HomeMy WebLinkAbout104 CUP 24 Chaparro 4-Plex104 CUP 24 BCC LINCOLN COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT Conditional Use Permit Application HEARING TIME AND DATE: 10:00 a.m., May 8, 2024 LOCATION: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom 3rd Floor, 925 Sage Ave., Kemmerer, Wyoming & Via Video Conference Afton Branch Office Building Conference Room, 421 Jefferson St., Afton, Wyoming FILE # 104 CUP 24 APPLICANT: Boardwalk Real Estate, LLC PROJECT NAME: Chaparro 4-Plex COMMUNITY PLAN AREA: Upper Valley ZONING: Rural PLANNER: Emmett Mavy REPRESENTATIVE: Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. PARCEL ID: 3318-293-01-001 ____________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSAL: Modification of a Conditional Use Permit to add an additional bedroom to each of the 4 units and locate a 3-bedroom doublewide trailer in Grover, Wyoming on 1.85 +/- acres in the Rural Zone. LOCATION: Located 4 miles north of the Town of Afton, Wyoming in T33N, R118W, Section 29. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Applicants Statement 3. Violation Letter 4. Agency Correspondence 5. Previous Permit PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that the Board of County Commissioners APPROVE File #104 CUP 24, a Conditional Use Permit, with: ●Findings of Approval A. through D. ●Conditions of Approval 1. through 5. 104 CUP 24 BCC FINDINGS OF APPROVAL: A.The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Wyoming Statute 18-5-203 providing for Board of County Commissioner authority for zoning regulation of buildings and uses of land. B.The proposed use, with conditions, is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan. C.The proposed use, with conditions, will not substantially impair the appropriate use of neighboring property; and will serve the public need, convenience and welfare. D.The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, specifically: a. Chapter 3 Section 3.1 Conditional Use Procedures. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1.The developer/owner shall comply with all of the County, State and Federal laws and regulations. 2.Compliance with agency requirements: The developer/owner shall obtain any and all County, State, and Federal permits, licenses, and other approvals for the construction and/or operation of the project. This may include: Local Fire District, Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety (State Fire Marshal), Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), Wyoming Game and Fish, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 3.The developer shall apply for a permit and follow all requirements from DEQ for updating the existing septic systems on Lot 16 to address the new demands of 17 bedroom occupancy. 4.The original requirement of a six foot screened fence be put up to hide the parking from Highway 89. 5.The existing apartment building can proceed with its remodel so long as the number of occupied bedrooms does not exceed the approved DEQ permit. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE: Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety: There were eight items noted during the Electrical Review and five items noted during the Life / Safety Review (see attached letters). BACKGROUND: In 1994, the previous owner of Chaparro Trail Court, David Bruce Hendricks, received a Class II Permit – Permit No. PZC 93-12 for the construction of four (4) apartment units within an existing 4480 sf building (3200 sf first floor and 1280 sf second floor). The site plan which accompanied the permit application depicted a single-family residence (stick-built home), a single wide (14x70) mobile home, septic system and leach field and replacement field. The apartment units permitted in 1993 were for two bedrooms per unit. 104 CUP 24 BCC The current owner, Jim Miller with Boardwalk Real Estate, LLC, wishes to utilize the remaining second floor space of the units and construct a third bedroom and to remove the single wide (14’x70’) mobile home and replace it with a double wide (30’x60’) mobile home. There would be no increase in bedrooms with the switch of mobile homes. The mobile home will have three bedrooms. The existing septic system will be enlarged for the additional bedrooms located in the apartment building. The owner is working with Sunrise Engineering on the design and permitting with Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. Culinary water is provided by a central water system that serves the lots within Chaparro Trailer Court. (Taken from Applicant’s Statement) £¤89 293033N 118W Don't W alk Walk Meadowlark LaneHillary LaneChaparro Lane £¤8 9 ROSE, JAREDA & MEGAN C HAHN, COLLEEN OVERMAN,TYSON J CALL, DEE W TRUSTEE JENSEN,JODY N & NORA FLUCKIGER, DALE A.& LANIS PURDUM,RICHARD DEAN PURDUM,RICHARD D CALL, DALE L& BETH ANN J MOWAT, MATTHEW K &AMBER D BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLC BOARDWALKREAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALKREAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE,LLC BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE,LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLCBOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE,LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE,LLC BOARDWALKREAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLCBOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLCBOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALKREAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALKREAL ESTATE, LLC BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLCBOARDWALK REAL ESTATE, LLC BARBERSBUFFALO MOUNTAIN LLC FELLER,LORETTA THORNOCK,TORIE MATIJCZYK, JASON&ANNETTE NEUENSCHWANDER, PORTER L BOARDWALK REALESTATE, LLC BARBERS BUFFALOMOUNTAIN LLC BARBERS BUFFALOMOUNTAIN LLC Maxar, Microsoft Conditional Use Permit Application Roads Road_Type US Highways WY Highways Projects Township & Range Sections Municipalities Public Noticing File No 104 CUP 24 Chapparro 4-Plex Boardwalk Real Estate, LLC Prepared using available data by Elizabeth Williams on 25 Mar. 2024. Map is for informational purposes only and in no way represents an official survey of land. www.sunrise-eng.com AFTON, WYOMING 83110 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE TEL 307.885.8500 Z FAX 307.885.8501 ENGINEERINGFIRST FLOOR (1ST PERMIT) F1 · · · · · · · BEDROOM 1 BATHROOM 1 www.sunrise-eng.com AFTON, WYOMING 83110 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE TEL 307.885.8500 Z FAX 307.885.8501 ENGINEERING4-PLEX UNIT PLAN VIEW P1 UNIT 4 (DRAWN)UNIT 3 UNIT 2 UNIT 1 www.sunrise-eng.com AFTON, WYOMING 83110 47 EAST 4TH AVENUE TEL 307.885.8500 Z FAX 307.885.8501 ENGINEERING SECOND FLOOR (1ST PERMIT) F2 BEDROOM 2 Statement to Accompany Application for Condition Use Permit to Amend Permit Application No. PZC 93-12 The following information items are required in accordance with the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, Chapter 3, Paragraph 3.1 B. a. Name and Address of the person applying for Permit. Applicants/Owners: Boardwalk Real Estate, LLC. c/o Jim Miller P. O. Box 610 Wilson, Wy 83014 b. Legal description of property proposed for use, also common street address of property. The proposed development is part of the Upper Valley Community Plan Area Overlay Zone and located in the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 29, T33N R119W, Lincoln County Wyoming. The property is platted as Lot 16 of Chaparro Trailer Court The property has access from Meadowlark Land and Chaparro Lane, via U.S. Highway 89. The physical address of 38 Meadowlark Lane. c. Total lot size of area proposed for use, including number of lots applicable. The property is approximately 10.00± acres. d. Current zoning use of property. The property is located within the rural zone and is used for multi-family residential purposes. e. Current zoning and land uses with a three-hundred-foot 300’ of the property. The current zoning to the west and north of the proposed development is rural and is being used for residential purposes. The property lying to the west has a joint use – residential and commercial. The current zoning to the land lying south of the development is zoned rural and is being used as agricultural. The current zoning to the east of the proposed development is rural and has a subdivision approval for residential use for 32 lots. The proposed development is part of the subdivision – Chaparro Trailer Court. f. Purpose for which the property is to be used, including the size of the building or buildings, number of occupants and or employees and number of oiffce spaces. In 1994, the previous owner of Chaparro Trail Court, David Bruce Hendricks, received a Class II Permit – Permit No. PZC 93-12 for the construction of four (4) apartment units within an existing 4480 sf building (3200 sf flrst fioor and 1280 sf second fioor). The site plan which accompanied the permit application depicted a single-family residence (stick-built home), a single wide (14x70) mobile home, septic system and leach fleld and replacement fleld. The apartment units permitted in 1993 were for two bedrooms per unit. The current owner, Jim Miller with Boardwalk Real Estate, LLC, wishes to utilize the remaining second fioor space of the units and construct a third bedroom and to remove the single wide (14’x70’) mobile home and replace it with a double wide (30’x60’) mobile home. There would be no increase in bedrooms with the switch of mobile homes. The mobile home will have three bedrooms. The existing septic system will be enlarged for the additional bedrooms located in the apartment building. The owner is working with Sunrise Engineering on the design and permitting with Wyoming Department of Environmental. Culinary water is provided by a central water system that serves the lots within Chaparro Trailer Court. g. A plot plan of the property showing the proposed location of buildings, off street parking spaces, routes for ingress and egress and fencing and screening, if any. See attached exhibits. h. Area and height of buildings and other structures. See attached exhibits i. Density for the proposed use in terms of units per acre and number of oiffces, employees, occupants or all three. The density would include four apartment units (3 bedrooms per unit), a single family residence (2 bedrooms) and a mobile home (3 bedrooms). The total number of bedrooms on the project site is 17 bedrooms. j. Volume in terms of the number of customers and/or deliveries per day. The average family size in the United Staes is 2.5 people per household. This average is used to determine the occupancy of the apartment building and the two single family homes. k. Any permits, letters or reviews by federal, state or local jurisdictions concerning the proposal (i.e. Fire Marshal plan review, Health Department, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, Wyoming Department of Transportation). Enclosed are the following: Electrical Review Comments from Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety dated 10/26/2022 Life/Safety Review Comments from Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety dated 10/27/2022 Permit to Construction Permit Number: PR22331 RM from State of Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. The engineer for this project is working on application for the permit for the enlargement of the existing septic system. The application will be flled with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. l. All applicable standards spelled out in Chapter 6 of this document (Land Use Regulations) shall be addressed. The applicant agrees to comply with the applicable development standards as outlined in Chapter 6. m. All physical improvements required by the standards of this document shall require that a performance guarantee be submitted with the application in accordance with performance guarantee procedures of Chapter 6. At the time of this application, no speciflc performance guarantees have been identifled. Any performance guarantees required by Lincoln County will be submitted prior to construction. Office of Planning and Development Lincoln County, Wyoming Kemmerer Office Afton Office 925 Sage Avenue Suite 201 421 Jefferson St. Ste 701 Kemmerer, WY 83101 www.lincolncountywy.gov Afton, WY 83110 307-877-9056 307-885-3106 fax 307-877-6439 August 5, 2022 To: Boardwalk Real Estate, LLC Attn: James Miller PIN# 3318-293-01-001 Lot 16 Chaparro Trailer Court P.O. Box 610 Wilson, WY 83014 It has come to the attention of the Lincoln County Planning and Development office that you are in violation of the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations, your Conditional Use Permit, and Wyoming State Law. Construction of any kind without a permit is a violation of law. As the property owner you are also responsible for any work done by a contractor without a permit. When you contacted the planning office this spring about making changes to your property, we consulted with you that a conditional use permit would be required to approve any alteration to your existing permit. You were originally permitted for a 4-plex consisting of 2-bedroom units, an existing home, and a 14’x70’ mobile home. We informed you that if there are no alterations to the units or changes from the original permitted sizes, that you could make basic remodel improvements without further permitting. On August 1st the County noticed MAJOR construction on your 4-plex and contacted you to see what your plans were. You mentioned a minor remodel upgrading kitchens and bathrooms. Upon further inspection, it is clear you have violated your conditional use permit by expanding 4-plex units to 3-bedrooms and increasing the square footage of units on the second floor. This was initiated without modifying your conditional use permit or obtaining state fire marshal plan approval both of which are required. We also noticed you moved in a double wide manufactured home to this lot. During a phone conversation you mentioned you wanted to put in a foundation and set this as a permanent home replacing the permitted 14’x70’ mobile home. This is also a major change to your conditional use permit, and will require approval before any construction is commenced. To resolve this matter, cease All Construction Activities on this property! A conditional use permit is required prior to resuming construction because you have violated your existing permit. You have 14 days to contact the planning staff and set up a meeting to begin resolving these issues. Wyoming State Code Referenced above: 18-5-204. Violation of W.S. 18-5-202(c); continuing violation. No person shall locate, erect, construct, reconstruct, enlarge, change, maintain or use any building or use any land in violation of a resolution or amendment adopted by any board of county commissioners under W.S. 18-5-202(c). Each day's continuation of such violation is a separate offense. 18-5-206. Penalty for violation of W.S. 18-5-201 through 18-5-204. Whoever violates any provision of W.S. 18-5-201 through 18-5-204 shall be fined not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense. If you have any questions concerning this matter, feel free to contact county planning staff at the contact information listed below. Thank You, Planning Staff CC: Lincoln County Attorney LIFE/SAFETY REVIEW COMMENTS Date: 10/27/2022 Applicant Name: David Kennington- Sunrise Engineering Inc. Project Number: PR 22331 RM Project Name: Chapparro 4 Plex Remodel Project Address: 34 Meadowlark Ln. Grover WY 83122 The following items were noted during the Review of your project. Please see the listed sheets below for the comments shown. All work shall be in compliance with applicable Wyoming Statutes, Rules, Regulations and Adopted Codes. Approval of these plans does not give permission to violate any Wyoming Statutes, Rules, Regulations or Adopted Codes. No work shall be concealed prior to inspection and approval. Any items found in violation at time of inspection shall be corrected. Any changes to the approved plans shall be submitted as an addendum for Review and Approval prior to installation or modification. SHEET # COMMENTS Architectural IFC 505.1 Address identification. New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved address identification. The address identification shall be legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property. Address identification characters shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Each character shall be not less than 4 inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm). Where required by the fire code official, address identification shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address identification shall be maintained. HANDRAILS IBC 1014.1 Where required. Handrails serving flights of stairways, ramps, stepped aisles and ramped aisles shall be adequate in strength and attachment in accordance with Section 1607.9. Handrails required for flights of stairways by Section 1011.11 shall comply with Sections 1014.2 through 1014.9. Handrails required for ramps by Section 1012.8 shall comply with Sections 1014.2 through 1014.8. Handrails for stepped aisles and ramped aisles required by Section 1030.16 shall comply with Sections 1014.2 through 1014.8. Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety IMC 501.3 Exhaust discharge. The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system shall be discharged outdoors at a point where it will not cause a public nuisance and not less than the distances specified in Section 501.3.1. The air shall be discharged to a location from which it cannot again be readily drawn in by a ventilating system. Air shall not be exhausted into an attic or crawl space, or be directed onto walkways. IBC 1031.3 Emergency escape and rescue openings. Emergency escape and rescue openings shall comply with Sections 1031.3.1 through 1031.3.3. 906.2 General requirements. Portable fire extinguishers shall be selected and installed in accordance with this section and NFPA 10. The Applicant has the option to Accept these plans as reviewed for construction or provide corrected sheets for re-review. Reviewed by: Jeff Schoen, ICC-MCP, IAEI Plans Examiner Life/Safety Plans Examiner 2100 W 5th Street, Sheridan WY 82801 jeff.schoen@wyo.gov 307.673.1461 cc.File 906.2 General requirements.Portable fire extinguishers shall be selected and installedin accordance with this section and NFPA 10.HANDRAILSIBC 1014.1 Where required.Handrails serving flights of stairways, ramps, stepped aisles andramped aisles shall be adequate in strength and attachment inaccordance with Section 1607.9. Handrails required for flights ofstairways by Section 1011.11 shall comply with Sections 1014.2through 1014.9. Handrails required for ramps by Section 1012.8 shallcomply with Sections 1014.2 through 1014.8. Handrails for steppedaisles and ramped aisles required by Section 1030.16 shall complywith Sections 1014.2 through 1014.8.Received_____________Number______________Review Date_____________Reviewer_Jeff Schoen_____Action__________________Issuance of "approval" shall not be construed to be approval of the violation ofany applicable code, law or regulation, nor shall it prevent the State FireMarshal from hereafter requiring correction of said violations.FIRE/LIFE-SAFETY REVIEWAPPROVED AS NOTED10/26/202210/27/2022PR 22331 RMIBC 1031.3 Emergency escape and rescue openings.Emergency escape and rescue openings shall complywith Sections 1031.3.1 through 1031.3.3.IMC 501.3 Exhaust discharge.The air removed by every mechanical exhaust system shall bedischarged outdoors at a point where it will not cause a publicnuisance and not less than the distances specified in Section501.3.1. The air shall be discharged to a location from which itcannot again be readily drawn in by a ventilating system. Airshall not be exhausted into an attic or crawl space, or bedirected onto walkways.IFC 505.1 Address identification.New and existing buildings shall be provided with approved addressidentification. The address identification shall be legible and placed ina position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property.Address identification characters shall contrast with their background.Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters.Numbers shall not be spelled out. Each character shall be not lessthan 4 inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 1/2 inch(12.7 mm). Where required by the fire code official, addressidentification shall be provided in additional approved locations tofacilitate emergency response. Where access is by means of aprivate road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, amonument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify thestructure. Address identification shall be maintained. ELECTRICAL REVIEW COMMENTS Date: 10/26/2022 Project Number: 22331 RM Project Name: Chapparro 4-Plex Project Address: 34 Meadowlark Lane, Grover Wyoming 83122 Applicant Name: Sunrise Engineering - David Kennington The following items were noted during the Review of your project. Please see the listed sheets below for the comments shown. All work shall be in compliance with applicable Wyoming Statutes, Rules, Regulations and Adopted Codes. Approval of these plans does not give permission to violate any Wyoming Statutes, Rules, Regulations or Adopted Codes. No work shall be concealed prior to inspection and approval. Any items found in violation at time of inspection shall be corrected. Any changes to the approved plans shall be submitted as an addendum for Review and Approval prior to installation or modification. Sheet# Comments F2 State of Wyoming is currently enforcing the 2020 edition of the National Electrical Code. F2 Dwelling Units. All 125-volt through 250-volt receptacles installed in the locations specified in 210.8(A)(1) through (A)(11) and supplied by a single-phase branch circuits rated 150 volts or less to ground shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection for personnel. Article 210.8(A), 2020 NEC. F2 Arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection shall be provided as required in 210.12(A), (B), (C), and (D). The arc-fault circuit interrupter shall be installed in a readily accessible location. Article 210.12, 2020 NEC. F2 In every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room, or similar room or area of dwelling units, receptacle outlets shall be installed in accordance with the general provisions specified in 210.52(A)(1) through (A)(4). Article 210.52, 2020 NEC. F2 Electrical installations in hollow spaces, vertical shafts, and ventilation or air-handling ducts shall be made so that the possible spread of fire or products of combustion will not be substantially increased. Openings around electrical penetrations into or through fire-resistant-rated walls, partitions, floors, or ceilings shall be firestopped using approved methods to maintain the fire resistance rating. Article 300.21, 2020 NEC. F2 All 15- and 20-ampere, 125-and 250- volt nonlocking-type receptacles in the areas specified in 406.12(1) through (8) shall be listed tamper-resistant receptacles. Article 406.12, 2020 NEC. Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety F2 Every circuit and circuit modifications shall be legibly identified as to its clear, evident, and specific purpose or use. The identification shall include an approved degree of detail that allows each circuit to be distinguished from all others. Spare positions that contain unused overcurrent devices or switches shall be described accordingly. The identification shall be included in a circuit directory that is located on the face, inside of, or in an approved location adjacent to the panel door in the case of a panelboard and at each switch or circuit breaker in a switchboard or switchgear. No circuit shall be described in a manner that depends on transient conditions of occupancy. Article 408.4(A), 2020 NEC. F2 Thermostatically controlled switching devices and combination thermostats and manually controlled switches shall be permitted to serve as both controllers and disconnecting means, provided they meet all of the following conditions: Article 424.20, 2020 NEC. The Applicant has the option to Accept these plans as reviewed for construction or provide corrected sheets for re-review. Reviewed by: Gregg Lassle Electrical Plans Examiner/ Inspector 2100 West 5th Street, Sheridan Wyoming 82801 gregory.lassle@wyo.gov (307) 673-4399 cc.File Received_____________Number______________Review Date_____________Reviewer_______________Action__________________Issuance of "approval" shall not be construed to be approval of the violation ofany applicable code, law or regulation, nor shall it prevent the State FireMarshal from hereafter requiring correction of said violations.ELECTRICAL REVIEW10/26/202222331 RM10/27/2022G.LassleAPPROVED AS NOTEDState of Wyoming is currentlyenforcing the 2020 edition of theNational Electrical Code.Dwelling Units. All 125-volt through 250-voltreceptacles installed in the locations specified in210.8(A)(1) through (A)(11) and supplied by asingle-phase branch circuits rated 150 volts or less toground shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupterprotection for personnel. Article 210.8(A), 2020 NEC.Arc-fault circuit-interrupter protection shall beprovided as required in 210.12(A), (B), (C), and (D).The arc-fault circuit interrupter shall be installed in areadily accessible location. Article 210.12, 2020NEC.Electrical installations in hollow spaces, verticalshafts, and ventilation or air-handling ducts shall bemade so that the possible spread of fire or productsof combustion will not be substantially increased.Openings around electrical penetrations into orthrough fire-resistant-rated walls, partitions, floors, orceilings shall be firestopped using approved methodsto maintain the fire resistance rating. Article 300.21,2020 NEC.All 15- and 20-ampere, 125-and 250- volt nonlocking-typereceptacles in the areas specified in 406.12(1) through (8)shall be listed tamper-resistant receptacles. Article 406.12,2020 NEC.Every circuit and circuit modifications shall be legibly identifiedas to its clear, evident, and specific purpose or use. Theidentification shall include an approved degree of detail thatallows each circuit to be distinguished from all others. Sparepositions that contain unused overcurrent devices or switchesshall be described accordingly. The identification shall beincluded in a circuit directory that is located on the face, insideof, or in an approved location adjacent to the panel door in thecase of a panelboard and at each switch or circuit breaker in aswitchboard or switchgear. No circuit shall be described in amanner that depends on transient conditions of occupancy. Article 408.4(A), 2020 NEC.In every kitchen, family room, dining room, living room,parlor, library, den, sunroom, bedroom, recreation room,or similar room or area of dwelling units, receptacle outletsshall be installed in accordance with the generalprovisions specified in 210.52(A)(1) through (A)(4). Article210.52, 2020 NEC.Thermostatically controlled switchingdevices and combination thermostats andmanually controlled switches shall bepermitted to serve as both controllers anddisconnecting means, provided they meetall of the following conditions: Article424.20, 2020 NEC (Existing) P.O. Box 468 Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101-0468 307) 877-9056 1-800-442-9001 (in Wyoming) FAX: (307) 877-3101 DATE: February 2, 1994 TO: The Honorable Lincoln County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Randy Wilson, Director ofPlanning and Community Developme,~(_? RE: Class II Permit, PZC93-12 Proposal to convert an existing building into a 4 unit apartment complex. STAFF COMMENT: On January 26, 1994 the Lincoln County Planning and Zoning Commission recommended, on a 5-0 vote, that the Board approve PZC93-12, a proposal to convert an existing 3,200 square foot building into a 4 unit apartment complex. The project is located on a 1.846 acre parcel which was created when the Shaparro Trailer Court was platted. (Note: See attached Planning and Zoning Commission Staff.Report.) The Planning and Zoning Commission, in making the recommendation for the Board to approve this project, recommends that the project be conditioned to complete improvements to the entrance to the Shaparro Trailer Court previously required by the Department of Transportation. These improvements were never completed when the Chaparro Trailer Court was developed. The applicant agreed to this condition. (Note: See attached conditions, a comment letter from DOT, and a copy ofthe 1981 DOT permit.) ACTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends the Board take the following action: I. Approve PZC93-12, a proposal to convert an existing 3,200 square foot metal buildingintoa4unitapartmentcomplex, subject to conditions, as shown on the attached exhibit, based on the following findings: A. The project meets all the requirements of the Lincoln County Land Use Plan, Permit System, and Appendices, and; B. The project will not have substantial adverse impacts on the project site or surrounding properties. January 26, 1994 Class II Permit PZC 93-12, Proposal to convert existing building into a 4 unit apartment complex. PROJECT: PZC 93-12 proposes to convert an existing 3,200 square foot (80X40) metal building into a 4 unit apartment complex. The apartments are to contain two bedrooms and will be approximately 1,200 square foot in size. The project is located on a 1.846 acre parcel which was created when the Chaparro Trailer Court Subdivision was created. This parcel presently contains the metal building proposed to be converted into the apartment complex, a existing single family residence, and an existing mobile home. The applicant proposes to access the apartment complex from the west end ofthe property and build a parking area. This parking area will be fenced. (Note: See attached site plan for details.) STAFF COMMENT: This project will change the existing metal building, currently used for storage by the landowner, into four 2 bedroom units. The processing ofthis project has involved making sure that the residences on the site have adequate water and sewage facilities. Approval of this permit will create a situation where 6 separate living units will exist on the same parcel. This existing house uses water from a well and currently shares a common septic system with the mobile home, which receives water from the common water system ofthe mobile home court. Upon review of the project stafffound that the existing house and mobile home had no permitted septic systems. The proposed apartment complex is planned to receive water from the mobile home court water system and have its own separate septic system. The applicant has submitted applications for small waste water systems to insure that all septic systems on the property are properly permitted. The project is located in an area which contains the Chaparro Mobile Home Court (30 units), agricultural land, and several single family residences. As of the date of the writing no issues have been raised with this project by surrounding land owners. Staff.finds that due to the residential nature of the area and the existence ofthe building that this project will be compatible with the existing land uses surrounding the project site. The Wyoming Department of Transportation (DOT) has responded to this project indicating that the entrance off Highway 89 was never built to standards required by the permit. DOT indicates that they will have to assess the dimensions of the entrance to see if they are acceptable and that the entrance should be paved. Staff.recommends the Planning and Zoning Commission condition this project to complete the DOT required improvements to the entrance to the Shaparro Trailer Court prior issuance of a small waste water permit for the apartment complex. (Note: See attached letter from the Wyoming Highway Department.) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends the Planning and Zoning Commission take the following action: I. Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approved PZC 93-12, proposing to convert an existing 3,200 square foot metal building into a 4 unit apartment complex, subject to conditions, as shown on the attached exhibit, based on the following findings: A. The project meets all the requirements ofthe Lincoln County Land Use Plan, Permit System, and Appendices, and; B. The project will not have substantial adverse impacts on the project site or surrounding properties. CONDITIONS PZC93-12 1) The applicant shall receive approval of a small waste water permit for the apartment complex. 2) Prior to issuance of a permit to construct the small waste water permit for the apartment complex, the applicant shall construct the entrance to the Shaparro Trailer Court to comply with the entrance standards required by the Wyoming Department of Transportation (DOT). Proof of meeting the DOT requirements shall be submitted to the Lincoln County Planning and Community Development Department. THE STATE OF WYOMING P.O. BOX 1260 ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING 82902 January 14, 1994 Mike Sullivan, Governor Oon Di[ier. P.E.. Director Mr. Randy Wilson, Director Planning and Development, Lincoln County P.O. Box 468 Kemmerer, Wyoming 83101-0468 Re: 1) PZC 93-12 David "Bruce" Hendrick, apartments 2) PZC 94-01 Doyle and Dianna Vaughan, grocery store Dear Mr. Wilson: We have reviewed the two referenced Class II Permit applications and offer the following comments. We assume in PZC 93-12, the David "Bruce" Hendrick apartments on US-89, M.P. 91.5, that no new approaches will be requested. With the snow conditions, it is impossible to fully assess the existing condition and needs of the approach. However, we have had difficulty with the original developer, Mr. Chaparro, and we know the approach was never constructed to the standards shown in the permit. At a minimum, the approach must be paved and we will need to look at the dimensions and profile to see if they are acceptable. Regarding PZC 94-01, the Vaughan grocery store on US-26 M.P. 0.35, again it is difficult to assess the existing condition of the approach because of the snow. However, we believe that because of the change in land use and traffic volume, the approach will need to be rebuilt. It should be brought '~z .... the highway at a 90° angle, be widened to 40 ft. with 30 ft. radii, and paved to the right-of-way line. We appreciate the opportunity to review these applications. Very truly yours, J~mes J. '~ontuoro, P.E. District Traffic Engineer cc: Harold Hueller, District Traffic Technician Odean Merritt, Maintenance Foreman, Afton file SELECTRONICS 307) 886-3271 46 West Third Ave. AFTON, WYOMING 83110 July 26, 1982 District Engineering Office Wyoming Highwa.y Dept. Rock Springs, WY 82901 Dear Sirs: Enclosed are four copies of an aPplication for highway access permit for Ramon Chaparro of Grover, Wyoming. The application is to upgrade an existing Access Approach now serving several residences and some Agricultural lands so that the approach can Also serve a new 29 space mobile home park. We would like to widen the Approach roadway from about 12 feet width at present to 20 feet as well as change the elevation and approach Angle to the highway to improve the safety. The proposed service would be gravel until such time that Arrangements can be made for paving, since there is still no local paving company for this area. Our understanding is that this may necessitate a new access permit, even though the approach location has been established for many years. Would you please process the enclosed application or, in the event that a new permit is not necessary, please let us know in writing, as this will be required for us to proceed with subdivision approval procedures. If you need any additional information, it would probably be more expedient to contact me rather than Mr. Chaparro, especially if the information is technical in nature. Thank you very much for your help in this matter. RMT: bct Eno losures Sincerely yours, Ross M. Turner, PE/LS ... Agent for Ramon Chaparro ELECTRICAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING ~ LAND SURVEYING AUG 1982 FORM M3 Re';. 1/79 WYOMING STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPLICATION for PERMIT to CONSTRUCT ACCESS DRIVEWAY DATE OF APPLICATION: July 20, 1982 The Undersigned hereby makes application for permission to con- struct an access driveway (s) described below and as shown on the attached sketch or plan "hereby made part of this application" to: COPIES TO: District File: R/W Dept.: Land Owner: Central File: LOCATION OF PROPERTY: RouteNo. __1_1. ~ ~.Q County L±ncoln Approximately 2 Miles Northwest N.S.E.W.from ..... ~PQV~P , for ingress or egress to a 29 space tPc-3.'i].er cour'tCityorWellDefinedPointResidenceorBusinessandTypeAccessDrive, Width, & Radii ? (") ft 90 ft, on ~ ~ S '~ of highway, Proposed driveway, surface _q P 8. V e 1 / o i 'JWidthRadiiN.S.E.W. T¥oe For any construction involving curb cuts. additional curb and gutter or any alterations or additions to any Wyoming HighwayDepartmentfacilitywithinthehighwayright-of-way, adjacent to the proposed access driveway (s), a detailed sketch or plan mustbeattachedtothisapplication. This detailed plan must show the proposed construction, approved in writing by the owner and Dis-trict Engineer. AGREEMENT: I, the Undersigned property owner, request permission to construct an access driveway (s) on public right-of-way at the abovelocation, subject to the restrictions and regulations contained in the "RULES and REGULATIONS for ACCESS DRIVEWAY (S) toWYOMINGSTATEHIGHWAYS" current edition. In consideration of these regulations, the applicant agrees: 1. Construct and maintain driveway(s) in a safe manner so as notto interfere with orendanger public travel andto perform all workinaneatandworkmanlikemanner, using materials acceptable to the Highway Department and that the right-of-waywill be clean.ed and left in a condition equal to or better than the original condition. The applicant will fully protect the traffic onthe highway dur-lng construction covered hereunder by proper barricades, flagman and/or lights, andto hold harmless the Wyoming State HighwayDepartment, its officers and employees from all dangers, expenses, claims or liability arising out of any alleged damages of anynaturetoanypersonorproperty, due to the construction performance or nonperformance of work, or existence ofsaid driveway. 2. No driveway (s) shall be constructed such that there will be parking or servicing of vehicles on the highway right-of-way. 3. That the profile grade of driveway (s) shall be constructed as indicated on the attached sketch or plan and shall in no case be grad-ed or maintained such that water will drain onto the highway surface. 4. This permit becomes VOID if construction is not completed within '1 20 days after the approval date below. 5. Any change in land use which would generate greatertraffic volumes would nullify this agreement for access and a new applica-tion must be submitted. 6. The Wyoming Highway Department reserves the right to inspect these installations at the time of construction and at all timesthereafter, and to require such changes, maintenance and repairs as may at a ny time be considered necessary to provide protectionoflifeandpropertyonoradjacenttothehighway. 7. That to the following additional requirements APPLICANT: NAME .. Ram0n Chaoar'ro FIRM NAME PHONE NUMBER Ra, m6 n Ross ADDRESS Rural Chap&pro 886-9321 Turner 886-3271 REVERSESIDEFORHIGHWAYDEPARTMENT as agent Chaparro, Route CITY Grover STATE Wyo, SIGNATURE for Ram6n l&ndowner,) I-I/1 P,q R,qO 1~? o s k 1.~'1 N T$3M R I I g ~v GcAZ£: 1%2oo 4 I G E W ,4 y l~ c c ~ ~.S C I~ A PA t~ R O 7-'t~ A I L- E ,q CDUR '["