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113 MA 23 Refuge West Rezoning
102 RZ 23 1 LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Rezoning and Major Subdivision HEARING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 p.m., September 20, 2023 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Development Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILES #102-RZ-23 & 113-MA-23 APPLICANTS: Palisades Investments, LLC PROJECT NAME: Refuge West Fourth Filing Rezoning COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Alpine ZONING: Rural PLANNER: Robert C. Davis ____________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission find the rezoning application File #102 RZ 23 COMPLETE, and to begin the official 30-day notice of hearing to adopt the rezoning application. Findings of Approval A through E. Conditions of Approval 1 through 4. FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of W.S. 18-5- 201 et seq. authorizing counties to regulate construction of buildings and the use of land through comprehensive planning including zoning. B. The proposal is consistent with goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan, including: 1. Section II. Housing Objective 2. Promote the development of affordable housing and infrastructure concentrating development in and around communities 2. Section IV Land Use Objective 1. Create Land Use Regulations that promote the responsible and orderly development of Lincoln County; 3. Chapter 1.2 Provisions of Alpine Community Plan Overlay Zone which envisions quiet residential neighborhoods with pleasant looking commercial establishments that cater to tourist travelers and provide goods and services for local needs. C. The rezoning proposal will not overburden existing road, utility and service infrastructure. D. The rezoning proposal does not adversely affect the rate of infill development of the requested zone by not unnecessarily extending road and utilities or leapfrogging significant tracts of vacant land. E. The rezoning proposal will not increase the cost to the public for providing services. 102 RZ 23 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Alteration of the project shall require additional permitting. 2. The applicant will reach out to the Town of Alpine for a water and sewer will serve letter prior to Preliminary Plat. 3. At Preliminary Plat, the Developer and County shall enter into a Development Agreement to ensure installation of subdivision improvements and preparation of documents. __________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: This is a request to rezone from Rural to Mixed in order to accommodate 2.0-acre lot sizes having less than a 5-acre average for a subdivision which is not allowed in Rural. This rezoning proposal involves Lots 1 and 2 of the Refuge West 1st Filing and Lot 6 of the Refuge West 3rd Filing. Applicant proposes to split each lot in half to create six (6) lots ranging in size from 1.5 acres to 2.14 acres. The rezoning of the subject parcels will align the lots with single family and multi-family uses located to the west in the Alpine Village subdivisions. The subject parcels will be part of the overall master plan for Alpine Village and will align the mixed-use nature of the grandfathered Alpine Village zoning to the county mixed use zoning. The subject properties are located less than a quarter of a mile from the Town of Alpine, Wyoming. EXHIBITS: A. Applicants’ application B. Vicinity Maps C. Public Notice ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: The vacant subject parcel abuts Mixed zoning to the east and west. There is a considerable amount of Mixed zoned land in the area. The site is surrounded by single family uses ranging in size from 1.0 to 5.0 acres. 105 CUP 23 2 The subject area does not contain hazardous areas, prime forest use land or highly vulnerable natural systems. There are small areas of agricultural land. Highway 89 runs a quarter of a mile to the east. Merits of the rezone are that subject property abuts Mixed zoning and would therefore be an expansion of the district. The proposed rezoning would allow for higher densities and potential connectivity to Alpine public water and perhaps sewer. The rezoning proposal is consistent with master plan findings of increasing density around established central services. As such, the proposal is well aligned with the public interest of accommodating orderly growth and changes in the character of the area can be supported by infrastructure improvements. The existing road geometrics will be able to safely accommodate any projected increase in traffic in the area. The lots will have access from the private Alpine Village Circle and Funk Fairway both of which will connect to Old Alpine Co. Rd. 12-100 to the south. Alpine Village Circle has a 60-foot right-of-way and Funk Fairway has a 70-foot-wide right-of-way. Funk Fairway connects to Alpine Village Circle by crossing the Common Area through an easement agreement. The Airpark covenants allow for roads and 105 CUP 23 3 taxiways to be used by both aircraft and vehicles. There is a north-south taxiway running between proposed Lots 5, 9 and 10 and Lots 7, 8 and 3 is used for both airplanes and vehicles and with an 80 foot right-of -way, provides access to proposed Lots 9, 10 and 5. The proposed development should not adversely affect the rate of infill development or create sprawl as there is adjacent development in the area. The development should not disproportionately increase the cost to the public for providing services as it will not overwhelm existing infrastructure systems. The applicant will reach out to the Town of Alpine for their water and sewer information prior to Preliminary Plat. It does not appear that the proposal would overburden utility and service infrastructure which would be finally determined by the Town of Alpine. The proposed development will add three (3) lots to the area. This should have a minimal effect on the school district. The Proposed Preliminary Plat A Major Subdivision proposal will move forward if the rezoning is approved. Applicant proposes to split each lot in half to create six (6) lots of ranging from 1.5 acres to 2.14 acres in size: • What is now a 4.01-acre Lot 1 parcel will become Lot 7 (2.0 acres) and Lot 8 (2.01 acres). • What is now a 4.16-acre Lot 2 will become Lot 9 (2.14 acres) and Lot 10 (2.02 acres). • What is now Lot 6 at 4.06 acres will be split to create Lot 11 (1.72 acres), Lot 12 (1.5 acres) and a Common Area. The subject parcel will be aligned with other master planned areas including the 2013 Refuge West Master Plan to the east, the 2018 Residential Master Plan to the north and the 2010 Alpine Village Airpark Master Plan to the west. The proposed six lots are not, however, contiguous. A major subdivision will encourage the addition of Lots 3, 4 and 5 to create contiguous lots in a Major Subdivision. The nine-lot subdivision will contain 18.3 acres consisting of Lots 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 for a density of .49 units an acre. History The property was purchased as Alpine Village I Lots 34, 35 and 36. The subject site, therefore, consisted of three (3) five plus acre parent tracts with the Alpine Village I Subdivision. In 2001, each of those lots were divided into two lots. • The First Filing consisted of the creation of Lots 1 and 2 only. The First Filing was a Simple Subdivision in its own parent tract. • The Second Filing was for Lots 3 & 4 where Lot 3 was 2.02 acres and Lot 4 was 2.01 acres. This filing was a Simple Subdivision in its own parent tract. • The Third Filing was for Lots 5 & 6 where Lot 5 was 2.05 acres and Lot 6 was 4.06 acres. This was also another Simple Subdivision in its own parent tract. 105 CUP 23 4 The division of Lots 1, 2 and 6 is based on covenants which state these lots are to be included in a master plan. The proposed rezoning and subdivision will bring the subdivision into compliance with the master plan for the area and conform to surrounding lots of roughly 2.0 acres in size. REZONE PERMIT APPLICATION www.lincolncountywy.gov Owner Information Fee: $300.00 (check, cash, card) (Revised 02/10/2023) Owner Name: ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Mailing Address: Date Received: City: State: Zip: Date Accepted: Phone Number: Zone: Email: Permit Number: Representative Information PIN: Final Approval: Representative Name: Mailing Address: I (PROPERTY OWNER) ACKNOWLEDGE REVIEWING THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PERMIT WILL BE VOID IF I AM IN VIOLATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS. City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Email: PROJECT LOCATION: Township/Range/Section __________________________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: _____________________________________________________________ LEGAL LOT OR PARCEL SIZE: _____________________________________ SQUARE FOOTAGE or ACREAGE PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: _____________________________ PRESENT USE: _________________ ATTACH A DETAILED STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING: a. The proposed amendment is appropriate for the area concerned; f. The development rate of land in the area; proposed use. b. Adequate public services & facilities exist or can be created; g. The effects on the growth rate of existing neighborhoods. c. In accordance with existing or proposed plans for h. The effects on other areas of similar development; public water supply and sanitary sewers; i. Economic impact (See section 1.4 B.1). d. The effects on residential capacity and the cost of services; j. Consistency with the goals and objectives uniformed and e. Infill level of requested zone; (See section 1.4 B.1) established. of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. VICINITY SKETCH: A vicinity map which is drawn must be attached showing the location of the property under consideration. A plot plan of the property showing the present and proposed location of buildings, off-street parking spaces, routes for ingress and egress, and fencing and screening if any. Include a list of names and current addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property described above. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: A copy of your property deed or option agreement must be attached . SIGNING THIS PERMIT APPLICATION AUTHORIZES COUNTY PERSONNEL THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM SAID LANDS FOR ANY AND ALL INSPECTION PURPOSES NECESSARY TO THE EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT. I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THAT THE INFORMATION AND MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANTS SHALL REFER TO THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED MAY 4, 2005 AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS BEFORE PREPARING THIS APPLICATION. ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ OWNER or AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE (If Not the Owner) DATE If you need assistance or information contact the Planning Office in Kemmerer at (307) 877-9056; 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201, Kemmerer, WY 83101 ; Fax # (307) 877-6439 OR Office in Afton at (307) 885-3106; 61st East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY 83110 2 of 2 Alpine Airpark Refuge, Inc. P.O. Box 3930 Alpine Wyoming 83128 Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. P.O. Box 725 Afton Wyoming 83110 T37N R118W Section 19 Common Area 0.34± acre Rural Common Area DocuSign Envelope ID: 66437887-A269-4BE2-B9F4-91375F063B48 8/1/2023 REZONE PERMIT APPLICATION www.lincolncountywy.gov Owner Information Fee: $300.00 (check, cash, card) (Revised 02/10/2023) Owner Name: ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Mailing Address: Date Received: City: State: Zip: Date Accepted: Phone Number: Zone: Email: Permit Number: Representative Information PIN: Final Approval: Representative Name: Mailing Address: I (PROPERTY OWNER) ACKNOWLEDGE REVIEWING THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PERMIT WILL BE VOID IF I AM IN VIOLATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS. City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Email: PROJECT LOCATION: Township/Range/Section __________________________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: _____________________________________________________________ LEGAL LOT OR PARCEL SIZE: _____________________________________ SQUARE FOOTAGE or ACREAGE PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: _____________________________ PRESENT USE: _________________ ATTACH A DETAILED STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING: a. The proposed amendment is appropriate for the area concerned; f. The development rate of land in the area; proposed use. b.Adequate public services & facilities exist or can be created; g.The effects on the growth rate of existing neighborhoods. c. In accordance with existing or proposed plans for h. The effects on other areas of similar development; public water supply and sanitary sewers; i. Economic impact (See section 1.4 B.1). d.The effects on residential capacity and the cost of services; j. Consistency with the goals and objectives uniformed and e. Infill level of requested zone; (See section 1.4 B.1) established. of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. VICINITY SKETCH: A vicinity map which is drawn must be attached showing the location of the property under consideration. A plot plan of the property showing the present and proposed location of buildings, off-street parking spaces, routes for ingress and egress, and fencing and screening if any. Include a list of names and current addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property described above. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: A copy of your property deed or option agreement must be attached . SIGNING THIS PERMIT APPLICATION AUTHORIZES COUNTY PERSONNEL THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM SAID LANDS FOR ANY AND ALL INSPECTION PURPOSES NECESSARY TO THE EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT. I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THAT THE INFORMATION AND MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANTS SHALL REFER TO THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED MAY 4, 2005 AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS BEFORE PREPARING THIS APPLICATION. ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ OWNER or AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE (If Not the Owner) DATE If you need assistance or information contact the Planning Office in Kemmerer at (307) 877-9056; 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201, Kemmerer, WY 83101 ; Fax # (307) 877-6439 OR Office in Afton at (307) 885-3106; 61st East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY 83110 2 of 2 Sean Pierce and Sirin Sezer 9829 North Canyon View Lane Fountain Hills Arizona 85268 Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. P.O. Box 725 Afton Wyoming 83110 T37N R118W Section 19Lot 4 of Refuge West Second Filing 2.01± acres Rural Residential DocuSign Envelope ID: 7CCCD89E-93CA-43F7-A104-06EA00E79705 8/2/2023 REZONE PERMIT APPLICATION www.lincolncountywy.gov Owner Information Fee: $300.00 (check, cash, card) (Revised 02/10/2023) Owner Name: ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Mailing Address: Date Received: City: State: Zip: Date Accepted: Phone Number: Zone: Email: Permit Number: Representative Information PIN: Final Approval: Representative Name: Mailing Address: I (PROPERTY OWNER) ACKNOWLEDGE REVIEWING THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PERMIT WILL BE VOID IF I AM IN VIOLATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS. City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Email: PROJECT LOCATION: Township/Range/Section __________________________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: _____________________________________________________________ LEGAL LOT OR PARCEL SIZE: _____________________________________ SQUARE FOOTAGE or ACREAGE PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: _____________________________ PRESENT USE: _________________ ATTACH A DETAILED STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING: a. The proposed amendment is appropriate for the area concerned; f. The development rate of land in the area; proposed use. b.Adequate public services & facilities exist or can be created; g.The effects on the growth rate of existing neighborhoods. c. In accordance with existing or proposed plans for h. The effects on other areas of similar development; public water supply and sanitary sewers; i. Economic impact (See section 1.4 B.1). d.The effects on residential capacity and the cost of services; j. Consistency with the goals and objectives uniformed and e. Infill level of requested zone; (See section 1.4 B.1) established. of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. VICINITY SKETCH: A vicinity map which is drawn must be attached showing the location of the property under consideration. A plot plan of the property showing the present and proposed location of buildings, off-street parking spaces, routes for ingress and egress, and fencing and screening if any. Include a list of names and current addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property described above. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: A copy of your property deed or option agreement must be attached . SIGNING THIS PERMIT APPLICATION AUTHORIZES COUNTY PERSONNEL THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM SAID LANDS FOR ANY AND ALL INSPECTION PURPOSES NECESSARY TO THE EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT. I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THAT THE INFORMATION AND MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANTS SHALL REFER TO THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED MAY 4, 2005 AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS BEFORE PREPARING THIS APPLICATION. ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ OWNER or AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE (If Not the Owner) DATE If you need assistance or information contact the Planning Office in Kemmerer at (307) 877-9056; 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201, Kemmerer, WY 83101 ; Fax # (307) 877-6439 OR Office in Afton at (307) 885-3106; 61st East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY 83110 2 of 2 Mark and Jennifer Schouten 10002 N. 61 St PL Paradise Arizona 85253 Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. P.O. Box 725 Afton Wyoming 83110 30-885-9319 T37N R118W Section 19Lot 3 of Refuge West Second Filing 2.02± acres Rural Residential DocuSign Envelope ID: 46C9FAC7-3A90-40F7-9B59-CC5F4971981B 4807208932 markschouten@diversifiedroofing.com 8/2/2023 REZONE PERMIT APPLICATION www.lincolncountywy.gov Owner Information Fee: $300.00 (check, cash, card) (Revised 02/10/2023) Owner Name: ADMINISTRATIVE USE ONLY Mailing Address: Date Received: City: State: Zip: Date Accepted: Phone Number: Zone: Email: Permit Number: Representative Information PIN: Final Approval: Representative Name: Mailing Address: I (PROPERTY OWNER) ACKNOWLEDGE REVIEWING THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS AND UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PERMIT WILL BE VOID IF I AM IN VIOLATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS. City: State: Zip: Phone Number: Email: PROJECT LOCATION: Township/Range/Section __________________________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: _____________________________________________________________ LEGAL LOT OR PARCEL SIZE: _____________________________________ SQUARE FOOTAGE or ACREAGE PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: _____________________________ PRESENT USE: _________________ ATTACH A DETAILED STATEMENT CONCERNING THE FOLLOWING: a. The proposed amendment is appropriate for the area concerned; f. The development rate of land in the area; proposed use. b.Adequate public services & facilities exist or can be created; g.The effects on the growth rate of existing neighborhoods. c. In accordance with existing or proposed plans for h. The effects on other areas of similar development; public water supply and sanitary sewers; i. Economic impact (See section 1.4 B.1). d.The effects on residential capacity and the cost of services; j. Consistency with the goals and objectives uniformed and e. Infill level of requested zone; (See section 1.4 B.1) established. of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. VICINITY SKETCH: A vicinity map which is drawn must be attached showing the location of the property under consideration. A plot plan of the property showing the present and proposed location of buildings, off-street parking spaces, routes for ingress and egress, and fencing and screening if any. Include a list of names and current addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property described above. PROOF OF OWNERSHIP: A copy of your property deed or option agreement must be attached . SIGNING THIS PERMIT APPLICATION AUTHORIZES COUNTY PERSONNEL THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS FROM SAID LANDS FOR ANY AND ALL INSPECTION PURPOSES NECESSARY TO THE EXERCISE OF THIS PERMIT. I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THAT THE INFORMATION AND MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH THIS APPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. APPLICANTS SHALL REFER TO THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED MAY 4, 2005 AND ANY SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS BEFORE PREPARING THIS APPLICATION. ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ OWNER or AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE ___________________________________________________________ ________________________ APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE (If Not the Owner) DATE If you need assistance or information contact the Planning Office in Kemmerer at (307) 877-9056; 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201, Kemmerer, WY 83101 ; Fax # (307) 877-6439 OR Office in Afton at (307) 885-3106; 61st East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY 83110 2 of 2 Christopher McGrath 2020 N. Randall Rd Elgin Illinois 60123 Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. P.O. Box 725 Afton Wyoming 83110 T37N R118W Section 19 Lot 5 of Refuge West Third Filing 2.05± acres Rural Residential DocuSign Envelope ID: E123B709-E1B2-408C-9360-9C9983E09808 mcgrathchris@yahoo.com 8479806184 8/2/2023 STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY REZONE APPLICATION Project: Refuge West Subdivision Owners: Palisades Investment, LLC P.O Box 3930 Alpine, Wyoming 83128 Alpine Airpark Refuge, inc. P.O. Box 3930 Alpine, Wyoming 83128 Mark and Jennifer Schouten 10002 N. 61 St. PL Paradise, Arizona 85253 Sean Pierce and Sirin Sezer 9829 North Canyon View Lane Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Christopher McGrath 2020 N. Randall Rd. Elgin, Illinois 60123 It is the desire of the owners of this project to rezone its land consisting of 18.65± acres from Rural to Mixed Zoning. The current use is residential. The property is part of the Refuge West Subdivision as depicted on the First, Second and Third Filings. The lots range from 2± acres to 4± acres. The purpose of the rezone is to allow the larger lots - Lots 1, 2 and 6 - to be further divided into smaller lots, similar to the surrounding lots. The purpose of this statement is to show: a. The proposed amendment is appropriate for the area concerned: The lands to the east and west of the Refuge West Subdivision are currently zoned as mixed. The Refuge Subdivision lies to the east and is platted as a residential subdivision with an average lot size of 2.0 acres. The lands lying to the east of the subject property have been platted as various filings of Alpine Village Subdivision No. 1 Plat 2 with an average lot size of 2.0 acres. b. Adequate public services & facilities exist or can be created. Electrical and telecommunication lines exist along Alpine Village Circle. Utilities are existing on all the lots within Refuge West Subdivision. c. In accordance with existing or proposed plans for water supply and sanitary sewers. The existing lots within Refuge West Subdivision are supplied culinary water from the Town of Alpine. The future division of Lots 1, 2 and 6 have been provided a “will serve” letter from the Town of Alpine. In accordance with Lincoln County regulations, each lot will be required to have an enhanced septic system. d. The effects on residential capacity and the cost of services. This development will increase residential capacity but should have no increase for cost of services. e. Infill level of requested zone (see section 1.4.B.1) This area has already filled in with lots and the surrounding area has similar zoning so no leapfrogging of vacant property is occurring. f. The development rate of land in the area; proposed use. This area of land has a high development rate. g. The effects on the growth rate of existing neighborhoods. There will be minimal effects on the existing neighborhoods. h. The effects on other areas of similar development; public. There will be minimal effects. i. Economic impact (see section 1.4.B.1) This development will boost the local economy during construction and add valve to the tax base. j. Consistency with the goals and objectives uniformed and established of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. This development is consistent with the Lincoln County Master Plan in that it: Promotes the orderly and responsible development of Lincoln County. This proposal supports and promotes the development of infrastructure in and around towns, as evidenced by the “will serve” letter received from the Town of Alpine. This development provides for the efficient use and delivery of public services since it is using existing roads and infrastructure. 1 Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming www.lincolncountywy.gov Kemmerer Office Afton Office 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201 61 E 5th Avenue Kemmerer, WY 83101 Mail: 421 Jefferson St, Ste 701 307-877-9056 Afton, WY 83110 fax 307-877-6439 307-885-3106 Tentative Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting HEARING DATES: September 20, 2023 and November 15, 2023 TIME: 6:00 p.m. LOCATIONS: Video Conference between the following locations: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY (The Project is tentatively scheduled for the County Commissioners Meeting, which will be held in the Commissioners Board Room, on December 6, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. in Kemmerer WY. If the rezoning application is denied by the Planning and Zoning Commission at its November 15 meeting, the proposal dies and will not proceed to the Board of County Commissioners.) This notice commences the required 30-day notice period for amendments to the Land Use Regulations. All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those planning on attending should call the day before to see if the meeting is still scheduled as noted above or if changes have taken place. APPLICANTS: Palisades Investments, LLC FILE No: 102-RZ-23 COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Alpine PROJECT NAME: Refuge West Fourth Filing Rezoning COUNTY STAFF: Robert C. Davis PIN #s: 3718-191-05-003, 3718-191-05-004 and 3718-194-01-001 PROJECT: There is a request to rezone from Rural to Mixed in order to accommodate the 2.0- acre lot size having less than a 5-acre average for a subdivision which is not allowed in Rural. This rezoning proposal involves Lots 1 and 2 of the Refuge West 1st Filing and Lot 6 of the Refuge West 3rd Filing. Applicant proposes to split each lot in half to create six (6) lots ranging in size from 1.5 acres to 2.14 acres. See Attached Information LOCATION: The subject properties is located less than a quarter of a mile from the Town of Alpine, Wyoming. SW1⁄4NE1/4 NW1/4SE1/4 of Section 19, T37N R118W Lincoln County, WY. THIS APPLICATION WILL BE REVIEWED ACCORDING TO STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY LAND USE REGULATIONS (see website at www.lincolncountywy.gov). Enclosed is a copy of the location map/site plan. Please respond with your written, faxed, or email (planning@lincolncountywy.gov) comments by September 11, 2023 no 2 later than 5:00 pm in order to be included in the planning staff report. A second Public Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held on November 15, 2023 where any new and relevant evidence from the applicant, neighbors, governmental agencies and other concerned citizens will be heard before taking final action on an application. Please note that only landowners within 300 feet of the proposed site are notified individually. The Staff Report for this project will be available on September 13, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. for your perusal on the Planning website address: http://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink8/Browse.aspx?dbid=0 Projects for Planning, and then click on the corresponding File Number noted above. £¤26 £¤89 Alpine 21 29 20 2830 19 37N 118W³±100 Wiemann Way Rutan Road Branson Boulevard L a n d i n g s W a y Buckrail Lane Buck LaneSouthKellyLaneVillage Lane Diamandis DriveSouth Refuge Parkway Al p i n e V i l l a g e L o o p AlpineVillageLoopFunk FairwayAirport DriveAlp ine V i l lage C i rc le £¤2 6 Alpine PRIVATE ROAD PALISADESINVESTMENTS, LLC U.S.HIGHWAY 744 LLC PALISADES INVESTMENTS, LLC ALPINE VILLAGEWYOMING PROPERTY, LLC STATE OF WYOMING GAME & FISHWERNER, DAVID GK& JANE ALPINE INVESTMENTS,LLC ALPINEINVESTMENTS, LLC BEERY, COLLINS & PAMELA SIMONS BURMINGHAM,DON & SUSAN L TRUSTEES PALISADES INVESTMENTS, LLC SCHOUTEN, MARKW & JENNIFER L TRUSTEES BROOKS,ANDREW ALPINE AIRPARKASSOCIATION, INC. BERMAN, JON PIERCE, SEAN R & SIRIN SEZER, TRUSTEES MCGRATH, CHRISTOPHER W TRUSTEEJALADO HOLDINGS LLC PRIVATEROAD BUCHANAN, STEVE WERNER, DAVID GK & JANE M NEON BLUEDEVELOPMENT, INC BOLDUC,ROBERT & DENISE FGI LLCRINN, CHARLES S & MARY E TRUSTEES PRIVATE ROAD BOLDUC, ROBERTJ.& DENISE M. TARGHEENATIONAL FOREST U.S.HIGHWAY FROTHINGHAM, TIMOTHY Y & REBECCA R MACKMOREY,MICHAEL A HILL, DON & MARY ANN KRAUSE,DAVID G HILL, DON & MARY ANN ETAL HEWLETT, ROBERT SMILLER, ZACHARY L & KRISTIN M OVIEDO, JOY E W TRUSTEE STATE OF WYOMING GAME & FISH MILLER,STEVEN M ETAL PRIVATEROADRENTAL PROPERTY#3, LLC JALADO HOLDINGS LLC HAMMER, LAUREL & CHRISTOPHERJ BISSENER DOERR,KARI R LAMERE,MICHAEL H ETAL ALPINE TOWNHOMES,LLC RACZAK, JANEL & JOSEPH S CO-TRUSTEES COPE, EDWARD & KRYSTAL BRADFORD, JAMES H.& PATRICIA A. TOOLSON, JEFF C & HEIDI EVAUGHN, GARLAND LYNN ADAMS,JOHN B & CHERYL A SCHMIDT, PAUL W & KATHLEENA MORGANCTGX HOLDINGS,LLC IRBY, AUSTIN J BOWLDS, DREW & STEPHANIE MARINCIC, BRIAN & LACY L MCMULLENOLSEN, EDWINC & REBECA V, TRUSTEES BUREAU OF RECLAMATION HARRIS, TODD DGLOWACKI, JEROME J & MARY LBAER CABIN, LLC SHOCKEY,ROBERT J & JACLYN TRUSTEESBROCKS, STEFFEN& MARY STUPI GHOZALI, TASHA M & ROBERTL G SIDLE JONAS, CHARLES K GOE, ALEXANDRA L & DANIELHUNSAKER,VERLO L & LEANNE B TRUSTEES MOLGARD, JACK H. TRUSTEESETAL CHATEAU DESALPINE, LLC SAUERWEIN, DEVIN & JUSTIN SHEPLER WESTERN PRODUCTION & PUMPINGRETIREMENT TRUST ANDERSON,MICHAEL D TRUSTEE HEART 2 HEARTPLACE, LLC FEIK, DARREL ETAL FEIK, DARREL ETAL FEIK,DARREL ETAL U.S. HIGHWAY WYOMINGHIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BARNES,DAVID & LISA ALPINEAIRSPACE LLC MILLER, ZACHARY L & KRISTIN A DOUGLAS, CAROLYN MTRUSTEEBEDFORD PROPERTIES, LLC GILL, SHARON M. LOCKHART, CODYLOCKHART, CODY BILLINGS,DARYL WALLASCH, CHARLES E & MARIANNA K TRUSTEES CMW LANDINGS,LLC AIRWY LLC 4D LLC PRIVATE ROAD LUTZ, JACLYNMADSEN, TIMOTHYC & PIPER C ROSS-FRYE, ALECK& JESSICA BARNHOUSE SCHELLER, GEORGE F &PATRICIA MCQUAIDE BAKER, JENNIFER C &PAUL F ANKENY, ANDREW& SHAWN HAPPY ROCK LAND LLC AM ALPINE LLC LEE, RICHARD A. & LESLIE H. JACOBS,BRENT A & RACHAEL L LAW,SHANE A OLSEN, GARYTOMKINSON, JOSEPH R & IRENE F DARDIS, STANLEYK & SHARON A SCOTT, JONATHAN A FOUR SIX ULLC DELANE, DANIEL L& LORI TRUSTEES SCHULTE, JACK & MARION TRUSTEES ROWAN,JAMES W TRUSTEE FLEISCHHACKER,JOSEPH F TRUSTEE JMS TETON CROSSINGS, LLC GOFF, SEAN K & KELLY J CO-TRUSTEES WERNER, DAVID& JANE PENSCO TRUST COMPANY FBODAVID E HERMEL HERMEL,DAVID E & DARCY R PRIVATE ROADALPINE AIRPARKREFUGE, INC COCCIMIGLIO, NICHOLAS J &SHANNON M TRUSTEES CALLAGHAN, JONATHAN D & CHRISTI B TRUSTEES AERO CONDO, LLC D&G AIRPARK,LLC PALISADESINVESTMENTS, LLC YANKEESIERRA, LLC KLH & JLAND LLC REFUGE525, LLC WALLIN, TROY A TRUSTEE WALLIN, TROY A TRUSTEE ALPINE AIRPARK REFUGE,INC C/O RJB BUILDING FAMILY PARTNERS LTD JONES,ADAM & APRIL ALPINE INVESTMENTS LLC ALPINE INVESTMENTSLLC SMITH, GORDON L K SMITH,GORDON L K SIGFRIED, RAND & ANDREA L CUNNINGHAM ALPINE INVESTMENTS, LLCALPINE INVESTMENTSLLC ALPINE OF MIAMI, LLC CALLAGHAN, JONATHAN D & CHRISTI B TRUSTEES ALPINE OF MIAMI, LLC TWR 46U LLC WALLIN, TROY ATRUSTEE WALLIN, TROY A TRUSTEE AERO CONDO, LLC WESTAR, LLCMAESTRO FLIGHT, LLC 744 LLC REILLY, JOHNP & VICKI PMAZZIA, KENT W & MISTI LTRUSTEES GRAVE, CRAIGA TRUSTEE WALLASCH, CHARLES E & MARIANNAK TRUSTEES AERO CONDO,LLCNEONBLUE DEVELOPMENT, INC TOBUL, JAMES R TRUSTEE BRYAN, CHARLES F & ANNICA CTRUSTEESHARLESS, STEVEN & BELINDA H2WYEARHART, LLC PERKINS, MATHEW R ENGELSTAD, CYNTHIA ATRUSTEE GENZLINGER, LYNN P TRUSTEE V & R HANGAR INVESTMENTS, LLC CAMERON, MARK & MELISSA DORMAN, BENJAMIN & ANGELIQUETRUSTEESPALISADES INVESTMENTS, LLC STERN,ROBERT J & HELEN S PALISADES INVESTMENTS, LLC JENKINS, DAVID TRUSTEEPALISADES INVESTMENTS, LLC PALISADES INVESTMENTS,LLC PALISADESINVESTMENTS, LLC Maxar Rezone Application Projects US Highways WY Highways Township & Range Sections Municipalities Public Noticing 102 RZ 23 Refuge West Rezone Palisades Investments, LLC Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 31 Aug. 2023. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community±Date: 8/3/2023 1:9,028 0 0.1 0.20.05 mi Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Major Rivers/Streams Township & Range Lines Section Lines Major Water Bodies Roads Municipal Roads US Highways WY Highways County Roads Other Named Roads Municipal Boundaries Parcels (Approximate) © Lincoln County This map is made possible through a joint effort of theOffices of Lincoln County Planning & Zoning and theAssessor's Office. This map is for locational andinformational purposes only. No depiction should beconstrued to be an official survey of land. Accuracy ofdata contained or depicted is neither warranted norassumed. Always contact a qualified surveyor forconfirmation of property boundaries.