HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 101-CUP-24 Alpine Auto Care PZCLINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit HEARING TIME AND DATE:6:00 p.m.,January 24,2024 LOCATION:Lincoln County Courthouse,Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor,Kemmerer, Wyoming &Afton Planning &Development Office,61 E.5th Ave.,Afton,Wyoming FILE #101-CUP-24 APPLICANTS:Snake River Properties,LLC ℅Dusty Jones PROJECT NAME:Alpine Auto Care COMMUNITY PLAN AREA:Alpine ZONING:Mixed PLANNER:Emmett Mavy PIN:3619-102-00-134 ______________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL:To convert a commercial building used since 1989 for Continental Construction proposed to be made into an auto repair shop.The main building will be roughly half office space,and half auto repair shop space.The office space will be broken into two separate areas, the upper office area will be rented to a business needing office space.The auto repair shop will utilize the office space on the main floor,and the existing shop area will be remodeled to be a modern auto repair facility. The building labeled “Future Shop”and Storage Area will be separated into two spaces,the storage area will be remodeled into a two level finished storage area that can be utilized by a different business than the auto repair. The Future Shop space will be remodeled into auto bays and storage for the auto repair business. This could potentially include an alignment rack and vehicle lifts. This project is proposed to be located on a 0.98 acre lot #1 of Continental Subdivision along HWY 89 in Alpine,Wyoming.Property is within the Mixed-Use zone and appropriate for an auto repair facility.Access is directly off HWY 89 and WYDOT is not opposed to the use. LOCATION:The location is roughly 2.0 miles south of the Town of Alpine,Wyoming,Section 10 T36N R119W.To the West is HWY 89,agricultural uses are to the north and east,and to the South is a mixed use commercial lot #2. ______________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning staff recommends that the Planning &Zoning Commission send a recommendation of APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for File #101-CUP-24,a proposal to establish an auto repair business within existing buildings,with Findings of Approval A through D Conditions of Approval 1 through 15 FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A.The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203 providing for Board of County Commissioner authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land. B.The proposed use,with conditions,is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. C.The proposed use,with conditions,will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property;and will serve the public need,convenience and welfare. D.The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations,specifically: a.Chapter 3 Section 3.1 Conditional Use Procedures; b.The provisions for the Alpine Community Plan Overlay Zone; CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1.This permit is to operate the uses outlined in the project description.Significant alterations from the uses described or a modification of structures from the original application shall require additional permitting. 2.The Applicant shall have a StormWater Pollution Prevention Plan on site during construction compliant with WYDEQ. 3.A Wyoming State Fire Marshal “Plan Review”is required on all auto repair buildings in Wyoming and must be approved prior to running the business on this property. 4.Project must meet International Building Code (IBC)and International Fire Code (IFC) Onsite Requirements and be inspected by the Fire Code Inspector prior to operation.The IBC and Fire Code 2021 /2024 used by the State Fire Marshal at the time of permitting shall be used for this commercial use.This building is not a grandfathered use as a public vehicle repair facility. 5.State Law requires a plan review from the Wyoming Dept of Fire Prevention &Electrical Safety if Fuel storage tanks or dispensing is located on the property.Wyoming State Statute; 35-9-108 /See State Website for Details https://wsfm.wyo.gov/fire-prevention/plan-review 6.Expansion of shop space in the “Future Shop”shall require a Fire Marshal Plan Review prior to remodeling and inspected by the Wyoming State Fire Code Inspector prior to use as a shop. 7.Any temporary,moveable,or permanent building,structure,shed or shipping container placed onsite must obtain a Permit from Lincoln County,prior to being moved to the property. 8.A 6-foot opaque privacy fence is to be built on the North,South,East and West sides of the property to buffer the different uses and densities of the neighboring properties.Buffering along the south property line is not required where it will interfere with the shared access point. 9.All buildings must comply with the Lincoln County Lighting Standards as set out in Chapter 6.10 Lighting (includes Exterior Lighting and Glare).All lighting must be shielded from view of vehicles on HWY 89 and bulbs not visible from the property boundaries or highway. 10.An access permit (M-3)must be obtained from WYDOT for this permit for the shared access. 11.The new shared access point required by WYDOT shall be constructed with a 26’ travelway for emergency vehicles ingress and egress. 12.The “Future Approach”access point required by WYDOT to be shared by Lot 1 &2 will be required to be constructed within 12 months of issuance of this permit,and closing off the “Temporary Driveway”within that time frame. 13.No parking will be permitted within 30’of the south property line. 14.No more than 25 vehicles will be permitted to be onsite “outside of buildings”at any time. This includes cars,trucks,trailers,RV's,campers,boats,ATV's,snowmobiles,bus’s,etc… 15.This permit is not approving any signs.All signage must be approved by the Planning department through application of a sign permit.This can be done after approval of the Conditional Use Permit. ______________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1.Vicinity Map 2.Site Plan 3.Project Narrative and Request 4.Photos 5.Correspondence 6.Old Permits _____________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: On February 22,1989 this property was issued a permit 31-(3,9)-I-89 to operate their construction company in the main building which included a shop for repairing their own equipment.On June 6,2001 they were given a permit 508-ZD-01 for them to construct the covered storage area on the property.In July of 2018,the property was split into this 0.98 acre and a 1.32 acre lot.The property has been sold and the new owners wish to upgrade the property and find new tenants. They have found an auto repair company from Jackson,and an electrical contractor. CORRESPONDENCE: Wyoming Department of Transportation: WYDOT has no objections to the proposed development. For the 'future approach',an access permit (M-3)must be obtained from WYDOT.Existing access(es)to both Lot 1 &Lot 2 (of the Continental Subdivision)must be consolidated into a single shared access.The proposed 30'access must be centered on the property line. For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way,the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process,MainStar, located at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx.Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit,or to email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials. An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilities within WYDOT R/W. WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/engineering_technical_programs/utilities_section.html Public Comment:N/A £¤89 Alpine 32 29 34 2830 31 33 27 06 07091012 010204 11 03 37N 118W 36N 119W 36N 118W M c C o y F o r e s tR o a d £¤89BLM BILLS, KURT W & KERI L MCNEEL, LINDA S TRUSTEE MCNELL, LINDA STRUSTEE BLM U.S.HIGHWAY MCNEEL,LINDA S TRUSTEE SNAKE RIVERPROPERTIES LLC TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONOF WYOMING PACIFIC PREMIERPREMIER TRUST FBO MICHAEL HOFFMAN IRA Maxar, Microsoft Conditional Use Permit Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Projects Public Noticing Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No 101 CUP 24 Alpine Auto Care Snake River Properties, LLC Prepared using available data by Katie Gipson on 29 Dec. 2023. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. UPDN20' - 0"10' - 0"40' - 0"STORAGE3' - 0"8' - 7 1/2"8' - 4 1/2"10' - 0"10' - 0"1A1EXISTING EXTERIOR WALL NEW 2x4 FURRING WALLNEW STAIRS101102AELECTRICAL PANELHEATER1A1RAILINGSTORAGE3' - 0"15' - 7 1/4"4' - 4 3/4"EXISTING EXTERIOR WALLFIRST FLOOR100' -0"SECOND FLOOR110' -1 3/4"T.O. WALLSECOND FLOOR114' -7 3/4"T.O. WALL FIRSTFLOOR109' -1 1/8"EXISTING I JOIST RAFTERSEXISTING EXTERIOR WALLNEW 6" CONC. SLABNEW STAIRS9' - 9"4" / 12"4' - 6"1' - 0 5/8"9' - 1 1/8"10"7 5/32"NEW I JOIST FLOOR SYSTEMNEW 2x WALLNEW WALL TO FILL IN EXISTING OPENINGTHIS DRAWING IS PROPERTY OF TETON DRAFTINGSERVICES IT IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR TO BEUSED FOR ANY CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT AS HEREININDICATED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT.TETON DRAFTING SERVICES ASSUMES NO LIABILITYBEYOND THE PRODUCTION OF THESE PRINTS. ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED HAVE BEEN EXCLUSIVELYPROVIDED BY THE CUSTOMER AND HAVE BEENACCEPTED AS IS.DATE:CHECKED BY:DRAWN BY:DATEREVISIONSBYTETONDRAFTING SERVICES136 SOUTH STATE STREET SHELLEY, IDAHO 83274PHONE (208)-357-2420FAX (208)-357-2419PROJECT NO.SHEET NO.OFEVBSNAKE RIVER ELECTRIC STORAGE114490 HIGHWAY 89223258A1ALPINE, WYONELBG01/10/241/4" = 1'-0"FIRST FLOOR PLANWindow ScheduleType Mark Width Height Count CommentsA 3' - 4" 3' - 4" 11/4" = 1'-0"SECOND FLOOR PLANDoor ScheduleMark Width Height Count Comments101 3' - 0" 6' - 8" 1102 10' - 0" 8' - 0" 1SECTIONDO NOT SCALEA11 Emmett Mavy <emmett.mavy@lincolncountywy.gov> Public Notice for 101 CUP 24 Alpine Auto Care Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 11:58 AM To: Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov> Cc: Emmett Mavy <emmett.mavy@lincolncountywy.gov>, Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov> Katie, Thank you for the opportunity to comment. WYDOT has no objections to the proposed development. For the 'future approach', an access permit (M-3) must be obtained from WYDOT. Existing access(es) to both Lot 1 & Lot 2 (of the Continental Subdivision) must be consolidated into a single shared access. The proposed 30' access must be centered on the property line. For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit, or to email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials. An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilitieswithin WYDOT R/W. WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/engineering_technical_programs/utilities_section.html For any highway fence modificaon along WYDOT right-of-way, the applicant must obtain and enter into an agreement (M-58) with WYDOT. The proposed stone wall must be located outside the highway WYDOT right-of-way. If you have any quesons or concerns, please let me know. Thank you. Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer 3200 Elk Street Rock Springs, WY 82902 Office: 307.352.3034 Cell: 307.389.0235 On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 4:02 PM Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records Act and may be disclosed to third parties.