ~ ~lcri~ in ~e Not~. ~ a lication of payees, tnsur~o~pr~s, or M~lia~ua ~r~s .m.p~cip~ due under Y PP e m~ ~unt et m6 rtrt~tc $~ Not~ sh~l not ox~nd o~ postpone ~e due d~e, or chug , 3 for ~tow lte~, Borrower ah~l pay to ~er on ~e day Pe~tc Paym~ts r ~a Note until ~ Na~ is pa~d ~ ~I1, a aura (~e F~ds ) ~ provide for ~aymtnt ~(a) t~ea ~d ~s~a~nts ~dother ite~ which ~ attain priority over ~i~ ~tity lns~m~t as a lieu or encumbr~ ~ the Pro~ly; (b) l~ehoId payments or gro~d mats on ~e Prope~y, if ~y; (c) premia~, for ~y ~ ~t ~su~ t~uir~ by ~ndar under ~tio~ 5; ~d (d) Mortgage nre~ums. if ~y. or a~y su~ payabl~ by ~rtower to ~nd~t in li~ of ~e pay~t of Mo~gaga au~ce pr~ums i~ ~.ce ~tth the provisions of ~ction 10. ~e ii,tm ~e c~l~ 'Escrow t~ ." At ori ~alion or at ~y ~im~ during tho t~ of ,e ~, ~u~r ~y re?ir~.th~ ~iation D~es, F~s, ~ Ass~sments, if ~y, ~ ~scrow~ by Bonower, ma auca ~osiments ~hgl ~ ~ Escrow Item. ~nower ~l pro~tly ~m~h to Mn~r ~1 notice~ bt paid under ~is S~ction. ~rrow~r shgl pay Mndcr ~ ~ds for Escrow it~ unless ~er waives Borrower's obligation ~ pay ~e F~ds for ~y or ~1 E~row Iteraa. ~n~r ~Y w~ve obligation to pay to MaWr Funds for ~y or ~1 ~cmw I~ at ~y ti~. Any sa~ waver in writt~. In ~ ~eat of au~ w~ver, ~rrower i~l pay dkeetly, whtn ~d whe~ payibl~, the a~ta ~88SI~6001292 600129~ ~ 0  -~AIWYI tO~ ~ + ~ ~ a F~m 30~1 q/01 NOV-28-2001 NED 03:05 PIt OKIIO 14HOLESALE FR× NO, 8012698830 P, 05/15 sh~l ~sh ~o ~nder ~ipt~ ~vide~cin~ such 9aYn~ wi~in such ti~ ~ri~ a ~nder ~y r~quire, Borrower's obligstio~ to ~ ~h payrolls ~d ~ prov~d~ r~ip~s sh~l for ~1 pu~oses ~ deemed to ~ a ~v~t ~d atrecmcnt ~t~n~ ~n ~il S~'or[~ Inst~enl., as ~ phr~e "~v~t ~d u~d ~ S~tion 9. If Bo~owcr is obligat~ io pay E~W lte~ direaly, pursuit to a w~vcr. ~ ~rrowe~ fEls to p~y ~ ~t du~ for ~ Escrow l~em, ~d~r my exeroise its fi~s ~d~r ~tion ~d pay such ~url~ ~ Borrower sh~l th~ be obligated ~er ~tion 9 to r~ay ~o ~der ~y such ~unt, Lender may ~evok~ ~ w~wr ~ to ~Y or ~1 ~rOW I~ at ~y tim~ by a noti~ given ~cord~ wi~ ~tion 1~ ~d, u~n ~u~ ~ev~don, B~w~r shgl pay to ~M~r all ~da, ~ ~nd~r may, a ~y ti~, ~ll~t ~d hold P~ds in ~ ~unt (a) suffm~nt 1o ~t ~nd~r ~ apply ~e Fuuda at a~ t~m~ .p~ifi~ und~ R~PA, md (b) not ~ ~x~d the ~mum ~t a lender r~quire ~der ~$PA, L~M~ shal ~stimate ~ ~ount of F~ds due o~ ~ b~ia o~,cu~m d~ta r~onable ~s~i~tes of ex~n~tures o~ ~te ~crow Rems or o~he~is~ m ~oord~e wi~ Applioabl~ Law.~ F~ds ~all ~ held in m insfiiution whose de. sits a~ i~u~ by a f~er~ agency, i~s~ntail~, or ~ntRy (inoluding ~nder, if l~n~r is ~, imtitud~ who~ d~o~its a~ to ~u~d) or in ~y Fed~r~ Home ~ B~, ~nd~ ahal apply ~ F~dS lo pay th~ Escrow Item~ no la~ ~m ~ fp~ified urger R~PA. Muter ah~ not ~ge ~ower ~r holding ~ applyiug ~ P~ds, ~yzing ~e ~scrow ac~unt, or wd~i~ ~ Escrow Ite~, u~ ~nd~r pays ~o~owe~ intcrest on Funds ~d Applicable ~w p~ ~er to t~e s~h a ch~ge,, UMe~ ~ agr~nt is m~e in or Applicable Mw r~quir~s ~tsr~st to be paid on thc Funds, ~nier ~l not be ~quired to pay Bo~ower ~y interest or e~i~gs on ~o Funds. Bo~wer ~ ~r c~ qreo ~ wrltMg, howler, ~at lateral ih~l ~ paid on ~e Funds, ~nd~r shgl give m ~r~wer, without ~ge, mx ~au~ ~o~ting of P~ds ~ r~qul~¢d by RESPA. if ~¢re is a su~lus et' Funds held Z ei~row, ~ definM ~der RHSPA, ~er $h~l ~oxmt to Bo~ow~r for the exc~s ~nds in ae~ordaa¢~ wi~x RESPA. If ~6r~ Is a a~rtage of F~ ~ld ~ escrow, ~ defm~ ~d~r RESPA, ~er ahal noti~ Borrower ~ rcquirM by R~PA, ~d Bo~wer ~1 pay to ~der thc mo~t necess~ lo ma~ up ~ tho~ag~ tn ac~rd~ wi~ RESPA, but in no ~re th~ mon~ly payments. If ~ere is a deficiency of F~ds held In 6scrow, ~ defined ~d~r RESPA, ~der noti~ B0~ow~r as ~equired by R~PA, ~ Boaower ~1 pay to ~¢r the ~xmt ne~ to up the doficienW in ac~rd~ with RESPA, but in no ~re th~ 1~ mon~ly pay~nts. ~pon paym~t in fall of ~1 sul~s s~a~ by ~is ~rhy ~tn~nt, ~nd~ ~1 promptly lo Bor~w~r any F~s held by ~. Charge; Li~. Borrower sh~l pay all t~es. ~a~st~nts. oh~ges, fi~s, ~d i~ositions attrib~tabl~ to ~6 Pzop~y 'which c~ aa~n priority owr ~is Security Inst~nt, l~old paym~ ground rems on the Pro.ay, if ~Y, ~d Co~ty Ass~ia¢on Du~s. F~s, ~d As~ss~'nts, if ~y. the ext~nl ~at ~s~ items are Escrow lte~, Borrower sh~l pay ~m in the ~¢r provided in S~tion 3. ~rrower ~1 promplly dish. ge ~Y ii~n which h~ priofiW ov~ ~ia ~¢~ty Inst~mmtt Bon'ower: (a) agr~l in writzg to ~e payment of ~ 0blig~tion ~ur~ by ~e li~ in a ~ner to ~er, but oMy sa lonl ~ ~ow~r is pe~f0~ng such agreement; (b) con. its ~e lien M ~9~ f~ by, or defends agai~t ~forcem~nt of ~ ii~a in, leg~ pe~iugi whi~ in ~nd~r's opinion o~rate to p~cvcnt ~ ~forccmcni of th~ li~n whil~ ~os~ p:~ings ~ ~ndMg, but only unlil such pro.dings ~ concluded; or (c) s~u~ from ~e hold~ of t~ li~ ~ agr~m sat~fa~to~ m ~er $a.~rdinaling the li~ to ~is $<~ity Insl~nt. If ~n~r d~te~nes ~at ~y pm of ~e ~o~ny is suble~ ~ a lien Which e~ aftra priority owr ~is ~ufity Inst~nt, ~er ~y give ~ow~r a noti~ ideati~ing M88~IM6001292 6001292 ~_ 0 ~lt~: t:orm :~06~i 1/01 NOV-28-2001 WED 03:06 PM OKll¢ tlHOLEShLE FA× HO, 8012698830 P. 06/15 li~. Within 10 days of Utc date on whk;h thai notice i~ given, Bm~owe~ ~1 s~tis~y t~ li~n or t~c on~ or mom of th~ ~tion~ ~et ~0~ abov~ in ~i~ S~tion 4. ~r ~y req~it'~ Bo~w~r to pay ~ onc-ti~ ch~e for a rc~ e~tate t~ verification ~d/or ~onin[ so,ice used by ~nd~r in eoun~tiou wi~ ~is ~. ~ Propcay insur~ aianmi lo~m hy fire, h~ds included within ~e l~ "~iuu~d ~v~ra~,' ~d a~y o~r h~dm {n~udin8,. but not limiz~ ~o, ~qu~s ~ ~a, foI whi~ ~ud~r r~ui~i iu6ur~, ~ii lnmur~ce shal ~ maintai~ ~ ~ ~'~'im (Sol. din8 d~uc~Ne l~v~is) ~d ~or ~ p~ri~s ~ha~ ~d~r i-~uir~m. ~u~ ~nd~r r~quire{ pursu~i to lh~ ~r~in8 m~ten~m ~ ~h~ dura6 ~e ~rm of riihl ~o dis~pmw Borrower's ~hoi~. ~hi~h rish~ sh~l not be ~x~rci~td unr~bly. ~dcr ~y r6quim Borrower ~ pay, in ~c~iion wi~ ~his ~, ~i~r: (a) a o~-dm~ ch~ d~m~nafion, ~i~a~ion ~ ~r~kiu{ sc~i~; or (b) a o~4i~ ch~ for ~ ~d ~ni~ctiion s~ic~ ~d subs~quen~ ch~es ~h tim~ re~pin{s or simil~ chutes occur whic~ i'easou~lY miih~ affecl su~ d~ie~ualion o~ c~n}ficaion. ~ow~r s~ll ~so paymen~ of ~y fees i~8~d by ~c Pedc~ Emergency M~gemeut Agency iu uo~cQon wi~ the review of ~y fl~d sue detemin~ion reacting from uu ob~otion by Bo.ower. If Borrower f~ls m mml~n ~y of ~ cover~es d~fi~ above, ~u~r ~y obt~ coverage, at ~nd~r's opd0n ~ Borrower's expeme. L~ is under no obligation ~teul~ ~ype or mo~t of coverage. ~refore, su~ coverage sh~l cover ~er, but mi~t or might not protect Borrower, ~rro~ds equiW in ~e Prop~, or ~e ~oumutm of ~e Pr°~y, ~ain{1 ~y flak, h~'d or liability ~d ~ght provide.greater or lesser mveragu ~ w~ previously in eff~t, Bo~ower ~owl~dg~ ~h~t ~e ~.st of ~e insur~ ~verage so obl~u~ ~t siguific~tly eXc~ ~e cost cf ius~r~c~ ~at Borrower coul] hmve obtainS. Any ~ts ~sburs~ by ~er un~t ~ $~ion 5 ~all he.me addiliou~ debt of ~rmwer ~umd by ~is ~i~ ~strum~. ~es~ ~o~m ~h~i ~ interest at ~ No1~ rile from the date uf disbur{vmenl ~d shall ~ payable, wi~ m~ iu~es~, upon notice from ~ude~ m Borrower re~e~tin~ pay~nt. All insura~e ~li~ie~ ~equired b~ ~ud~r ~ x~u~wMs of ~u~h policies ~1 b~ {ubj~ to ~nder's right fo dis~ptow mu~ ~lid~s, ~1 include a si~ld~d ~gag~ clause, ~d mO~g~ee ~d/ot m m ~ditio~ loss payee, ~nde~ sh~l ~w ~ right tc hold ~e ~licies ~d reuew~ ~riific~es, If ~er tequire~, Borrower sh~} prompHy giv~ to ~de~ ~1 r~ei~ of r~new~ hofius. If Bo.ower oNms ~y form of imur~ oover~e, ~t othe~isu required by ~nd~, for d~go to, o~ de~tmolion of, ~ Properly, su~ polioy sh~ll i~qlud~ a al~d so.gage clau~d sh~l n~ ~nder ~ mo~gag~ ~d/or ~ ~ addiiio~ loss payee. In lhe event of loss, Bo{'mwer sh~l give pro~t notice ~o the ~urmce c~iet ~d ~r, ~ndur may m~e proof of loss tf no{ ~u promptly by ~ower. UMe~ ~nder ~d ~rrower o~e~ise ~ Writ~g, ~Y ~ur~ p~s, whe~er or not ~o u~erlyiUg ~ur~ w~ r~uired by ~u~r, sh~l bm applied to restoration or ~mr o~ ~e pmpe.y, ii ~ re.oration or repot is ~uomie~ly legible ~d ~nd~'s s~urity is uo1 l%s~d. DUring ~ repair ~d restoration ~fi~. ~n~ sh~l hmve hold suoh ~u~oe proo~d{ ~til ~der h~ h~ m oportO,' to iu~ct such Pmpe~ work h~ been ~mplet~ to ~n~r's sadmf~fiou, ptovid~ ~al su~ im~clion sh~l prompdy. ~n~r ~y disbun~ proofs for ~e re~ii~ ~ reslor~ion ~ a sin~e paym~t of progress payment{ ~ ~e work is mmpleted~ Uule~ ~ agr~men~ is m~e ~ writi~ cr Applicable Law requites interest to b~ p~d on s~ insuranco proofs, ~der sh~l not ~ ~uimd ini~resl or e~ings on such pr~s. Fee{ for public ~just~s, or o~er t~d p~ies, ret~d by ~rrower sh~{ not be paid out of ~e insur~ p~s ~ shall ~ ~e ~le ~ligati~ of ~ower, If ~ restoration or repsr is ~ ~uo~ly legible or ~'s ~nty would ~ lessenS. ~e ~su~ premeds mh~l b~ appli~ to ~ su~ s~r~ by ~s ~curily lus~m~t, whe~er or not ~en due, with ~88S I~6001292 6001292 ,~~ 0  -EA(WY) I~O~ ~, I ~ ~ Form ]061 1/01 NOV-28-2001 NED 03:07 PM OKMC ~,IHOLESC~LE FP,× t,IO, 8012698830 P, 07/15 the excess, i'f any, paid to Borrower. Such insurance proc~ds shall b~ applied ir~ lhc order provid~ for If ~w~r ab~o~ $~ Property, ~d~r may file, negotiate and settle ~y av~l~ble ~sur~ce cl~m ~d r~l~ minters, If Bcnower d~s not ms~nd wi~ia 30 days to a no/ice from ~Mer [hg imut~ce ~iet h~ offor~d m s,ttle ~ claim, ~en ~dcr may ~go~c ~d s~tle ~ cl~m. ~ ~riod will ~gm When &, ~tic¢ i~ gtvCn, in ~i~r ¢v~t, or if ~nd~t ~quit~ ~¢ Pm~ny S~tion 22 or oth~ia~, Bo~war hereby ~sign~ m ~nd~r (a) ~rrow~r'~ rights to ~y i~r~c~ pr~s ia m ~ount not to e~ ~c ~,ts ~p~d ~r $e No~e or fi~is Se~rity lnstm~nt, ~d (b) ~y o~r of Bo~ow~r's right~ (o~er th~ ~ right to ~y r~nd of ~d pr,~um, paid Borrower) und,t ~1 i~sur~ polioi~ ~ring. ~ Pro~y, i~of~ ~ s~h fi~bii ~ a~licabl¢ to ~v,rag¢ of ~e Pro~y. ~nd~r ~y ut¢ the i~ur~c, pr~S ¢i~t to rcp~r or r,store ~ Property or to pay ~ounts ~paid ~d~r d~e Not~ Or ~iS ~curi~' Instm~nt, wh~thcr or not a~ ~. ~cu~ncy, Borrower shgl occupl, ¢smbli¢, ~d m~ ce Pto~rty ~ Bo~ower's pfin¢ip~ Property ~ Borrower's prin~iP~ residmce for ~ lc~t o~ y~ a~ ~ dale of o~up~cy, unless Mnder othe~i~ ag~s in writing, which con~n/shall not ~ unte~nably wi~t~ld, ar ~s circu~lt~c¢i ~xi~t which g6 ~yond Borrower's ~ol. 7. ~e~n'tion, Maintenance aad ~ot~i~ of the ~o~yl ~tlom. Bm~'owcr ahfll not d~stroy, d~8~ or i~r the Pt'~ay, ~low fig ~e~ny to ~t~rio~c o~ c~it w~ on Propcgy. ~c~r or not Bo~ow6r is r~idhl8 in ~ ~o~ny, Ba~ower 5h~l minton ~ Property order to prev~ thc Pro~n~ from d~teriorafin$ or decre~ in v~uc duc to i~ co. ilion. U~s it dct~rmin~ pursuit to Section 5 ~t repair or restoration is not cco~c~ly fc~ibt~, Borrowe~ sh~l promptl~ repot the Pro~ ii d~gcd ~ avoid ~er d~tcrior~i~ or dmso. If tnsu~ or conde~aion pr~ds ~c pad in ~mcction wi~ d~e m, o~ ac t~ing of, ~ p~o~ny, prison, ~¢r n~y dlsb~rie pI~ for ~, rep~ra and ~toration in a s~gle pay~t or ~ a series of p~ogress paymo~l~ ~ tho wO~ i~ compl,ted. If ~ i~u~o~ or condonation pt~s go not to repak or r~store ~e Pro~y, Borrow,r is not r~li~v~ of Bo~w,r's obligaion for ~ ~mpl,tion of ~ r~pair or ~estoralion. ~nder or i~ agent may rt~ m~onabl~ ~i~ u~n ~d ~aions of .~ Pro~. If it h~ re~o~l* aaua~, Mnd,r may ~l~t ~ i~arior of ~6 improv~ts on th~ Pm~rty. L~&r ~al giw Bo~ow~r noti~ a ~ time of ot prior ~o such an ~t~fior im~ctioa sp~i~ag su~ r~onablo cause. 8, Bormwer'~ ~an ipplication. Bo~wer ~hgl ~ ~ d0fault if, duril~ ~ Lo~ application pro~a~. BoHow~r or ~y p~mons or ~ntit~s ~t~g g ~ dit~tion of ~ower or wi~ ~rrower'~ ~owl~ga or ,om~nt gaw materialy f~sa, ~al~Ming, or in~uram information or stat~nts to ~nder (or failed to ptovi~ Lender wi~ ma~ri~' infomm~n) tn coition win fl~e ~, r~res~iatiom ~olud~,,. but ge no~ Ii.tM ~o, r~n~liom ~n~ming Bonow~r's ~p~cy of PropeHy m Borrower's princ~pfl 9. ~o~aion of ~ndg's la/erst in lh~ ~y and ~gh~ Undar t~ S~uflty I~r~nt. If (a) Bo~ower ~ls to ~rfom th.~ ~wn~t~ ~ agream~nta contaiaM ~ ~ia 8~gity Imtmmont, ~) is a leg~ proc~ing ~at ~tht signifi~tly aff~t ~n~r's intereat in ~ Pr~gy ~d/or ri~ts under · i~ S~urity l~tn~ment (ouch ~ a proc~i~ ia b~pt~, prob~, for ~naamation or foff~mro, for ~nfore~m~nt of a lion whirr may httain priory over t~a ~ity I~m~m or ia ~nfo~ laws or regulations), or (e) ~ow~r h~ ab~do~d th~ ~op~, ~ ~d~ may do ~d pay for whatever reasonable or appropriate to prot~t ~ar's interast in ~ Pro.fly ~d n~ts ~d~r this Instrument, l~[uding prorating ~/or ma~ssing t~a v~u~ of lbo Progeny. ~d secu~g ~d/or lh~ Ptope~y, ~nd~'s ~tioas cm in~lude, but m~ not l~it~ m: (a) pay~g mY suma ~r~ by a li~ which ha priority owr ~his ~tity I~t~nt; (b) ap~a~g in ~tt; ~ (0) pay~g ~on~l~ ~885I~600129~ 6001292 ~ 0 rdt~ I ~ " ~-6AIWY) Iooo~ ~' ~ ¢ ~ Form ~061 1101 N0¥-28-200 WED 03 08 PM OKMO WHOLESALE HO, 80 2698830 P, 08/ 5 aitorno s' fees to protect its iut~st in the t~rol~rtY and/or fi~htm~r ~i~ i,. ~M ~silion in a b~mptoy p~ce~in~, ~udng m~ ~op?y ~ciua~.. ~ ? riel ~l~tc~_~, from pipes, cli~naic ~ildi~ or oSgr ~dc vlola{ous or d~icroul ~ndmo~, ~d have utflnicm on or off, Al~ih ~der ~y take ~tiou und~t~ii ~ti~n ~, L~der d~s not have w do so ~md is not under ~y dUZy or obligation ~o do ~. I~ is tgr~ca mai ~ct i~rm no liabili~ for not t~ing ~y or actions authorizM under ~{is Sc~ion 9, Any ~u~s di~bursv~ by ~ndcr under ~i{ S~tion 9 sh~l ~ ~dition~ dub{ of Borrower ~red ~ ~is 5~urity lnst~mcnt. ~ese ~uuts shall b~ }nt6r~t a ~c Note rate from ~c date diiburscmcnt ~ shall bc payable, wi~ su~ intcr~l, upon ~ttce {~om L~dcr ~ Bo~ower rcqu~ti~ pay~ut. If ~im $~urity Ius~m is on ~ le~ehold ~owcr sh~l ~mply wi~ ~1 ~e provisions of l~. If Bo~owm' acquir~ fcc Qtto ~ ~c Pro~. th~ leopold ~ $c f~ tiflc ~gl .not nmrgc L~ndcr ~gr~ to thu m~rgcr inwriting. 10. Mo.gage I~urancm, If l~er ~quircd Me.gage Iuiur~ u a ~nditiou o~ ~iug the ~rrow~r ~1 pay fie prcmiu~ r~quir~d to maintgu th~ Moflga{e lnsur~ in eff~l, lf',' for ~y r~uon. ~ Me.gage ln,ur~c~ ~v~rage ~equired by Mnd~r ~s to bc mv~ilabl~ from ~ ~ ~aurur pr~vio~ly p~ovided su~ imur~n~ ~ Borrower w~ r~uk~ m ~ l~ately d~ig~tvd pay~uu towed ~,c prc~ums fo~ Mortgage I~t~. ~n'owgr SSI pay file prc~u~ rcquir~ to obt~n ~verage sUbSt~li~ly equiv~t lo ~e Mo.ga~c lnsur~ p~evio~ly iai eff~t: at a co~t subst~ti~ly ~ulvg~nt to ~e co~t ~o Bo.ewer of lh~ Mortgage Insur~ previously ~ eff~, 'from ~ altema~ moaga{~ iuswer sel~l~ by'~er, If sub~t~ti~ly ~uiv~a Mo~tgm{e l~ur~e ~v~se is not available, ~rrower sh~i ~m~ue to FaY to ~nder ~e ~o~nt of ~ s~ely desig~ paym~u ere duc wh~ ihs insar~c~ ~vera{~ ~ to ~ in ~fkct. ~r will ~l,.use ~d ~ P Y .... ' - ' .... '--- ,~- e.e~ that mC ~ iS ulti~lY paid in full, ~d ~er sh~[ not required to pay ~o~r any int~r~ or ear.gm o~ su~ l~m ru~. ~cr c~no longer r~qui~ lores rcsccw paym~t~ if Mongag~ ]nsur~cc ~v~rag~ (in th~ ~unt ~ br ~ ~ri~ ~at ~ndcr ~quircs) provided b ~ i~urer ~l~t~ by ~ad~t ag~ ~ avail~blo, ~ ob~d,. ~d ~eately ~e$i~at~ paymonzs towed th~ p~¢nfi~ for Mollg~¢ {~ur~e. 1~ ~naer ~uuea MOrtgage Insur~ as { ~niifiou of ~ing ~m ~ ~d ~ow~r w~ ~quir~d to m~ sedately payll~n~ lowed ~ prerMu~ for Mortgage ~ur~, ~w~l~ sh~l pay t~ pt~ r~uir~ to maintMa Mo~gag~ {~ur~ce in offS., or ~ p~vid~ a uomr~h~able 1o~ t~. until ~ndcr's r~uirom<t for Mo~gagu Insur~ oud~ in a~ord~ wt~ ~y wri~ ~m;nt ~tw~ B~aowgr ~nd¢~ providing for ~uch tur~ation or ~{il temfinaliou i, r~qui~d by Appiioabl~ ~w. NomMg m S~tion 10 af~ts Bo~wor's obligation ,o pay intec~t at the r~ provided ia ~e Notu, Mo~gag~ In~ur~¢ r¢imbm~ ~nd~r (or ~y ontity ~at pu~h~ ~ Nme) for ~rt~n 1o~$~ it may ~r if Bo~owur d~ not r~ay ~ ~ ~ agra, Bo~wer is not ~ p~y to ~¢ Moflgago Mo~gago in~uro;~ ev~uat~ then ~t~ risk ca ~1 su~ i~ur~;~ in for~ ~om ti~ to ti~, ~d ~y outer into age,meats wi~ other p~i$s ~a{ sh~ or m~i~ their fisk~ or t~u~ loa~a. ~¢ae agr~monts ~ on te~ ~ oo~itio~ fi~ ~ ~tiaf~ m ~e moagago ~ur~ ~ ~e o~er p~y (or p~¢ies) to mese agreem~uu. 3Z~e agreements may require the ~.gago insurer to m~e pty~ 9~ng ~Y $~u~ of ~Ms ~at fll~ mortgage in~urer ~Y have av~able (whi~ may Mclu~ ~ds obt~n~ ~om Mortgage lnsur~ce premium). Asa r~ult of thas~ igreemems, Len~r, ~y purest of ~¢ Nots, ~thor insurer, ~y ~y o~er ~ntity, el' ~y affiliate of ~y of tho for~goint, ~Y ~iv~ (d~lly or i~ir~tly) ~ts that derive from (or ~t b~ eharaeteri~ ~) a ~nion of ~owcr's paynmnt$ for Mongag6 ~ur~, ~xch~g¢ for shrug or mMify~i ~c mo~gag~ Msurer's ask, o~ rcduc~g I~ses. If such agr~t ' prsmiu~ p~d to ~8 i~ucsr, the ~gu~nt is casa t¢~ '~ptive r~ur~.' Furor: (~) Any su~ ag~nts will not ~ the ~soun~ t~t Borrower ~ a{r~ ~ pay Mo~iage lusurau~, or ~y other tern of th~ ~, $uch a{r~m~ will not incr~e ~e amount Borrower will owe for MoHgag~ l~uranc,, and ~ wlH not eutitl~ Bon~ t~ any r~nd, MBBS IM6001292 6001292 : , / l~:~ 0 . (b) An.y s;~ch agreements will not affect the fights Borrower luts- if any - with respect to the Mortgage I~urancc under thc Homeowners Protection A~ of 1998 or any other law. These rights may incktde the right to receive certain disclosures, to reqile~t and obtain ~ncd~tion of the Mo~ga~e I~n~ce, to have ~c ~o~g~ lnsu~nce t~inated a~tomati~liy, and/or to r~eive a re. nd ~f a~y Montane l'n~urance pr~u~ that were un~a~ed ~t thc ~mc of such ~ncellati~n or te~inafion.. 11, ~$nm~t of Mi~llan~ ~e~; ~off~it~te. All Mi~eous P~s ~e he.by assig~ to ~d sh~l ~ paid to If ~ Prop$.y is d~{aged, s~ch Mis~li~ou{ ~ shgl bm applied to restorad~ or r~r the ~op~ay, if ~* restoration or r~r i$ ~no~ly f~iiblo ~ ~ndcr'i ~u~ty is not DurMg suoh r~air ~d ~storation p~H~, ~r sh~l hav~ the right to hold $u~ Mis~llan~us ~ce~dm ~til Mnd~r h~ h~ ~ oppo~ity to ins~t such ~r~ to ~usuro ~ work ~s ~en ~mplet~ to ~nder's satisf~ion, provided ~at such iz~ction ~hgl ~ und~"~n promptly. ~er ~y pay ropars ~d r~s~ration in a sh~gl~ diibursumcnt or M a ~rics of prog{~s paymnti ,as th~ work ~mpletod. Unless an agr~m~t is ~ ia writing or Applic~le LaW requires intm~st to 6~ paid on much Mis~¢ll~us Proc~s, Mnde shgl not M r~quir~ lo pay ~ow~r a~ intere~ or ~ings on sugh Mis~6ll~us Pr~¢~{, If th{ t~toraMn or r~pair is not ~nomi~lly legible or ~Mor's s~rily would bo l~ss~n~, ~ M~etll~u$ Pr~s sh~l bo applied to ~ suns $~r~ by ~is ~u,i~ Inurement, whether or nm th~u due. wi~ ~ ¢x~$, if my. P~ to ~C~wer, Such Mis~il~gs ~ds mhal b~ applied in ~$ oMcr provid~ for in ~¢tion 2, In ~ ¢vent of a tot~ ~ing, destruction, or loss ia v~uo of ~: Pro~.y, th~ Mis~llmeo~ Proc~fis $hEl be applied to th~ $u~ secar~ by fl~is Security Instrument, whc~cr or ~t ~ flue, with ~ ex~, if ~, paid to Borrowcc, - ' In ~o event of a pgti~ t~n$, ~t~tion, or }on in va~ of ~e ~y in which ~e fair ~ket vdu~ of thc Pro~ imm~iatcly ~[orc thc pa~i~ t~g, destruction, or to~ in vane is equ~ to greater ~an ~e ~=t of the su~ ~eur~ by ~i $~iity Instant im~dia~y ~fore ~ ~tng, destruction, or loss tn v~u$, uMess ~ower ~d ~ndcr o~c~iso agr~ ia writing. ~ sccu~'~d by ~is S~ Inst~ment sh~l M ~u~ by ~ ~munt of ~o Mi~ll~ous Prods maltipli~ by the followmg fr~tion: (a) the to~ ~ount of ~ au~ s~u~ l~i~ely bsfore ~c p~i~ t~Mg, dcst~ction, Or loss M v~ divl~ by (b) ~ f~r ~ket vMue of ~e P~rty i~j~ely before 0x: p~ti~ t~i~, dest~ction, o~ loss in v~uc, Any b~m~ ah~l bc p~id Io M the event of a pmi~ t~, dost~cI, ion, or lo~ in value of ~o ~o~ny in whic~ ~e Mr m~koi v2u, of the Property l~iatcly ~fofc she p~i~ t~iug, d~st~stion, or 1o~ ia valu~ is less ~an amount of ~e su~ s~ur~ i~cdiatmly ~forc ~c. p~i~ t~n$, destruction, or loss in v~ue, Bo~ower ~d ~ndcr o~se ~r~ in writing, ~e Mis~ll~ous Pio~ds $h~l ~ ~ppli~ m ~c secured by th~ Sec~r{~ Inatniment wh~hcr or ~t ~ s~ ~¢ ~en If ~e Propc~y is ~doned by-~w~r, or if, ~er ~ti~ by ~er to Bo~wcr ~at-the Op~{i~ Pay (~ d~fincd M ~ ~xt ~ntc~$) offers to ~e ~ awed to ~ttl~ a claM~ for Bo~owet fMls to r~po~d to ~n~ within 30 days a~er thc d~t¢ ~ noti~ is given, l~ud~r is au~ogiz~ to collect ~d apply th~ Mim~ll~us Pr~s ei~r to r~toration or r~r of ~e 'P~l~y or to su~ accur~ by ~is ~ufity l~tn{~t, ~:ef or not ~ ~e. 'Op~siu$ P~ ~ ~ ~ird that owes Bor~w~r Mis~ll~us ~s or ~e p~y ag~nst whom Bo~ow~ h~ a right of action tepid to Mi~ell~ous ~s. Bo~ow~r mh~l bm in davit if ~y action or ploc~iug, wh~$cr civil or cr~, ia begun ~at, ~nd~r's judgment. ~uld r~ult in forfeiture of ~o Ptope.y or other mte~ imp~t of ~ndcr's interest ~ file Property or rights uMcr this ~ri~ I~tr~t. Bo~owcr c~ ~re su~ a detail aceeler~ion h~ ~cu~, ~tate ~ provid~ M ~etion 19, by camin{ ~c ~fion or prying dis~ssed wis a ~llng ~. in ~<er's judger, precludes fo~eit~c of ~e ~y or o~cr i~Mmcnt of ~Mex"s inter in ~e ~o~ny or rights ~r ~is ~i~ Instruct. ~e p~s of ~y awed or cl~m for d~tg~ ~ ~e att~ibu~le to the {mpai~ent of ~ude~'s interest in ~ ~o h~mby anisued ~d sh~ ~ p~d to ~n~r. All Mls~ll~as Pr~s ~at ~ ~ot applied ~ r~mr~ion or ~p~r of ~e Prope~ s~l be appli~ in ~ order provided for in ~tion 2. ~88S 18600129~ 6001 .NOV-28-2001 WED 03:10 PM OK~IO ~tOLE$~LE F~f NO, 8012698830 P, 10/15 12. Borrower Not Rele~ed; Forbearance By Ueuder Not n Waive. ~xtc~ion of Se time for pay~nt or m~flcatiou of ~o~atiOn of ~e su~ s~u~d by this S~uriW lnst~nt gr~ by io Borrower or ~y Su~ssor in lul~r~t of Boirower ~&l riel ~p~ra~ io ml~ ~ liability of or uY ~ssor~ in Interest of Bo~ow~r. I~nder shall not ~ rcquir~ to ~mme~ p~gs ~y Successor ~ Intent of Bo~owc~ or to r~Ze ~ extend time for payment or o~c~ise ~di~ ~ortizaiou of ~. s~ s~ by ~hi~ S~rity ~ia~[ ~y ~.of ~ny ~d ,~ by gu~essors in Interest of Bonower or ~ ~oums 1~ ~ ~ ~unt th~ d~, ~1 n~t be a w~ver of or prelude {he ~xemise of ~y ~hi or remedy. 13, Joint ~{{d hvsral Liabilityl Co-Itgu~; su~ss ~d ~iff~ Bound, B~wer ~v~ts es ~ ~gowor's obit ation{ ~d liabili{y sh~l ~ joint ~d ~ver~. However, ~y ~nower who Insimm~ o~v ~o mon~a$~ 8rani ~d ~onv~y ~e ~.sis~r's infestst in ~ ~o~ny 'S~uri~ , * '. , , . - ' ' ecufit, ~rms of als S~cunV Inst~,; (b) is no~ ~on~.y p~hgacd io pay ac au~ ~ur~d ~. lns~mm~t; ~d (o) a~s ~I ~n~r ~d ~y o~er Boffower c~ agr~ ~ extena, ~W, ~orue~ or Sub{~ io ~he provisioa{ of S~c~ion 1~, ~'y ~ucc~tsor in ~i~r~s~ of ~o~cr who ~sumes Bo~ow~r's obli{afions ~r ~i~ S~uri~y tus{~a~ in writint. ~d is a~rov~ by ~n~r, sh~ll ~o~ow~r's obli{atious ~d liabiliiy ~l' this ~u~iy I~lmm~ul u~m Mud~ atr~{ ~o such writing. Th~ covc~s ~d a~eemeu~$ of ~is $~rity l~{ru~t sh~} bind (cx~ ~ p~ovidcd Sgtion 20) ~d Mnefit ~e successors ~d assiins of 14, Lo~u Charge. ~der may eh~ge Bo~ower f~ for ~ices peffom~d ~ ~{~gfion wi~ Bo~ower's flohull, for ~e, pu~g of prote~in{ ~nder's iu~l ~ ~e Pro~y ~d fi~is u~der.~is S~rity i~t~em, inducing, but ~ li~ to, mlomeys' legs, pro~ny ~lion ~d v~ua~on ~ re ard to ~y o~er f~s, ~m ~n~ of exprgss ~oriw in ~is ~udty Instm~nt t~ ch~g~ a fee ~ Bo.ewer sh~l not ~ ~ttm~ ~ a prohibition on {he cheung of su~ f~. ~naer ~y f~s ~at ~e egpt~ssly prohibited by ~s S~ufi~y l~tm~t or by Applieab~ ~w. If ~ ~ is subj~ ~ a law whi~ ~ls ~i~m lo~ ~gei, ~d ~at law is tingly inte~ret~ ~t the inmr~st or o~r lo~ ch~rg~ collgt~ o~ to be ~li~t~ iu ~gtiou wl~ ~ ~ ~n~tlcd limits, ~u: (a) ~y su~ 1o~ eh~i~ s~l ~ redu~fl by ~e ~o~I n~es~ li~ts will be re~nd~ to Bo~ower. ~d~r may choog to ~k~ ~his re.nd by r~ing ~ pflnci~ owed undei the NoSe or by m~ing a di~el pay~ut to Boriower. If m re~d redu~s pfi~, r~uetio~, wH1 be tre~ed ~ a p~itl p~pay~ni wi~out ~y pr~ay~nt ehwge (w~er prepayment ~g~ is proVi~d for under lh~ Note). '~ffowur's a~p~ of ~y su~ m~ ~ by direr paymem lo Bo~oWer will ~filu~ a wflv~r of ~y right el ration Bo~ower ~ght Mve ~sing of su~ ovemh~ge, 15. Nofi~, A~ noti~ given 'by Bo~wer or ~ in eo~/ion wi~ als S~rily m~t ~ in wflfiug. Any uo,li~ to Bo~mw~r in ~nu~fiou wi~ ~is S~rily ~{~nt sh~l have been given lo Bolxow~r when m~l~ by tim ~l~m mail or wh~ ~ly ~livemd to Borrower's nofi~ address if sen{ by 0~er me~s, Nofi~ ~ ~Y one ~.owe~ shill ~ititu~ notic~ lo ~esa Applic~le ~w expressly r~uire8 oag~i~, ~e noti~ ~dress mh~l ~ ~e ~ Add.ss urdess Boffower h~ d~i~t~ a subsfitule nofi~ ~dress by nofi~ to ~nd~r. Bo~ow~r ~fll promptly noti~ ~nd~r of ~ower s ~h~ge of ~dre~. if ~ {yifigs a produce for re~n~g chat~ of fld~ss, t~n Bo.ewer sh~l only ~ a ch~e of ~dr~ss ~rough ~at s~ifi~ pro~ure. ~er~ ~y he o~y one d~ig~d noti~ ~dre~ u~er ~his ~urity l~lmm~l at ~y ohm noIic~ to ~nder shill be given by delivering it or by ~l~ il by first cl~s ~1 to ~nd'Ur's slated Mreiu ~less L~r h~ d~igna~ ~other ~dr~ss by uoti~ lo ~rmwer. Any con. ion with ~is Se~rity Insi~ni {h~l ~t ~ d~ lo hav~ ~ given to ~nder ~til acluflly ~ived by ~nder. If ~y ~ti~ ~uirfl by ~is ~cu~y {nstmm~t is ~so ~ui~d ~der Appiic, ab{~ Law, ~e Appli~ble Law r~uire~nt wil{ salis~ ~e ~nms~nding r~uire~ut u~r ~is ~nty Instntment, ~88~I~6001292 600129a 0  -eA{WYI ~o~ v,~. ~o o, ~ Form 30~1 1101 NOV-28-2001 WED 03:10 PM OKMO HHGLESRLE ' F~ NO. 8Gt26§8830 P. 11/16 1~. Get,ming L~w; Severubllity; Rules of Co~ructlam This S~fity Imtmmen~ ff~l Applio~le Law, Appl~able MW might explicid/or implicitly ~l~ a~ p~ties ~ ~rc~ by control or ~gh~ ~ silent, but ~ silonc~ lhil ~t ~ co~t~d ~ a prohibhion.ag~ agrce~m by ~ntr~t. ~ ev~t ~at ~ pray}sion or clau~ of {his S~ui~y Iniiffi~a~ or ~ Note ~fltclm w}~ Appli~bl~ ~w, such ~nfli[t shal ~ol aff~t o~er prov~io~ of Sis ~cuxity ~a~m~ or ~ Note whi~ c~ gay< eff~t wi~out ~ conflicting provision. As u~d M ~is $<urhy Imtm~ntl (a) wor~ of lhe n~l~ gender ihgl ~an ~ ~es~nding neulc~ words or wor~ of ~ femini~ S~r; ~) word~ in ~e sM~ sh~i ~ include ~he plura ~d vi~ versa; ~d (c) ~ ~ord '~y' lives ~1~ di~reti~ without ~y oblilation t~e ~y action, 17, Borrower's CopY. ao~ower $h~l bo giv~ one copy of ~ Note ~d of ~Ls ~CUriW 18, Transfer of the Prope~}' or a Beneficial ~er~l In Borrowtr. At u~d in'.~s S~ction 18, "Intgr~t in ~ Property" me~ a;ay lc}~ or bonefioi~ int~t M ~e ~o~ny, imludM~, but not li~ tO. ~ose ~efid~ int~es~l tr~stcrr~ m a bond for ~d, ~ntr~t for d~, iml~nl l~s ~ntr~t or escrow agrc~, ~c in.hi of which B ~ tr~fer of title by ~ow~ at a ~ture date ~ a pu~h~cr. - re c~ or ~ Int~esl in fl~6 Pro~y is said or ~feffcd (or if Bo~owe~ wfitmn consent. ~dcr ~ ~q~ i~i~c pay~a~ ~ ~ll of ~1 s~s ~urcd 'by ~ S~urity InStm~at.. However, this option sa~l not ~ ex~r¢~a by Mnde~ if su~ ex¢roise ~ probated by Applicable Mw, If ~nder ~x~C:~e$ '~is option, ~nd~t sh~l give Bo~w~r notice of ~l~afion, ~ ~tice s~l rovide ~ eriM of ~ less th~ 30 flays from th~ da~ ih~ notice is given m ~rd~c$ with ~tioa P .... ~ ................ 'q ~U~ s~Ut~ by ~is ~ri~ ~l~nl, If Bo~wer Mis to ~ su~ prior to the cxp~iuo~ ox at~ ~n~, ~a~ .m~ ......... ~ $~urity lmtmm~nt without ~h¢~ nott~ or d~nmd on 19. Borrower's Right to Reim~te i~er l~de~lioa. If ~owcr mc~! ~ ~nditions, prior to ~e e~liest of: (a) five days before sge of ~ Pro~y punu~l to ~y po~r of s~¢ coatai~ in this S~cu~ty Insi~m~t; (b) su~ oaor ~ri~ ~ ~pli~ble ~w mi~t spe~i~ ibr th~ ~r~nation of BorroWer's right to ~initat:; or (c) ent~ of i j~g~nt enforcing ~ S~rlty lnst~nt. ~onditio~ ~e ~t Borrower: (a) pays ~ ill su~ whi~ ~en w~ld ~ due ~.der ~A S~ily [ns~tlm~nt ~d t~ Note ~ if ~o a~l~ration ~d ~u~M; (~) cux~ ~y d~ault of ~y o~er mv~s or to, gc~onahl$ aR racy P ~Y pu~ose of pro.ting ~:r'l Mlem~t in ~ ~'o~ny ~ fists ~der ~is Sexily l~t~moat; and (d) t~ su~ a~tion ~ ~er ~y ~e~onably mqai~ to ~su~ lhat Mnder's ~terb~t M ~e ~o~ny fl~ts ua~r ~i$ S~rity Inst~eat, ~d ~ower's obligaion to pay th~ s~ms s~ by ~is S~ty I~:~nt, sh~l ~ntinue ~ang~. ~nd~ my r~q~re ~at ~rtowgl pay such reMstatement sums ~d sxpe~es in one or ~re of ~e following b~s. ~ ~l~t~ by ~er: (a) ~; ~) mon~ order; (c) ~ified ~k, b~ ~ck, t~B~er't ehe~ or caah~r's ~k. pt~,id~ ~y su~ ch<k is drawn ~pon ~ institution whose d~posits ~ issued by a f~er~ agency, i~tm~nt~ily or ~tiW; or (d) F~ds Tr~sfer. Upon reiastat~m{nt by Bo~owet, ~is ~ity iastmmem ~ obligations $~ her~y shall remgn ~lly ¢ff~tiw ~ if no ~l~r~ion ~ ~ar~, ~oweveL ~{l right ~ reimt~e sh~l apply in t~ c~e of ~lera~ion under Section 18. , · . ~ Grlevan~ ~e Not~ or a p~i~ in~st 20. Sale of Note; C~age of ~n ~cer, No,ice o~ '. ........ ,.. ..... :.. ~ Not~ (tog¢~r wi~ ~s S~uri~ l~l~nt) c~ ~ aol~ eno or mo~o tim~ w~u~u~, p~,u~. ..... to Bor~wer. A i~c ~ght re,Mt ia a ch~g~ in ~ ~tity (~o~ ~ ~$ "~i ~ic~r") ~at ~llccts ~ Periodic Ps,eats due un~r me Note ~4 ~i, 8<ufity I~t~ment ~ performs oter mRg~e se~icing oblisatiOM ~r ~ Nora, 2as S~urily ~t~at. ~ Appllcabl~ 'Law, %e~c g~ mi~t b~ ,,,~, ,,J ,,,,,,, /hn~r~ flf ~1 ~P~ ~.~irer ImmlnfM tg S t~ 9[ ~e Not~. If ~ is a ~e of the ~ .......... ~t~ll }I fl 1~ ~ ao~ ~to~ NOV-28-2001 ~ED 03:11 PR OKMO ~IHOLESRLE FR× NO, 8012698830 P, 12/15 requi~es in co~i~n wi~h a notice of ~;~sfer of ~c~icing. If ~e Not~ i~ ~Id ~d ~e~ea~cr ~c ~ s~i~d ~y a ~ ~i~r ot~er ~m ~h~ pure.er of ~e Note, the ~g~ 1o~ ~e~ic~g oblig~ions to ~'owcr will ~em~n with ~c ~an ~icet or ~ tr~fened to a su~ssor ~ Se~i~r ~d ~e not ~sumed by the Not~ pumhu~ ~s o~e~i~ prov/d~ by ~e No~ p~chu~r. Nether Borrower nor I:n~r may con~e~, join, or ~ Join~ ~o ~y judicig ~fio~ (~ eider ~dividu~ litigmt or ~ mem~r of a cica) ~at ~s from &e o~er pmy'~ ~on~ punu~l Io S~urity l~st~ment or ~ alleges ~at ~e other p~ h~ bre~ ~y proviaio~ of, or ~y duw owed by r~on of, Otis ~uri~y ~st~mom, until ~uoh ~rrow~ or ~er h~ nodfi~ ~e o~er p~y (with nofi~ give, n in ~mpli~c~ wi~ ~o ~quirom~ts of ~tio~ 15) of s~ ~leg~ br~ md afford~ ~e o~her p~ hereto a re~onable ~ri~ a~er th~ giving of such amice ~ t~ ~tivt ~fion. tf Applicable ~ provides a dine p~riod which mus~ elapse ~fo~e ~gu ~lion ~ b~ ,~, ~al dine p~ ~11 ~ deem~ m be ~o~le for pu~oses of ~ p~a[nph. ~e uot[~ oL~el~alion ~d opponuni~ ~ ~t~ given lo ~n'ow~ pu~u~t to S~{ioa 22 a~ ~ noiice of ~ler~io~ giv~ to ~nower pursuit ~ S~tio~ 18 sh~l ~ d~ to satis~ ~ ~i~ ~d op~W to t~e ~ne~ive ~Cl~9~ provlsio~ of ~is ~¢tion 20. ~1. ~a~arao~ 8ub~aa~, ~ u~ m ~ S~otiu. 21. (&) .~l~ou~ ~ub~i~.c~" a~'~, substances de~ ~ ~xic or h~doos subst~cea, ~llut~s, or wm~s by ~v~on~m~ ~w ~d following ~ubstan~: g~ol~ kerosene, o0~r flammable o~ to~ic p~}eum p~duc~, ~c md ha~bi~idei, vo]afil~ ~nlv~n~, ~[~ co~talnin~ as~tos or fo~d~, ~d ~ioactive ~) "~nvito~rnl 1 ~w" ~ I~Cr~ laws ~d l~w~ of ~h~ ju~iotio~ where ~e Pm~ny t~ [fl~ ~lat~ m h~, safety or ~nviro~e~ protection; (c) "~vimn~nt~ C~up" mciu~ my ~tio~, remodi~ action, or r~v~ ~ion, u d~fined i~ ~viron~t~ ~w; ~d (d) ~ CondRion" ~ a ~nditioa ~at c~ ea~, ~mribu~ to, or o~e~i~ triter ~ ~nvi~ament~ Cle~up. ~wer shall not :a~s~ or ~it fl~ p~en~, Bso, dia~s~, storage, or rele~e of ~y Subst~s, or ~reat~n to r~l~ ~y H~as Subgt~s, on or in ~o P~po~y. ~nowgr ~1 ~t nor allow myong glse to do. ~sy~ing affecting ~ Pro~Ry (& that i$ in violation of ~y ~nvit~n~ f -~.r. dd which ~,~itff ~ gn¥i~oi~nf~l ~nnditinn, nr fc~ W~i~h, ~uc m ~ p~a~cc, usc, or rele~e of a two sente~ ~h~l not apply to ~e pr~e~, ~e, or storage oa ~e Pro~y of $mfll qu~tmes ot H~dous Su~t~c~ ~at ~'c gen~aity r~gal~d w b~ ~v.&~i&t$ to uo~ ~{idential .~e~ nnd f~ mainten~ of ~e Pt~y (iaclad~, but not li~ to, h~doui $ub~m~$ i~ ¢oasumr products). ~';.wcr aha! ~ramptl~ give I,t~ ~r~n ~ti~ Of {a) ~y investigation, clx, de--id, lawsuit or o~r uofi~ by ~y geve~ont~ ur r,~lato~. ~g~,ne~ n~ivat{ p~ Jnv~ ~ Pro. fly nod HmaMou$ Subat~c~ or ~viro~t~ Law of whi~ ~owtr h~ ~t~ ~wlodgc, ~) rele~ of ~y H~us ~bst~, ~ (c) ~y ~ndition caos~ by tn~ present, u~ ur i~l~ Hm~ous Subst~ which ~ve.r~lI afros ~a vg~¢ of ~e Pm~y. If ~rrower !~, or is notifi~ by ~y Sove~ntfl or regulao~ authori~, or ~y private p~ly, ~g ~y remov~ ot other r~digion o[ ~y Ha~'do~s Subst~ afl<ting the ~o~rty ia n~cl$~, ~now~r i~l pron~tly t~e gl remedifl ~tio~ M ~cord~ with ~viron~n~ ~w. No~in$ h~reM ~I creat¢ ~y obligation ~ndor for ~ Enviro~entg Cl¢~up, M88S IM600 I~00.:292 6001292 ,~.-:~~ , 0 (~-6A(WYI p~ge ~ or '~§ Fo~m 30~1 1/01 NOV-28-2001 WED 03:12 PM OKMC HHOLE$~LE F~× NO, 8012698830 P, 13/15 NON.UI~FORM COVEN^NTS. Borrower ~ L~der further covenant aad ~r~ m follows: ~2. A~el~tlon; Rem~im. L~der s~i give nogce to ~ow~ O~or to accele~n Iollowini n~w~,~ br~aeh or ~ny ctiv~utll us ~t~t i~ this ~urlly l~r~t (~t not p~or to accelemllon uss~ ~t;~, lfl ual~ ipp~c~hl~ l,sw prnvM~ Otb~c), ~e n~l~ ~hall spr, d~ the default; ~) ~e a~lon requir~ ~ cu~ the d~a~t; (c) a date, not i~ t~ ~ ~ys from me · e ~fice ia g~vm to ~rrow~, by whteh the ~faMt mint be cu~; and (d) ~at ~2ure tn cure default on or b~e t~ ~te sp~lfled in the ~ may ~B In acce~mt~n of ~e ~s S~r~ by this ~auriW Ins~mmt a~ sal~ of ~he ~o~y, The amice shall ~h~ info~ Bor~w~ of the right to rfiustate afl~' ac~erafion and the fight to bfin$ a c~ a~i~ to ~ the non~i~e of a defa~ ot any othw dcfe~ of Bo~ower to ~cel~tion ~ ~le. ~ t~ d~au~ is ~t eur~ on or ~fore th~ d~e t~fi~ tu ~e nodee, ~nder at i~ opfl~ may r~i~ ~me~Me pa~t la ~H of all curet ~.r~ h~ tlfi~ fi~[B'. [aatr~e~ without ~h~ ~d ~d may inv~a the ~wer of ~ona~e Blln~' f~ ~ corers Of title ~vidmc~. and to tha ~o~ in ~lon of the ~p~y, if ~ffere~, In a~r~ce with Appli~ble Law. Lmdw a~l ~lve nottc~ Of ~e s~ to ~r~war in the mann~ p~vide~ in ~tio~ 15. L~d~ shall Law. L~der or ~ d~lgn~ may purch~e t~ ~o~y at uuy ~.. ~ pr~e~'og the ~le shall appli~ in ~b~ follow~g wdar: (a) to all ~ of the ~ includin~, but not iimll~ r~Uable auorneys' i~; W~ tu ~1 ..,,~ ~te~.d by t~ ~-~y %n~muiWi ~d (,',) ~n~ f.~ to the ~on or ~ns I~g~H~ ~ililed lo ~. Re~se. U~n pay~nt of ~ s~ ~cured by fisis ~ufily Instrument, ~d~ sh~l rcl~e this ~rity Inst~ment ~o~ow~r uh~l ff,~ ~y tu~tdation com. Lendr~ m~y ~'l~ ~O~wet a f~ for l'el~ing this SeouriW Instmm;nt, but o~y if ~e f~; il p~d to a ~ird p~ for s~i~s mnd~r~ ~d the ;h~ging of ~ f~ ia p~rmittod under Applicable Z4, Waive~, Borrower ~l~s ~d waivos ~1 rights u~i ~ ~Y vifluo of .~e hol~st~ exemption laws of Wyo~g. tntt} NOV-28-2001 ~ED 03:1S PM OKMC ~HGLESRLE FR× NO 8012698830 P. 14/1~ ..... (s~) (S~) t4885IM6001292 6001~91 {) NOV-28-2001MED 03;13 PM OKMC WHOLESALE FAX NO, 8012698830 P, 15/15 County STATE OF WYOMING, Linco in Trm foregoing ir~tn~ment was a~h~owl~g~ b~for~ me this November 28, 2001 t,yOODV HICI,,IAF..L $I~[/.~N~ a.fl KRI~I'IJqE SIMKIN$ EXHIBIT "A"- That part of the S~SWM of Section 31, T32N Rll8W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on 'the East line of said S~SW~, S 00o04.1, 265.30 feet from the,.Northeast corner of said S~SW~, found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate fi,led in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; thence continuing S 00o04.1, W, 188.00 feet, along sai~ east line to a point; thence N 89035.2, W, 619.29 feet to a point; thence N 06000.0' E, 188.89 feet to a point; thence S 89035.2, E, 599.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.