HomeMy WebLinkAboutComplete BCC Staff Report 107 MP 24 Founders Park Master Plan 107 MP 24 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit – Master Plan HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 a.m., May 8, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 107 MP 24 APPLICANTS: Salt River Development, LLC PROJECT NAME: Founders Park Master Plan COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Etna ZONING: Mixed Use PLANNER: Emmett Mavy REPRESENTATIVE: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. PARCEL ID: 3619-353-00-264 ASSOCIATED FILES: Preliminary Plat: 103 MA 24, Previous Master Plan 106 PZ 21 ___________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: A request to modify the 48.49 acre Master Plan file # 106 PZ 21, which was approved previously for 22 residential lots, three multi-family residential lots, one commercial lot, one ice rink, and one community park. The new proposed Master Plan will change the layout of the lots and road location and the ice rink has been changed to a park. The developer also will change the phasing schedule to: Phase I – Commercial Lot 1; Community Park Lots 2 and 8; Multi Family Lot 3, Single Family Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 (2024-2025) Phase II – Single Family Lots 13-26 (2025-2026) Phase III – Multi Family Lots 27-28 (2026-2027) LOCATION: Located three miles north of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T36N, R119W, Section 35. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applicants Amended Master Plan Description 2. Vicinity Map 3. Agency Correspondence 4. Prior Master Plan Description _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File # 107 MP 24 a Conditional Use Permit Master Plan modification for Founder Park with: ● Findings of Approval A. through D. ● Conditions of Approval 1. through 5. 107 MP 24 BCC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203 providing for Board of County Commissioner authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land. B. The proposed use, with conditions, is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan, specifically following the Land Use Regulations, Section 3.1 Conditional Use Permit Procedures. C. The proposed use, with conditions, will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property; and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare. D. The proposed use is designed to be compatible with adjacent land uses and the area of its location. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The developer/owner shall comply with all of the County, State and Federal laws and regulations. 2. Compliance with agency requirements: The developer/owner shall obtain any and all County, State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 3. The developer shall move the proposed well site so that the entire water well protection area is within the proposed subdivision, or have an easement for a wellhead protection site with the property owner to the south. 4. The Commercial Lot and three Multi-Family lots shall require additional permitting of a Zoning and Development Permit or Conditional Use Permit dependent on the commercial uses requested as determined by Chapter 7 of the Land Use Regulations 5. The two community park lots shall be labeled as Community Park Open Space on the plat. ___________________________________________________________________________ AGENCY COMMENTS: Wyoming Department of Transportation: WYDOT has no objections for the proposed master plan modifications. WYDOT recently, summer 2023, issued a shared commercial access permit (Airstream WY & Founders Park) at MP 109.73 across from Pinto Ln, reflected as shown in the master plan. This will be the only highway access for this property. The existing field access at MP 109.61 must be removed as conditioned in the access permit mentioned above. £¤89 19 30 31 23 2422 27 36 25 33 35 26 34 2128 06020301 36N 119W 36N 118W 35N 118W 35N 119W Rock Farm CourtBlack Canyon Road Conestoga Road Rorke Road Rock Farm RoadPinto LaneStockman Road£¤89BEDFORD LLC ALLRED, LAEL L& CHRISTINA K TRUSTEES CORSI, JAMES M OUTHOUSE PROPERTIES 2, LLC JUDGE, STEPHEN W ROBERTS, JAMES S & LESLIE A SUNROCCORPORATION TROMPETER, BARBARA A WHEATLEY, LILA B WHEELERPROPERTIES, LLC ANDERSON, SCOTT G &JENNIFER A CHASON,KAREN J CHASON, HUBERT L& LISA F ROBINSON, HEIDI ANNE ROBERTS, JAMES C & SHARRI L CORSI,JAMES M ALLRED, LAELL & CHRISTINA K TRUSTEES MOWERS, TANNER & RACHELLE WSP PARTNERSLLC WSPPARTNERS LLC BROKE'NSADDLE RANCH, LLC FIEBKE, JACOB P W.E.B. INDUSTRIES,LLC HORNUNG, JAMEY H & DINA L MEYER, RYAN KENNY,SHANNON E ETAL RAVER, DANIELLE I TRUSTEE HINMAN, JEFFERY STRUSTEE SMITH,GEORGE J LANDSVERK, RICHARD J & ESTHER LANGELES, JULIO C & JASMIN M HERNANDEZ PONCE, ELEUTERIO N &VIANEL HERNANDEZ JD ID WY LLC WOLFLEY, JOHN & REBECCA RORKE, CHRISTOPHER J & ROSE MARIE ETNA RORKE LLC HENRIE, MICHAEL J DLDDECKER-WY, LLC GREENE, STEVEN J & KIMBERLY J WILKINSON SINCLAIR, ALEX D & HOLLY L SALT RIVER DEVELOPMENT, LLC OLIVER, BARBARAM TRUSTEE, ETAL FRANCESCHI,STEVEN R & KATHRYN DECKER, KEVIN R & ALLYSONRINEHART SMITH,GEORGIA ETAL SMITH, GEORGE J SMITH, GEORGE J SMITH,GEORGE J SMITH, GEORGE J SMITH, GEORGE J SMITH, GEORGE J SMITH, GEORGE J SMITH, GEORGE J EVANS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 307 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, LLC JUDGE, THOMAS M & LEE ELLEN ROSA INVESTMENTS,LLC LANGER, ROBERT D BOYER, TODD A ETAL LANGER, ROBERT D MATTHEISEN, JACOB S &SHARON E MUNGER, JONATHAN CROCKER, TANYA BLACKBIRD RENTALS, LLC BLACKBIRD RENTALS, LLC NETHERCOTT,LEROY B HANSEN, DANNY OLVERA, MARIA WOLFLEY,JOHN & REBECCA MONARCHRANCH, LLC PARK, MARVIN &RAYOLA TRUSTEES CROCKER, TANYA J CLINE, TIMOTHY F CLELAND, DOUGLAS G RORKE,CHRISTOPHER J & ROSE MARIE RORKE, CHRISTOPHER J & ROSE MARIE RORKE, CHRISTOPHER J & ROSE MARIE RAMOS,FLORENCIA M RORKE ROAD LLC ETNA RORKE LLC ROSA INVESTMENTS,LLC TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OFWYOMING TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION OF WYOMING TRANSPORTATIONCOMMISSION OF WYOMING CRABBS, SCOTT ETAL SOLID CONCRETE LLC JUST FOR KIDS, LLC RIMINI, ROBERT R JR& MELINDA M ROGERS, SHANNON M VOGEL,MICHAEL J & LYNN A OTTOBRE,ANTHONY A & JANELL M SAVARESE, PAIGE GALLES,STEVEN & DONNA SONDGEROTH, SHELIA R & JAMES A SONDGEROTH,CLAY TOPP, CECIL O & DENISE S UNDERWOOD CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,INC PALMER, JEFF DONLEY, PATRICA A CRABBS, SCOTT PRUSA, JENNIFER CRABBS,SCOTT ETAL Maxar, Microsoft Major Subdivision Application Projects Public Noticing Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Township & Range Sections Municipalities File No 103 MA 24 Founders Park Salt River Development, LLC Prepared using available data by Elizabeth Williams, on 27 Feb. 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. 4/9/24, 11:17 AM LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING Mail - Public Notice for 107 MP 24 & 103 PMA 24 Founders Park Subdivision https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=8e4afe6fc8&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1795422364494870851&simpl=msg-f:1795422364494870851 1/1 Elizabeth Williams <elizabeth.williams@lincolncountywy.gov> Public Notice for 107 MP 24 & 103 PMA 24 Founders Park Subdivision Darin Kaufman <darin.kaufman@wyo.gov>Thu, Apr 4, 2024 at 10:29 AM To: Katie Gipson <katie.gipson@lincolncountywy.gov>, Emmett Mavy <emmett.mavy@lincolncountywy.gov>, Planning <planning@lincolncountywy.gov> Katie, Thank you for the opportunity to comment. WYDOT has no objections for the proposed master plan modifications. WYDOT recently, summer 2023, issued a shared commercial access permit (Airstream WY & Founders Park) at MP 109.73 across from PInto Ln, reflected as shown in the master plan. This will be the only highway access for this property. The existing field access at MP 109.61 must be removed as conditioned in the access permit mentioned above. For any new utility construction within WYDOT right-of-way, the utility companies/owner shall obtain the necessary M-54 utility license via the new on-line permitting process, MainStar, located at https://usa.maintstar.co/Wyoming/Logon.aspx. Currently WYDOT requires any utility company needing access to the MainStar system to contact the local District Office for the license or permit, or to email dot.utilities@wyo.gov to set up your login credentials. An M-21 permit is necessary for new utility connections to existing permitted utilitieswithin WYDOT R/W. WYDOT Utilities Section can be found at the following link: http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home/engineering_technical_programs/utilities_section.html If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thank you. Darin Kaufman, P.E., PTOE WYDOT District 3 Traffic Engineer 3200 Elk Street Rock Springs, WY 82902 Office: 307.352.3034 Cell: 307.389.0235 [Quoted text hidden] E-Mail to and from me, in connection with the transaction of public business, is subject to the Wyoming Public Records Act and may be disclosed to third parties.