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Sketch Plan for Star Valley Springs Subdivision
Star Valley Springs Sketch Plan January P&Z Commission Meeting PROJECT TYPE: Major Subdivision PROJECT NAME: STAR VALLEY SPRINGS Subdivision APPLICANTS: Star Valley Springs, LLC. PLANNER: Elizabeth Williams PROPERTY PIN #: 3419-124-00-206, 3419-124-00-221, 3419-124-00-222 ZONING: The proposed subdivision has both Mixed and Rural Zoning. The plan for the Mixed Zone is to have 23 lots on 17.8 acres. The Rural Zone will have 4 lots on 21.42 acres plus a 10.5 acre remainder parcel. TOTAL ACRES: 49.5 # OF LOTS Mixed: 23 # OF LOTS Rural: 4 AVERAGE MIXED LOT SIZE: 0.77 AVERAGE RURAL LOT SIZE: 5.35 MIXED Density Allowed by the Land Use Regulations: If the road is paved and culinary water comes from a water district, 0.5 acre density is allowed. RURAL Density Allowed by the Land Use Regulations: 5 acre average density is allowed. ACCESS ROAD: Muddy String DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 7.5 feet as measured on the west end of the property. DRINKING WATER SOURCE: Bedford Water District proposed for Mixed Zone Wells proposed for Rural Zone WASTEWATER TYPE: Enhanced Septic required for Mixed Zone; soil cuts and perc. tests required to determine septic requirements for Rural Zone. COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Thayne TOPOGRAPHY & SLOPE: 1.9% slope to the west, the lot is planar. MAXIMUM ROAD GRADES: 2% PERIMETER FENCE REQUIRED: Yes BORDERING AGRICULTURE LAND: Yes, requires 25’ building buffer BORDERING PUBLIC LAND: No INSIDE 100 YR FLOOD PLAIN: No INSIDE WETLANDS: No AVALANCHE AREAS: No EARTHQUAKE FAULT LINES: No SLOPE MOVEMENT AREA: No LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SKETCH PLAN STAFF REPORT MEETING TIME AND DATE: 6:00 P.M., JANUARY 24, 2024 HEARING LOCATIONS: VIDEO CONFERENCE BETWEEN COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONER BOARDROOM 3RD FLOOR, KEMMERER, WYOMING & AFTON PLANNING & ENGINEERING OFFICE, 61 E. 5TH AVE., AFTON, WY TOTAL AREA:±49.56 ACRESSoutheast CornerSection 12, T34N, R119WCorner witnessedwith 2.5" steel pipeExisting 20' Irrigation EasementLOST CREEK ROAD(COUNTY ROAD NO. 120)MUDDY STRING ROAD STONE CREEK LANE (PRIVATE)LOT 1BLOCK 1LOT 2BLOCK 1(COUNTY ROAD NO. 117)TOPOGRAPHY SURVEYSTAR VALLEY SPRINGSLOCATED IN THES1/2 SE1/4 OF SECTION 12, T34N, R119W, 6TH P.M.LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGTOPOGRAPHY SURVEYSTAR VALLEY SPRINGSI, Stanton G. Taggart, do hereby certify that I am a Professional LandSurveyor, and that I hold Certificate No. 6386 as prescribed by the Laws ofthe State of Wyoming, and that I have made and/or supervised the surveyof the property shown and described hereon and that this plat is a true andcorrect representation of said survey to the best of my knowledge andbelief.Stanton G. TaggartWyoming Professional Land Surveyor No. 6386STA N T ON G. TAGGARTProfes s i onal Land SurveyorDate6386WYOMING1. Date of Survey: October 27, 20222. Measured Bearings and Distances shown hereon are expressed in terms of the NAD83 (2011) Low Distortion Projection (LDP) defined below:Coordinate System ParametersProjection Type = Transverse MercatorDatum = NAD83(2011) Epoch 2010.000 (GRS80)Origin Latitude = 42°53'50" NCentral Meridian = 110°59'20" WScale Reduction = 1.000 290 108 UnitlessUnits = U.S. Survey Foot (USSF)False Northing = 250,000 USSFFalse Easting = 50,000 USSF3. Vertical Datum: NAVD 88 (Geoid 18)4. Utilities shown are based on field observations and info obtained from Wyoming One Call (811) Ticket No. 20224300254.Utility Companies Notified:Bedford Water & Sewer: (307) 886-7195Line marked near Southeast property corner.Lower Valley Energy, Inc.: (307) 887-4509Lines marked as shownSilver Star Telephone Co. (307) 833-6614Responded - not marked, not in conflict.LOCATED IN THES1/2 SE1/4 OF SECTION 12, T34N, R119W, 6TH P.M.LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMINGWasatch Surveying Associates906 Main Street Evanston, WY 82930Phone No. (307) 789-4545Email: mail@wasatchsurveying.comDate of Survey: October 27, 2022Project No. 22-126Drawn by: STDate: October 29, 2022Sheet 1 of 1 122117HWY 89120THAYNEVICINITY MAP: NTS PROJECT LOCATION:EXISTING MIXED USE ZONINGEXISTNG RURAL ZONINGREMAINDER PARCEL (NOT IN SUBDIVISION OR BEDFORD WATER DISTRICT)10.5 +/- ACRES1124.40'559.82'1,684.55'1276.55'EXISTING 20' IRRIGATION EASEMENTEXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED PROPERTY LINEEXISTING ROWPROPOSED 60' UTILITY AND ROAD EASEMENTEXISTING 60' ROAD EASEMENTMUDDY STRING ROAD 117 (35 MPH)LOT 130.55 + ACRESEXISTING MIXED USE ZONINGEXISTNG RURAL ZONINGPAVED ACCESSSTONE CREEK LANE (PRIVATE)30'30'EXISTING PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED 60' UTILITY AND ROAD EASEMENTLOT 275.13 ACRESLOT 265.42 ACRESLOT 120.56 + ACRESLOT 41.07 + ACRESLOT 51.07 + ACRESLOT 110.54 + ACRESLOT 61.00 + ACRESLOT 21.07 + ACRESLOT 190.52 + ACRESLOT 10.91 + ACRESLOT 231.06 + ACRESLOT 100.62 + ACRESLOT 81.17 + ACRESLOT 140.60 + ACRESLOT 31.07 + ACRESLOT 255.42 ACRESLOT 245.27 ACRESLOT 210.52 + ACRESLOT 221.12 + ACRESLOT 160.60 + ACRESLOT 150.52 + ACRESLOT 180.56 + ACRESLOT 170.54 + ACRES(25 MPH)(25 MPH)455'330'330'LOT 90.51 + ACRES612'R 100'-0"R 100'-0"R 130'-0"R 130'-0"R 100'-0"R 100'-0"R 60'-0"R 60'-0"R 60'-0"LOT 70.79 + ACRESLOT 200.73 + ACRES305'298'723'358'168'190'153'153'153'153'162'152'305'150'148'136' 179' 153' 177' 183' 147' 179' 130'30'30'30'30'30'30'PROPOSED PROPERTY LINEAPPROX 17.8 ACRES(23 LOTS)APPROX 31.7 ACRES(4 LOTS PLUS REMAINDER PARCEL)REVISIONS051015202530051015202530AFKPUAFKPU1/17/2024 12:51:00 PM27-LOTSUBDIVISIONSP114STAR VALLEY SPRINGSMUDDY STRING RD & LOST CREEK RD01.17.2024CHECKED BY | BENNETT© 2024 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDLINCOLN COUNTY, WYDRAWN BY | BENNETT | AAS # STAR VALLEY SPRINGS SUBDIVISION |1" = 80'-0"SP1141SITE PLAN - 27 LOT SUBDIVISION