HomeMy WebLinkAboutPZC Agenda 5-22-2024
TENTATIVE AGENDA LINCOLN COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (PZC) Wednesday, May 22, 2024 6:00 P.M. Locations: Video Conference between the following locations: Lincoln County Courthouse, Commissioner Boardroom, 925 Sage Avenue 3rd Floor, Kemmerer, WY & Afton Planning & Engineering Office, Conference Room, 61 East 5th Avenue, Afton, WY I. CALL TO ORDER II. INTRODUCTION OF PZC MEMBERS III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA
VI. 104 MA 24 Trespass Ranch Subdivision a. A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 129 +/- acres into 25 residential lots and two Open Spaces, with an average lot size of 5 +/- acres in the Rural
Zone. b. Located 2.84 miles west of the Town of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming in T35N R119W Section 21. VII. 116 MA 23 Elk Flatts Subdivision a. A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Subdivision application in Etna, Wyoming to subdivide 40 +/- acres into 8 residential lots with an average lot size of 5 +/- acres in the Rural Zone. b. Located 4.80 miles south of the Town of Alpine, Wyoming in Section 24, Township 36 North, Range 119 West.
VIII. 117 MA 23 Bedford Meadows Estates a. A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 40.1 +/- acres into eight residential lots with an average lot size of 5.0 +/- acres in the Rural Zone. b. Located 2.7 miles east of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N R118W Section 33. IX. 201 MS 24 BJ Graham Subdivision
a. A Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat application proposal to subdivide 35.0 +/- acres into five residential lots with an average lot size of 7.0 +/- in the Rural Zone. b. Located 1.7 miles east of the Town of Thayne, Wyoming in T34N R118W Section 20. X. 102 PZ 24 Land Use Regulations Amendment Road Standards a. A Proposed Amendment to the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations to modify Road Standards, which will address recent development issues. b. Located: Countywide. XI. 103 PZ 24 Land Use Regulations Amendment, Shipping Containers as Storage Units a. A Proposed Amendment to the Lincoln County Land Use Regulations requiring a
Conditional Use Permit and a foundation for Shipping Containers used as Commercial Storage Units in both Rural and Mixed Zones. b. Located: Countywide.
ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Additional information regarding the above noted files can be viewed at
https://weblink.lcwy.org/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=161128&dbid=0&repo=LincolnCounty Projects for Planning, OR at
www.lincolncountywy.gov Planning and Development, PZC Meetings and Agendas. All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing and to provide input. Those planning on attending should
call the day before to see if the meeting and project is still scheduled.