HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 106 CUP 23 PUTTZ Mini Golf
APPLICANTS: Ivie Plantation PROJECT NAME: PUTTZ Mini Golf (Big Sky Miniature Golf)
ZONING: Mixed PLANNER: Robert C. Davis
PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning & Zoning Commission recommends APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File #106 CUP 23, a proposal to build a 19-hole Miniature Golf Course located on land roughly 9,900
square feet in size within a Mixed Zone 24.05-acre parcel, with:
Findings of Approval A through E. Conditions of Approval 1 through 8.
FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of W.S. 18-5- 201 et seq. authorizing counties to regulate construction of buildings and the use of land through comprehensive planning including
zoning. B. The proposal is consistent with goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan, including: 1. Section III Economic Development. Goal A. Promote and assist in the development of commercial, recreational and industrial activities;
2. Section IV Land Use Objective 1. Create Land Use Regulations that promote the responsible and orderly development of Lincoln County; C. The proposal is consistent with the standards and procedures of these Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, including: 1.Chapter 1. Zoning. Definition of the Mixed Zone;
2.The provisions of the Etna Community Plan Overlay Zone. D. The conditional use will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property; and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare. E. The conditional use is designed to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the area of its location.
CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Alteration of the project shall require additional permitting;
FILE # 106 CUP 23
2. Updated Access Permit from Wyoming Department of Transportation for consideration of the added miniature golf course use is required before issuance of a Zoning and Development Permit,
due to access being located on HWY 89 with jurisdiction belonging to WYDOT.
3. The drive-in access route to the restaurant shall be depicted on the site plan in order to ensure that the traffic exiting the drive-through window does not impede traffic flow for mini-golf parking and presented with the application for the Zoning and Development Permit. 4. The eight (8) parking spaces directly south of the proposed common recreational space designated
for the Recreational Vehicle Park should be further situated to the south in order to provide enough
clearance for parked cars to egress the parking space without impeding the flow on the drive. 5. Exterior lighting shall comply with Lincoln County Land Use Regulations Section 6.10 Lighting in order to minimize fugitive light, including the provision that the outdoor/exterior lights be hooded in design with no light source extending below the hood;
6. Commercial Buildings fall under the jurisdiction of the Wyoming Dept of Fire Prevention &
Electrical Safety and may require a plan review. 7. The applicant will maintain a 20-foot separation from the Baker Ditch. 8. The applicant shall provide a dimensional drawing of the proposed sign, the type of sign and its location of the site. Signage will be a non-illuminated sign and shall conform to all State and
Federal requirements in addition to the requirements of Appendix G of the Land Use Regulations.
PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommended that the Planning & Zoning Commission send a recommendation of APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File #106 CUP 23, a proposal a proposal to build
a 19-hole Miniature Golf Course located on land roughly 9,900 square feet in size within a Mixed Zone
24.05-acre parcel, with Findings of Approval A through E and Conditions of Approval 1 through 8. Please find the attached Recommended Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law from the July 19, 2023 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. ____________________________________________________________________________
PROPOSAL: To develop a build a 19-hole Miniature Golf Course located on land roughly 9,900 square feet in size within a Mixed Zone 24.05-acre parcel near Etna Wyoming. The property is located on HWY. 89 with a current use of the property is a residential, a restaurant and a Recreational Vehicle Trailer Park.
A. Applicants’ application and site plan B. Vicinity Maps C. Public Notice D. Agency Comments ____________________________________________________________________________
The 19-hole 9,900 sq. ft. miniature golf course will be located at the southernmost point of a 24-acre site currently occupied by a Recreational Vehicle Park, restaurant and single-family use. The ADA compliant golf course will contain hand-built structures, boulders and turf. Concrete sidewalks will be place
between each hole. The site will be landscaped and fenced around the perimeter. The site will also
provide for an office. When fully operational, the hours of operation will begin at mid-Spring to mid Fall, Monday through Saturday 6pm to 9pm. The course’s capacity is estimated to be 95 players/90 minutes. The 63 parking
spaces will accommodate needs for both the miniature golf course and the adjacent JACZ Drive-in Restaurant. Mini-golf customers will be able to access the restrooms in JACZ. WDEQ does not see a
need to require more septic capacity for the proposed mini golf course.
Access The applicant has obtained a new access permit from WYDOT because of the advent of the miniature golf use to the site. As such, Staff recommends the removal of Condition #2 of the Recommendation stating, 2. Updated Access Permit from Wyoming Department of Transportation for consideration of
the added miniature golf course use is required before issuance of a Zoning and Development
Permit, due to access being located on HWY 89 with jurisdiction belonging to WYDOT. The site plan demonstrates that traffic circulation on the site will flow similar to access provided to the existing drive-through restaurant using the 20-foot drive and accessing golf parking spaces directly south
of the restaurant. The drive-in access route to the restaurant shall be depicted on the site plan in order to ensure that the traffic exiting the drive-through window does not impede traffic flow for mini-golf parking. In addition, the eight (8) parking spaces directly south of the proposed common recreational space designated for the Recreational Vehicle Park should be further situated to the south in order to provide enough clearance for parked cars to egress the parking space without impeding the flow on the
drive. The applicant stated they will be looking at the proximity of those parking spaces relative to the flow of traffic in the drive-through.
The Commission also commented on how quickly northbound and southbound vehicles on HWY 89 have to turn into the driveway of the subject property because of traffic speeds on the highway. Currently, there is no left turn lane or deceleration lane at this location on HWY 89. WYDOY has stated in a July 6, 2023 email that “the future WYDOT highway widening project of US 89 between Thayne and Etna has
been delayed indefinitely due to limited available funding. It now has a construction date in FY 2030’.
This means that there is still going to be an issue of high vehicular speeds and potential concern for vehicles turning into the site. The Planning Commissioners suggested that a channelized turn be constructed at the driveway. This suggestion, however, fall under the purview of WDOT who did not make mention of any needed improvements at the drive.
Signs and Lighting The applicant will need to provide a dimensional drawing of the proposed sign, the type of sign and its location on the site. The proposed signage has dimensions of 10’ by 20’. The sign shall conform to all State and Federal requirements in addition to the requirements of Appendix G of the Land Use
Regulations. Exterior lighting shall comply with Lincoln County Land Use Regulations Section 6.10
Lighting. The applicant stated that the site has maintained it operations of the ‘drive-thru’ restaurant without any need for signage and may not be placing a sign on the site.
Big Sky Miniature Golf Site Plan with JACZ Drive-In Restaurant
Agency Comments WYDOT has no objections for the proposed 19-hole Mini Golf Course.
For the change-in-use of existing access on US 89 the applicant must obtain a new access permit from
WYDOT. Please provide the latest site plan and traffic impact study for WYDOT review. Any highway mitigation measures determined necessary will be the responsibility and cost of the applicant.
FYI - the future WYDOT highway widening project of US 89 between Thayne and Etna has been delayed
indefinitely due to limited available funding. It now has a construction date in FY 2030.
For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located
at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing
access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit, or to
email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials.
An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W.
WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link:
http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/engineering_technical_programs/utilities_section.html If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Thank you. Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
PUTTZ Mini Golf Proposal Dialogue updated July 10, 2023
The Project
We are proposing the development of PUTTZ Miniature Golf on our property, Ivie Tract, NE ¼
NW ¼ SE ¼ of Section 15, T35N R119W, Lincoln County, Wyoming also known as JACZ Drive-In
(Ivie Plantation). We will be working with local developer, Big Sky Miniature Golf to build a 19
hole concrete and turf course with statues and walkways. Big Sky is a reputable developer
known for construction of mini golf courses across the country. They have years of experience
with all aspects of course planning, development, and construction. If approved, construction
would begin July of 2023 and be completed in roughly 6 weeks. Our mission is to bring an
affordable and family friendly activity to Star Valley. In order to do so, we have been seeking
sponsorships from local companies. With their sponsorships, we are able to drive down the cost
of construction and charge less admission. We currently have 16 willing sponsors – pending
approval of this application.
Course Features
ADA Compliant, 19 holes (all holes 25-30ft long), hand built statues, boulders, and turf.
Concrete sidewalks between each hole. We will landscape the course with foliage native to the
area. Fencing will be installing surrounding the course.
In addition to the irrigation ditch which happens to border the boungdary of the mini golf
course, all holes are sloped toward the cup. Under the cup, there is essentially a dry well to
capture and disperse water. The dirt work prep includes a layer of rock and gravel underneath
all concrete and holes. Standing water will be non-existent on the holes as they will be sloped,
if there is a small amount of standing water, our staff will be equipped with leaf blowers and
squeegees to move any water from walkways and high trafficked areas. Walkways will also
be slopped outward to ensure no standing water (confirmed with developer).
ADDITION: Section view diagram of hole cup is attached.
Fire Safety
There is currently a fire safety lane on the property which passes directly to the north of the
mini golf course. We are also planning to leave a 10’ perimeter on the back side of the course.
This area will be gravel. In case of an emergency, EMS or Fire will be able to access the entire
perimeter of the course.
Snow Removal
We will be only open seasonally, so snow removal will not be necessary in the off season. The
developers have informed us that snow and ice will not damage the course. We will still do
snow removal maintenance to the rest of the property for access purposes, including the fire
Electrical- Lighting & Security Cameras
We plan to always be closed at sunset, (9pm in the peak summer months, earlier in the Spring
& Fall months), so there will be no need for lighting. We do however want to have some low
lighting (below knee level) which will be solar powered for security reasons. All low level
lighting will be secured into the sidewalks and not distract drivers on the highway. We will have
security cameras installed on the mini golf office building as well as JACZ for an extra vantage
We will run electrical lines from the box on our property near the RV PARK to the mini golf
course (please see property drawing). Power will be essential for speakers, POS system, etc.
ADDITION: electric lines will be trenched over to main mini golf office from existing power
box and ran under current gravel roadway (no concrete interference). Each individual hole
does not require power, only the main office. All other lighting features of the course will be
solar powered as mentioned before.
Mini Golf Office Structure
We plan to convert an old box truck into a functioning office for the course. Here, customers
will be able to purchase their balls/clubs and receive score cards. We will use this building as a
storage space for all of our equipment. Additionally, this will be ADA compliant and all
customers will be able to access the office. Because this truck is operational, we will be able to
move it seasonally for storage.
Seasonality and Hours
Due to construction, we do not anticipate to be open until August 2023. But in following years,
we anticipate PUTTZ to be open mid Spring (when snow melts) approx. end of April through
mid Fall (when snow flies) approx. October. We anticipate our busiest times to be Friday and
Saturday afternoons/evenings in the peak of summer. 6pm-9pm Friday and Saturday in July.
Using our sales history from JACZ, our busiest week of the year is always the second week in
July. During this week, we averaged 100 sales per day. Each sale averages $60 (4 people- avg
meal price per person $15= 400 MEALS per day). HOWEVER 60% of this business is to go
orders (240 orders) and we usually service huge to-go office orders with only one car arriving
to pick up said order. We hope to capture a lot of our restaurant audience and visa versa. Our
target group is obviously families, and most families visit JACZ in the evening after the parents
have finished their work day. Our busiest hours will be the evening as the sun is setting and the
heat of the day is gone, adults will be done with work and can enjoy some leisure time. The
course can hold 5 players per hole per every 1.5 hours (flow of play- just under 5 minutes per
hole). Our max capacity would be 95 players per every 1.5 hours or 190 players for our three
busiest hours of the day 6pm-9pm Friday & Saturday. LCWY Parking regs indicate that 1 space
is needed for every 3 patrons. (95 players/3 = 31.66 or 32 parking spaces needed for mini golf
every 1.5 hours). This number is ambitious as we are not located in a highly populated area and
is a high estimate. A more reasonable average for these times would be 75% capacity or 71
players every 1.5 hours. (71/3 = 23.66 or 24 parking spaces per 1.5 hours) ADDITION: On our
property we have the total of 32 parking spaces for mini golf and 25 parking spaces allotted
for JACZ as our max capacity at JACZ is 75 patrons. In addition to these, we have overflow
parking equal to 18 spaces if needed. 75 parking spaces total on the property (not including
the separate parking for the RV park).
Other Details
-Restrooms- Our mini golf customers will always be able to access the restrooms in JACZ and
they will have access to a seasonal port a potty close to the mini golf. There will be indicated
pathways for PEDESTRIAN CROSSING both from the mini golf course into JACZ and a PED
XING from the RV PARK to JACZ.
SEPTIC- Per our septic tank permit, we are permitted 960gal/day for our two 1,000gal septic
tanks. This allotment is under the assumptions that A. JACZ Restaurant is operating full time
year round and cleaning dishes- we serve all meals on trays and baskets and use rinse sinks
instead of washing each batch of trays and we do not operate year round, but only 5 months
per year. B. that our RV park is operating at full capacity year round. This is also incorrect as
we are generally only 80% full with many of our tenants only using the system at night when
they return from work. C. This allotment did not consider that most of our business is TO GO
orders and we do not need to use water for any of those large orders and those customers
are not using the restrooms.
In a conversation with Mark Baron from the state water department, he recommended that
we meter our water consumption for the septic tanks this summer by installing a water meter
on our well and then planning from there. He suggested that if we are exceeding our
allotment, that we install another Septic Tank next season (2024). If we are not exceeding, he
suggested that we get our septic tanks pumped once per every other season. But this year,
while we are monitoring, he advised that we use a port a potty as a secondary / faster and
more accessible option for the mini golf players.
-The course will be closed with inclement weather. Inclement defined as high wind, heavy
rainfall, lightning, snow, etc.
-We will use signage throughout the property to help flow traffic more effectively per our
property drawing will erect additional parking to the North of JACZ, re-route traffic to exit by
travelling around the restaurant and out from the Southern Parking Lot area.
Fencing will surround the perimeter of the mini golf course to prevent accidental driving on
course. Drawn on diagram.
We wanted to note that Surveyor Scherbel recommended that we did not need to provide the
topographic overlay for the entire 24.05 acres and instead provided us with the topographic
overlay of the Southern part of the property, where all of the commercial activity on the
property is. Should you need additional information about the rest of the property, we can
acquire it, but we are hoping to avoid the high expense of procuring the rest of the map.
A. Ivie Plantation- JACZ DRIVE IN- Representative- Alex Ivie- PO Box 5491, Etna, Wyoming
B. E1/2NE1/4 Section 15, 35N, 119 W or 107157 US Highway 89, Etna, Wyoming 83118
C. Total Lot Size 24.05 Acres Total Project Size Approx. 12,000 sq feet
D. Mixed
E. Neighboring property is agricultural use
F. Purpose: Outdoor mini golf course. No building or permanent structures will be erected.
We will employ 1-5 employees, but only 1 at a time.
G. Attached
H. N/A
I. N/A
J. Monthly Volume Number Estimate Based Off of JACZ 2022 & 2023 Customer
Seasonality- We hope in our busier months (June, July, August) to capture 50% of our
restaurant traffic on a daily basis. We hope to capture 30% of our restaurant traffic in
the slower months (April, May, September, October). As stated earlier our absolute
MAX capacity would be 95 players per every 1.5 hours or 190 players for our three
busiest hours of the day 6pm-9pm Friday & Saturday. LCWY Parking regs indicate that 1
space is needed for every 3 patrons. (95 players/3 = 31.66 or 32 parking spaces needed
for mini golf every 1.5 hours). However, we do not anticipate this to be the norm
especially since we are in a rural area.
a. APRIL 2023 – 75 Restaurant Sales per day PLUS 22 Golf Sales per day
b. MAY 2023 – 80 Restaurant Sales per day PLUS 24 Golf Sales per day
c. JUNE 2023 – 90 Restaurant Sales per day PLUS 45 Golf Sales per day
d. JULY 2022- 100 Restaurant Sales per day PLUS 50 Golf Sales per day
e. AUGUST 2022- 80 Restaurant Sales per day PLUS 40 Golf Sales per day
f. SEPTEMBER 2022- 45 Restaurant Sales per day Plus 13.5 Golf Sales per day
g. OCTOBER (weather permitting) 2022- 30 Restaurant Sales per day PLUS 10 Golf
Sales Per Day
K. Attached
L. Attached
M. Check
N. Check
7/24/23, 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
Big Sky Miniature Golf
7 messages
Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 11:33 AM
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
WYDOT has no objections for the proposed 19-hole Mini golf Course.
For the change-in-use of existing access on US 89 the applicant must obtain a new access permit from WYDOT. Please
provide the latest site plan and traffic impact study for WYDOT review. Any highway mitigation measures determined
necessary will be the responsibility and cost of the applicant.
FYI - the future WYDOT highway widening project of US 89 between Thayne and Etna has been delayed indefinitely due
to limited available funding. It now has a construction date in FY 2030.
For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-
54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located at https://usa.maintstar.co/
Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing access to the MainStar system to contact
the local District Office for the license or permit, or to email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials.
An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W.
WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link:
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction
of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records
Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 8:35 AM
To: "jaczdrivein@gmail.com" <jaczdrivein@gmail.com>
Cc: Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>
Please see the email above from Darin Kaufman. I believe the access permit provided to me earlier was for the existing
uses. You will need to update the permit for the miniature golf use.
Thank you.
MINIGOLF Site Plan.pdf
7/24/23, 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
Robert C. Davis, AICP, SMP
Planning Director
Lincoln County Office of Planning and Development
421 Jefferson St., Ste. 701
Afton, WY 83110
(307) 885-4725
[Quoted text hidden]
JACZ Drive-In <jaczdrivein@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 8:43 AM
To: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thanks for the clarity. I will start working on updating the access permit today.
[Quoted text hidden]
Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 8:52 AM
To: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
Cc: "jaczdrivein@gmail.com" <jaczdrivein@gmail.com>
Thanks for sharing the site plan. This sheds more light on what is actually intended and generates additional comments:.
Any landscaping or other encroachments into the highway US 89 right-of-way frontage the appropriate (i.e.
landscape, M-26) permits must be obtained from WYDOT.
It is advised that setback from the existing US 89 highway right-of-way to all on-site features (signs, structures,
parking, service facilities etc.) be maximized to the fullest extent possible in accordance with local regulations or
ordinances, in anticipation of future US 89 highway expansion, fore slope, drainage structures, utilities, and right-
of-way acquisition in this area.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 8:35 AM Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov> wrote:
[Quoted text hidden]
[Quoted text hidden]
JACZ Drive-In <jaczdrivein@gmail.com>Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 9:14 AM
To: Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
Hi Darin-
Thank you very much for the direction.
Can you please direct me towards the change in use permit application and the M 26 application?
There will not be any new utility construction.
7/24/23, 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
Thank you for your help,
Alex Ivie
[Quoted text hidden]
Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 9:21 AM
To: JACZ Drive-In <jaczdrivein@gmail.com>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
I know you had called last week, we just missed one another.
Attached are the applications you should need.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
[Quoted text hidden]
2 attachments
Access Application_Form M-3A_Mar_2015_protected.pdf
M-26 Landscape Agreement (Revised 5-2017).pdf
JACZ Drive-In <jaczdrivein@gmail.com>Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 3:34 PM
To: Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>
Cc: Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov>
Hi Darin-
Thank you for your direction earlier on the phone today.
Attached to this email are the following:
1. Change in Use Access Permit Application
2. Our very recently approved access permit application for the restaurant and RV Park with notes and signatures from
your team.
3. Mini Golf Site Plan
4. Mini Golf Narrative - the last page really describes our estimated traffic flow (number of sales = number of cars) based
on sales from our restaurant this year thus far at JACZ (April-June 2023) and last year at JACZ (July-October 2022). With
sales and traffic peaking in July. For reference, our restaurant hours are 11am-7pm.
Please let me know if anything is unclear or if you need any additional information.
Thank you,
Alex Ivie
7/24/23, 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
On Jul 7, 2023, at 9:21 AM, Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov> wrote:
I know you had called last week, we just missed one another.
Attached are the applications you should need.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 9:14 AM JACZ Drive-In <jaczdrivein@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Darin-
Thank you very much for the direction.
Can you please direct me towards the change in use permit application and the M 26 application?
There will not be any new utility construction.
Thank you for your help,
Alex Ivie
On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 8:52 AM Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov> wrote:
Thanks for sharing the site plan. This sheds more light on what is actually intended and generates additional
Any landscaping or other encroachments into the highway US 89 right-of-way frontage the
appropriate (i.e. landscape, M-26) permits must be obtained from WYDOT.
It is advised that setback from the existing US 89 highway right-of-way to all on-site features (signs,
structures, parking, service facilities etc.) be maximized to the fullest extent possible in accordance with
local regulations or ordinances, in anticipation of future US 89 highway expansion, fore slope, drainage
structures, utilities, and right-of-way acquisition in this area.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 8:35 AM Robert Davis <robert.davis@lincolncountywy.gov> wrote:
Please see the email above from Darin Kaufman. I believe the access permit provided to me earlier was for
the existing uses. You will need to update the permit for the miniature golf use.
Thank you.
MINIGOLF Site Plan.pdf
Robert C. Davis, AICP, SMP
Planning Director
Lincoln County Office of Planning and Development
421 Jefferson St., Ste. 701
7/24/23, 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
Afton, WY 83110
(307) 885-4725
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>
Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 11:33 AM
Subject: Big Sky Miniature Golf
To: Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov>
Thank you for the opportunity to comment.
WYDOT has no objections for the proposed 19-hole Mini golf Course.
For the change-in-use of existing access on US 89 the applicant must obtain a new access permit from
WYDOT. Please provide the latest site plan and traffic impact study for WYDOT review. Any
highway mitigation measures determined necessary will be the responsibility and cost of the applicant.
FYI - the future WYDOT highway widening project of US 89 between Thayne and Etna has been delayed
indefinitely due to limited available funding. It now has a construction date in FY 2030.
For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the
necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located
at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing
access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit, or to
email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials.
An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W.
WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link:
If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
Thank you.
Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE
WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer
3200 Elk Street
Rock Springs, WY 82902
Office: 307.352.3034
Cell: 307.389.0235
E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction
of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records
Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction
of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records
Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction
of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records
Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
<Access Application_Form M-3A_Mar_2015_protected.pdf><M-26 Landscape Agreement (Revised 5-
4 attachments
7/24/23, 4:58 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Big Sky Miniature Golf
MINIGOLF Site Plan.pdf
PUTTZ Application Narrative July 10, 2023.docx
Access Application_Form M-3A_Mar_2015_protected.pdf
Access Change in Use Application.pdf