HomeMy WebLinkAboutComplete Staff Report 113 SS 23 113 SS 23 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Rezone Petition Conditional Use Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: 7:00 p.m. April 25, 2007 LOCATION: Cokeville, Wyoming FILE #: 603 PZ 07 and 108 PZ 07 APPLICANT: Bronson H. Bennett and De’ja E. Bennett PROJECT NAME: New Frontier Subdivision COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Kemmerer ZONING: Rural REPRESENTATIVE: Fred Coles, Wasatch Surveying PLANNING STAFF: Elizabeth Williams PROPOSAL: A Simple Subdivision Application to subdivide 23.99 +/- acres into 2 residential lots with one lot of 5.00 +/- acres and the other lot of 18.99 +/- acres with an average lot size of 11.99 +/- acres in the Rural Zone. The net acreage after subtracting the acreage located in the flood plain: Lot 1 is 4.61 +/- acres and Lot 2 is 3.66 +/- acres with an average net lot size of 4.14 +/- acres. The lots will be served by individual wells and septic systems. Connecting to city water and sewer is available and recommended per City of Kemmerer Administrator, Brian Muir. LOCATION: The parcel is located 100 feet north of the City of Kemmerer and just east of State Highway 233, T21N, R116W, Section 12, Lincoln County, Wyoming. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Subdivision Plat 2. Vicinity Map 3. Agency Correspondence STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Planning Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners Approve File # 113 SS 23 New Frontier Subdivision, a Simple Subdivision, with: ● Findings of Approval A thru C ● A Resolution of Approval LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT SIMPLE SUBDIVISION APPLICATION HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 A.M, FEBRUARY 7, 2024 HEARING LOCATIONS: COUNTY COURTHOUSE COMMISSIONER BOARDROOM 3RD FLOOR, KEMMERER, WY & VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE AFTON BRANCH OFFICE BUILDING CONFERENCE ROOM, 421 JEFFERSON ST., AFTON, WY FILE # 113 SS 23 113 SS 23 BCC Findings of Approval: A. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the standards and procedures of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations. C. The proposed Simple Subdivision is consistent with the provisions W.S. 18-5-301 through W.S. 18- 5-315. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: Kemmerer City Administrator Brian Muir: We have no comments other than what we discussed the last time this was subdivided regarding making sure there is safe treatment of waste water, given its proximity to the river and it being in flood plain. Seems like the ideal situation is for them to get not just water from the JBP, but waste water services. Lincoln County Weed & Pest Control District: At the time of the inspection there was Musk Thistle present on the property. My recommendation is to implement a weed management plan on the property. Lincoln Conservation District: The suitabilities and limitations for dwellings with and without basements for both soil map units are very limited due to flooding, depth to saturated zone, and the shrink-swell potential of the individual soil complexes. The suitabilities and limitations for septic tank absorption fields for both soil map units are very limited due to depth to saturated zone, flooding, slow water movement and seepage bottom layer. Septic systems will need to be designed so ground water is not contaminated. Care needs to be taken to locate septic systems away from domestic well locations. It is important to note the majority of lot 1 and the north end of lot 2 are in a flood plain according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps. See the attached flood plain map showing flood plain areas in blue and black diagonal lines. Past flood control dikes exist in several areas in the proposed subdivision. These dikes will need to be maintained to control flood waters from reaching any existing or proposed dwellings. Domestic wells for each lot will need to be properly sealed and elevated so surface water and pollutants do not enter into the ground water if Kemmerer City water is not available. N 89°55'26" E, 1484.96'0 50 100 150 200SCALE IN FEET6 0 ' P r i v a t e A c c e s s E a s e m e n tNot to ScaleVicinity MapBoundary ofZone AE Floodway(see note)Sharleen KominskiLot 1 RMF Fronier Subd.P.O.B.275'Boundary ofZone AE Floodway(see note)Boundary of SpecialFlood Hazard Area - Zone AE (see note)60'George & Tammy KrellPart of Frontier SouthParcel FS-3George & Tammy KrellPart of Frontier SouthParcel FS-3I, Fred W. Coles, Wyoming P.L.S. No. 6927, of Evanston, Wyoming, herebycertify that I have subdivided the land shown on this plat into lots, a block andeasements to be known as the "New Frontier Subdivision" and that thedimensions of the plat and the lots and easements are correctly shown; and thatthe lots are well and accurately staked. THE SELLER DOES NOT WARRANT TO A PURCHASER THAT THE PURCHASER HAS ANYRIGHTS TO THE NATURAL FLOW OF ANY STREAM WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO THEPROPOSED SUBDIVISION. THE STATE OF WYOMING DOES NOT RECOGNIZE ANYRIPARIAN RIGHTS TO THE CONTINUED NATURAL FLOW OF A STREAM OR RIVER FORPERSONS LIVING ON THE BANKS OF A STREAM OR RIVER (W.S. 18-5-306, 2023). NO PROPOSED CENTRALIZED SEWAGE SYSTEM (W.S. 18-5-306, 2023). LOT OWNERSSHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR BUILDING THEIR OWN SMALL WASTEWATER DISPOSALSYSTEMS WHICH MEET STATE AND COUNTY STANDARDS. WARNING: LOTS 1 AND 2 MAY BE LOCATED IN AREAS OF SEVERE SOIL LIMITATIONS.SITE CONDITIONS MAY PREVENT THE USE OF CONVENTIONAL SEPTIC SYSTEMS ANDBUILDING TECHNIQUES. NO PROPOSED CENTRAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (W.S. 18-5-306, 2023). CULINARYWATER AVAILABLE FROM CITY OF KEMMERER. LOT OWNER TO BE RESPONSIBLE FORCONNECTION TO CULINARY WATER. IF LOT OWNER CHOOSES TO BUILD THEIR OWNWELLS, THEY SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING STATE STANDARDS. NO PUBLIC MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENT (W.S. 18-5-306, 2023).PLAT ACCEPTANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF ROADWAYS AS COUNTYROADS. ACCESS MAY BE DIFFICULT IN WINTER MONTHS. WARNING: THE SURFACE ESTATE OF THE LANDS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION MAY BESUBJECT TO FULL AND EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINERAL ESTATE. SOLID WASTE HAULAGE SERVICE NOT PROPOSED. SOLID WASTE REMOVAL SERVICEMAY BE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY OF KEMMERER. LOT OWNERS SHALL BERESPONSIBLE FOR ARRANGING SERVICE, OR HAULING THEIR OWN WASTE. ON-SITE FIRE-FIGHTING FACILITIES ARE NOT PROPOSED. NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT ISLOCATED ALONG STATE HIGHWAY 233 AT SOUTH LINCOLN EVENTS CENTER. Pursuant to Sections 34-12-102 and 34-12-103 and Sections 18-5-301, NEWFRONTIER SUBDIVISION was approved at the regular meeting of the Board ofLincoln County Commissioners held on this ______ day of _________________,________. Subject to the provisions of a resolution and amendments thereto, for theapproval of subdivision and townsite plats as adopted on 4 May 2005, asamended. Plat approval does not constitute acceptance of streets and / orroadways as County roads. Designation of County Roads is only accomplishedby compliance with provisions of Section 24-3-101, Wyoming Statutes 2023, asamended. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Fred W. Coles this_______ day of ____________________ , _______. Witness my hand andofficial seal. State of Wyoming )) ssCounty of Uinta )My commission expires: ______________________________________________________Notary PublicState of Wyoming )) ssCounty of Lincoln )Board of County CommissionersCounty of Lincoln_____________________________ ____________________________Kent Connelly, Chairman Teri Bowers, Commissioner_____________________________ ____________________________April Brunski, Clerk Jerry W. Hansen, Commissioner This Plat was filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on this______ day of __________________ , ________. Total Number of Lots : 2Use of Lots: ResidentialAverage Lot size : 4.136 acres netTotal area of Subdivision : 8.273 acres netNo recreational, open or dedicated spaceCurrent County Zoning designation : Rural_______________________________April Brunski, ClerkCERTIFICATE of RECORDATIONLAND USE TABLELAND USE TABLECERTIFICATE of APPROVALPLAT WARNINGSState of Wyoming )) ssCounty of Uinta )CERTIFICATE of SURVEYOR906 Main StreetEvanston, WY 82930(307) 789-4545Date: January 22, 2024 Job No. 23-114Prepared by:West right-of-wayWyoming State Highway 233Corporate BoundaryCity of KemmererN 0'08'00" W, 594.92'S 89°18'06" W, 233.72'S 83°21'42" E, 100.56'N 68°52'18" E144.23' Lincoln County Road 12-330 (A.K.A. Midway Avenue)Part of Lot 1N 0°08'00" W, 256.77'Lincoln CountyThis is to certify that Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Federal Bank & Trust, holds the mortgage to Lot 2 of the Amended Old FronierSubdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming described hereon, and hereby consents tosaid land being subdivided as shown on this plat. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ________________,_________________, of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nomineefor First Federal Bank & Trust, this ____________ day of _________________ , ______ . Witness my hand and official seal. State of __________________________ ) ) ssCounty of __________________________ )________________________________Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.nominee for First Federal Bank & TrustState of __________________________ ) ) ssCounty of __________________________ )My commission expires: _________________________ _____________________________Notary PublicAffidavit Filed for RecordMORTGAGEE'S CERTIFICATECorporate BoundaryCity of KemmererTR7511TR70TR68WYO 233TR71US 189T21NR116W12NewFrontierSubdivisionTR72TR74(A.K.A. McKinley60.00'N 32'55'24" E158.85'N 66°09'21" W, 77.08'N 28 °0 4'30" W 160 .15'Access Easement Note:Non-exclusive use of the 60 Foot Private Access Easement is dedicated to the owner of Lot 2. Owner of Lot 1 shall also enjoy full use of the easement for access purposes. Neither the owner of Lot 1 or the owner of Lot 2, or their heirs and assigns, shall obstruct or diminish the use of the easement. Flood Hazard Area Note:Special Flood Hazard Area and Floodway boundaries were obtained from National Flood Insurance Program Flood Insurance Rate Map for Lincoln County, Wyoming, Map No. 56023C2008D, Effective Date November 16, 2011.Set 5/8" x 24" steel bar w/ 1-1/2" aluminum cap inscribed "Fred Coles PLS 6927"Found standard Wyoming Department of Transportation concrete monumentU.S. Public Land Survey System corner monumentFound steel bar w/ aluminum cap inscribed "PELS 5465"38.17'N 14°30'16" E, 84.14'N 52°59'32 " E, 82.46'Calculated position. No monument setLEGENDCorner No. 4Resurvey Tract 71, T21N, R116WSteel pipe w/ 3-1/4" aluminum capinscribed "PELS 5465 2008"N 25°12'22" E, 78.74'N 26°59'45" E, 86.32'Lead of main channel Hams Fork River as identified and depicted upon the plat of Amended Old Fronier Subdivision.645.53'WCN 59°24'46" W, 683.70'Section 12Section 11Tract 71Tract 72Access Easement Note:Non-exclusive use of the 60 Foot Private Access Easement is dedicated to the owner of Lot 2. Owner of Lot 1 shall also enjoy full use of the easement for access purposes. Neither the owner of Lot 1 or the owner of Lot 2, or their heirs and assigns, shall obstruct or diminish the use of the easement. Road 12-330Street)S 89°55'26" W, 400.00'(3.659Acres Net)(4.614 Acres Net)30.00'WCN 44'41'00" W, 354.86'18.995 AcresLot 1S 33°48'34" E131.13'S 2°54'03" W, 68.85'S 42°55'54" E, 101.84'S 76°13'42" E, 57.35'S 15°48"57" E, 43.17'N 80°46'55" E154.48'N 73°14'08" E, 74.64'N 50°53'27" E, 79.91'N 20°24'12" E, 63.31'N 19°28'46" W, 64.61'N 34°11 '34" W, 48.94'N 14°17'54" W, 112.92'N 82°20'29" W, 75.62'N 64°07'13" W, 64.49'N 62°04'37" W, 74.05'50' Setback frombank of Hams Fork67.83'44.74S 73°25'17" E112.57'S 46°07'00" E, 107.16'S 18°13'17" E, 64.62'S 44°32'25" E, 33.99'S 68°54'58" E, 42.65'N 85°47'10" E111 .65'N 55°31'54" E, 95.72'N 34°58"10" E, 92.51'N 83°57' 38" E, 70.72'N 80°07'58" E, 94.09'S 8°40'27" W, 73.34'S 1°44'51" E, 65.12'S 35°27'14" E, 52.78'L = 258.17' = 9°58'42"R = 1482.39'L = 258.17'CH. S 2°36'44" E 257.84'(Non-tangent) = 3°07'30"R = 1482.39'L = 80.85'CH. S 9°09'50" E 80.84'15' City of KemmererUtility Easement173.72'L = 80.85'(Non-tangent)S 2°23'52" W, 595.19Wyoming State Highway 233(3.659Acres Net)Part ofLot 2S 87°37'23" E Radial5.000AcresN 89°55'26" E, 757.37'Corner No. 1Resurvey Tract 71, T21N, R116WSteel bar w/ 3-1/4" aluminum capinscribed "PLS 482 1999"S 2°24'10" W, 71.03S 87°31'54" E, 24.85S 85°21'59" E RadialLot 2L = 91.08'L = 120.23' = 2°54'37"R = 2366.83'L = 120.23'CH. N 6°05'20" E 120.21' = 2°12'17"R = 2366.83'L = 91.08'CH. S 3°31'53" W 91.07'N 66°14'42" E, 39.08'CERTIFICATE of OWNERThe foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Bronson H. Bennett and De'ja E. Bennett this _______ day of _________________ , _______. Witness my hand and official seal. Witness our hands this _______ day of _________________, _______.________________________________ ________________________________Bronson H. Bennett De'ja E. BennettState of Wyoming )) ssCounty of Lincoln )My commission expires: ______________________________________________________Notary PublicState of Wyoming )) ssCounty of Lincoln ) Know all men by these presents that Bronson H. Bennett and De'ja E. Bennett hereby certify that theforegoing "New Frontier Subdivision" is a division of Lot 2 of the Amended Old Fronier Subdivision, LincolnCounty, Wyoming, as said Subdivision is platted and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk asInstrument No. 1000969, located in Resurvey Tracts 71 and 72, Section 11 and Section 12, Township 21North, Range 116 West, 6th P.M., the boundary of said New Frontier Subdivision being identical with theboundary of said Lot 2 and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at Corner No. 4 of said Resurvey Tract 71 and running thence N 89°55'26" E, 1484.96 feetalong the North boundary thereof to a boundary corner of said Lot 2 and the POINT OF BEGINNING, saidcorner monumented with a steel bar w/ aluminum cap inscribed "PELS 5465"; thence N 59°24'46" W, 645.53 feet to a steel bar w/ aluminum cap witness monument inscribed"PELS 5465"; thence continuing N 59°24'46" W, 38.17 feet to a point on the lead of the main channel of the Hams ForkRiver as identified and depicted upon the plat of Amended Old Fronier Subdivision; thence N 26°59'45" E, 86.32 feet; thence N 25°12'22" E, 78.74 feet; thence N 52°59'32" E, 82.46 feet; thence N 14°30'16" E, 84.14 feet; thence N 28°04'30" W, 160.15 feet; thence N 66°09'21" W, 77.08 feet; thence N 82°20'29" W, 75.62 feet; thence N 64°07'13" W, 64.49 feet; thence N 14°17'54" W, 112.92 feet; thence N 34°11 '34" W, 48.94 feet; thence N 62°04'37" W, 74.05 feet; thence N 19°28'46" W, 64.61 feet; thence N 20°24'12" E, 63.31 feet; thence N 50°53'27" E, 79.91 feet; thence N 73°14'08" E, 74.64 feet; thence N 80°46'55" E, 154.48 feet; thence S 76°13'42" E, 57.35 feet; thence S 42°55'54" E, 101.84 feet; thence S 15°48'57" E, 43.17 feet; thence S 2°54'03" W, 68.85 feet; thence S 33°48'34" E, 131.13 feet; thence S 1°44'51" E, 65.12 feet; thence S 8°40'27" W, 73.34 feet; thence S 35°27'14" E, 52.78 feet; thence N 83° 57' 38" E, 70.72 feet; thence N 34°58"10" E, 92.51 feet; thence N 55°31'54" E, 95.72 feet; thence N 80°07'58" E, 94.09 feet; thence N 85°47'10" E, 111.65 feet; thence S 68°54'58" E, 42.65 feet; thence S 44°32'25" E, 33.99 feet; thence S 18°13'17" E, 64.62 feet; thence S 46°07'00" E, 107.16 feet; thence S 73°25'17" E, 112.57 feet; thence N 68°52'18" E, 144.23 feet; thence S 83°21'42" E, 100.56 feet; thence N 66°14'42" E, 39.08 feet to a point on the West right-of-way of Wyoming State Highway No. 233,said point lying on a curve to the left having a radius of 2366.83 feet, from which point a radial line bearsS 85°21'59" E; thence southerly 91.08 feet along the arc of said curve and said right-of-way through a central angle of2°12'17", the long chord of which bears S 3°31'53" W, 91.07 feet, to a point monumented with astandard Wyoming Department of Transportation concrete marker; thence S 2°23'52" W, 595.19 feet along a non-tangent line and said right-of-way to a point monumentedwith a standard Wyoming Department of Transportation concrete marker; thence S 87°31'54" E, 24.85 feet along said right-of-way to a point monumented with astandard Wyoming Department of Transportation concrete marker; thence S 2°24'10" W, 71.03 feet along said right-of-way to a point monumented with a standardWyoming Department of Transportation concrete marker, said point lying on a non-tangent curve to theleft having a radius of 1482.39 feet, from which a radial line bears S 87°37'23" E; thence southerly 258.17 feet along the arc of said curve and said right-of-way through a central angle of9°58'42", the long chord of which bears S 2°36'44" E, 257.84 feet, to a point monumented with a 5/8" x 24"steel bar with 1-1/2" aluminum cap inscribed "Fred Coles PLS 6927"; thence leaving said right-of-way S 89°18'06" W, 233.72 feet to a point monumented with a steel barw/ aluminum cap inscribed "PELS 5465"; thence N 0°08'00" W, 256.77 feet to a point monumented with a steel bar w/ aluminum cap inscribed"PELS 5465", said point lying on the North boundary of said Resurvey Tract 71, from which point CornerNo. 1 thereof bears N 89°55'26" E, 757.37 feet; thence S 89°55'26" W, 400.00 feet along the North boundary of Resurvey Tract 71 to the POINT OFBEGINNING. Said New Frontier Subdivision containing 23.995 acres, more or less. And that the survey and staking thereof into lots and easements is with the free consent and accordingto the desires of the undersigned owners; that the foregoing is a correct plat of said New FrontierSubdivision as surveyed and staked into lots and easements, and that the dimensions are correctly shownon this plat by figures representing feet and hundredths of a foot; that the undersigned owners herebydedicate to the City of Kemmerer, Wyoming the benefit of the 15 foot City of Kemmerer Utility Easement;that the undersigned owners hereby dedicate to owners of Lot 2 of the New Frontier Subdivision thenon-exclusive use of the Private Access Easement traversing a portion of Lot 1, further, that unrestricteduse of said Private Access Easement for access purposes shall be reserved for the owners of said Lot 1.The dedication is made subject to any existing easements and rights of way or mineral or miningreservations of record. New FrontierSubdivisionOwners: Bronson H. Bennett and De'ja E Bennett215 Empire StreetKemmerer, WY 83101A Division of Lot 2 of theAmended Old Fronier SubdivisionLincoln County, WyomingLocated in theResurvey Tracts 71 and 72Section 11 and 12T21N, R116W, 6th P.M. UV233£¤189 Kemmerer 07 06 18 03 11 1415 02 13 12 01 10 21N 115W 21N 116W ³±330³±330 UV233 Midway Avenue McKinleyStreetE d n a A v e n u e Empire StreetColonial StreetNorthRiverCircle £¤189Kemmerer US HIGHWAY189 CITY OFKEMMERER ROAD KEMMERER BUILDING, LLC CITY OF KEMMERER CITY OFKEMMERER KEMMEREROPERATIONS, LLC CITY OF KEMMERER KEMMERER-DIAMONDVILLEJOINT POWERS BOARD KEMMEREROPERATIONS,LLC CITY OFKEMMERER US HIGHWAY 189 SMALDON, MICHAELP & JOCELYN N TRUSTEES KEMMEREROPERATIONS, LLC KEMMEREROPERATIONS, LLC LASLEY, JOHN & BARBARA KRELL, GEORGEC & TAMMY L TRUSTEES KRELL, GEORGEC & TAMMY L TRUSTEES KRELL, GEORGEC & TAMMY L TRUSTEES KRELL, GEORGE C & TAMMYL TRUSTEES KOMINSKY,SHARLEEN K TRUSTEE KRELL, GEORGEC & TAMMY L TRUSTEES ROAD BENNETT, BRONSON H& DEJA E BENNETT,BRONSON H & DEJA E KRELL, GEORGEC & TAMMY L TRUSTEES KRELL, GEORGE C & TAMMYL TRUSTEES KRELL, GEORGE C & TAMMYL TRUSTEES SUDKEMMERERLLC KEMMERER OPERATIONS,LLC CROSLAND, DAVID D &KRISTIN CUNNINGHAM, JOHN M &CALESE KRELL, GEORGEC & TAMMY DEAN, TRVISJ & MEGAN FINLEY, BRANDON& MELINDA ETAL BENNETT, BRONSON H& DEJA E CROSLAND,DAVID D &KRISTIN CUNNINGHAM, JOHN M &CALESE Maxar, Microsoft Simple Subdivision Application Projects Public Notice Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No 113 SS 23 New Frontier Subdivision Bronson and De'ja Bennett Prepared using available data by Elizabeth Williams on 10 January 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. 1/18/24, 12:59 PM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - notice of a simple subdivision https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1788459002277446601&simpl=msg-f:1788459002277446601 1/2 Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> notice of a simple subdivision Brian Muir <bmuir@kemmerer.org>Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 12:50 PM To: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Liz, Thanks for informing us about the subdivision. We have no comments other than what we discussed the last time this was subdivided regarding making sure there is safe treatment of waste water, given its proximity to the river and it being in flood plain. Seems like the ideal situation is for them to get not just water from the JBP, but waste water services. Thanks! Brian Brian Muir City Administrator City of Kemmerer 220 State Highway 233 Kemmerer WY 83101 307-828-4061 Office 307-466-3128 Cell bmuir@kemmerer.org E-mail correspondence to and from me in connection with this transaction of public business is subject to the Wyoming Public Records Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Begin forwarded message: From: Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Subject: notice of a simple subdivision Date: January 5, 2024 at 11:42:49 AM MST To: "bmuir@kemmerer.org" <bmuir@kemmerer.org> Hello Brian, Attached please find a plat for a proposed simple subdivision that is just north of the City of Kemmerer (west of Hwy 233). Would you please let us know if you have any comments for the Board of County Commissioners regarding the subdivision before January 26? I can send the Lincoln Conservation District report if you would be interested. Thank you, Liz Elizabeth Williams Planner II Lincoln County Planning Office (307) 877-2100 Lincoln Conservation District P.O. Box 98 -110 Pine Street -Cokeville Town Hall, Room 1 -Cokeville, oming 83114 Fred Coles Wasatch Surveying 906 Main Street Evanston, Wyoming 82930 RE: New Frontier Subdivision To: Fred Coles Phone (307) 279-3256 October 10, 2023 Attached are the soils report and the following natural resource conserv tion recommendations that the Lincoln Conservation District (LCD) Board Members and DeMon B. Grandy, LCD Natural Resource Specialist, have given for the New Frontier Subdivision you req ested. There are two map unit complexes in the proposed subdivision, mapping unit number 213, (Dillion-Moynier Complex) on Oto 3 percent slopes and mapping unit number 2016, (Tod can-Saria Complex on 0 to 2 percent slopes. The suitabilities and limitations for dwellings with basements for btth s ii map units are very limited due to flooding, depth to saturated zone, and the shrink-swell p ential of the individual soil complexes. The suitabilities and limitations for dwellings without basements for bot soil map units are very limited due to flooding, depth to saturated zone, and the shrink-swell p ential of the individual soil complexes. The suitabilities and limitations for lawns, landscaping, and golf fairways for soil map unit number 1213 are somewhat limited due to dusty, low exchange capacit and depth to saturated zone. Soil map unit number 1216 is very limited due to depth o saturated zone and dusty. The suitabilities and limitations for shallow excavation for both soil map nits are very limited due to depth to saturated zone, dusty, unstable excavation wall, and too clayey. The suitabilities and limitations for unpaved local roads and streets for s ii map unit number 1213 are somewhat limited due to frost action, flooding, dusty, low stre gth, and depth to saturated zone. Soil map unit number 1216 is very limited due to depth o saturated zone, frost action, flooding, dusty, and low strength. CONSERVATION -DEVELOPMENT -SELF-GOVERNMENT Ne~ Frontier Subdivision October 10, 2023 Page 2 The suitabilities and limitations for local roads and streets for soil map unit number 1213 are somewhat limited due to frost action, flooding, low strength, and depth to saturated zone. Soil map unit number 1216 is very limited due to depth to saturated zone, frost action, flooding, low strength, and shrink-swell. The suitabilities and limitations for septic tank absorption fields for both soil map units are very limited due to depth to saturated zone, flooding, slow water movement and seepage bottom layer. The above suitabilities and limitations ratings are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the extent to which the soils are limited by all of the soil features and specified use. Note, in the attached Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Custom Soil Resources Report the interpretation of each specified limitation. Some Limitations generally cannot be overcome without major soil reclamation, special designs, or expensive installation procedures. Poor performance and high maintenance can be expected for soil uses without mitigating measures for some very limited ratings. I It is important to note the majority of lot 1 and the north end of lot 2 are in a flood plain according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps. See the attached flood plain map showing 1ood plain areas in blue and back diagonal lines. Past fl1od control dikes exist in several areas in the proposed subdivision. These dikes will need to be maintained to control flood waters from reaching any existing or proposed dwellings. The proposed subdivision is in an area where possible septic cesspools leach fields and below ground basement foundations may exist due to abandoned dwellings where the past Town of Frontier existed. Care will need to be taken to locate any abandoned structures if present and addressing the concerns before building on the lots. Septic systems will need to be designed so ground water is not contaminated. Care needs to be taken to locate septic systems away from domestic well locations. Domestic wells for each lot will need to be properly sealed and elevated so surface water and pollutants do not enter into the ground water if Kemmerer City water is not available. It will be important to check each lot for ephemeral and intermittent drainage channels. Care will need to be taken not to block drainage channels with proposed structures, access roads, or building pads. New Frontier Subdivision October 10, 2023 Page 3 The LCD board members would like to point out that the proposed subdivision borders agriculture operations and wildlife habitat. Some nuisances may occur due to livestock or wildlife issues. It will be important for subdivision lot owners to fence out their ground if they desire to keep livestock or wildlife from entering onto their lots. Due to closeness of the subdivision to public buildings, LCD board members recommend that covenants be developed for the subdivision that would curb the accumulation of abandoned vehicles or equipment on the lots. The proposed subdivision is located where periodic heavy mountain snowfall could occur. Local engineering structure designs will need to be considered when constructing building roofs etc. Roadways will need to be designed so snowpack can be removed periodically with heavy equipment. Weed control for lots within the proposed subdivision is critical. See the attached Lincoln County Weed and Pest District letter concerning noxious weed infestation within the proposed subdivision and ways to co;,trol the problem. I All disturbed areas within the lots should be reseeded to avoid weed infestation problems. Contact the Lincoln County Ef tension Service or the LCD Field Office for assistance with seeding recommendations. The LCD board members recommend you take time to study the NRCS soils report. Contact the LCD office is you need further information. Best regards, //~ Lincoln Conservation District Board Members Erick Esterholdt, Chairman Kenny Petersen, Vice Chairman Robert Peternal, Secretary & Treasurer Paula Bowling, Member Paul Clark, Member I '"'1"( WEED & PEST CON;~ ... , cOu Cl:Ol., /J r.Q\,.\' -IN COOPERATION WITH THE -lfS-,.1!-a , l~\J WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 'T/C'/"' V P.O. BOX 1117 AFTON, WYOMING 83110 (307) 885-(WEED) 9333 • (FAX) 307-886-5211 September 13, 2023 Dear Demont Grandy, I have received the proposal for the Bronson Bennett-Simple Subdivision -within Nl/2 NWl/4 of Section 12, T21N Rl 16W, Lincoln County, Wyoming. At the time of inspection there was Musk Thistle present on the property. My recommendation is to implement a weed management plan on the property. For this specie is doing a mid to late June treatment with herbicide is optimal. I suggest using a Broadleaf control herbicide like Weed Master, 24d or Milestone to treat these weeds. Lincoln County Weed & Pest furnishes herbicides for noxious weed control at a 40% cost share discount to the landowner. We also offer ATV sprayers and 25-gallon pickup sprayers for rent. Please know that all of my visits to the above property as well as any consultations are at no charge, so feel free to call me or stop by the office any time if you have any questions. Sincerely, I Irr-- Jason Trauntvein-Assistant Supervisor Lincoln County Weed & Pest Control 307-885-9333 (WEED) Date : 10/2/2023 0 Lincoln County □ □ Major Rivers/Streams Township & Range Lines Section Lines Major Water Bodies Flood Plain Roads Municipal Roads -US Highways WY Highways □ □ County Roads Other Named Roads Municipal Boundaries Parcels (Approximate) 0 I 0 045 0.09 I I 7,405 0 18 m, I This map is made possible through n Joint effort of the Offices ofLmcoln County Plammg & Zoning and the Assessor's Office This map 1s for locahonal and • tnformauonal purposes only No depiction should be construed to be an offic,al survey of land Accuracy of data cootamed ordep1cted 1s neither warranted nor assumed Always contact a qualified sun·eyor for confirmation of?'roperty boundanes.