HomeMy WebLinkAbout101-PZ-24 PZC Staff Report LUR Density MF1 101 PZ 24 APPLICANT: Lincoln County Planning & Development Office PROJECT: Land Use Regulations Amendment PLANNER: Marcus Fleming ____________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: File # 101 PZ 24 is a Proposed Amendment to the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations to Modify three sections that will address recent development issues. Proposal A. Modify language in Chapter 6 Section 6.5. Density Proposal B. Amend Table 6.1 Density Table Proposal C. Amend 6.11.D.3. Lot Design Specifications, Layout to clarify flag lot limitations. BACKGROUND: The Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners have expressed a desire to clarify Chapter 6.5 of the Land Use Regulations by modifying the text to represent how density, lot size, and flag lots shall be interpreted in future subdivisions. ____________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission approve a 30-day notice to consider adoption of file # 101 PZ 24 Proposals A. through C. LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT LAND USE REGULATION AMENDMENT PROPOSAL MEETING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 P.M., JANUARY 24, 2024 HEARING LOCATIONS: VIDEO CONFERENCE BETWEEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONER BOARDROOM 3RD FLOOR, KEMMERER, WYOMING & AFTON PLANNING & ENGINEERING OFFICE, 61 E. 5TH AVE., AFTON, WY FILE # 101 PZ 24 101 PZ 24 PROPOSAL A: PROPOSED CHANGES ARE UNDERLINED AND RED, DELETED TEXT IS STRUCK OUT. 6.5 Density A. Lot/parcel size requirements. Residential lot size minimums are found in Table 6.1 for newly created lots and are listed here. 1. The development shall function efficiently and safely without overcrowding, given the site's topography, location, hazards and the development's: a. Utilities; b. Vehicular, pedestrian, and emergency access; c. Parking; d. Small wastewater systems; e. Storage of trash, snow, and other items; f. Structures; and g. Open space. 2. The developed lot/parcel shall contain and/or mitigate external nuisances. External nuisances include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Odor b. Noise c. Vibration d. Dust e. Smoke f. Light 3. New development should be as compatible as reasonably possible with adjoining and/or surrounding densities and uses in terms of the preservation of views, the design, bulk and height of the proposed structures, and the need to preserve the privacy of neighbors. 4. The minimum size lot in the rural zone is 5 acres, with the following exception. Lots under 5 acres shall only be accepted if lots are on a paved road and have central water systems. 5. Open Space used in the average lot size calculation shall have a plat warning stating that the Open Space is tied to the density requirements of the subdivision and shall not be subdivided further. Additionally, the plat warning for Open Space shall specify how the Open Space will be used and accessed, or restricted. 101 PZ 24 PROPOSAL B: 6.1 Residential Density Table for Newly Created Subdivision Lots Created After 5/4/2005 New line to read: Every Phase of a New Development Must Meet Current Density Table Requirements. New lines to read: R & RC 3+ lots 5 acre Min. 60’ R.O.W. X Gravel road*** Individual Well Individual Septic R & RC 3+ lots 3 acre Avg. 60’ R.O.W. X Paved road Central Water Enhanced Septic 2 acre Min. See the proposed modifications to Table 6.1 Residential Density Table (Attached) 101 PZ 24 Table 6.1 RESIDENTIAL DENSITY TABLE FOR NEWLY CREATED SUBDIVISION LOTS CREATED AFTER 05/04/2005 Every Phase of a New Development Must Meet Current Density Table Requirements Utility Improvements Installed by Developer ZONE NO. OF LOTS CREATE D MINIMUM LOT SIZES R.O.W. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE ROADS WATER WASTEWATE R COMMENTS R & RC 1 - 2 2.5 ac. Avg. 60' N/A N/A N/A Individual ** Individual Septic **Enhanced Septic if avg. lot size < 5 acres and new system 1.5 ac. Min. R & RC 1 - 2 2.5 ac. Avg. 60' N/A N/A N/A Central Individual Septic 1 ac. Min. Mixed 1 - 2 1.5 ac. Avg. 60' N/A N/A N/A Individual Enhanced Septic 1 ac. Min. Mixed 1 - 2 1.5 ac. Avg. 60' N/A N/A N/A Central ** Individual Septic **Enhanced if new system 0.5 ac. Min. R & RC 3+ 60' X X X Gravel *** Individual Individual Septic 5 ac. Min. R & RC 3+ 3 ac. Avg 60' X X X paved Central Enhanced Septic 2 ac. Min. Mixed 3+ 1 ac. Avg. 60' X X X paved X central Enhanced Septic 0.5 ac. Min. Mixed 3+ 0.5 ac. Avg. 60' X X X paved ** X central Enhanced Septic **Improvement district connections 0.5 ac. Min. RC *P.U.D. 1 ac. Avg. 60' X X X paved X central X central treatment 60 ac. Minimum project size (*Appendix D) Mixed *P.U.D. 8 per acre 60' X X X paved X central X central treatment 2 ac. Minimum project size (*Appendix D) R = Rural Zone RC = Recreational M = Mixed Zone R.O.W. = Right-of-Way X = Applicable Developer Installed Improvement; *P.U.D. = Planned Unit Development, see Appendix D; ** Existing Septic system may be retained for simple subdivision lots if pumped & passed inspection in past 2 years. 101 PZ 24 PROPOSAL C: 6.11 Lot Design Specifications A. All lots shall be designed to conform to the existing topography in such a way as to avoid future problems of access, construction and drainage. B. Lots shall function efficiently and safely without overcrowding, given the lot's topography, location, hazards and development's: 1. Utilities 2. Vehicular, pedestrian, and emergency access 3. Parking 4. Small wastewater systems 5. Storage of trash, snow and other items 6. Structures 7. Open space C. A Subdivision development shall be required, as reasonably possible, to be compatible with adjoining and/or surrounding densities and uses in terms of the design, bulk and height of any proposed structures. D. Layout. A single lot shall not be divided by a public road, alley, or another lot. 1. Side lot lines shall be at approximate right angles or radial to road right-of-way lines or center-lines. 2. Each lot shall abut a private street, or private access right-of-way, or dedicated street, and have a minimum of 38 feet of frontage. 3. Flag lot design is discouraged. In no case shall a subdivision have more than 1 flag lot or more than 10% of their lots as flag lots, whichever is least restrictive. In no case shall the leg (or length) of a flag lot exceed 3 times its width. The leg shall be defined as a narrow section of land that leads to the larger body of a lot. The length of the leg shall be defined as the shortest dimension perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the width. (The 10% applies to all phases of a subdivision combined.) E. Each lot, which is not served by central sewer systems shall contain within its boundaries a build- able area of at least 15,000 square feet. Build-able area is defined as area free of: slope over 30 percent, avalanche hazard, mine subsidence hazard, stream/river channels, 100- year flood plains, and/or road easements. See Table 6.1 Residential Density Table for minimum lot sizes for new residential subdivision lots. 101 PZ 24 Current Density Table: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 101 PZ 24 ____________________________________________________________________________________ CORRESPONDENCE: Public Comments: No public comments have been made at this time.