HomeMy WebLinkAbout114 MA 23 North Star Ranches Sketch Plan 114 MA 23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN 1 Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming SKETCH PLAN STAFF REPORT HEARING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 p.m., September 20, 2023 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, Wyoming & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, 61 E. 5th Ave., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 114 MA 23 No motion to be made by Planning and Zoning Commission for Sketch Plan Review PROJECT TYPE: Major Subdivision PROJECT NAME: North Star Ranches APPLICANTS: Mark DeBoer SURVEYOR: Surveyor Scherbel, LTD PLANNER: Robert C. Davis PROPERTY PIN #s: 3418-063-00-389 ZONING: Rural This sketch plan presentation shall consist of a general presentation of the elements of the proposed development. The purpose of the Sketch Plan is to evaluate the general layout, density, and if applicable, the general location of buildings and open space for the proposed subdivision to ensure that the proposed development is in accordance with the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan, that adequate utilities and access are available, and to ensure that the property on which the subdivision is proposed is at least apparently suitable for subdivision in the manner contemplated by the subdivider. The Planning and Zoning Commission may direct the developer and/or staff to gather specific information or studies relevant to the sketch plan presentation. Proposal The Applicant proposes to develop 15 lots ranging in size from 4.04 acres to 6.16 acres on a 77.7-acre parcel at a density of .20 units per acre. The property is located roughly .25 miles west of Star Valley Ranch. The Sketch Plan shows the following: 1. Subdivision, municipal, irrigation district, and other jurisdictional boundaries within 500 feet; 2. Property lines of adjoining property with names and current book and page number of the deed; 3. Location, width and identification of all roads, railroads, easements, utilities, and rights- of-way; 114 MA 23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN 2 4. Location and identification of all wells (active or abandoned), potable water supplies, springs, reservoirs, streams and ditches. Staff is not aware on any existing structures, buildings, accessory buildings, parking areas, culverts, septic or sewer systems, manholes, irrigation structures and ditches on the subject property. Solid waste collection points of collection would likely occur on the subdivision road. The lots will have access from a private road via Perkins Road on a 60-foot easement. The road will terminate at the northern end with a 70-foot cul-de-sac. Because the length of the cul-de-sac road is roughly 2,200 feet, the applicant proposes a hammerhead turnaround area roughly 1,200 feet north of Perkins County Road No. 12-119. The proposed subdivision road will line up with the Northwinds subdivision road named Douglas Court to the south. The lots will be laid out in a perpendicular fashion to the subdivision road similar to the layout of the Cedar Creek Ranches Subdivision immediately located to the east. There is a 35-foot access easement on the eastern edge of the property terminating at the 40-foot irrigation easement at the north end of Lot 9. There are no pedestrian amenities identified or pedestrian connection or the Star Valley RV Park to the north. The Star Valley Overlay Zone calls for the integration of neighborhoods and the development of walkable residential areas. Staff believes that existing utility easements could also be used as non-motorized pedestrian easements providing recreational connectivity in the area. 114 MA 23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN 3 The lots are expected to allow for utilities and services to each lot including: sewer, water, telephone, power, road maintenance, and solid waste service. If no common water and/or sewer services will be provided, the lot owners will be responsible for their own septic systems and/or wells. Other Concerns IS THIS DENSITY ALLOWED BY THE LAND USE REGULATIONS: Yes CHAPTER 23 WATER STUDY RISK ASSESSMENT NEEDED: Yes CHAPTER 23 SEWER STUDY RISK ASSESSMENT NEEDED: Yes DRINKING WATER SOURCE: Well. WATER RIGHTS: NA WASTEWATER TYPE: Will be required to have septic systems which will be determined in the DEQ Study. COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Star Valley Ranch TOPOGRAPHY & SLOPE: There are no major topography issues. The site is mostly flat with a slight south/west slope less than 3%. A topographic map has been submitted. BORDERING AGRICULTURE LAND: The subject property borders agricultural land to the west. According to LUR 6.3 Agricultural Lands, subdivisions of land creating lots for residential purposes shall incorporate a twenty-five (25) foot non-building buffer along any project boundary that adjoins existing agricultural operation(s), defined as land being taxed as agricultural land. The building limitations of this non-building buffer shall only be for dwellings, residential accessory buildings over 800 square feet, and residential garages. There is, however, a forty-foot irrigation easement along the western edge of the subject property from Lot 15 up to Lot 8. The Applicant will be required to provide a 25-foot agricultural buffer on the western edges of Lots 7, 4 and 1. BORDERING PUBLIC LAND: No INSIDE 100 YR FLOOD PLAIN: No INSIDE WETLANDS: No STREAM ON PROPERTY: No RIVER ON PROPERTY: No 114 MA 23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN 4 114 MA 23 PZC - SKETCH PLAN 5 PONDS OR LAKES ON PROPERTY: No AVALANCHE AREAS: No EARTHQUAKE FAULT LINES: No SLOPE MOVEMENT AREA: No SIGNS OF WILDLIFE MIGRATION: No GENERAL PLAN RESTRICTIONS: Land Use Regulation Goal Number 3 of the Star Valley Ranch Overlay Zone is to encourage the orderly development of open lands to accommodate a future centralized commercial area surrounded by a mix of residential and recreational opportunities and public facility areas. Because of the growth in this particular sector of the county, there is a need to examine locations for commercial/retail services before the area is built out. This will require the development of a land use implementation plan for the whole Star Valley area. Transportation planning concerns for Perkins County Road will also need to be examined. Although the proposed subdivision meets sketch plan requirements. Staff will consult with the Star Valley Ranch decision makers to assess the future physical development needs of the area during the interim Preliminary Plat period. Finally, any further development of land for residential uses in this area should consider the advent and locations for centralized sewer and water facilities that are expandable to accommodate any projected growth of the area. Legend